위키백과:뉴스/후보/2021년 8월


이 페이지는 보관소로서 그 내용은 현재 형태로 보존되어야 한다.
이 페이지에 대한 모든 코멘트는 위키백과 토크로 향해야 한다.뉴스에서.고마워요.

8월 31일

무력 충돌 및 공격

재해 및 사고

보건 및 환경

국제 관계

법과 범죄

정치와 선거


(포스팅됨) RD: 제로니모

기사: 제로니모(알파카) (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: BBC

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:id가 알파카를 지명할 줄은 몰랐는데 기사가 잘 쓰여져 있고 제대로 출처를 잡았고, 사망한 알파카는 최근 논란이 되고 있다. --뉴스쥔키12 (토크) 22:53, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)

  • Support Referenceed and trust coverage of life.스펜서T•C 00:34, 2021년 9월 1일(UTC)
  • 기사 이름에 대한 지원이 진행 중이지만, RD에서 실행되는 이 작업에 영향을 미치지 않아야 한다.동물들은 RD를 받을 자격이 있고, 물건은 충분히 품질이 좋다.Joseph2302 (대화) 00:45, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)
    • 댓글 Yeah, 이름 RM이 이슈가 될까봐 걱정했는데 정리해주셔서 감사하다. --Newsjunky12 (토크) 01:58, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 03:08, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)

(포스팅) RD: 마할(배우)

기사:마할(배우) (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:라플러, 필리핀 스타

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:그녀는 왜소증으로 유명했고 여러 TV 시리즈에 출연했었다.기사가 새로 만들어져서 상태가 좋다.MeCurraz (대화) 04:56, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)

  • 지지는 그녀의 경력에 비해 피험자의 사생활에 대한 불균형적인 관심인 것 같지만, 나는 그것이 유명인들에게는 다소 전형적이라고 생각한다.참조, 내가 알 수 있는 것 중 큰 누락/확인은 없다.스펜서T•C 06:31, 2021년 9월 1일(UTC)
  • 스펜서 한 명당 지원.위키비오는 가기에 좋은 조건이다,토.__알소리아노97 (대화) 12:30, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 21:43, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)

RD: 페르한 옌소이

기사: 페르한 옌소이(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: https://https:///www.cumhuriyet.com.tr/haber/ferhan-sensoyun-cenaze-detaylari-belli-oldu-1864993

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:고인은 터키 극장의 가장 유명한 인물 중 한 사람이었으며, 이전에도 터키 연극의 가장 높은 전통적 장점을 가지고 있었다.Saudekar (대화) 12:21, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)

  • 의 글에 약한 반대는...극적내용이나 출처 면에서 많이 개선될 필요가 있다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 15:22, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 기사는 크게 개선되었지만, '작품' 섹션은 여전히 소스가 되지 않고 있다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 10:48, 2021년 9월 2일 (UTC)
  • 반대 조항은 형편없이 소싱되고 작성된다.피라미드09 (토크) 22:21, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 반대 불행히도 그 기사는 매우 맨몸이며 현재 상태로는 고인에 대한 정보가 거의 없다. --Newsjunky12 (토크) 22:46, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 설명:이 기사는 9월에 대폭 변형되었다.다시 한번 평가해 주시죠, 여러분.작업 섹션에 대한 {Expand 섹션} 태그가 빨리 해결되었으면 좋겠다. --PFHLai (토크) 00:03, 2021년 9월 6일 (UTC)
  • 논평 - 그 산문은 좋아 보이지만, 인용되지 않은 필름그래피 항목의 보통 긴 목록이 있다.아마쿠루 (토크) 16:41, 2021년 9월 6일 (UTC)

8월 30일

무력 충돌 및 공격

예술과 문화

재해 및 사고

보건 및 환경

국제 관계

법과 범죄


(폐쇄) 유도 가솔린 단계적 작동 중지

다음의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

기사: 테트라에틸리드(토크 · 히스토리 · 태그)
흐림: 유엔환경계획(UN Environment Program)은 육상 차량연료가 전세계적으로 단계적으로 중단되었다고 발표한다.(우편)
대체 블럽: 독성 연료 첨가제테트라에틸 납은 전 세계 육상 차량에서 단계적으로 사용이 중단된다.
뉴스 출처: BBC 유엔 보도 자료 CBC 수호자
명명자의 의견:오래 기다렸지만 중대한 조치인 것 같다.물건에 약간의 수고가 필요하다.일부 경항공용으로 여전히 사용 중이라는 점에 유의하십시오. Dumelow (대화) 07:33, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
  • 논평: 이것은 기사를 가리키지 않는다. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 07:46, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 이것에 대해 어떤 기사도 반대하지 마라, 그리고 나는 그 목표물 기사가 만들어지는 것을 보지 못한다.그리고 그것은 단계적으로 폐지될 것이라는 추측이기도 하다.요셉2302 (토크) 07:58, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
테트라에틸리드 연결 파이프를 꽂는 걸 깜빡했네이제 됐다.모든 지상 차량에 대해 단계적으로 폐지되었으며, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC) 08:04(토크)가 아니다.
  • 코멘트 이벤트 형식의 전용 기사를 보유할 필요는 없으며, 해당 기사가 "관심 범위가 넓은 최근 또는 현재 사건을 반영하도록 실질적으로 갱신되었다"고만 할 수 있다. 나는 사실 이미 확립된 기사에 업데이트를 포함하는 것이 더 나은 관행이라고 주장한다; 그것은 독자들에게 매우 최근의 사건들에 대한 과도한 무게 없이 주제를 소개한다. 이 경우 테트라에틸리드라는 기사가 눈에 띄는 예다. 이 물질의 단계적 퇴치와 금지는 이 물질에 대한 다른 백과사전적 정보로부터 불필요하게 주의를 흐트러뜨리지 않고 기사(및 납)의 상당 부분을 차지한다. 나는 ITN 자료UNEP 유도 연료 단계적 폐기같은 것으로 만드는 것은 독자들에게 실제로 해를 끼칠 것이라고 생각한다.그러나 주황색 태그와 몇 개의 CN은 현재 상태에서 상승하는 것을 방지한다. (토크) 08:12, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
EC & 편집 혼선. (토크) 08:13, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 반대 실제로 일어난 것으로 보이는 것은 알제리가 자동차용 납 연료의 판매를 중단했다는 것이다.이것은 다른 나라들에게 큰 뉴스가 아니다.Andrew🐉 (대화) 08:33, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
    • 아니, 알제리가 마지막으로 판 나라였다.그것이 멈추었을 때, 전 세계적으로 납 휘발유의 사용이 정말로 중단되었으므로, 그 흐림 현상은 정확하고 UN의 보도 자료를 반영한다.브랜드마이스터talk 10:19, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
  • 지지하다.이것이 수십 년간 지속된 근절 노력의 마지막 결말이다.테트라에틸리드 기사는 유익하며, 독자들이 ITN의 용도가 정확히 무엇인지 현재 뉴스를 이해하는 데 도움이 될 것이다.나는 긴 금지 날짜 목록에 있는 몇 개의 등록되지 않은 항목이 게시물을 지연시켜서는 안 된다고 생각한다.이 흐림 현상은 좀 불만족스럽지만, 몇몇 소형 항공기에서 틈새 사용이 지속되고 있는 점을 감안할 때, 나는 더 나은 것을 생각하려고 애쓰고 있다.나는 altblurb를 추가했지만 그것은 아마도 더 개선될 수 있을 것이다(ENGVAR 중립성을 위해 의도적으로 'petrol' 또는 'gasoline'을 사용하지 않았다).Modest Genius 11:37, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
  • 원론적으로 지원하라, 아직 우리가 정말 좋은 목표를 가지고 있는지 확실치 않다.람블링맨 (가면을 계속 쓰고...) 11시 55분, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 일단 반대하다.특히 참고문헌의 기사품질이 큰 이슈다.CN 태그 몇 개, 태그가 붙은 섹션.메인 페이지 준비 작업 필요. --Jayron32 12:09, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
  • 반대는 일반적으로 몇 나라 밖에서는 지구 반대였다.주요 국가들이 계속 사용하고 있다가 국제적으로 금지됐더라면 더 뉴스에 나올 만했을 것이다. --마샘 (t) 13:07, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 지지 나는 이것을 소아마비나 기니 웜의 가상적 퇴치와 완전히 다르지 않다고 본다.그것이 어디서 일어나든 간에, 그것의 제거는 정말로 뉴스거리가 될 만하다.마법사소프트웨어(토크) 14:55, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
    • 자발적이지 않은 전염성 질병(확산율이 낮더라도)을 퇴치하는 것과 모든 목적으로 사용되어 온 특정 화학물질의 사용을 중단하는 것 사이에는 엄청난 차이가 있다. --Masem (t) 15:07, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
      • 동의한다. 나는 두 가지 면에서 모두 장기간의 국제 공중 보건 캠페인의 절정의 예라는 점에서 더 많은 것을 말하고 있었다.Wizardufthe year (talk) 22:29, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
  • 생각에 이 화학물질의 사용을 근절하는 것은 인류에게 큰 진전이다.전 세계와 이전 몇 세대 건강에 많은 해를 끼쳤다. --뉴스쥔키12 (대화) 22:32, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 반대 그 글에는 몇 개의 태그가 있다.하나만테오 (대화) 09:04, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)
  • 반대, 만약 우리가 이것을 실행한다면 우리는 아마도 "자동차 연료" 섹션에 연결해야 할 것이다.그러나 그 부분은 지금 유감스럽게도 강조되어 있다.Joseph2302 (대화) 09:07, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)
  • 기사 질에 반대하라; 기사가 더 이상 오렌지색 태그가 되지 않는다면 기사도 게재할 가치가 있을 것이다."논쟁과 단계적 폐지" 헤딩이 게시될 경우 가장 적합한 표적으로 보인다.Gʀᴀᴘᴇᴇ 10:17, 2021년 9월 1일(UTC)
  • 반대 – 대부분의 장소에서 수십 년 전에 단계적으로 폐지되었다.Sca(대화) 12:10, 2021년 9월 1일(UTC)
  • 위의 주장당 지지와 질병 퇴치와의 유사성.위의 반대 주장은 편협한 우려에 근거한 것으로 보인다. - 미국/EU에서 몇 년 동안 납 가솔린이 사용되지 않았다는 사실은 IMO와 관련이 없다.—Brigade Piron (토크) 11:00, 2021년 9월 2일 (UTC)
  • 질병 퇴치의 수준에 가까운 곳 어디에도 반대하지 않고, 납 휘발유는 수십 년 동안 세계 자동차들의 불균형한 양을 사용하는 미국/EU에서 단계적으로 폐지되어 왔다. 나는 우리가 동성결혼을 합법화하는 마지막 국가를 게시할 것이라고 생각하지 않는다. 따라서, 비록 그것이 세계에서 마지막이라고 할지라도, 물질을 금지하는 한 국가는 새로운 것이 아니다.대다수의 사람들John M Wolfson (대화기여) 19:40, 2021년 9월 2일 (UTC)
위의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

(폐쇄) 아프가니스탄 전쟁 종전

다음의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

기사:아프가니스탄 전쟁(2001~2021년) (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
흐림:미국은 아프가니스탄에서 철군완료했다.(우편)
대체 블럽:미국은 아프가니스탄에서 철군완료하고, 20년간의 전쟁을 끝낸다.
대체 블러브 II:결사적 지원 임무에 참가한 국가들은 아프가니스탄에서 철수완료한다.
뉴스 출처:NYT, AP, BBC, 가디언, 로이터, 알 자지라
명명자의 의견:나는 카불 공항이 아프가니스탄에서 더 이상 최신 뉴스가 아니며, 철수의 완료가 중요한 것처럼 보이기 때문에 우리가 카불 공항의 흐림을 제거하자고 제안하고 있다.무보슈구(토크) 00:45, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
  • alt-blurb를 지지하십시오.중립성talk 01:37, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 설명:alt-blurb는 미국 중심이며, 미국 침공 이전의 20년간의 전쟁이나, 가까운 장래에 계속될지도 모르는 무력충돌을 인정하지 않는다. -LtNOWIS (대화) 03:04, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
    LtNOWIS, 이것은 이전의 어떤 갈등도 아닌 아프가니스탄 전쟁(2001-2021년)과 관련이 있다.무보슈구(토크) 03:26, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
    • 그럼에도 불구하고 블러브는 미군 철수만 언급할 뿐, 몇몇 국가로 구성된 '결연한 지원 임무'는 언급하지 않는다.그것이 여기서 열쇠가 되어야 한다. --Tone 05:54, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
  • 논평 나는 제안된 모호함이 미국 중심적이라는 것에 전적으로 동의한다. 그래서 나는 그것이 더 많은 나라들이 참여한 전쟁 임무였다고 언급하는 다른 것을 제안했다.-키릴 시메오노프스키 (대화) 06:25, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 반대 "철회 완료"라는 문구는 미국의 업적으로 이것을 제시하려고 애쓰는 가식적인 것 같다.아프가니스탄의 지상에서는 여전히 많은 사람들이 탈출하기를 원하고 그들의 탈출은 계속될 것이다; 판지쉬르 계곡과 같은 곳에서 여전히 버티고 있는 군벌들이 있다; 그리고 미국은 여전히 테러와의 끝없는 전쟁에서 그 나라를 폭격하고 드론 공격을 계속할 생각이다.결연한 지원 임무에 대해서는 7월 초에 정식으로 해체된 것으로 보인다.Andrew🐉 (대화) 07:33, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 앤드류에게 반대하라.아직도 출국을 원하는 사람들이 있는 것 같아, 이 이야기는 분명히 끝이 아니다.--기릴 시메오노프스키 (토크) 07:37, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 이걸 마치 "미션 완료"처럼 꾸미는 것에 반대해 그리고 이것이 "종말의 끝"이라고 내게는 미친 것처럼 보여.이것이 시작의 끝일 수도 있고, 그 이상도 아닐 것이다.람블링맨 (가면을 계속 쓰고...) 08:16, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 반대하라 2001-21 전쟁의 종말은 탈레반이 카불을 점령하고 정부가 항복했을 때였다.우리는 이미 그 이야기를 흐리멍덩하게 게시했다.그 후의 피난은 전쟁에 대한 각주다.그 흐릿한 사람은 그것을 성공적인 대피라고 부적절하게 표현했다. 그때 실제로 일어난 일은 탈레반의 승리였다.Modest Genius 11:44, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
  • 지원Alt1 선호.역사적 사건의 퍼베이시브 RS 커버리지(위의 출처 참조)국제적으로 단연 1위 이야기.무시하는 것은 우리의 공동의 머리를 모래 속에 처박는 것일 것이다.현실로 하다.ITN은 위키피디아의 목소리다.Sca (대화) 12:37, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 반대한다. 언급했듯이, 이번 사건은 탈레반이 지난 주에 카불을 점령하는 직접적이고 예측 가능한 예고편이다.우리는 또한 더 이상 연관성이 없다는 유목민의 주장과는 달리, 공항 밖에서 발생한 중대한 공격과 사망 사건이라는 아프가니스탄의 이야기를 이미 가지고 있다.지금 이 시점에서 나는 그것이 득이 된다고 생각하지 않는다. 그것이 떨어지면, 이 이야기는 완성되고 당분간은 먼지를 뒤집어쓴다.아마쿠루 (토크) 12:56, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 미국이 엄밀히 말해 여전히 미국과 전쟁 중이라는 사실은 많은 사람들이 깨닫지 못한 것 중 하나이며, 따라서 이것은 탈레반 정권 인수라는 보다 지배적인 이야기에서 비롯된 사소한 효과에 가깝다. --마셈 (t) 13:08, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
    엄밀히 말하면, 그들은 전쟁을 한 적이 없다.미국은 2차 세계대전 이후 전쟁을 선포하지 않았다.신고되지 않은 전쟁을 보라.Modest Geniustalk 14:04, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
    2001년 9/11 테러 이후 아프가니스탄에서 진행중인 군사 활동에 대한 의회의 승인이 있었다.사실, 선전포고가 아니라 사실상 같은 겁니다. 그리고 올해 입법에서는 통과됐든 안 됐든 간에 그 허가를 실제로 해지하는 언어가 있었다는 것을 알고 있습니다, 나는 확신할 수 없습니다만.그러나 여전히 미국은 아프간에 주둔하고 있다.20년 가까이 허가된 군사 상황이었다. --Masem (t) 14:21, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
    미국 법률에 따라 허가되었지만 국제법은 허가되지 않았다.예를 들어, 내가 아는 한 침략을 승인하는 유엔 결의안은 없었다.하지만 이건 주제에서 벗어나고 있어...Modest Genius 17:46, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
  • 뉴스 보도는 아프가니스탄이 거의 평화롭지 않다는 것을 보여준다.미국은 떠났지만, 지역 정파들은 여전히 서로 싸울 준비가 되어 있다.이 글을 올리지 말고 미국이 철수를 완료했다는 기존 글귀에 메모만 추가하면 된다.제호Talk 14:29, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
    • 하지만 이를 위해 영국처럼 그곳에 군대를 주둔시킨 다른 나라들은 어떨까?그게 바로 여기서 미국 약혼에만 초점을 맞추는 문제야. --Masem (t) 14:46, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
      • @Masem: - 영국은 이미 토요일에 떠났다.는 금요일까지 프랑스+이탈리아+스웨덴, 목요일까지 캐나다+독일+벨기에가 완료되었으며, 호주와 뉴질랜드 등 나머지 국가들에 대한 링크를 읽을 수 있다.별그대.페인트(exalt) 15:08, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
우리의 선입견에 부합하는 모든 뉴스들.Sca (대화) 21:58, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 댓글을 달다.블러브는 탈레반의 승리 선언을 대신 커버할 수 없을까?나는 보통 우리가 그러한 주장을 한쪽에 의해 고려하지 않을 것이라고 주장하지만, 그것은 일반적으로 우리의 아프가니스탄 전쟁(2001~2021년) 기사에서는 말할 것도 없고 국제적으로 받아들여진 것 같다.Brigade Piron (토크) 11:02, 2021년 9월 2일 (UTC
    나는 기존의 모호한 부분을 업데이트하는 것에 반대하지 않지만, 그것은 아마도 실패한 이 후보 아래에서 길을 잃기 보다는 새로운 후보 지명이 될 것이다.Modest Genius 10:04, 2021년 9월 3일(UTC)
위의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

8월 29일

무력 충돌 및 공격

재해 및 사고

보건 및 환경

법과 범죄

RD: 에드먼드 H피셔

기사: 에드먼드 H. 피셔(토크 · 히스토리 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 뉴욕 타임스

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:노벨상 수상 생화학자.이 날짜에 죽음이 발표되었다.기사는 홈페이지/RD에 거의 준비되었다. 나는 몇 가지 수정 작업을 할 것이다.편집 완료.C급 전기.홈페이지/RD에 대한 위생 기대치 충족오랜만에 과학 기사를 작업하니 기분이 좋았다.RIP 피셔 박사님만약 누군가가 금요일 저녁 유튜브 시청을 끝내기를 원한다면, 여기 보시죠.케이틴 (대화) 20:47, 2021년 9월 3일 (UTC)

  • 충분히 길고 예상 지점에 각주가 있다.이 위키비오는 RD를 위한 준비가 되었다.하지만 PDH와 던컨은 잘 모르겠다.Hull은 ITN/RD 목적의 업데이트 프로그램 자격을 얻는데, 기사 제목이 죽은 후 ITN 후보 기사에서 어떠한 편집도 찾을 수 없기 때문이다. --PFHLAI (대화) 21:08, 2021년 9월 4일 (UTC)
    많은 감사 @PFHLAI:리: PDH와 던컨.힐, 나는 일반적으로 기고 매니저를 사용하여 기고자 상위 3명을 기고자로 선정하고, 기고자 사망 후 업데이트 프로그램으로만 열거하지 않는다.내가 그렇게 하는 이유는 기사 작성에 있어 그들 각자가 해왔던 역할을 존중하기 위해서입니다.어느 쪽이든 네가 원하는 길을 가게 되어 기뻐.건배.케이틴(토크) 21:12, 2021년 9월 4일 (UTC)
무슨 말인지 알겠어, 케이틴.ITN에 이 내용을 게시하는 동료 관리자가 사용자 대화 페이지에 있는 신용 템플릿을 처리하는 방법을 결정할 수 있도록 하겠다.PDH도 던컨도 아니다.헐은 몇 년 동안 그 위키피디아를 편집해 왔다.그러나 PDH는 "기사 작성자"의 자격을 얻을 수 있다.건배! --PFHLAI (대화) 21:32, 2021년 9월 4일 (UTC)
좋아.고마워 @PFHLAI:케이틴 (대화) 22:45, 2021년 9월 4일 (UTC)

(게시) RD: 무하마드 함자

기사: 무함마드 함자(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 힌두스탄 타임스

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

지명자의 논평: 파키스탄 상원의원.이 Wikibio는 RD 전 정리를 사용할 수 있다. --PFHLAI (대화) 04:38, 2021년 9월 1일(UTC)

  • 설명:이것은 정말 아슬아슬하다. 단지 커리어 섹션에 대한 약간의 복사와 몇 개의 하위 섹션만 있으면 된다. 그리고 이것은 가는 것이 좋을 것이다.스펜서T•C 01:41, 2021년 9월 3일(UTC)
  • RD게시됨.스펜서T•C 03:24, 2021년 9월 5일(UTC)

(닫힘)허리케인 아이다

다음의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

Proposed image
기사:허리케인 아이다(토크 · 히스토리 · 태그)
흐림:허리케인 아이다루이지애나에 상륙한다.(우편)
대체 블럽:허리케인 아이다가 강력한 4등급 허리케인으로 루이지애나 주를 강타해 최소 1명이 사망하고 최소 150억 달러의 보험금 피해가 발생했다.
뉴스 출처:CNN, NYT, 블룸버그(피해), 가디언_death

기사 업데이트됨
명명자의 논평: 카테고리 3 허리케인.뉴올리언스는 현재 허리케인 카트리나 16주년 기념일에 전력이 공급되지 않고 있다. 루이지애나/미시시피주 전역에 걸쳐, 폭풍으로 인한 사상자가 발생했거나 이미 코로나바이러스 환자들로 인해 수용 가능한 병원에서 발생한 사상자가 많을 것으로 보인다.Davey2116 (대화) 01:14, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 사망자와 피해 금액이 보고될 때까지 반대한다.Ida는 현재 열대성 저기압에 대한 ITN의 임계값을 충족하지 못하고 있다; 우리는 단지 심각한 피해, 많은 사망, 그리고/또는 중요한 기록(즉, 착륙은 하지 않음)을 게시할 뿐이다.노아Talk 01:18, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 유입되는 영향을 상세히 설명하는 지지 알트 블럽을 사용하십시오.노아Talk 21:10, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 코멘트 넌 그냥 흐리멍덩한 것 같아.노바 결정체 (토크) 01:52, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 지지하다.대피 권고를 무시한 지역에서는 인과관계가 많다.그들의 집 안의 가슴 깊은 물에 빠져 죽을 위기에 처해 있던 사람들로부터 911 전화가 많이 걸려왔다.그들은 어쩔 수 없다는 말을 들었다.아이블리스 카운트 (토크) 02:35, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
    • @Count Iblis: 소스?노아Talk 02:48, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
      • 바일리 헬름 교구 통신부장은 "침례교 성 요한은 허리케인 아이다로 인한 홍수 때문에 911에 구조요청이 쇄도하고 있다"고 말했다.헬름 사령관은 아직 기상 상황이 좋지 않아 초동대원들이 구조 호출에 응할 수 없다고 말했다.아이블리스 카운트 (토크) 03:03, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
        • 우리는 어떤 헛소문을 만들고 올리기 전에 더 많은 것을 알아야 한다.지금 당장 나가서 피해를 평가하기에는 너무 가난하다.제방 고장과 송전탑이 강으로 무너지고 있다고 들었다.나쁘지만 우리는 아직 충분히 알지 못한다.노아Talk 03:16, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
    • ... 대피하라는 충고를 무시했다: "무시하다"는 것은 잘못된 문자다. 장애인과 노약자, 교통이 불편한 사람, COVID를 가진 사람, 그리고 충분한 돈이 없는 사람들을 설명해야 한다.[1]—Bagumba (대화) 08:28, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 상륙과 정전만을 근거로 반대한다.중대한 사망이나 피해가 발생하면 포스팅에 대해 이야기할 수 있다. --Masem (t) 02:39, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 를 뒷받침하는 것은 파괴적이다. --Rockstone[Send me a message!] 03:21, 2021년 8월 30일(UTC)
  • 지지하다.만약 4등급 허리케인이 인구 센터 근처에 상륙한다면, 대량 사망이나 파괴의 부족은 더욱 뉴스거리가 될 것이다.나는 당신이 제때에 사망자를 얻을 수 있을지 두렵고 의심스럽지만, 나는 이것이 기준이 되어야 한다는 것에 동의하지 않는다.Tlön의 Smerdis - 2003년 이후 인간 정신 죽이기! 05:01, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
    • (특히 이런 종류의 허리케인에 대해 계절의 한가운데에 있는 동안) 다른 어떤 중대한 자연재해로 인한 사망이나 피해가 없는 것은 ITN의 목적이며, 이는 "나무가 숲에 쓰러져 아무도 그 소리를 들을 사람이 없다면, 그것이 여전히 소리를 낼까?"에 해당한다. --마셈 (t) 05:23, 30 아우구스투스.t 2021(UTC)
    서부전선의 콰이어트에서는 육군 코뮈니케의 "신기할 만한 소식 없음" ("니히츠 네즈 주 베리히텐(nichts neues zu berichten")Sca(대화) 12:53, 2021년 8월 30일(UTC)
  • 지지 - 보통 사용자들은 ITN이 가치 있는 사건이라고 생각하기 전에 어떤 임의의 사망자 수를 만족시켜야 한다고 울지만, 이 폭풍은 미국 주의 많은 부분을 파괴시켰고 의심할 여지 없이 게시할 가치가 있다.하지만 그 흐림막은 분명히 더 나아질 필요가 있다. --토르소독Talk 07:03, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 반대하라 우리가 그것이 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알 때까지, 그것은 ITN의 가치가 없다. (그것이 어떻게 작용하는가, 그것에 반대하는 사람들을 비판하는 여러분 중 한사람에게)루이지애나 주(그리고 일반적으로 미국)에서도 드문 일이 아니며, 이번 시즌에는 지금까지 그것만 있는 것도 아니다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 07:46, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 영향이 알려질 때까지 반대한다(중대한 영향이 있을 가능성이 있더라도).또한 그 지역의 병원들은 부상자 수(산소/전기가 부족하여 사망하거나 병원이 가득 차서 사망하는 다른 환자들 중 하나)에 영향을 미치는 코비드 환자들로 가득 찬다는 점에서 코비드 요소가 있다.331닷 (토크) 07:55, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 허리케인이 휩쓸고 지나갈 때까지 기다렸다가 우리는 허리케인의 여파를 알 수 있다.–로버츠키(토크) 09:54, 2021년 8월 30일(UTC)
  • 지지와 반대파가 같은 말을 하는 것 같다.그 영향이 포스팅을 정당화하지 못할 것이라는 것은 상상도 할 수 없지만, 우리는 그 충격을 모호한 상태에서 분명하게 표현할 수 있어야 한다. (대화) 12:15, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 뉴올리언스의 주요 송전선 파괴 지원은 우리를 심각한 피해 지역으로 밀어 넣는다.©Geni (대화) 12:17, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 반대 현재 – 다른 허리케인에 비해 심각한 영향 없이 스스로 불고 있는 것 같다.[2] [3]Sca(대화) 12:32, 2021년 8월 30일(UTC)
  • 지원:그 폭풍은 대부분의 주요 뉴스 서비스의 1면에 실려 있다.RS는 이미 뉴올리언스의 모든 세력이 상실했을 때 분명히 중대한 영향을 미쳤으며, 또한 지금까지 확인된 사망자가 한 명 있다.그러나 나는 믿을 만한 소식통들이 뉴올리언스 전역에 전력을 공급하지 못하게 되면 이 폭풍은 ITN 가치가 있고, 이 폭풍에 반드시 포함되어야 한다는 것을 분명히 보여준다고 생각한다. Bitty30 14:00, 2021년 8월 30일(UTC)
    • 폭풍은 항상 전력을 차단한다.이것은 새로운 것이 아니다. --Masem (t) 14:08, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
    말했듯이, 니치스는 네지다.Sca(대화) 14:21, 2021년 8월 30일(UTC)
  • 지지 - 이것은 기록상 미국 대륙을 강타한 가장 강력한 허리케인 중 하나이다.편집자 채용 (토크) 14:25, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
    그러나 지금까지 가장 중요한 것은 아니다.Sca (대화) 14:39, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 반대 카트리나 이후 루이지애나 주를 강타한 허리케인 중 가장 강력한 허리케인이라는 이유로, 그 영향은 놀라울 정도로 제한적이다.그것이 우리가 여기서 허리케인을 판단하는 기준이다.월트칩-(토크) 15:15, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • @WaltCip:나도 네 말에 동의해, 하지만 여기서 문제는 사람들이 피해를 평가하기에는 상황이 너무 열악했기 때문에 우리가 아직 그 영향을 모른다는 거야.폭풍은 더 빠른 속도로 움직이기 시작하고 있으며, 더 많은 나라(대부분의 강우량)에 영향을 미칠 것이다.많은 지역에서 제방이 무너지고 과잉공급된 것을 고려하면 우리가 모르는 사망자가 꽤 있을 것이다.오늘 더 많은 정보가 나오길 바란다.노아Talk 15:41, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 약한 지지 - 나는 "반대" 표들이 그들의 뒤에 어떤 논리를 가지고 있다는 것을 인정한다. 왜냐하면 이 휴리케인 피해는 여전히 알려져 있지 않기 때문이다. 하지만 이것은 미국을 강타한 가장 강력한 허리케인 중 하나일 뿐만 아니라, 이러한 사건들이 일어난 지 몇 달에서 몇 년이 지난 후에야 그 중요성을 깨닫게 된다.인터앤안트로(토크) 16:28, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 지지 - 평상시의 경우 낮은 반면, 황폐화는 상당히 두드러지고 넓은 지역이 심하게 침수되어 있다.엘리솝 (대화) 19:16, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 블러브 반대는 "충격"에 대해 전혀 언급하지 않는다.그때까지 이것은 명백한 거절이다.'람블링맨'(가면을 계속 쓰고...) 2021년 8월 30일 19시 31분(UTC)
    아니, 선두에서 언급된 영향이 미미함에도 불구하고.람블링맨 (가면을 계속 쓰고...) 08:17, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 사실이 명백해질 때까지 기다렸다가 뉴스 항목을 게시할지 여부를 결정하라.제호만 19:55, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 알트 블러브 작업 중...피해 추정치가 나왔고...매우 예비적이고 기사에 추가할 시간도 필요하다.노아Talk 21:05, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
$$은(는) 삭감될 수 없다.Sca (대화) 22:14, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 충격의 규모가 더 명확해질 때까지 기다리십시오.기사에는 교체해야 할 트위터 인용문도 터무니없이 많다...~ 사이클론비스키트() 21:38, 2021년 8월 30일(UTC)
  • Alt Blurb 지원 – 이 폭풍은 루이지애나에서 큰 재앙을 일으켰고, 현재도 이 폭풍은 여전히 계속되고 있다.뉴올리언스는 몇 주 동안 전력이 공급되지 않을 가능성이 높으며, 도시는 심각한 홍수 위협에 대처하고 있다.앞으로 사망자와 피해 추정치가 크게 늘어날 것으로 거의 장담하고 있다.이와 같이, 이것은 확실히 포스팅을 정당화할 만큼 충분히 주목할 만하다.일반적으로 더 많은 정보를 흐림에서 보고 싶지만(아마도 더 많은 업데이트를 위해 하루나 이틀 더 기다릴 수 있을 것이다), 현재는 알트 흐림이 충분하다, IMO. 필요에 따라 업데이트할 수 있다.LightandDark2000 🌀 (토크) 22:16, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 반대, 대체로 무관심하다.대부분의 사람들에게 이야기의 전체는 한 문장이지만, 전원을 끄면 한 사람이 죽는다.납치(이유) 23:49, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 그것이 흥미로운지 아닌지는 관련이 있는가?스포츠 ITN은 하나도 재미없지만 게시한다. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 00:04, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 반대한다. 미리 걱정했음에도 불구하고 비슷한 사건에 비해 다행히 인명피해는 적다.아마쿠루 (토크) 08:20, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
위의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

RD/블러브: 자크 로게

기사:자크 로게(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명
흐림:자크 로게국제올림픽위원회(IOC) 위원장이 79세로 별세한다.(우편)
뉴스 출처:IOC, BBC
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:이 위키비오 작업을 하고 싶은 사람? --PFHLAI (대화) 22:01, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)

  • 흐림의 근거는? 331도트(토크) 07:58, 2021년 8월 30일(UTC)
  • 기사가 개선되면 지지도가 흐려진다.나는 IOC 위원들이 자동적으로 모호한 입장을 취해야 한다고 생각하는데 그 근거는 간단하다.첫째, 사무소 소유자는 아마도 206개의 NOC를 가진 가장 큰 국제기구를 통치하는데, 이것은 193개의 회원국을 가진 UN보다 훨씬 더 많다.둘째로, IOC 위원장은 전세계 수백만의 스포츠맨들에게 영향을 미치는 프로그램과 활동을 조정하고 많은 스포츠의 발전을 지원한다.세 번째로, IOC 위원장은 세계에서 가장 중요하고 중요한 재발 이벤트 중 하나로 올림픽을 책임지는 권한을 관리한다.넷째, 사무실은 보통 장기간에 걸쳐서 하고, 현직 대통령인 토마스 바흐만이 살고 있다.사무실의 일반적인 의의와는 별개로, 청소년 올림픽이 만들어진 것은 로게의 12년 대통령 재임 기간이었다.2010년 사마란치에 대한 게시글을 올렸기 때문에 로게를 생략할 이유가 없다.--기릴 시메오노프스키 (토크) 12:07, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 지금 당장에라도 반대 블럽의 이유를 나는 그 블럽의 이유를 아주 분명하게 보지 못했지만, 키릴의 설명은 나를 납득시켰다.오늘 식사가 너무 맛있어서 기분이 좋았던 것 같아.어쨌든 기사의 상태가 아직 안 됐으니, 기사의 상태가 되면 표결을 바꾸겠다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 13:14, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 논평 – IOC 의장직은 '변환적'임을 보여주는 증거인가?Sca (대화) 14:29, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 흐릿함반대하다.나는 IOC를 이끌었던 것이 자동적으로 죽음에 대한 개인에게 득이 된다고 생각하지 않는다.로게는 유소년 올림픽의 발상을 창안하지 않았다. 331도트(토크) 19:22, 2021년 8월 30일(UTC)
  • 반대: IOC를 단순히 이끄는 것은 정부나 국제기구 (UN) 사무국들만큼 중요하지 않다.IOC 위원장 입장에서 좀 더 의미 있는 일을 했다면 그랬을 수도 있겠지만, 기사 상태가 단순한 의장직을 넘어 왜 의미 있는 일을 했는지에 대한 근거는 거의 없다. --Masem (t) 19:27, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • blumb 반대 – 이전 두 개당.Sca (대화) 22:19, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
  • 흐릿함반대하다.흐림을 보증할 수 있는 변형적 성질의 원격은 아니다.아마쿠루 (토크) 08:25, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 아마도 흐림 없이 RD에만 집중해야 할 것 같다. --PFHLAI (대화) 04:42, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)
  • RD게시하십시오.게시할 만한 공감대가 흐릿하게 나오지 않을 것 같고, 이야기는 이미 노화가 진행 중이다.우리 RD에 게시하자.브리가드 피론(토크) 10:58, 2021년 9월 2일(UTC)
  • 흐림반대한다. 흐림을 충분히 변형시키지 않는다.기사에 오렌지색 태그가 붙어 있어 해결이 필요하므로 일단 RD에 반대한다.또한 예우 부문은 훨씬 더 나은 소싱이 필요하다.요셉2302 (토크) 11:01, 2021년 9월 2일 (UTC)
  • {{Critical 섹션}}} 태그는 ITN/RD에 대해 이 Wikibio를 부적격으로 한다.기사 문제는 이 지명을 진행하기 전에 해결해야 한다. --PFHLAI (대화) 21:12, 2021년 9월 4일 (UTC)

RD: 리 "스크래치" 페리

기사: 리 "스크래치" 페리 (토크 · 히스토리 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 구르는 돌 수호자

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 댓글: 전설적인 프로듀서 겸 가수.검은 연(토크) 18:11, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)

  • 지금은 충분히 반대하라. 그 중 일부는 논란의 소지가 있는 것으로 보이거나 최소한 덜 긍정적인 종류의 전설로 보인다.불가침헐크 (대화) 19:07, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)

(포스팅됨) RD: 에드 아스너

기사: 에드 애스너 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견: :'-( – Muboshgu(토크) 18:03, 2021년 8월 29일(UTC)

  • 지원 완전히 준비된 것은 아니지만, 이전에 한 두 마리도 빨리 고치지 않은 것이 없다; 아무도 "블러브"라고 말하지 않는다!불가침헐크 (대화) 19:17, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)
  • 반대 몇 개의 태그가 해결되어야 한다.Hrodvarsson (대화) 19:54, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)
    Hrodvarsson, 더 이상 아니야.무보슈구(토크) 22:50, 2021년 8월 29일(UTC)
  • 지원 - 태그가 지정된 콘텐츠가 모두 해결됨.준비됐나보네.--Tdl1060 (대화) 23:02, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)
  • 몇 단락의 단락은 참조 없이 끝난다.스티븐 01:19, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)
    스티븐, 고정.무보슈구(토크) 02:41, 2021년 8월 30일(UTC)
  • Stephen 02:55, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)

8월 28일

무력 충돌 및 공격

재해 및 사고

및 및경

정치와 선거

(포스팅) RD: 샘 오지

기사: 샘 오지 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: BBC

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:축구선수가 겨우 35세에 세상을 떠났다.처음부터 끝까지 잘 조달했다.2A00:23C5:E187:5F00:7C7A:7D05:EFAC:E9AB (대화) 20:30, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)

  • 서포트는 완전히 소싱될 것으로 보인다.폰킹3 (대화) 01:16, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 02:17, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)

(우편) RD: 테레사 일리스 가라

기사:테레사 일리스-가라 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:그라모폰, 폴란드인 몇 명은 아마 더 올 거야. 하지만 그녀가 죽던 날 훌륭한 가수를 보여주는 건 좋을 거야.

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 논평: 국제적으로 유명한 폴란드 소프라노, 1970년부터 1980년까지 독일에 기반을 두고, 당시 메트로폴리탄 오페라에서 200개 이상의 주연을 맡은 연주자.그녀는 인터뷰에서 결코 의도적으로 추악한 소리를 내지 않을 것이라고 말했다.나는 편견을 가지고 있다 - 그녀는 무대에서 나에게 지속적인 인상을 준 두 번째 소프라노였다 - 하지만 보여주지 않으려고 노력한다;) --게르다 아렌트 (토크) 19:04, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)

  • 서포트는 조달되어 준비되어야 할 것으로 보인다.폰킹3 (대화) 01:17, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 06:52, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)

2021년 마다가스카르 식량 위기

기사: 2021년 마다가스카르 식량위기(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
흐림: 세계식량계획(WFP)은 남부 마다가스카르의 식량위기기후변화만으로 인한 최초의 기근이며 무력충돌이 아니라고 밝혔다.(우편)
대체 블럽: 세계식량계획남부 마다가스카르식량위기가 주로 인공적인 기후변화에 의해 야기된 최초의 기근이라고 말한다.
뉴스 출처: (TRT 뉴스) (BBC)

명명자의 의견:나는 그것이 흐릿할 만한 가치가 있는지 모르겠지만 나는 그것이 다소 흥미롭다는 것을 알았다.결과가 어떻든 적어도 나는 노력했다.안부의 말,코리글리 (대화) 13:17, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)

  • 이것이 기후변화에 의해 야기된 최초의 기근이라는 것을 보는 것은 꽤 중요하다.흐릿함에 대한 반대가 있다면 마다가스카르에서 현재 진행 중인 사건이 어떻게 진행되고 있는지 지켜보는 가운데 이것을 추가하는 것을 지지한다. --TDKR Chicago 101 (토크) 17:43, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • 반대한다는 것은 그녀가 동료가 검토한 출판물에 의해 지지를 받는다는 주장처럼 보인다.어쨌든 그 기사는 모순되는 것으로, 예를 들어 마다가스카르가 기근 직전이라고 하는 것과, 흐릿한 사람들은 이것이 최초의 기근이라고 주장하고 있다...그럼 이제 어떻게 되는 겁니까? (대화) 21:06, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • 기사에 반대하고 RS는 이것이 40년 만에 최악의 가뭄이라고 말한다.과거의 가뭄이, 더 심했던 것이 기근을 일으키지 않았다면, 이것은 복잡한 요인의 절정일 가능성이 더 높아 보인다.마다가스카르의 농업은 수십 년 동안 단일 문화 농장과 삼림 벌채와 관련된 시스템적인 문제가 있었다는 것을 분명히 한다.의인성 기후 변화가 현실적이고 지구 전체에 영향을 미친다는 데는 의심의 여지가 없지만, 나는 위의 IP에 동의한다. 현재의 마다가스카르의 기근은 전적으로 기후 변화 때문이라는 것을 제안하는 것은 의심스럽고 동료들의 검토가 필요하다.기후 히스테리에 대한 집중력을 줄이기 위해 그것과 기사가 모두 개선되었다면 나는 흐림에도 문제가 없을 것이다. --레이저레그스 (대화) 21:44, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
    인공적인 기후 변화는 현실이다.의인성 기후 변화는 마다가스카르와 같은 "유니버설"에서만 현실적이다.우리 모두가 망하는 건 별로 중요하지 않아...그래도!불가침헐크 (토크) 02:10, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)
  • 서포트와 애트블러브가 더해졌다.나는 "기후 히스테리"에 초점을 맞추려는 제안에 동의하지 않는다. 그 주제에 대한 2차적 출처(오리두크고 뉴스 결과), (구글 뉴스 결과)는 이 기근이 주로 기후 변화에 의해 발생한다는 사실을 매우 자주 눈에 띄게 특징짓고 있기 때문이다.그렇지 않은 주제에 대한 기사를 찾기가 힘들 것이다."기후 주도의 기근은 기후변화의 직격탄을 맞고 있다[...]"기후변화에 따른 기근 직전의 마다가스카르", "세계 최초의 기후변화에 의한 기근을 경험할 직전의 마다가스카르", "기후변화에 의한 기근을 경험할 직전의 마다가스카르", "기후변화에 의한 기근" 등의 몇 가지 예와 [4][6], [7]이 있다.나는 블러브가 약간의 사소한 트윗을 사용할 수 있다는 것에 동의한다. 나의 이해는 그것이 기후변화에 의해 야기된 세계 최초의 기근이지 기후변화에 의해 야기된 세계 최초의 기근이 아니라는 것이다.마다가스카르가 문제가 있다고 언급한 LL에 대해서는, 기후변화의 역할을 강조하는 출처가 너무 많아서, 이 위기가 실제로 모노크로핑 등에 의해 야기될 수 있다는 우리의 예감에 근거해 그들을 무시하는 것은 사실상 독창적인 연구가 될 것이다.나는 단지 여기서 현학적인 것일 수도 있지만, 나는 그것이 전적으로 기후 변화 때문이라고 정보원이 말하지만, 그럼에도 불구하고 그것은 여전히 기후 변화로 인한 것이라고 말하는 유목민에 동의하지 않는다.그것은 그것을 긍정하는 다수의 출처와 모순되는 추가적인 출처 없이 모호한 내용이나 기사에서 지워져서는 안 되는 주목할 만한 사실이다. 바닐라 마법사 💙 06:05, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)
  • 반대 다른 사람들이 지적했듯이, 그 기사는 혼란스럽고 모순적이다.마법사소프트웨어(토크) 15:19, 2021년 8월 29일(UTC)
  • 의견: 이 비관리자 폐쇄는 후보 지명에 상당한 지원이 있었고 야당의 우려는 기사 업데이트와 개선으로 잠재적으로 해결될 수 있었기 때문에 시기상조였다.이런 경우 공천을 섣불리 마쳐도 득이 없다.스펜서T•C 01:41, 2021년 8월 31일(UTC)
  • 문제는 아무도 그 문제를 해결하지 않고 반대파 입장이라는 것이다.하루 넘게 여기나 기사에 아무런 활동도 없었다.노아Talk 01:47, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 그렇기는 하지만 특히 4~5일이 남아 있을 때는 공천 마감의 지표가 되지 않는다.스펜서T•C 18장 11절, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 다시 열림.스티븐 03:04, 2021년 8월 31일 (UTC)
  • 지지 – "기후 변화 기근"은 오늘날과 같은 시대에 매우 중요한 것으로 여겨져야 한다.STSC (대화) 19:01, 2021년 9월 3일 (UTC)

(포스팅) RD: 해리 켄트(사이클리스트)

기사:해리 켄트(사이클리스트) (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:물건; 도미니언 포스트

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:오늘(28일) 처음 보도, 8월 24일 사망. —블룸6132 (대화) 09:34, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)

  • 충분히 길고 각주가 예상되는 곳에 있다.이 위키비오는 RD를 위한 준비 완료. --PFHLAI (대화) 15:49, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • 서포트는 괜찮아 보인다.폰킹3 (대화) 21:47, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 01:09, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)

2021년 나이지리아 의사 파업

기사: 2021 나이지리아 의사 파업 (대화 · 역사 · 술래잡기)
흐림: 나이지리아 레지던트 의사(의사의 약 40%를 차지하는 의사)들이 2021년 8월 2일 급여 미지급과 복지 부실로 무기한 파업에 돌입했다.(우편)
뉴스 출처: 펀치 CNN 뱅가드 케이블 나이지리아

기사 업데이트됨

명명자의 의견:의사들의 파업으로 COVID-19 대유행과 콜레라 발병의 3차 물결 속에서 전국 교직병원이 문을 닫게 되었다.2021년 9월 4일 아라공주 10시 50분(UTC)

  • 댓글: "파업 코스" 섹션에 나와 있는 것 같은데, 9월부터는 내가 볼 수 있는 것 중에서 업데이트가 안 되는 것 같아?스펜서T•C 17:40, 2021년 9월 4일(UTC)
    마지막 문장은 9월부터의 업데이트다.2021년 9월 4일 아라공주(UTC)
  • 반대: 이 둘 다 케케묵은 것 같으며(8월 초 시작) 진행 중인 스토리를 충족하기 위해 보도/연속 업데이트 유형을 얻지 못한다. --Masem (t) 18:02, 2021년 9월 4일(UTC)

8월 27일

무력 충돌 및 공격

비즈니스 및 경제

보건 및 환경

법과 범죄

정치와 선거

(포스팅) RD: 지그프리드 마투스

기사:지그프리드 마투스 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:NDR

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 논평: 독일이 분단되었지만 통일 후에도 여전히 성공한 동양 최고의 작곡가, 젊은 가수들을 홍보하는 실내 오페라 페스티벌의 창립자 - 그의 음악은 현대 음악에서 자주 연주되고 녹음되지는 않았다.어떤 기사가 났지만 그라임스2는 다시 기적을 행했다.더 많은, 더 많은 세부사항들이 추가될 수 있다.게르다 아렌트 (대화) 13:09, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)

(게시) RD:아키스 쵸차토풀로스

기사: Akis Tsochatzopoulos (talk · history · tagg)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: https://www.ekathimerini.com/news/1166960/akis-tsochatzopoulos-once-prominent-pasok-politician-dies/

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 논평: 그리스의 전 내무 및 국방부 장관.그의 Wikibio는 RD를 위해 준비된 것처럼 보인다. --PFHLAI (대화) 11:11, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)

  • 약한 지지대 나는 쉽게 고칠 수 있는 cn태그를 두어 개 추가했다.그렇지 않으면 그 기사가 잘 인용된다.만약 누군가가 적어도 간략하게 그가 장관으로서 한 일을 설명할 수 있다면 그것은 매우 좋을 것이다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 17:50, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)
    • {cn}개의 태그가 이제 사라짐.고마워. --PFHLAI (대화) 04:08, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 04:30, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)

(게시) RD: 이하운

기사: 이해운(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: https://www.reviewjournal.com/business/lees-discount-liquor-founder-hae-un-lee-dies-at-79-2429072/

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:위키비오는 이미 준비가 된 것 같다.PFHLai (대화) 10:57, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)

아프가니스탄에서 미군의 공습

다음의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

기사:2021년 카불 공항 테러(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
흐림:미국이 아프가니스탄 낭가르하르에서 공습에 나서 폭탄테러를 계획한 것으로 추정되는 이슬람국가(IS) 일원이 숨졌다.(우편)
대체 블럽:미국이 아프가니스탄에서 공습에 나서 폭탄테러를 계획한 이슬람국가(IS) 대원 2명이 숨졌다.
뉴스 출처:(AP 뉴스), (NY Times),
명명자의 의견:폭탄 테러에 대해 이미 ITN이 있다는 건 알지만, 기획자가 죽었다는 이유만으로 두 번째 ITN 후보 지명에 충분히 중요한 것 같다.엘리야안드스킵 (대화) 02:10, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • 논평: 공항 공격과 미국의 공습은 비교적으로 관련이 있기 때문에, 왜 목표물을 계속적으로 게시하지 않는가?또는 제안된 blurb를 동일한 과목의 현재 blurb와 병합. (대화) 04:46, 2021년 8월 28일(UTC)
    현재 진행 중인 기사는 중복되지 않는다.바굼바 (대화) 12:03, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • 현재 블러브에 추가?짐 마이클 (대화) 08:30, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • 기존의 애매모호한 에 반대하는 것은 괜찮고, "믿고 있는 구성원"은 백과사전이 아니다.람블링맨 (가면을 계속 쓰고...) 08:39, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
공습이 ITN에 충분히 중요하지 않다는 말인가, 아니면 우리가 잘 모르기 때문에 게시하면 안 된다는 말인가?짐 마이클 (대화) 09:23, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
다. 람블링맨 (가면을 계속 쓰고...) 09:34, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • 단 한 번의 공습으로 업데이트가 될 수 있을지 확실치 않다.331도트(토크) 11시 42분, 2021년 8월 28일(UTC)
    두 개가 걸렸다불가침헐크 (대화) 15:47, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
    이제 (결국) 하나를 잡았다.불가침헐크 (토크) 02:30, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)
  • 코멘트 자살폭탄 테러는 이미 2021년 카불 공항 테러에 대한 파이프를 흐리게 하고 있으므로 같은 기사로 또 다른 흐림을 할 필요는 없다.주목할 만한 경우 기존 블럽에 공습을 통합하십시오.바굼바 (대화) 12:03, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • 반대 – Per TRM.토요일에는 광범위하게 다뤄졌지만, [8] [9] [10] 이 드론 공격은 지상의 소식통에 의해 아직 사망이 확인되지 않은 한 사람을 목표로 했다.넓은 의미가 없다.Sca(대화) 12:27, 2021년 8월 28일(UTC)
  • 반대 기존 모호한 말로 충분하다.폰킹3 (대화) 14:32, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • 어반스 소스는 이 표적이 누구였는지, 왜 살해됐는지 알 수 없다는 점을 분명히 하고 있는데, 다른 피해자들과 마찬가지로 그의 운전 혐의자와 동일하다.불가침헐크 (대화) 15:42, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • 논평 - 새로운 정보 펜타곤은 공습으로 공격 계획자 중 2명이 사망했음을 확인했다. (CNN) Elijahandskip (토크) 17:21, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
Alt-blurb 1은 새로운 정보를 위해 시작되었다.엘리야안드스킵 (대화) 17:23, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
나는 우리가 두 가지 모호한 점이 모두 정직한 오독으로 판명되었다고 말할 수 있다고 생각한다.하지만 수정이나 타격에 대한 압박은 없어!모든 전쟁에는 그 여전한 소문이 있다.불가침헐크 (토크) 02:30, 2021년 8월 29일 (UTC)
  • 논평 – 비록 두 명의 'ISKP' 지하디스트들이 죽었더라도, [11] [12] 이 드론 공격은 더 큰 아프가니스탄 이야기의 일부분으로 남아 있으며, 별도의 모호한 표현은 적절하지 않을 것이다.Sca (대화) 18:14, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • Sca 당 반대. _-_Alsoriano97 (대화) 18:48, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
위의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

8월 26일

무력 충돌 및 공격

예술과 문화

재해 및 사고

보건 및 환경

국제 관계

법과 범죄

정치와 선거

(포스팅) RD: 마이클 네이더

기사:마이클 네이더(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:CNN, USA 투데이

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:미국 배우.8월 23일에 사망했지만 오늘에야 발표되었다.기사는 완전히 소싱되었다. --Sired 00:40, 2021년 8월 27일(UTC)

  • 서포트 아무것도 수상해 보이지 않아 사진이 필요하겠지만불가침헐크(토크) 02:03, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 03:36, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)

RD: Stephen B.귀리

기사:스티븐 B. 귀리(토크 · 히스토리 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:AP통신;스프링필드 공화당원

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:오늘(26일) 처음 보고, 8월 20일 사망. —블룸6132 (대화) 22:59, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)

  • 미국 남북전쟁 역사학자 미니시리즈 객원 전문가, 충격적인 사실은 없다.불가침헐크(토크) 02:15, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 03:42, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)

(폐쇄) 2021년 아프가니스탄 철수

다음의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

기사:2021년 아프가니스탄 철수(대화 · 역사 · 태그)
뉴스 출처:NYTimes, BBC, Straits Times, 일본
노미네이터의 논평: 대피하려는 노력은 여전히 진행 중이며 8월 31일에 끝날 예정이다.자살 폭탄 테러는 즉각 추방되는 사건이다.각국은 또한 대피를 돕기 위해 군용기를 보내고 있다.–로버츠키(토크) 18:01, 2021년 8월 26일(UTC)
  • 지원 대피는 주로 미국을 비롯한 국제 정부들이 아프가니스탄에서 군대를 철수시키려 함에 따라 언론의 집중적인 관심을 받고 있다.탈레반의 공격은 계속되었다. 왜 이것이 포함될 수 없는지에 대해 반대되는 이유를 보지 마라.켈리스7 (대화) 18:16, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 세계 뉴스에 지속적으로 보도되고 있는 사건이 있다면 바로 이것이다.게다가, 이것은 아프리카를 제외한 거의 모든 대륙에서 온 많은 나라들이 참여하는 작전이다.의심할 여지 없이, 공천이 성공할 충분한 이유가 있다.링크된 기사는 지속적으로 업데이트되며 완벽하게 소싱된다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 18:21, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 반대 아래 지명된 공격의 여파로 일부 국가의 대피가 중단되거나 종료되었다.내가 알기로는 독일만이 언제 그들이 대피를 끝낼 계획인지에 대해 모호했다.다른 나라들은 현재 8월 31일 이전에 대피를 끝내기 위해 노력하고 있다.현재 확실한 종료 날짜가 있을 때 진행 중인 이벤트로 게시하는 것은 직관에 반하는 것처럼 보인다.미국 등이 공개적으로 대피가 무기한 계속될 것이라고 밝힌 경우, 이후 지지로 전환된다. (대화) 18:39, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
    우리는 올림픽을 진행중으로 올렸는데, 그것은 확실히 종료일이 정해져 있다.무보슈구(토크) 18:51, 2021년 8월 26일(UTC)
  • 반대 이번 공격은 분명 흐릿함에 적절하지만, 더 이상의 폭력이 계속되지 않는 한, 대피는 다른 방법으로는 급박하게 행해져 왔지만 자연재해나 다른 인간이 초래한 폭력에 비해 중요한 진행형태는 아니었다. --Masem (t) 18:40, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 반대파 중 어느 한쪽이 납득할 수 없는 지지.John M Wolfson (대화기여) 00:08, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • 지원 매우 중요한 이벤트, 전 세계적으로 널리 보도된 이벤트. -- 킹 오브 00:12, 2021년 8월 27일(UTC)
  • 반대하라. 예기치 못한 일이 일어나지 않는 한, 그 경우 우리가 그것을 흐리게 할 것이다. - 실제로 오늘 폭탄 테러에서 그랬듯이 - 공항에서 대피하는 것은 탈레반의 침공에 대한 진실에 불과하다.홍콩 시위나 최근 탈레반의 공세라고 볼 수 있듯이 철수 작전은 사실 매일 헤드라인과 예상치 못한 뉴스가 아니다.아프간군의 패배에서 탈레반까지 이어진 예측 가능하고 시간제한 작전인데, 우리도 이를 흐렸다.아마쿠루 (토크) 00:13, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • 지원 - 매우 주목할 만함.그리고 반드시 계속에 게시되어야 한다.나는 미래를 내다볼 마법의 공이 없다.그러나 지금으로서는 이것은 분명히 계속적인 상태를 보증하는 고조되는 상황이다.BabbaQ (대화) 00:50, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • 비행기를 잡는 것을 반대한다.단지 그것이 두세 개의 흐림과 연관되어 있기 때문에 더 큰 것처럼 보일 뿐인데, 모호하게 제3의 무언가가 다음이라는 것을 암시한다.그 외에도, 그것은 아주 평범한 이야기지만, 대부분의 매일의 공항 보도보다 더 흥미진진하다.불가침헐크(토크) 02:23, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • 지원 - 대부분의 나라들은 철수했지만, 어쨌든 대피의 대부분은 미국인들이었고, 그들은 여전히 ("미국은 추가 공격의 위협에도 불구하고 대피를 강행할 것") 가고 있다.명성에 대해서는 내가 확인한 모든 국제 뉴스 사이트(BBC, 로이터, 알 자지라, RT, DW, FT, AP, 정말 어떤 이유에서인지 신화 이외의 모든 뉴스)에서 톱뉴스로, 현지 비영어 뉴스 사이트에서는 두 번째 뉴스다.나는 그것이 여전히 뉴스에서 높게 보도되고 있다고 말할 것이다.양측에서 연장 협상을 하고 있다는 신호를 무시한 채 3, 4일 정도 대피해야 한다.쥬클로스 (대화) 02:29, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
    폭탄에 대한 게 아닌 게 확실해?나는 CBC를 확인했다.그곳에서 복수를 다짐하는 바이든이다. (아프가니스탄에서의 계속되는 전쟁은 에게 합리적인 명목일 수도 있다.)불가침헐크(토크) 02:38, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • 뉴스에서의 지지, 그리고 적어도 며칠은 더 뉴스거리가 될 것 같다.배네돈(토크) 02:34, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • 진행중인 것에 반대한다, 다른 blurb에 덧붙여서 두 ITN 항목은 기존의 자살 폭탄 blurb에 "아미드 피신"과 같은 것이 추가될 수 있을 때 과잉 살상으로 보인다.바굼바 (대화) 04:45, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
    @바굼바:나는 앞서서 WP:과감하게 변경했다. -- --의 왕 07:00, 2021년 8월 27일(UTC)
    난 이걸로 만족해.그것을 계속에 넣는 것보다 훨씬 더 좋은 결과.아마쿠루 (토크) 07:42, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • 반대 이것은 이미 흐림에 포함되어 있는 폭탄 테러 때문에 톱 뉴스가 될 수 있다.그렇지 않으면 외국인의 철수는 비교적 순조롭게 진행되고 있으며 일상적인 취재를 받고 있다.철수 시한으로 제시된 8월 31일까지 기다렸다가 이후 사태가 확대되는지를 확인할 수 있다.--기릴 시메오노프스키(토크) 06:35, 2021년 8월 27일(UTC)
위의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

카불 공항 테러

기사:2021년 카불 공항 테러(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
흐림:카불하미드 카르자이 국제공항에서 2건의 자살폭탄테러가 발생해 최소 72명이 숨졌다.(우편)
뉴스 출처:뉴욕 타임즈, NBC

명명자의 의견:시사 뉴스 이벤트.더 많은 정보가 들어오면서 기사가 확대된다 --TDKR Chicago 101 (토크) 16:25, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)

  • 지원 아프가니스탄에서의 철수는 현재 진행 중인 주요 사항이다(WP:ITN/ONGoing, 어쨌든) 이야기와 폭격이 주목할 만한 전개다.그것은 현재와 같이 충분히 길고 확장될 것이다.무보슈구(토크) 16:43, 2021년 8월 26일(UTC)
  • 지원 아프간 피난은 현재 뉴스거리가 되고 있으며, 로이터, 알 자지라, BBC를 대충 보면 이 이야기가 헤드라인에 올라 있다.Juxlos (대화) 16:53, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 미국 군인들이 부상을 입었을 뿐만 아니라 100명 이상의 사상자가 발생했다는 지원 보고가 충분히 눈에 띄었다.리림 (토크) 17:11, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 지지 이것은 (현지 뉴스 소식통들 조차도 그것에 대해 보도하고 있다) 언론의 대대적 보도를 얻었고, 미군과의 관계도 이 기사를 주목할 만하게 한다.켈리스7 (대화) 17:37, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 카불이 점령되었지만 공항 및/또는 공항으로 가는 특정 노선이 여전히 미국/영국들에 의해 통제되고 있다는 점을 감안할 때, 대신 카불의 추락(2021년)이나 아프가니스탄의 2021년 대피는 진행 중인 항목이 되어야 하는가?–로버츠키(토크) 17:44, 2021년 8월 26일(UTC)
  • 카불은 이미 함락되었으니, "옹구"할 수 없다.불행히도 이것은 여전히 아프가니스탄이 탈레반의 지배를 받게 될 것이다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 17:52, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 내 개인적인 생각으로는 2021년 아프가니스탄 철수가 진행 중인 항목으로 추가되어야 한다고 생각한다.나는 그것이 별도의 포럼에서 해결되어야 한다고 생각한다.켈리스7 17:51, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 지원 주요 개발 및 기사가 확대되고 있다.폰킹3 (대화) 17:48, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 의 지원 퍼.아마도 그것은 궁극적으로 공격의 이유인 아프간인들의 집단 대피라는 맥락에서 일어나고 있다는 것을 나타내는 것이 적절할 것이다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 17:52, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 지원, 사상자 수가 현시점에서는 확실히 충분히 많다.그러나 위에서 논의한 바와 같이 이 흐림 속에서 아프가니스탄의 2021년 철수를 연결해야 한다.그렇게 하면 진행 중인 항목으로 추가할 필요가 없다. -LtNOWIS (대화) 18:14, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 우리는 이미 ITN에 대한 한 가지 이야기를 가지고 있다.그냥 진행으로 옮기라고 말하고 싶다.우리는 이 사건의 모든 전개에 대해 새로운 이야기를 게시할 수는 없고, 미국/영국 정보기관이 며칠째 이런 말을 하고 있는 것을 볼 때, 그것은 주요 퍼즐과 밀접한 관련이 있다는 것을 고려할 때, 나는 그것이 2개의 퍼즐만큼 가치가 있다고 생각하지 않는다.미루는 Reader (대화) 18:15, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
    • 만약 이것이 게시된다면, 그것은 현재의 흐림을 대체하거나 증가시켜야 한다.발동/전력 전환 중에 더 이상의 폭력이 계속되지 않는 한, 그것을 계속 진행시키는 것에 대해 반대한다. --Masem (t) 18:55, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
      만약 그것이 현재의 흐림을 대체한다면, 나는 괜찮다.그러나 증강에도 불구하고, 나는 이것이 주요한 일련의 사건이라고 생각하기 때문에, 그저 주저할 뿐이다(탈퇴가 끝나기 전에 더 많은 중요한 사건들이 일어난다면) RusingReader (대화) 19:12, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 그것은 충분히 중요하고 그 기사는 충분히 품질이 좋기 때문에 지원하라.짐 마이클 (대화) 2021년 8월 26일 19시 14분 (UTC)
  • 게시 --PFHLAI (토크) 20:29, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 업데이트 - WSJ당 사망자 수는 100명 이상(미군 13명, 아프간인 최소 90명)이다.이것은 기사 자체에서 이미 갱신되었다.쥬클로스 (대화) 02:20, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • 포스트잇 지원 – 마침내 이 일을 성사시킨 모든 분들께 감사드린다.새롭고 관련있는 광고는 오래전에 제출되어야 했다.Sca(대화) 12:13, 2021년 8월 27일(UTC)

8월 25일

무력 충돌 및 공격

비즈니스 및 경제

  • OnlyFans포르노 콘텐츠 금지 결정을 번복하면서 "OnlyFans가 모든 장르의 크리에이터를 지원할 수 있다는 은행 파트너의 보장 때문에 더 이상 금지할 필요가 없다"(WABI-TV)고 밝혔다.

재해 및 사고

보건 및 환경

법과 범죄

정치와 선거

(포스팅됨) RD: 구닐라 베르그스트룀

기사:구닐라 베르그스트룀(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:텔러 보고서 및 기타 스웨덴어 및 독일어

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:아동 도서 작가, 캐릭터 알피 앳킨스 - 다른 언어로 된 다른 이름, 35개의 번역본.그 기사는 기본적으로 거기에 있었다. 우리는 단지 조금 언급했을 뿐이다.더 환영해, - 지금 당장 가야 해.게르다 아렌트 (대화) 14:12, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)

  • 지원: 2341자(374단어) "읽을 수 있는 산문 크기"가 출처했다.Grimes2 (대화) 16:05, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 지원 물품의 상태가 양호하다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 16:22, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 게시 --PFHLAI (토크) 21:04, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)

(포스팅됨) RD: B. V. 넴카르

기사: B. V. 넴카르 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 힌두교

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:저명한 인도의 농업학자.Nimbkar 농업 연구소 설립자.그의 서지학은 고쳐야 한다. R.I.P. --PFHLAI (대화) 11:29, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)

  • 코멘트 실질적으로 이 글의 절반은 NARI가 무엇을 하고 무엇을 했는지에 대한 설명에 근거한 것이지 NIMBKAR이 그의 경력 동안 무엇을 했는지에 대한 설명은 아니다.내 생각에는 공천이 잘 되려면 이 문제가 고쳐져야 할 것 같다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 14:09, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
    • 아까 이 위키비오를 읽었을 때, 나는 그가 NARI를 통해 그 모든 것들을 성취했다고 생각했다.이제 네가 이 얘기를 꺼내고 나는 다시 한번 돌아보러 갔으니, 그가 1990년에 은퇴하기 전이나 후에 무슨 일이 일어났는지 알 수가 없다.아직 이 문제를 어떻게 해결해야 할지 확실하지 않음.... --PFHLAI(대화) 21:32, 2021년 8월 27일(UTC)
      걱정마.고치기엔 별로 나쁘지 않아 보인다.(게일 옴베드 에) 이번 주말에 작업할 겁니다.케이틴(대화) 22:23, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • 지원 : @Ktin: 수고하셨습니다 -- PaulBetteridge (대화) 18:06, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)
  • 약한 반대.일반적으로 RD의 최소는 3개 단락이며, 이 글은 기껏해야 2개 단락이다.연구 경력은 우리에게 몇 가지 추가 정보를 제공할 수 있고(그가 무엇을 연구했는가?) "임브카르가 여러 기사로 연구를 문서화했다"는 것은 명확성을 위해 복사될 수 있다."약하다"는 언급이 좋고, 그의 학문에 대한 서너 문장으로 볼 때, 이것은 준비될 것이다.스펜서T•C 03:26, 2021년 8월 30일(UTC)
    @스펜서:몇 문장을 더했다.기대에 부응하다.한 번 보십시오.고마워요.케이틴(대화) 17:43, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)
  • 지원팀 문제없음..._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 21:09, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)
  • RD게시됨.스펜서T•C 22:03, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)

RD: 테드 덱스터

기사: 테드 덱스터(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: BBC 스포츠

아티클 업데이트 필요
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:참고자료 작업 필요 (마스크 계속 착용...) 07:07, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)

  • Reference Referenceing은 개선이 필요하다.바굼바 (대화) 09:36, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)

(포스트) RD: 밀란 구토비치

기사:밀라노 구토비치(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:N1, BBC

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:세르비아의 유명 배우 --Vacant0 (대화) 21:27, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

  • Stephen 04:12, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)

RD: 로빈 밀러

기사:로빈 밀러(기자) (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:인디애나폴리스 스타, NBC 스포츠

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 논평: 오랜 모터스포츠 기자; 기사는 전체적으로 합리적으로 참조된다. 원시머스타드 (토크) 20:54, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

  • About Sourcing은 약간의 개선이 필요하다.바굼바 (대화) 09:30, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)

RD: 게일 옴베드

기사:게일 옴베드(대화 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:[https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/mumbai/researcher-author-gail-omvedt-passes-away/article36091934.ece

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:기사는 홈페이지/RD를 준비하기 전에 약간의 작업을 필요로 한다.나보다 먼저 하고 싶은 사람이 있다면 그렇게 해 줘.그렇지 않으면 곧 기사를 업데이트하겠다.케이틴(토크) 18:35, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

  • 반대 소싱은 개선이 필요하다.바굼바 (대화) 09:25, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
    불행히도 제때에 기사를 개선하지 못했다.RIP Ms Ombedt.케이틴(대화) 17:44, 2021년 9월 1일 (UTC)

8월 24일

무력 충돌 및 공격

재해 및 사고

보건 및 환경

국계 계

법과 범죄



(포스팅) RD: 제리 하크니스

기사: 제리 하크니스 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 워싱턴 포스트

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 말: 1963년 국가 챔피언쉽 팀의 멤버인 변화의 게임의 농구 선수.바굼바 (대화) 09:37, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)

  • 지원 대상자의 생애와 경력에 대한 적절한 보도.스펜서T•C 22:54, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 게시 --PFHLAI (토크) 02:03, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)

(포스팅됨) RD: 찰리 와츠

기사: 찰리 와츠(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 버라이어티
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

무보슈구(토크) 16:45, 2021년 8월 24일(UTC)

  • 서포트 기사는 상태가 양호해 보인다.몇 가지 사소한 CN 문제일 수도 있지만 논쟁의 여지가 없는 Jayron32 16:52, 2021년 8월 24일(UTC)
  • Mjroot (대화) 16:54, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 지지하다.보아하니 그는 꽤 유명한 대중음악 콤보에 속해 있었다.마티네반스123 (토크) 16:57, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC) ...이게시것으로 예상한다.
  • 가능한 가장 강력한 방법을 지원하십시오. --The Sand Doctor 17:01, 2021년 8월 24일(UTC)
  • 지원 - 준비 완료.BabbaQ (대화) 17:05, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 준비되지 않음 - "진료자" 섹션과 디스크 파일이 제공되지 않음.찰리라고 해서 서두르지 말자.검은 연 (토크) 17:09, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 지원 기사 자체는 좋아 보인다, RIP! --Vacant0 (토크) 18:15, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 검은 연 하나당 반대하라.소싱 문제가 처리될 때까지 준비되지 않음.아마쿠루 (토크) 19:08, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 이제 지원 문제가 해결됨음악계에 그렇게 중요하고, 그의 죽음이 국제 언론에 이렇게 놀라운 영향을 미친다는 사실이 놀랍지만, 그의 '커리어'에 대한 부분은 '사생활과 대중적 이미지' 부분에 비하면 너무나 짧다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 20:48, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
좋은 지적이야.1989년부터는 아무 짓도 안 한 것 같아 네가 행사에 참여하지 않는 한 말이야!러그넛 20:50, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 지지 나는 모든 소싱 문제가 이제 해결되었다고 생각한다.러그넛 20:49, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 물론 모든 문제가 해결된 경우 지원.Cullen328 2021년 8월 25일 00:49 (UTC)에 대해 논의합시다.
  • 게시 --PFHLAI (토크) 02:12, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

(포스팅) RD/블러브: 히센 하브레

기사: 히센 하브레 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명
흐림: 히센 하브레 전 차드 대통령이 COVID-19로 사망했다.(우편)
대체 블럽: 차드 대통령이자 전범인 히센 하브레가 79세의 나이로 사망한다.
뉴스 출처: BBC

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:차드 시빌 전쟁과 리비아 침공이라는 완전한 혼란 속에서 매우 중요한 인물이었다.스카라무체33 (대화) 12:16, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)

  • 지원 - 수행해야 할 특별한 것을 보지 마십시오.준비 완료 - BabbaQ(대화) 16:11, 2021년 8월 24일(UTC)
  • RD Mjroot (대화) 16:53, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 약한 지지대 cn 태그 3개를 추가했는데 수정이 필요한 라인을 명확히 하기 위한 태그가 있다.그 기사는 전반적으로 그의 경력과 신념에 대해 환상적으로 깊이 있게 다루고 있다.나쁜 생각은 아니었지만 흐릿하게 중립을 지켰다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 20:32, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • RD 지지, 반대. 전직 국가원수가 감옥에서 죽는 일은 흔치 않지만, 우리는 이미 그의 감옥살이를 게시했고 종신형을 선고받았으니, 이것은 꼭 놀라운 일은 아니다.Jackattack1597 (토크) 23:21, 2021년 8월 24일 (토크) Jackattack1597 (토크) 23:21, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 지지도가 흐려짐 우리는 이미 하브레의 유죄 판결이 차드에게 얼마나 중요한지를 보여주는 그의 투옥과 판결문을 게시했다.그가 COVID로 감옥에서 죽은 것도 다르지 않다.하브레는 차드 역사상 중요하고 악명 높은 인물이었다.장점이 흐릿하다.아마도 그의 블러브가 전범 지위를 언급해야 할 것이다. --TDKR Chicago 101 (토크) 14:14, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)
  • TDKR Chicago 101이 말했듯이, 는 분명 흐림으로써 충분히 중요하다.나는 독창적이고 단순한 블러브를 선호한다.요셉2302 (토크) 14:22, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)
  • 지원 RD는 흐릿하기만 하면 된다.-- 폰킹3 (대화) 14:27, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)
  • 코멘트 나는 이것을 RD를 위한 준비라고 표시했다. 왜냐하면 그것은 그것에 대한 요구조건에 부합한다는 공감대가 있는 것 같다.그러나 흐릿하거나 그렇지 않은 것에 대한 논쟁은 여전히 계속될 수 있다.요셉2302 (토크) 14:31, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)
  • 얼마나 많은 전직 대통령들이 유행성 전염병으로 죽었는가?그가 첫 번째야?2A02:2F0E:D620:E000:74D2:26DA:22AE:ECDF (대화) 19:34, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)
  • 2021년 8월 25일(UTC) RD Stephen 23:14에 게시

(포스팅) 계속/블러브:2020 하계 패럴림픽

Proposed image
기사:2020년 하계 패럴림픽(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
흐림:2020년 하계 패럴림픽도쿄에서 열린다.(우편)
대체 블럽:2020년 하계 패럴림픽 개막식도쿄 올림픽 스타디움(사진)에서 열린다.
뉴스 출처:[13], [14]

지명된 이벤트는 WP에 열거되어 있다.ITN/R, 따라서 각각의 발생은 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다.논평은 기사와 업데이트의 품질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.중요성이 아니라 ITNCRIT.

명명자의 의견: 2020년 하계 패럴림픽이 오늘부터 시작된다.세계 최대 규모의 장애인 하계 스포츠 행사.블럽이 승인되지 않았더라도 이 작업은 계속 진행되어야 한다.흐릿하게 변해도 괜찮아.BabbaQ (대화) 09:40, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)

  • 당분간은 불쑥불쑥 하는 것을 지지할 것이다.그것이 시작되면, 우리는 기사가 계속적인 기준에 부합할 정도로 자주 업데이트되는지 볼 수 있다.올림픽과 관련해 이미 긴 논의를 했다. --Tone 09:52, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 2020년 하계 패럴림픽에 대한 지원은 질이 좋기 때문이다.우리가 보통/흔히 개막식 기사를 게재한다는 것을 알지만, 그 기사는 밑줄 친 부분을 위해 오렌지색 태그를 붙인 단지다.그래서 본문을 올리는 것도 일리가 있고, 개회식 기사가 며칠 만에 좋아지면 언제든지 교환할 수 있다.하지만 그렇게 될 때까지 기다리는 것은 어리석은 짓이다.Joseph2302 (대화) 10:03, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 지원 기사의 품질에 대한 질문 없음, 그러나 이미지는 어디에 있는가? (대화) 12:17, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 국립 경기장의 이미지를 추가했다.우리는 아마도 자유롭게 개막식의 허가된 이미지를 제때에 얻을 수 있기를 바란다.요셉2302 (토크) 12:31, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 지지도가 흐려졌다 우리는 올림픽을 흐렸다, 그래서 우리는 패럴림픽도 흐려야 한다.개막식이 열렸다(아직은 못 봤지만, 이 댓글을 단 현재 미국 재생 프라임타임은 아직 일어나지 않았다).-TenorTwelve (대화) 18:55, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 00:24, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

(포스팅) RD: 카일 앤더슨 (다트 선수)

기사:카일 앤더슨(다트 플레이어) (토크 · 히스토리 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:[15], [16]

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:기사는 보기 좋게 조셉2302 (토크) 07:55, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)

  • 지지 - 충분히 점잖게 보인다.BabbaQ (대화) 09:45, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 게시 --PFHLAI (대화) 13:32, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)

(포스팅) RD: 망갈라 사마라위라

기사:망갈라 사마라위라 (대화 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:데일리 미러, 이코노미 넥스트

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 논평: 30년 이상 정치인으로 활동했다.아비셰 (대화) 07:24, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)

  • 지원 문서는 한 가지 문제 외에도 RD에 적합해 보인다.나는 사망 날짜에 대한 출처가 보이지 않는다.의 사망은 8월 24일에 발표되었지만 소식통들은 가 그 날짜에 확실히 죽었다고 말하지 않는다.요셉2302 (토크) 10:07, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
    • 나는 방금 그가 "화요일에 죽었다"고 말하는 추가 조회를 추가했다.그게 바로 오늘, 24일.도움이 되길 바래.--PFHLAI (대화) 13:17, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 지지 - 가기에 충분하다.BabbaQ (대화) 11:13, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
  • 게시 --PFHLAI (대화) 13:32, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)

8월 23일

무력 충돌 및 공격

재해 및 사고

보건 및 환경

국제 관계

법과 범죄

정치와 선거

(우편) RD: 윌리엄 J. 멧돼지

기사:윌리엄 J. 멧돼지(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:USGPO, WaPo

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:미국의 26번째 공용 프린터.8월 22일 사망.미국 정부출판국이 8월 23일 발표한 죽음8월 27일 워싱턴 포스트의 부고.이 위키비오는 참조를 정리하기 위해 꽤 많은 작업이 필요하다.이 명칭이 여전히 적격인 상태에서 이 작업을 수행할 수 있는지 확실하지 않다.오, 그럼...얼마든지 뛰어들어 핏이 보이는 대로 고쳐주십시오. --PFHLAI (대화) 11:07, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)

  • Stephen 02:59, 2021년 8월 30일 (UTC)

RD: 로지타 퀸타나

기사:로지타 퀸타나 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:CNN에스파뇰, LA타임스(스페인어)

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 논평: 멕시코 황금기 시대의 "전설".그 기사에는 특히 필모그래피 부분에서 몇 가지 참고 자료가 누락되어 있다.노력해볼게. --Sired 04:53, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)

  • 약한 사람들은 더 많은 출처가 필요하지만, 무엇보다도 그녀의 "인생과 경력" 부분이 조금 더 확장된다._-_알소리아노97 (대화) 10:30, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)
  • 요청되지 않은 작품 리스트에 반대한다.바굼바 (대화) 10:00, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)

(포스팅) RD: 지미 헤이스(아이스하키)

기사: 지미 헤이스(아이스하키) (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 보스턴 글로브

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

무보슈구(대화) 18:59, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)

  • 반대는 인용구가 몇 개 더 필요하다, 인용문이 필요한 곳이 대여섯 군데 정도 있다(내 생각에는 지금 1면에 실리기엔 너무 많다).요셉2302 (토크) 11:15, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
    요셉2302, 내가 다 인용한 것 같다.무보슈구(토크) 17:38, 2021년 8월 24일(UTC)
  • 지원 Good가 업데이트되었으니 지금 진행하십시오.Teemu08 (대화) 01:13, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)
  • RD게시됨.스펜서T•C 02:17, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

8월 22일

무력 충돌 및 공격

재해 및 사고

보건 및 환경

국제 관계

정치와 선거

(포스팅됨) RD: 케이 불릿

기사: 케이 불릿 (토크 · 히스토리 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 시애틀 타임스

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터 의견 : R.I.P. --PFHLAI (대화) 02:10, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)

  • 지원 대상자의 생애 및 경력에 대한 확실한 보장, 참조.스펜서T•C 22:16, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 코멘트 A 그녀의 가족에 대한 비협조적인 두 가지 세부사항.그렇지 않으면 잘 인용되었다.바굼바 (대화) 10:56, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
    • 지적해줘서 고마워, 바굼바이미 이 선을 고쳤다고 생각했다(분명히 몇 년 전 그녀의 딸로부터).앞서 사망한 벤자민을 포함한 그녀의 모든 아이들은 시애틀 타임즈에 실린 그녀의 부고에 기재되어 있었다.거기에 각주를 달려고 했는데 잊어버렸어.나는 그 문장을 조금 단순화하고 필요한 각주를 방금 삽입했다.이것이 도움이 되기를 바란다. --PFHLAI (대화) 21:21, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 09:21, 2021년 8월 28일 (UTC)

(우편) RD: 로이드 도빈스

기사:로이드 도빈스(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:AP; 마감 할리우드

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

블룸6132 (토크) 09:22, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

  • Slim을 지원하되 최소 기준을 충족하십시오.참조됨.스펜서T•C 22:15, 2021년 8월 26일 (UTC)
  • 게시 --PFHLAI (토크) 01:14, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)

RD: 로드 길버트

기사:로드 길버트(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:뉴욕 타임즈; AP통신; NHL.com

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

블룸6132 (토크) 08:40, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)

  • 뉴욕 레인저 지원, 테네시 길버트(또는 그들의 남부 발음)와는 무관, 인용은 괜찮은 것 같다.불가침헐크 (대화) 11시 50분, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 지원부서는 내가 보기엔 괜찮은 것 같아, 이미 준비된 것으로 표시했어.요셉2302 (토크) 16:04, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 게시됨—Bagumba (대화) 17:56, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)

(닫힘)테네시 홍수

다음의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

기사:2021년 테네시 홍수(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
흐림:미국 테네시 주에서 발생한 홍수로 최소 22명이 사망했다.(우편)
뉴스 출처:AP, NY 타임즈, 가디언, 와포
명명자의 의견:현재 수십 명이 실종되었고, 원래 2010년에 세워진 강수 기록을 깼다.Ionmars10 (토크) 21:22, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 지원 -- 선진국에서 홍수가 이렇게 파괴적인 경우는 드물다. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 22:08, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 기사의 일부 미인증 글에 반대하며 현재 미국에서 일어나고 있는 덜 충격적이고 주목할 만한 기상 사건 중 하나이다.앙리토에 대한 명확한 흐림을 지지하지만 각 주는 언급하지 않는다. (대화) 22:14, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 테네시 홍수에 정기적으로 반대하십시오.이것은 나쁜 것이지만, 사물의 큰 계획에서는 하찮은 것이다.람블링맨 (가면을 계속 쓰고...) 22시 15분, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
그들은 하루 만에 주 기록을 25%나 경신했고 22명의 사망자가 미국의 총기 난사 사건까지 발생한 11-17을 넘어섰다.궁수자리 은하수 (토크) 22:56, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 코멘트 – 음, 꼭 사소한 것은 아니지만, 편협적이고 아마도 더 넓은 의미도 결여되어 있을 것이다.결국 기상이야기다.Sca(대화) 22:31, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)
  • 이것이 "In the American (현지) 뉴스"가 아니라 ITN의 가치가 있는 것이 아니다.그리고 물건도 품질에 많이 부족하다.요셉2302 (토크) 22:32, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
네 영주님의 말씀에 함정이 있다.Sca(대화) 22:58, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)
  • 나는 너의 논리를 이해할 수 없다. 너는 지역 뉴스라고 해서 반대하면 안 된다.그것도 기준 중 하나. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 03:17, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
모든 뉴스는 지역적인 어딘가에 있다, 아니 그렇게 그들은 말한다.Sca (대화) 13:32, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 반대론 나는 미국보다 아시아에서만 홍수를 보았다. 왜냐하면 미국에서는 홍수가 규칙성에도 불구하고 아시아에서는 예상치 못한 홍수가 발생할 수 있기 때문이다. (대화) 23:10, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 질문:위키피디아에 있는 저 이미지들은 정말 PD에 있는 거야?카피비오(copyvio) 이미지가 있는 위키아티클은 굵은 링크로 ITN에 올라타서는 안 된다.--PFHLAI(talk) 01:37, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)
  • 문제를 제기하는 것은 완전히 헛된 일인 것 같지만, 우리는 7월에 세 번의 다른 홍수를 올렸고 (1회) [17] [18] [19] 그리고 단 한 건의 홍수도 "기생충"으로 치부되지 않았다 (어쨌든 위에서 하지 말 것).테네시 주의 홍수는 사실 SE 아시아의 몬순처럼 흔하지 않다.이 글은 이미 2021년 게재된 마하라슈트라 홍수보다 더 상세하다.솔직히, 만약 논평가들이 "반대에 나는 미국에 관한 이야기가 게시되는 것을 보고 싶지 않다"고 한다면, 나는 적어도 정직하게 그들을 존경할 것이다.LaserLegs(대화 • 기여) 01:48, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)에 의해 추가된 사전 서명되지 않은 논평
  • 나는 너의 정서에 동의하지만, 그 나라들에서는 홍수로 인한 사망자가 훨씬 더 많았다.또한, 위의 IP가 무슨 말을 하고 있는지 전혀 모르겠는데, 아는 사람 있어? -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 03:17, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 코멘트 전후 상황을 상기시켜주는 말: 그것은 전세계에 아기 홍수로 보이는 것처럼 보이지만 테네시주와 아마도 다른 곳들이 타격을 입을 준비가 되어 있지 않은 것 같다.뉴스 가치가 있는 투표 전에 그것이 뉴스 사이클을 통과하는지 지켜보자. 그리고 그때쯤이면 기상 프로젝트가 기사를 개선했을 것이라고 추측한다.킹시프 (대화) 05:55, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 코멘트 지난 이틀 동안 후보지명 중 42%가 테네시주 죽음의 다양성이었다.그건 좋은 것도 나쁜 것도 아니야.그냥 눈에 띄는 거야.불가침헐크 (대화) 06:11, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 반대: 1) 드물게 발생하는 자연 재해(예: 남유럽, 북아프리카, 미국 남서부와 같은 건조한 지역의 여름 홍수), 2) 전례 없는 피해를 유발하는(예: 많은 사상자 수, 건물과 기반 시설의 심각한 파괴, 그리고 장기간에 걸쳐 최악의 홍수라고도 불리는 자연 재해의 포고를 고려하겠다.2021년 유럽 홍수 등) 또는 3) 대규모 지역(예: 북아메리카 남동부의 열대 사이클론 및 동남아시아의 태풍은 정기적으로 발생하지만 매년 대규모 대피를 초래함)에 심각한 영향을 미친다.이번 것은 세 사람을 모두 만나지 못한다.우리가 2010년 테네시 홍수를 올렸지만, 이것은 같은 규모가 아닌 것 같다.--키릴 시메오노프스키 (토크) 06:36, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 의견 – 몇 가지 보고에서 수십 명이 실종되었다고 하는 것처럼 일단 판단을 유보한다.Sca(대화) 12:16, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)
    그것은 전혀 새로운 것이 아니다.불가침헐크(대화) 12시 53분, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)
    팁을 주는 p†에 도달할 수 있음 – Sca (대화) 13:28, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)
    이해가 안 돼불가침헐크 (대화) 15:44, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 넓은 일반적인 논평으로서 - 우리는 "작은"이 논쟁을 위한 "작은" 자연 재해로 인한 사망자 수를 게시하는 것을 피해야 한다.그러나 미국에서는 허리케인에 얽매이지 않을 때 홍수가 다소 드물며, 20-일부는 일반적으로 작은 것으로 간주되지 않는다. --Masem (t) 14:52, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 미국의 여름 홍수는 샌프란시스코, 피닉스 또는 라스베이거스에서 흔치 않은 것일 수 있고 나는 이 도시들이 어떤 피해나 사상자가 발생하든 간에 홍수가 난다면 아마도 홍수를 지지할 것이다.그러나 3번째 여름날마다 평균적으로 비가 오는 연중 강수량이 균등하게 분포되어 있는 장소의 경우는 확실히 예사롭지 않다.--기릴 시메오노프스키 (토크) 15:59, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
나는 겸손하게 그것이 관련된 비의 양이 아니라 목숨을 잃은 사람들의 수라고 제안한다.Sca (대화) 18:51, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
그들은 하루 만에 25%가 넘는 비가 내린다는 주 기록을 깼다.궁수자리 은하수 (토크) 16:21, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 지지하다.특이한 플래시 홍수 사건.강수량이 예사롭지 않고 예측도 못했기 때문에 정확하게 사망으로 이어졌다.만약 이런 종류의 기상 상황이 정상적인 것이었다면, 사람들은 예방책으로 경고를 받고 대피했을 것이다.아이블리스 카운트 (토크) 18:29, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 논평 – 희생자들이 아마도 (대부분적으로) 미국계 미국인일 것이라는 것은 이 사건의 중요성을 평가하는 것과 관련이 없어야 한다.Sca (대화) 18:46, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
위의 논의는 종결되었다.수정하지 마십시오.이후 코멘트는 해당 토론 페이지에서 작성해야 한다.이 논의는 더 이상 수정해서는 안 된다.

르망 24 레이스

기사: 2021년 르망 24시간 (대화 · 역사 · 태그)
흐림: 도요타 가즈 레이싱카무이 고바야시2021년 '레망스24시간' 하이퍼카에서, WRT팀LMP2AF 코르세는 GTEAm과 GTEPro 시리즈에서 우승했다.(우편)
대체 블럽: 모터스포츠에서는 마이크 콘웨이, 고바야시 가무이, 르망 레이싱호세 마리아 로페스우승했다.

아티클 업데이트 필요
지명된 이벤트는 WP에 열거되어 있다.ITN/R, 따라서 각각의 발생은 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다.논평은 기사와 업데이트의 품질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.중요성이 아니라 ITNCRIT.

명명자의 의견:기사에서는 경기 결과 Abcmaxx(토크) 15:23, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)을 반영하기 위한 주요 업데이트 및 작업이 필요하다.

  • 인용이 부족하고 산문이 부족한 것을 반대한다.무보슈구(토크) 16:56, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)
  • 코멘트 "날개" 이외의 어떤 것도 사용할 확률은 0%인데, 도대체 왜 "날개 깃발"과 같은 언어를 사용하겠는가?또한, 나는 우리가 모든 클래스의 우승자를 게시할 것이라고는 상상할 수 없다. 그것은 또한 주말의 나스카 트럭 시리즈 경주 우승자를 게시하는 것과 같다.게다가, 그 기사가 믿을 수 없을 정도로 약하기 때문에 반대하라. -- Chicking222 (토크) 19:36, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
반응 왜냐하면 회전하는 드라이버가 3개 있어서, 그가 우승자 중 한 명이기 때문에, 마침 꼴찌가 되었다.NASCAR 트럭 시리즈가 어떻게 생겼는지는 모르지만 매우 다른 Abcmaxx(토크) 19:45, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)
그렇다면 세 명의 운전자를 모두 언급하거나 아예 언급하고 싶지 않다. Bitty30 21Talk 2 me pls?:11, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)
  • 반대 논문은 경주 결과도 없고, 1면에 오르기를 원하는 논문에 적합한 산문만 가지고 있다.그리고 블럽은 모든 클래스가 아닌 세 명의 드라이버와 팀 이름이어야 한다.믿을 만한 소식통들은 모든 계층이 아닌 단지 우승자들의 헤드라인일 뿐이지, 우리도 그렇게 해야 한다.요셉2302 (토크) 22:28, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 반대 의견 – 영향력은 중요하지 않다.Sca(대화) 22:32, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)
  • ITNR이니까 고려사항만 중요한 게 아니라 기사품질이다.요셉2302 (대화) 22:38, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • altblurb가 덧붙인 코멘트- 만약 누군가가 실제로 보이도록 템플릿을 고칠있다면, 좋을 것이다.요셉2302 (대화) 22:35, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 준비되지도 않았고, 심지어 가까이 있지도 않았다.적어도 경주에서 일어난 일을 설명하는 인용 산문의 두 단락이 있어야 한다.2020년 기사의 취재 수준과 대조를 이룬다.기사가 실질적으로 확대된다면/그 때, 이타적인 것은 가는 길이다.Modest Geniustalk 12:13, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)
    업데이트: 그 기사는 여전히 산문이 없는 표일 뿐이다.수수한 천재 13:04, 2021년 8월 27일(UTC)

RD: 조 그레치(스누커 플레이어)

기사: 조 그레치(스누커 플레이어) (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 조 그레치

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 말: 1997년 세계 아마추어 당구 챔피언, 21배 몰타 잉글리시 당구 선수권 대회 우승자.아비셰(대화) 12시 2분, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)

  • 반대 더 많은 참조가 필요하다.폰킹3 (대화) 21:31, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 방금 {CN}개의 태그를 추가했다. --PFHLAI(대화) 01:27, 2021년 8월 27일(UTC)

(우편) RD: 잔 로버슨

기사:잔 로버트슨 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:[20], [21]

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 말: 매우 뛰어난 여성(전 노스캐롤라이나 양, 토스트마스터 양, 유머리스트, 모티브리 스피치, 운동선수, 리스트 진행)인 잔 로버트슨이 최근에 세상을 떠났고, 나는 그녀가 언급할 만한 충분한 업적을 세웠다고 생각한다.EEBuchanan (대화) 05:27, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)

  • EEBuchanan Just FYI, 어떤 사람이 어떤 기사를 쓸 가치가 있는 한, 그 기사는 RD에 게시될 수 있다. 우리는 더 이상 RD 게시물에 대한 공신력을 논쟁하지 않는다.331닷 (토크) 07:07, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 위키비오는 충분히 길고 예상 지점에 충분한 각주를 가지고 있다.{{cn}}개의 태그가 있지만, 이것이 RD를 위해 이 nom을 결격시켜서는 안 된다.RD 준비 완료. --PFHLAI (대화) 11시 20분, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
    그 외로운 CN 태그를 고쳤어건배.케이틴(대화) 19:49, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 너무 많은 주요 출처를 반대한다. WP:AUNTYSEF기사가 주로 그러한 출처에 근거하지 않는 경우에만 이러한 것들이 허용된다고 말한다.1차 출처(그녀의 웹사이트와 유튜브 동영상)가 많은데, 이는 그녀에 대한 기본적인 정보 이상의 용도로 사용된다.또한 소스로서 12번 사용된 데드 링크는 검증에 실패하는데, 이는 증명할 수 있는 2차 소싱 없이 이 기사의 거대한 덩어리가 있다는 것을 의미한다.요셉2302 (토크) 23:18, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 지지하라 나는 요셉2302가 무엇을 의미하는지 잘 모르겠다.이 기사는 25개 이상의 출처를 가지고 있으며 그녀의 유튜브 채널을 기반으로 한 것은 4개에 불과하다.또한 유튜브를 기반으로 한 소스를 가진 거의 모든 것들이 다른 사이트에서 나온 보조 소스를 가지고 있다.EEBuchanan (대화) 13:22, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)
사용자:요셉2302는 Ref를 언급하고 있었다.#2(데드링크)와 #14는 위키비오에서 각각 10회 이상 사용되고 있으며, #14는 피험자 자신의 웹사이트에 보관된 기사에 링크하는 데 사용되었다.나는 그 원고를 발견했고 링크를 원래의 사이트로 다시 바꾸었다.나는 또한 몇 개의 추가 ref를 추가했다.Ref.#2는 현재 위키비오에서 단독으로 사용되는 경우는 드물다.이것이 도움이 되기를 바란다. --PFHLAI (대화) 01:56, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)
나는 지금 이 기사에 너무 많이 관여하고 있으므로 더 이상의 검토에서 나 자신을 회복해야 한다.다른 관리자(administrator)는 이 명칭을 검토하고 적합하다고 판단되는 대로 ITN에 게시해야 할 것이다.고마워. --PFHLAI (대화) 02:18, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 04:55, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

8월 21일

무력 충돌 및 공격

및 및경

국제 관계

법과 범죄



RD: 돈 에버리

기사:에버리 브라더스 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:롤링 스톤, 데드라인

아티클 업데이트 필요
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 말: 전설적인 듀오의 절반.기사는 현재 코딱지만한 것이 아니라 누군가가 그것을 떠맡기를 바라는 마음으로 여기에 글을 올린다.Teemu08 (대화) 13:40, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)

  • 기사의 질 때문에 지금은 약한 사람들이 반대한다.하지만 필과 돈 에버리는 아마도 에버리 브라더스 그룹과는 별개로 그들만의 페이지를 가지고 있어야 할 것이다. 그리고 나는 그들이 그렇지 않다는 것이 꽤 놀랍다. Doc 스트레인지로그북Mailbox 18:35, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)
  • 댓글을 달다.기사는 홈페이지/RD에 도착하기 전에 약간의 작업이 필요하다.하지만, 나는 우리가 홈페이지/RD에 도착하기 위해서 페이지를 두 개의 기사로 분리할 필요는 없다고 생각한다.IIRC, 우리는 홈페이지에 글을 올리면서 이와 같은 기사를 pip으로 작성했다.RIP. 케이틴(대화) 19:52, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)
    • 형제로서나 음악 그룹으로서 그들이 했던 활동과 비교하여 어느 한 형제라도 혼자 했던 활동량은 각 형제에게 따로따로 기사를 쓰는 것이 말이 되지 않을 정도로 충분히 작다.두 형제 모두 그 자체로는 정말 눈에 띄지 않지만(사건이 쉽게 만들어질 수 있다) 두 사람이 함께 이야기하면 더욱 포괄적이고 좋은 기사가 나온다. --마샘(t) 20:25, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)
  • 경을 지지하라 렛 인...RD. 코트 체크(토크) 00:36, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)
  • 반대 폴 경을 존경하고, 듀오 일괄타당성을 충분히 인식하고, 이 미완성 전기에는 분명히 포크를 넣기 위해 필요한 인용구가 너무 많다.불가침헐크 (대화) 06:18, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 이 위키비오에는 아직 약 20개의 {CN}개의 태그가 있어 이 지명을 진행하기 전에 해결해야 한다. --PFHLAI(대화) 11:15, 2021년 8월 28일(UTC)

(우편) RD: 필 발렌타인

기사: 필 발렌타인 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 구르는 돌

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:Anti-vaxxer는 ...의 합병증으로 사망한다. 추측하라 무보슈구 (talk) 22:38, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)

  • 예비진단 대상자는 호흡, 기침, 이동불능으로 인해 급성마비독성 및 비저항성 폐, 순환계통 및 목 부위 전체에 대한 엎드린 자세에서 몇 주간의 기계적 스트레스로 인해 심폐정지에 들어갔으며, 이로 인해 위축된 횡격막과 COVID-relat에 대한 사회의 정상적인 항바이러스 반응이 복잡해졌다.폐렴에 걸리다매너, 자연스러운. RD 준비, 미정불가침헐크(토크) 05:40, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
    늘 그렇듯이 도움이 된다.– 무보슈구 (대화) 20:28, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 03:43, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)

(포스팅) RD: 칼리안 싱

기사:칼리안 싱(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:NTDV, 타임즈 오브 인디아

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:유명한 인도 정치인. 마법사의 파라오 (토크) 16:33, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)

  • 지난 며칠 동안 이걸 다시 썼는데 상태가 좋을 거야.바나몽드 (토크) 17:43, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)
  • 위키비오는 충분히 길고 예상 지점에 충분한 각주를 가지고 있다.RD 준비 완료. --PFHLAI (대화) 19:02, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)
  • 지원 상태가 양호해 보이는 --Vacant0 (대화) 11:27, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)
  • 게시 --PFHLAI (토크) 13:12, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)

8월 20일

무력 충돌 및 공격

및 및경

국제 관계


(우편) RD: 데이비드 로버츠 (클림버)

기사: 데이비드 로버츠 (클림버) (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 보스턴 글로브

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

블룸6132 (토크) 01:38, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

  • 약한 지원 경력 부문은 약간의 더 많은 플레싱이 필요하지만 최소한의 기준을 충족한다.도서목록의 책 제목은 이탤릭체로 표기해야 한다.스펜서T•C 01:59, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 04:48, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

RD: 이고르 보코빈스키

기사: 이고르 보코빈스키(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: NBC 뉴스

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

아이블리스 카운트 (토크) 03:59, 2021년 8월 24일 (UTC)

  • 의견/제시:이 1164자로 된 위키비오는 RD에 비해 너무 짧다.현재 온라인에는 영어 부고자가 꽤 있다.이 스텁은 이 새로운 부고에서 나온 재료들을 바탕으로 조금 확장할 수 있을까? --PFHLAI (토크) 02:22, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)
  • 너무 짧게 반대하다.바굼바 (대화) 10:38, 2021년 8월 27일 (UTC)

(우편) RD: 톰 T. 홀

기사:톰 T. 홀 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:CNN, 테네세안

위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

지명자의 의견: 참고가 필요한 일부 청구에 대한 표준 거부권.원시무스타드 (토크) 06:34, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)

  • 지원팀 정리했으니, 이제 좀 괜찮아야 할 것 같아.Teemu08 (대화) 13:36, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 지원 이 위키비오는 충분히 길고 참조가 필요한 각주가 있다.이 명칭은 RD를 위한 준비 완료. --PFHLAI (대화) 16:56, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 지원 문서는 RD를 위해 개선되고, 그것을 준비하기 위해 일하는 사람들에게 도움이 된다.코트체크(토크) 00:33, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)
  • Stephen 03:22, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)

RD: 척 클로즈

기사: Chuck Close(토크 · 히스토리 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 수호자

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:미국의 사실주의 화가그 글은 모양도 좋고 인용도 잘 되어 있다.2A00:23C5:5082:6101:5168:6B97:2327:A0C6 (대화) 17:09, 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC)

  • 논평: 기사의 CN 태그와 참조되지 않은 단락; 소개도 어느 정도 확장될 수 있다.스펜서T•C 01:57, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

(포스팅됨)신임 말레이시아 총리 임명

기사:이스마일 사브리 야코브(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
블럽:이스메일 사브리 야아코프(사진)가 말레이시아 총리임명된다. (우편)
대체 블럽:이스마일 사브리 야코브(사진)가 최근 사임한 무히딘 야신(Muhyiddin Yassin) 대신 말레이시아 총리로 임명됐다.
대체 블러브 II:이스마일 사브리 야아콥(사진)이 말레이시아 총리취임해 3년 만에 UMNO정권 복귀를 알렸다.
대체 블러브 III:이스마일 사브리 야아콥(사진)은 말레이시아 왕이 제9대 총리임명한다.
뉴스 출처:로이터, AP, DW, 더 스트레이츠 타임즈

기사 업데이트됨
지명된 이벤트는 WP에 열거되어 있다.ITN/R, 따라서 각각의 발생은 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다.논평은 기사와 업데이트의 품질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.중요성이 아니라 ITNCRIT.

명명자의 의견:나는 영어를 유창하게 말하고 쓰지 못하는 국민이지만 이스마일 사브리 야아코프가 말레이시아 총리에 임명되었다.누구나 그에 대한 새로운 정보를 추가할 수 있지만, 정부의 변화는 ITN/R (대화) 10:43, 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC)

  • 코멘트 신뢰할 수 있는 출처에 의한 보도는 오늘날 일어나고 있으므로, 나는 그것이 단지 형식적인 관직을 전제로 한 기사 1면에 가치가 있는 문제일 것이라고 추측할 수 있다.잠비아의 선거 게시물).Rawmustard (토크) 13:15, 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC)
빌어먹을, 그들은 비디오를 없앴다. -- (토크) 11:07, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)
  • 논평 PM 기사가 타겟 기사가 아닌 특별한 이유가 있는가?한눈에 봐도 성난 위기 1호보다 태그 등 문제가 적다. --Tone 11:00, 2021년 8월 21일(UTC)
  • 지지 altblurb II New PM이 이미 취임하였으므로 게시해야 할 수도 있다. (토크) 13:49, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC
  • 지원 세계 지도자들은 이미 이 지도자에게 전화를 걸고 있다.우리는 우리가 뉴스를 늦게 올리지 않기를 바란다--Exec8 (대화) 06:19, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • 설명:스토리는 ITN 소재지만, 블러브에서 어떤 링크가 과감해져야 하는가?제안된 대담한 연결고리는 3개의 오렌지색 꼬리표가 달린 기사인 2020~2021년 말레이시아 정치위기로 이어진다.우리는 ITN에서 그렇게 사용할 수 없어.대신 이스마일 사브리 야아콥 기사에 대한 지원이 있는가?기사 품질과 메인 페이지 출품 준비 상태에 초점을 맞추십시오. --PFHLAI (대화) 13:24, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)
2020~2021년 말레이시아의 정치적 위기는 말레이시아 프라인 장관의 사표와 임명에 따른 연대기가 있었기 때문에 정확한 대담한 연결고리라고 생각한다.이스마일 사브리 야아코프나 말레이시아 총리 대신 대담한 내용을 메인페이지에 올리고 싶다면 부담 갖지 마십시오. (토크) 18:37, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
2020~2021년 말레이시아 정치 위기는 오렌지 태그가 붙은 문제가 해결될 때까지 ITN의 목적을 달성할 수 없다.3개의 태그가 있다. --PFHLAI (talk) 19:40, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
제3차 블럽이 좋은 타협이 될 것 같아. -- Exec8 (대화) 02:08, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 지원 alt III – 로버츠키(토크) 08:36, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)
  • 포스팅.하지만 PM 기사는 더 말이 되므로 과감히 다루겠다. --Tone 09:40, 2021년 8월 23일(UTC)
  • 논평 이것을 촉발시킨 정치적 위기에 대해 적어도 약간의 언급이 있어야 하지 않을까?고티트브로 (대화) 14:52, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)
  • 코멘트 yes, 나는 그것이 언급되어야 한다는 것에 동의한다.알트 블럽(Ismail Sabri Yaakob(사진)정치적 위기 속에서 말레이시아 국왕제9대 총리로 임명한다)고 제안하고 싶다.이스마일 사브리에 대한 기사는 현재 위키프로젝트 말레이시아에 의해 "스타트 클래스"로만 여겨지고 있으며, 여전히 여러 언어 문제를 안고 있다는 점에 주목할 필요가 있다.그가 임명되기 불과 며칠 전까지만 해도 상황은 더욱 악화되어 있었다.정치적 위기에 대한 기사는 특정 부분을 개선하기 위해 몇 개의 태그가 있지만 이스마일 사브리의 그것보다 훨씬 더 잘 개발되고, 소싱되고, 쓰여진다.아르카해인드리스 (대화) 22:05, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)

8월 19일

무력 충돌 및 공격

비즈니스 및 경제

  • COVID-19 대유행, 2020~2021년 글로벌부족경제적 영향
    • 도요타는 아시아에서 COVID-19가 부활하면서 다음 달 생산 할당량을 40% 줄인다. 특히 생산과 관련된 업체들에 심각한 영향을 미친다.지금까지 이 회사는 대유행 기간 동안 생산을 축소하는 것을 피한 유일한 주요 자동차 제조사 중 한 곳이었다.폭스바겐도 비슷한 이유로 생산 쿼터를 줄여야 할 수도 있다고 경고하고 있다.(BBC뉴스)
  • 콘텐츠 구독 서비스 OnlyFans가 10월부터 성적으로 노골적인 내용을 금지한다고 발표한다.영국에 본사를 둔 회사에 따르면, 정책 변경은 "은행 파트너와 지불 제공자의 요구에 응하기 위한 것"이라고 한다.

재해 및 사고

보건 및 환경

국계 계

법과 범죄


  • 기록적인 역사상 처음으로 그린란드 정상에 비가 내린다.소나기는 얼음판에 70억톤 이상의 물을 쏟아부었다. (CNN)


(우편) RD: 피터 하딩 (RAF 장교, 1933년 출생)

기사: 피터 하딩(RAF 장교, 1933년생) (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 전신

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견: R.I.P. --PFHLAI (대화) 06:36, 2021년 8월 25일 (UTC)

RD: 주나이드 바부나가리

기사:주나이드 바부나가리(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:(GulfNews), (DhakaTribune)

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:참조에 대한 도움이 필요하다. --PFHLAI (대화) 05:28, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)

(포스팅됨) RD: 제임스 W. 루웬

기사:제임스 W. 로웬(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:뉴욕 타임즈; AP통신

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

블룸6132 (토크) 01:30, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)

  • 서포트 기사의 상태가 양호하다.비극적인 손실.호크예7 (토론) 02:17, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)
  • 재포맷을 해야 하는 다수의 발 쪽 참조가 있다. 그렇지 않으면 이 위키비오는 RD를 위해 준비된다.나는 일부 URL만 꾸미고 있는데, 잠시 오프라인 상태가 필요해.나머지를 다시 포맷할 수 있도록 나를 자유롭게 때려주십시오.고마워. --PFHLAI (대화) 21:41, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)
    • 참고문헌이 있는 한 잘 포맷된 참고문헌은 기대하지 않는 것 같다(죽은 고리가 하나 있기는 하지만).분명히 모든 베어리프만을 사용하고 있었다면 그건 문제가 되겠지만, 리프 정상화의 부재는 실제로 ITN 품질 문제가 아니다. --Masem (t) 21:44, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)
      나는 맨몸의 URL을 입히고, 죽은 링크를 아카이브에서 올렸다.호크예7 (토론) 23:00, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)
  • 게시 --PFHLAI(토크) 13:00, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)

(포스팅) RD: 마이클 컬런

기사: 마이클 컬런(정치인) (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 물건

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:NZ 전 부총리, 정치 30년상태가 좋은 기사. 니시노바 T C 05:33, 2021년 8월 20일(UTC)

  • 뉴질랜드의 중요한 정치인을 수십 년 동안 지지하라.적절한 인용구로 좋은 품질의 상품.키위크리스 (대화) 07:33, 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC)
  • 필요한 인용구 몇 개와 URL 몇 개를 사용하지 마십시오.람블링맨 (가면을 계속 쓰고...) 2021년 8월 20일 13시 51분 (UTC)
나는 이것을 바탕으로 참고자료를 개선했다.키위크리스 (대화) 03:50, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)
  • 게시된 URL은 더 이상 남아 있지 않고, 전혀 논란이 되지 않는 {{cn}} 태그는 1개뿐. (사소한/다양한 POV 이슈에 가깝다.) --PFHLAI (토크) 13:07, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)

(포스팅) RD: 아서 J. 암만

기사:아서 J. 암만(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:글로벌 전략(그가 설립한 에이즈 조직)

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:HIV를 발견한 면역학자는 자궁오염된 혈액제제를 통해 전염될 수 있다 — 오웬 블랙커 (그/그; 토크; {{ping}} 응답 중) 20:17, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)

  • 중요한 의사 및 연구자를 지원하십시오.기사가 좋은 것 같다.준비가 된 것 같다.피라미드09 (토크) 20:48, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • 참조되지 않은 대부분의 수상/명예에 반대한다.람블링맨 (가면을 계속 쓰고...) 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC) 13시 50분
  • 상부에 반대하다.사실 그 기사는 수상/명예 섹션이 없는 것이 더 나을 것이다.니게즈 (토크) 14:35, 2021년 8월 21일 (UTC)
    • @Rambling Man and Nigej:나는 검증할 수 없을 것 같은 총탄 포인트를 제거했고 시상식/명예 부문 총탄 포인트의 나머지 부분에 각주를 추가했다.지금은 나아졌나? --PFHLAI (대화) 16:37, 2021년 8월 22일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 02:36, 2021년 8월 23일 (UTC)

RD: 소니 지바

기사: 소니 지바 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 버라이어티

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 논평: 킬F&F:도쿄 드리프트에서 더 최근에 눈에 띄는 역할을 가진 다작의 일본 배우.COVID 관련 사망.기사는 게시하기 위해 많은 소싱 TLC가 필요하다.마셈 (t) 17:06, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)

  • 지원:동아시아뿐 아니라 서양에서도 잘 알려진 국제 영화배우.주요 언론이 보도한 사망 보도.기사는 RD를 위한 충분한 형태를 갖추고 있다.CurryTime7-24 (대화) 21:47, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • 지원 Per CurryTime7. --NonIcarus (토크) 22:22, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC
  • CurryTime7 당 지원.인라인 ref가 더 나을 수도 있지만, 문제가 있을 정도로 나쁘지는 않다. OwenBlacker (그/him; talk; me {{ping}} 응답) 22:31, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • 반대 – 여러 개의 비소싱 단락Bloom6132 (대화) 22:34, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • 반대는 소싱에 많은 노력이 필요하다.폰킹3 (대화) 22:40, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • 반대 그 글에는 몇 개의 태그가 있다.하나만테오 (토크) 07:03, 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC)

(우편) RD: 빌 프리한

기사: 프리한(토크 · 히스토리 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:디트로이트 프리 프레스;디트로이트 뉴스; MLB.com

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

블룸6132 (토크) 16:51, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)

  • 지원 양호한 범위 깊이, 완전히 참조.스펜서T•C 17:45, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • Stephen 01:14, 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC)

(포스팅됨) RD: Volodymyr Holubnychy

기사: Volodymyr Holubnychy(토크 · 히스토리 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처: 월드 애슬레틱스

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

노미네이터의 논평: 올림픽 5회 우승과 올림픽 2회 우승.아비셰 (대화) 15:10, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)

  • RD를 지원하기에 충분해 보인다.요셉2302 (대화) 10:39, 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC)
  • 게시됨. --PFHLAI (대화) 12:19, 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC)

8월 18일

무력 충돌 및 공격

재해 및 사고

보건 및 환경


(우편) RD: B. 웨인 휴즈

기사:B. 웨인 휴즈 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:로스앤젤레스 타임즈; AP통신

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

블룸6132 (대화) 10:34, 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC)

  • 약한 지원 대상. 대상자의 부동산 경력에 대해 좀 더 자세히 알고 싶지만, 무엇이 최소한의 기준에 부합하는지.참조됨.스펜서T•C 14:12, 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC)
  • 게시 --PFHLAI(토크) 12:59, 2021년 8월 22일(UTC)

(우편) RD: 올라브 아크셀센

기사:올라브 아크셀센 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:NRK, Dagsavisen(둘 다 노르웨이어)

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:8월 18일에 발표된 죽음, 괜찮은 기사처럼 보인다.요셉2302 (토크) 15:46, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)

  • 지원 – 잘 참조됨(AGF 모든 노르웨이 참조). 최소 ITN 요구 사항을 충족하는 것 같음.Bloom6132 (대화) 21:43, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • 반대: 지역적으로만 중요한 정치인.CurryTime7-24 (대화) 22:56, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
    그것은 타당한 반대는 아니다. 그는 노르웨이 의회의 일원으로서 위키피디아 기사에 충분히 주목할 만하다. 따라서 그는 RD에 충분히 주목할 만하다고 추정된다.폰킹3 (대화) 22:59, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
    지원:그럴 경우, 나는 반대 의견을 철회하고 출처 AGF에 근거하여 "지지"를 투표한다 —CurryTime7-24 (토크) 23:05, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • 게시. 모든 비영어권 출처 AGF. --PFHLAI (토크) 02:16, 2021년 8월 20일 (UTC)

(포스트) RD: 프란츠 요제프 알텐부르크

기사:프란츠 요제프 알텐부르크 (토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
독일어로 된 뉴스 소스많은 정보

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

명명자의 의견:80세 생일을 맞이하여 오스트리아 최고의 예술 장식을 막 받은 유명한 오스트리아의 도예가는 아직 기사가 없었다. - 그것을 바꾼 모든 사람들에게 감사한다.게르다 아렌트 (대화) 13:46, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)

  • 지원: 국제적인 지위에 있는 저명한 예술가.좋은 기사다; 독일 소식통도 확인해봐.CurryTime7-24 (대화) 23:00, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • 영어 이외의 모든 출처에 AGF를 게시함. --PFHLAI(토크) 03:13, 2021년 8월 20일(UTC)

(우편) RD: Joseph L. Galloway

기사:조셉 L. 갤러웨이(토크 · 역사 · 태그)
최근 사망자 지명(우편)
뉴스 출처:워싱턴 포스트; AP 통신; 유나이티드 프레스 인터내셔널

기사 업데이트됨
위키백과 기사와 함께 어떤 사람이나 동물 또는 유기체의 최근 죽음은 항상 게시할 수 있을 만큼 충분히 중요한 것으로 추정된다(이 RFC추가 토론 참조).논평은 기사의 질이 WP를 충족하는지 여부에 초점을 맞추어야 한다.ITNRD.

블룸6132 (토크) 10:12, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)

  • 지원 적절한 범위 깊이, 참조.스펜서T•C 12:33, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • RD를 위한 충분한 지원 이상.요셉2302 (토크) 13:51, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • 지원 그 기사는 상태가 양호하고 참조가 잘 되어 있다.하나만테오 (토크) 15:28, 2021년 8월 19일 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 01:28, 20 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Austin Mitchell

Article: Austin Mitchell (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): BBC

Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Veteran British Member of Parliament. Article is pretty good. Black Kite (talk) 23:28, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support Article is good and well referenced. Seems good to go. Pyramids09 (talk) 04:42, 19 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 05:05, 19 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) Russia to test nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed cruise missile

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Article: 9M730 Burevestnik (talk · history · tag)
Blurb: Russia to test the 9M730 Burevestnik nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed cruise missile (Post)
News source(s): CNN
Count Iblis (talk) 20:33, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Just another missile test, fails notability. Pyramids09 (talk) 21:31, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose This user consistently fails to update the articles they nominate. There is no indication whatsoever in the target article of this being in the news. Pawnkingthree (talk) 22:00, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose – Beneath the radar. – Sca (talk) 22:16, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

(Posted) RD: Sean Lock

Article: Sean Lock (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): (BBC)

Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: British comedian, refs need improvement improved Mjroots (talk) 10:24, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

Added a lot of refs. Will try and find more later. Lugnuts Fire Walk with Me 11:27, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Referencing seems to have improved, article looks good now.--Jayron32 12:54, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Ritchie333 (talk) (cont) 14:16, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Post posting support Note: date of death not yet determined now reported today as 16th August. Martinevans123 (talk) 14:21, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

August 17

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

Politics and elections

Science and technology

(Posted) RD: Rock Demers

Article:Rock Demers (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s):CTV News (Canadian Press); Le Journal de Montréal

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Bloom6132 (talk) 13:27, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Carolyn S. Shoemaker

Article: Carolyn S. Shoemaker (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): Planetary News

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Article updated and well sourced. Her death happened on the 13th but was confirmed by Lisa Gaddis, Director of the Lunar and Planetary Institute today. --TDKR Chicago 101 (talk) 02:26, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support looks good enough for RD. Joseph2302 (talk) 10:35, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support. Pretty good article on a fairly obscure figure. Ready to go. Modest Genius talk 10:51, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posting. The tag about contradiction is not too big of a problem to prevent posting. --Tone 12:21, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Maki Kaji

Article: Maki Kaji (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): NYTimes

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Person credited with popularizing sudoku puzzles. Died on the 10th but only seeing mass coverage of it today. Article is far too short right now to post, but obits today may help. Masem (t) 13:48, 17 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support - Short but referenced fully so sufficient, Start article. --BabbaQ (talk) 22:52, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support – well-referenced; now meets minimum ITN requirements. —Bloom6132 (talk) 01:13, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 01:56, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

August 16

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

Law and crime

  • The Speaker of the Tongan Parliament, Lord Fakafanua, introduces the Illicit Drugs Control (Amendment) Bill 2021 for debate in the legislative assembly. The Speaker wants a mandatory death sentence for serious drug offenses. Tonga has a moratorium on the death penalty and has not used it in more than four decades. (RNZ International)
  • The last living Khmer Rouge leader, Khieu Samphan, appears before a court in Phnom Penh in order to appeal his conviction and attempt to overturn it. The 90-year-old's hearing is expected to last for only a few days as analysts say that it is very unlikely that he will succeed in his appeal. (Deutsche Welle)
  • In an unanimous decision, the Supreme Court of Uganda strikes down a 2014 law outlawing the distribution of pornography and wearing of "indecent" clothes as unconstitutional. Women's rights groups in the country campaigned against the law since its inception, saying it unfairly singled out women for discrimination. (BBC News)

Politics and elections


RD: Anandha Kannan

Article: Anandha Kannan (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): The Indian Express
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Tamil VJ Pharaoh of the Wizards (talk) 07:24, 20 August 2021 (UTC)

  • This wikibio, with less than 100 characters of prose, is a stub. The Filmography section has no references. Please expand and add more references. Thanks. --PFHLai (talk) 23:01, 20 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) 2021 Zambian general election

Article:2021 Zambian general election (talk · history · tag)
Blurb:Hakainde Hichilema (pictured) is elected President of Zambia. (Post)
News source(s):BBC, Africanews
Article updated
The nominated event is listed on WP:ITN/R, so each occurrence is presumed to be important enough to post. Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article and update meet WP:ITNCRIT, not the significance.

Joofjoof (talk) 08:30, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support, though the domestic reaction could be a bit longer, given the fact that the incumbent president called it unfair. But most of the content is there. --Tone 09:25, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Weak oppose for now - some more prose needed on the results, particularly as it seems the electoral commission has confirmed the result this morning. Looks good otherwise though, and this is quite a momentous result, as the incumbent Lungu is seen as quite a "strong man" and he might yet attempt to overturn the results. — Amakuru (talk) 09:53, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    Support. Outcome now confirmed in the article, along with Lungu's concession, and looks good otherwise. Good to go. — Amakuru (talk) 09:31, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Not a big fan of the Twitter refs, but the article is OK. AllegedlyHuman (talk) 18:37, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posting. --Tone 09:49, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment - I've raised a query with Icem4k regarding the image above, to check if it is appropriately licensed for use on the main page. It has an author of "National Archives of Zambia" so not sure if it's Icem4k's own work or not. We should probably hold off posting the image until that's confirmed. Cheers — Amakuru (talk) 10:41, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
    Update. Icem4k has now confirmed to me that the image is their own, so I've swapped it in. Cheers — Amakuru (talk) 11:14, 17 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) Malaysia government collapses

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Article: 2020–21 Malaysian political crisis (talk · history · tag)
Blurb: Malaysian prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin resigns following the withdrawal of support by one of the government coalition's parties (Post)
News source(s): [22] [23]
Article updated
Nominator's comments: Currently I'm seeing much more coverage of the regime change in Afghanistan. Article is also orange tagged. Banedon (talk) 08:27, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment In addition to the multiple orange tags, this appears to be a mundane hand-off of power. I'm struggling to discover what makes this a "crisis" when it is routine politics elsewhere. (talk) 08:59, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose we usually wait until someone else is appointed, as that is ITNR. And the article has multiple orange and yellow tags that would need fixing before it could even be considered. If someone takes over, fix their article and then that can run. Joseph2302 (talk) 09:34, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support if Muhyiddin's replacement announced For me, it should not be posted because there is unknown who is successor of Muhyiddin and usually the change of government be posted as ITNR. (talk) 11:11, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support... kinda. Yes, normally we wait for a successor to be at least named and for their successorship to be accepted by a decent enough size group to "count" before we post. This is unique, however - it's not so much "government that had support at one point collapses, successor unknown", it's more of "yet another attempt at having a government fails in Malaysia". To many, my view may seem like it should lead to an oppose - and in a vacuum, it would - however I feel it is also useful to consider the fact that another government has collapsed - the Afghan elected government. I think the mere fact that the elected government of one country and the "status quo" government of another have fallen within hours of each other is significant enough to warrant both being posted in ITN - but I'm not sure that a blurb for each is warranted. I do think the situation in Malaysia should be covered in the ITN section of the main page somehow... but I'm not sure how is best. My suggestion is to have a combined blurb such as In Afghanistan, the government collapses as the capital Kabul is taken by the Taliban while in Malaysia, the coalition government collapses after its leaders resign. To me the mere fact that two governments have collapsed in such close succession is itself a fact that is "in the news" - but this is just my opinion really. I would not be surprised to see news stories dedicated to the temporal concurrence soon. The collapse of the Malaysian government doesn't really qualify for ongoing (for reasons I don't think need explaining), but this is another option - post the crisis there to ongoing until a new government is formed (or something else happens that would blurb-qualify), then give it a blurb. TLDR: I think Malaysia should be somehow referenced in the ITN section, but with regards to how and where exactly, I'm flummoxed. -bɜ:ʳkənhɪmez (User/say hi!) 14:06, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I don't think that combining this with the Kabul blurb is a good idea. Let's simply post when the new PM is appointed. --Tone 17:32, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Agree that we should not combine this with the Afghanistan blurb. The two events have absolutely nothing to do with each other, and combining them would be bizarre to say the least. We don't combine election blurbs when elections in multiple countries occur at around the same time; the same principle applies here. Mlb96 (talk) 20:14, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose, and I'm combining that with opposition to the Canadian government's collapse; no prejudice against posting either next PM in good time. InedibleHulk (talk) 02:09, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose. We could post the result of the new government formation, but not the end of an old one. Kabul was different because that was a military conquest, not standard politics. Re-nominate if/when there is a new prime minister. Modest Genius talk 11:02, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Wait Change of government is ITN/R, so we'll surely post something, but it's best to wait for some more developments. His resignation can be part of a blurb about his successor whenever they're named. Vanilla Wizard 💙 22:51, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

August 15

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology

RD: Joe Walton

Article: Joe Walton (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): NYT

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: American football player and longtime coach. AllegedlyHuman (talk) 00:20, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Sourcing is missing atm. – Muboshgu (talk) 16:26, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • More refs, please. There are at least six paragraphs with zero footnotes. --PFHLai (talk) 13:40, 20 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Paul Mitchell (politician)

Article: Paul Mitchell (politician) (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): Detroit News

Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Muboshgu (talk) 16:34, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support Article well sourced and updated. --TDKR Chicago 101 (talk) 16:42, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    TDKR Chicago 101, I was just about to come back here to put you on as an updater, thanks for adding some of the sourcing. – Muboshgu (talk) 16:46, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Looks good! --Vacant0 (talk) 11:00, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support The article is in good shape and well-referenced. Hanamanteo (talk) 13:39, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support well referenced and ready.BabbaQ (talk) 22:50, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 02:39, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

RD: Cary M. Maguire

Article: Cary M. Maguire (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): The Dallas Morning News

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: First reported today (August 15); died on August 10 —Bloom6132 (talk) 10:59, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Oppose Poorly sourced and only a stub. Inexpiable (talk) 17:16, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    @Inexpiable: every paragraph is sourced. And it's 2,094 characters long (i.e. >1,500 characters), so not a stub. —Bloom6132 (talk) 17:32, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    It appears to be largely sourced to the Maguire Center and the Maguire Energy Institute, which don't look like independent sources.-- Pawnkingthree (talk) 17:39, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
@Bloom6132: The stub template is still present at the bottom of the page. Also a lot of Citation overkill, red links, and references not cited correctly such as these sources: [24], [25] Inexpiable (talk) 17:41, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose as above. If you remove personal life etc, the main body about the activities that would make him notable are 5 lines. Secondly, the sourcing is not appropriate, out of the 11 sources, 1-4, 7 and 9-11 are not independent as they are either profiles from his company's page, or from organisations that he sponsors, so obviously they would be very friendly Bumbubookworm (talk) 02:42, 17 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Michael M. Thomas

Article: Michael M. Thomas (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): The New York Times

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: First reported today (August 15); died on August 7 —Bloom6132 (talk) 03:12, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support It's short but well-referenced, enough for a RD. --Vacant0 (talk) 11:01, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support good enough for RD. Joseph2302 (talk) 11:07, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support The article is in good shape and well-referenced. Hanamanteo (talk) 13:40, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support - good to go.BabbaQ (talk) 22:49, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 00:45, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Ernie Sigley

Article: Ernie Sigley (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): ABC

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Highly awarded Australian TV and radio host HiLo48 (talk) 02:26, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support Story checks out. InedibleHulk (talk) 03:10, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • READY Just sorted out the last couple of citation needed issues. I think this is ready to go. HiLo48 (talk) 01:52, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support I filled up one cn tag, its fully ready now. --Vacant0 (talk) 11:06, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose There are several tags in the article. Hanamanteo (talk) 17:01, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
There weren't yesterday. I do wish people would put the effort into finding sources, rather than just finding fault. I'll probably just delete that content, even though it's in no way controversial, just to get this posted. Is that how we want ITN to work? HiLo48 (talk) 22:15, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • READY Removed uncited material. HiLo48 (talk) 01:36, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 02:42, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) 2020–21 Formula E World Championship

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Proposed image
Article: 2020–21 Formula E World Championship (talk · history · tag)
Blurb: In autosport, Nyck de Vries wins the Formula E World Championship. (Post)
Alternative blurb: In autosport, Nyck de Vries wins the Formula E World Championship, while Mercedes-EQ claim the teams' title.
News source(s): motorsport.com
Nominator's comments: Not an ITNR item but could be since it has became a world championship. Unnamelessness (talk) 15:29, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose target is weak, and doesn't really describe in detail the events of the season. It appears that the Nyck de Vries article isn't even updated, unless you consider one unreferenced sentence a suitable improvement. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 17:00, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Motorsport is already well represented at ITN. The argument to add more would be either that the event is very popular (such as the EPL), or distinct enough form existing codes/formats to be treated as it's own (Grey Cup). Formula E has too weak argument on both fronts at this stage. GreatCaesarsGhost 17:16, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
The physical football can start in a wider range of places in college than in NFL which makes strategy less rote and emphasizes the asymmetry and specialization between the strong side players on the strong side of the ball and the weak side players on the weak side, is that distinct enough? Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 18:15, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 18:22, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Remember the hundreds of times a game when the fatties get ready for sumo then one snaps the ball? In NFL you can only do that up to 9.25 feet from the centerline, in college you can do that up to 20 feet from the centerline (the one parallel to the side of the field). The ball starting further from the center affects play. Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 19:58, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose both on importance and article quality. Formula E is a poor man's Formula One (which is why it's filled with F1 rejects and youngstars hoping to make the step up to F1 in the future). Not important enough to a broad audience therefore. On article quality, it would need a summary like 2020 Formula One World Championship#Season summary. Joseph2302 (talk) 18:24, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    • If we're going by the criteria above than we would never post anything that isn't F1 because every other motorsport on the planet is filled with as you put it F1 rejects and youngsters hoping to make the step up to F1 in the future, and given F1 is by far the richest motorsport formula around, again, everything else is a poor man's Formula One by that standard. Abcmaxx (talk) 22:08, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
      • Well WEC or DTM would be considered way more notable, as they're proper series in their own right (and not filled with rejects like Formula E) But Formula E isn't anywhere near as popular as any of those- the champion is a Mercedes F1 test driver. Joseph2302 (talk) 22:16, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
        • DTM is a terrible example, the winner René Rast is leaving to join Formula E permanently after many years of being on the FE sidelines! Let's also add that DTM famously failed to expand outside of Germany many times and even within Germany struggled to get manufacturers onboard. Abcmaxx (talk) 22:34, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Not even in the sports news. Kingsif (talk) 18:53, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose: even though it's a FIA world championship, that doesn't grant it automatic ITNR status; whether it should is a different matter. My own view is that if we were to give another FIA championship ITNR status, I'd go for the WEC over FE, because despite the FIA's efforts, it's still not seen as equal to F1, the WRC, or the WEC. Sceptre (talk) 20:28, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support I do not agree with the comments above; this championship is unique, as are the cars, format and everything else about it and does have widespread coverage, more so than most other motorsport events. We should not be looking what newspapers/media outlets post, if we did we'd never post any sports news that isn't top 5-EPL football news; the criteria is it encyclopaedic and is it important, and I would strongly argue yes to both. There's a reason all major car manufacturers and top racing drivers take part, and TV rights are hotly contested by e.g. Eurosport. Also it's truly global, unlike some of the other motorsports that get posted. Abcmaxx (talk) 22:02, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • We should not be looking what newspapers/media outlets post - literally how else would you define "in the news". Please, tell me. Also, Eurosport is basically brand new and everyone hates it for stealing Olympic airing rights for all of Europe so national broadcasters got shafted but go off on its relevance lol Kingsif (talk) 01:19, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Agreed, "in the news" is for covering what is in the news, that people might come on here to look at. Seeing as Formula E didn't even make BBC News (and was never more covered than halfway down the news articles on BBC Sport), I don't see how anyone can suggest that this is ITN-worthy. Joseph2302 (talk) 09:15, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

(Posted RD) RD/Blurb: Gerd Müller

Article:Gerd Müller (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination
Blurb:German footballer Gerd Müller dies at the age of 75. (Post)
News source(s):BBC, Süddeutsche Zeitung

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: One of the most famous German footballers. SoWhy 11:51, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Comment Oof, tricky. Legendary in the sport, obviously, but I'm unsure he rises to the level of a blurb ... that's a borderline one. Anyway, oppose for the moment due to unsourced content.Black Kite (talk) 12:20, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment As Müller was a legend in his sport I would support RD only (I dont see a blurb justified). With 555 league-matches and 487 league goals he is/was a unit and regarding this equal to Messi (552 league-caps and 485 league-goals). I would like to know if there are other footballer than müller and Messi who played that many league matches and have a better match-score-ratio. --LennBr (talk) 14:22, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
It's odd how I (and many Americans) find it boring that Messi can get only ~0.9 goals per game instead of like 3 or 4 but if a baseballer ever gets 0.4 home runs per game (which is 3-4 hours) again for even 1 season without doping I'd be amazed (my soccer attention span is 2 hours per matchday per World Cup) Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 19:01, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
That's why I (and many Earthlings) would rather watch MMA, where even the low-card losers regularly rack up 24 to 28 points in 15 minutes. InedibleHulk (talk) 02:46, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
Why do some combat athletes that suck get 8 points? It's like you're equally skilled you can still get 9 points, you suck you get 8 points, you suck AND commit a foul you get 7 points. If MMA was like soccer they'd have to start 100 yards apart, one guy would have to try to connect a kick to the head in 1 try while handcuffed and the other would have to wait for the kick to reach a point chosen to be "the end of easily duckable" (to keep score around 2-0) before he can duck to simulate not knowing whether to dive left or right till the soccer ball leaves the foot (and for fairness the rest of the kick would have to be as predictable as a fast kick could be, no more tricks). Penalize touching opponent besides a kick to the head so no one does it, alternate turns from 100 yards, repeat for 96 minutes with a short halftime unless there's an instant win like ref stoppage. If you can hire Telemundo or Univision soccer commentators then even better (I don't know if you get Mexican channels like us but if you watch enough soccer eventually one of the instances of speedtalk and getting more and more excited isn't a miss so they take a deep breath and yell GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! GOL! like a train horn and the goal also replaces the score with the word GOL rotating like a planet and starts a railroad crossing bell sound or siren or something like that) Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 22:28, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
What would make soccer fun again is just a return to a simpler foul system. If a player is accidentally kicked in the eye, junk or back of the neck, put the cards away and see if they can shake it off, ref! If not, instant draw. If the kick's intentional, instant win! If instant replay shows it was a free and fair cleat to the upper inner thigh, kisser or temple, the attacking team (and the crowd) celebrate sudden victory with style points, and go home happy, maybe drink a [British Coors equivalent] and get on top of their husbands and/or wives like they used to in Rome. InedibleHulk (talk) 02:50, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
A team that only needs a draw to advance will try to get someone bumped and he'll flop in pain till the game ends. Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 03:06, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
Just like real life! Anyway, I gotta run. Just remember, in all sincerity, they don't have to suck for pieces of eight anymore, the judges' cabal lowered the bar three or four years ago. InedibleHulk (talk) 03:23, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
It was probably started to make boxing matches seem closer than they actually are, a dumb trick that still helps a little like the prices ending in 9's thing. It just seems closer than say 3 points for a win and 0 being like a 7 (can you get 7 points in UFC now without fouling? I don't know how many levels the judges can differentiate, they should just use that many tiers and make the lowest tier without fouling 0 points) Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 21:03, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
A natural 10-7 is a rare bird indeed, and oddly enough, Sammy Morgan got his (from one judge) well before the 10-8 was made easier. There are also very rare two-point foul deductions. So, in theory, a five-point must system is all we need to give a zero to those unicorns who just barely survive despite cheating like there's no tomorrow, without worrying about scorecards dipping into the Minus World (which I assume would destroy all worlds). InedibleHulk (talk) 01:52, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support blurb - Major international footballer. Mjroots (talk) 14:25, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose blurb for consistency. We didn't post Cruyff so Muller doesn't get posted. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 14:41, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    And for such a "legendary player", pitiful coverage of his career in the article. For a quick comparison, see Johan Cruyff. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 16:53, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support blurb, as a major figure in his field ( football). Jackattack1597 (talk) 15:05, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support blurb I supported a blurb for Cruyff and would like to support one for Müller. The wrong that no blurb was posted for Cruyff's death cannot be righted by not posting this one. After all, football is a very big deal so there should be some room to post iconic and influential players other than Maradona.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 15:07, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Old Man Dies RD only, please. If he's famous, people will still notice and click his name. Especially his fans. InedibleHulk (talk) 15:31, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support blurb when page up to scratch: As I saw cited on Ballon d'Or, Muller was one of eight players to win the World Cup, European Cup/Champions League and Ballon d'Or. [26] That's an exclusive club. He remains 87 goals clear in the Bundesliga scoring charts 42 years after his retirement. The decision not to post Cruyff - who aside from his club, international and managerial honours was recognised as one of the true transformers of football into its modern form [27] - should not form precedent. Unknown Temptation (talk) 15:43, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose blurb on the simple grounds that one was not posted for Cruyff.--WaltCip-(talk) 16:03, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose blurb In addition to the facts pointed above, this article is awfully short for someone claimed to be a major player. His stats may be impressive, but let's compare to someone like Pelé or Wayne Gretzky (in terms of content) --Masem (t) 16:58, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose blurb for now. We have pretty high standards for death blurbs in virtually every category except politicians (who, by virtue of their leadership of a nation probably ought to get death blurbs the most often). Is Gerd Muller one of the greatest soccer players of all time? I'd argue that he falls short of the Maradona/Pele/Messi standard, so he doesn't get a blurb. (As evidence, consider this list or this list, both of which put him all the way down at 12th all time; or this list which has him at 17th. All the lists seem to imply we were wrong to deny Cruyff a blurb, though, as they all elevate Cruyff into that Maradona/Pele/Messi echelon.) NorthernFalcon (talk) 19:39, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Also, not that it matters, but there are fourteen footballers who are listed as Level 4 vital articles, and Gerd Muller is not one of them. To me, that suggests that he's just not high enough up the list for a death blurb. NorthernFalcon (talk) 19:48, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Also worth noting that the "vital articles" project is run by a tiny enclave who debate who is and who is not vital. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 20:23, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    Then again, doesn't ITN operate the same way? WaltCip-(talk) 14:22, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose blurb per article quality, too short for that. But support RD.BabbaQ (talk) 20:35, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted RD --PFHLai (talk) 23:26, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) Afghan Government collapse

Article:2021 Taliban offensive (talk · history · tag)
Blurb:Afghan president Ashraf Ghani resigns as Taliban forces enter Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan ending the twenty-year long war. (Post)
Alternative blurb:The Afghan government collapses and Kabul falls to the Taliban during its offensive.
Alternative blurb II:Afghan president Ashraf Ghani flees the country as Taliban forces enter Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, ending the twenty-year long war.
Alternative blurb III:The Afghan government collapses as the capital city of Kabul falls to the ongoing offensive by the Taliban and President Ashraf Ghani flees the country.
News source(s):Alarabiya News, AP, BBC, Guardian, Reuters, Al Jazeera, MSN

Nominator's comments: Obviously post it when (if) it happens, but given that Al Arabiya has a pretty good track record of generally being cautious with their sources, I doubt this doesnt come true. -- (talk) 10:03, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Wait: We cannot posting WP:CRYSTAL predictions, it maybe cannot be happen as the event progressed. If the information is true, i will Support the blurb to be posted with alternate blurb. (talk) 10:15, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    Obviously, that's why I wrote what I wrote in my comment. But given that this is almost certainly going to happen in then next few hours, we might as well prepare the article and the blurb beforehand (talk) 10:21, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    Your nomination, with that blurb, is wholly premature. You cannot expect editors to support something which is simply not true, let alone not published by any news outlet. Martinevans123 (talk) 12:09, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Wait till the president of the new "transitional government" is announced. We can also nominate an RD for Afghan women's rights Scaramouche33 (talk) 10:47, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    Well, that's not all that bad. At least Bacha bazi's gonna be banned (talk) 10:58, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    I see. So that makes a brutal medieval fundamentalist regime, which enslaves women, perfectly acceptable, yes? Must have been in that Taliban manifesto leaflet I binned. Martinevans123 (talk) 12:13, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    I did not say it's preferable, what you are doing is a textbook example of stramanning. With that being said, as a left0-wing atheist who is fundamentally opposed to the Taliban's ideology, if I had a choice between making my daughter wear hijab outside, and having my son get raped by some 50-year old militia commander, I'd prefer the former to the latter. Cheers. (talk) 15:17, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    Have her married off at 13 to a Taliban murderer and endure a life of domestic drudgery too, would you? But I'm not sure choices in Afghanistan are quite that simple. And not sure Bacha bazi is likely to feature in any ITN blurb. Martinevans123 (talk) 12:48, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Wait, but post once Kabul falls.Jackattack1597 (talk) 11:15, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Wait Call me crazy, but the last time the Taliban was in control as thousands of Americans arrived to liberate and protect their "Afghan people", this endless 20-year war began. InedibleHulk (talk) 11:21, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Extended content
Maybe we should wait until 9/11, when the "planned withdrawal" was supposed to be complete? Martinevans123 (talk) 11:25, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Good idea. What's the tallest symbolic building left standing in Afghanistan? When we see it crumble on TV, then we can safely say mission accomplished, "we got 'em" or whatever again. InedibleHulk (talk) 11:36, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
I think Osama bin Laden's been found. But was it posted at ITN? Martinevans123 (talk) 11:39, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Well, I always thought he was killed in 2001, before ITN was cool. InedibleHulk (talk) 11:44, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
"Meanwhile, wisps of smoke could be seen near the embassy’s roof as diplomats urgently destroyed sensitive documents, according to two American military officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the situation." InedibleHulk (talk) 12:12, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Wait—But I will obviously support when it happens (I wish I could also say "if" it happens). Kurtis (talk) 11:27, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support – in principle – as story develops. Widely covered (see added sources above). No-brainer. – Sca (talk) 12:02, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Wait until he actually resigns and they enter the capital. At the moment, sources are saying that he could resign, that he is planning to resign or is in negotiations over resigning, but hasn't resigned quite yet. At the moment, Kabul is still under govt control, although that could change by the end of the day. When/if these events happen, Strong Support for their inclusion, as they would be some of the biggest intl' news in recent memory. Goodposts (talk) 12:19, 15 August 2021 (UTC) P.S. Just a few hours after I posted this, Ghani left the country and the Taliban entered Kabul. There is nothing to wait for anymore. Goodposts (talk) 14:45, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment - We should be using this article Battle of Kabul (2021) Sherenk1 (talk) 12:28, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support (and oh, cr*p...) - The Economic Times has confirmed here... Turns out that was confirmation that he will step down, not that he has stepped down... Anyways... Tube·of·Light 13:25, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support in a few hours Jerusalem Post has reported the resignation as fact. Juxlos (talk) 13:41, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support once Kabul falls pending quality. Thus ends the Vietnam of our times. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 14:05, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Some of us actually remember this. – Sca (talk) 14:09, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support. The current situation is that capitulation talks are ongoing, that's big news in its own right. Count Iblis (talk) 14:14, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Juxlos' Alt, pending extreme cleanup on Jalali. InedibleHulk (talk) 14:18, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    Al Jazeera says Ghani has left Kabul for Tajikistan. Not clear whether he's resigned. – Sca (talk) 14:20, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

(edit conflict)

  • Support BBC now reporting that Ashraf Ghani has done a runner, this is all over bar the shouting. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 14:18, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Well, now Vietnam has been surpassed as a metaphor for U.S. military catastrophes.--WaltCip-(talk) 14:22, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Smile for the camera, boys. – Sca (talk) 14:31, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment Proposing altblurb 2 based on the recent developments (talk) 15:11, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support for altblurb2. Kabul has fallen, Afghanistan continued their reputation to be graveyard for empires. SunDawntalk 15:22, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Wait until final collapse confirmed. Papers still reporting Taliban preparing to enter Kabul. — Amakuru (talk) 15:40, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    "Fallen" not yet unequivocally reported by major RS sources, obvious though it seems. T-ban quoted saying there'll be no transitional government, they're waiting for govt. to surrender. (U.S. embassy staff being moved to Kabul airport.) – Sca (talk) 15:42, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Question: Is ending the twenty-year long war in the proposed blurbs really true? --PFHLai (talk) 15:46, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    War in Afghanistan (2001–present) says no. InedibleHulk (talk) 16:04, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    Even Operation Freedom's Sentinel has 16 days left, semiofficially. InedibleHulk (talk) 16:22, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    The American invasion was a reasonably direct outgrowth of the Afghan Civil War, which in turn was an extension of the Soviet invasion, which was triggered by various uprisings in response to the Saur Revolution. Combat in Afghanistan has been reasonably constant for the past 43 years. --Carnildo (talk) 05:14, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    If you want to go back even more reasonably, Winston Churchill once realized, "The Pashtun tribes are always engaged in private or public war." If an unknown number of sensitive ancient documents hadn't been blown to infinity, we'd have real trouble disambiguating one War in Afghanistan from the next. Apparently excellent toward strangers, though; maybe if Hypothetical Group X only invades for a couple of weeks next time, and stays cool, relatively modern peace might finally have a goddamned chance. InedibleHulk (talk) 06:13, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support with comment It deserves to go main page but can we conclude that the 20 years war has ended? I think the last phrase should be removed.Seyyed(t-c) 15:55, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Seyyed's proposal above I haven't seen sources saying that the war is over. So I don't think we should be posting that part of the hook. Joseph2302 (talk) 16:06, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support alt blurb 1 Government has collapses and Kabul was overtaken, as reported by multiple sources. The potential set up of a transitional government is a formality that doesn't change what has already happened on the ground. Nice4What (talk · contribs) – (Thanks ) 16:11, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posting alt1, for which it seems we have the most consensus. Feel free to adjust as the story develops. --Tone 16:21, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Now let the fun begin. – Sca (talk) 17:26, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Alt added as President fleeing is a major event. ArionEstar (talk) 21:35, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Update death toll The wiki page and multiple sources revise the death toll to be over about 1 300. JMonkey2006 (talk) 00:00, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • @JMonkey2006: for the fall of Kabul? Or did you mean to post this on the Haiti thread? Juxlos (talk) 00:36, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
Yes I did! Got caught in the moment haha JMonkey2006 (talk) 00:46, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Should the offensive still be ongoing? Seems like there isn’t much left for the Taliban to take over. Juxlos (talk) 00:36, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    • Thanks for bringing up this point. The word "ongoing" is now removed from the blurb on MainPage. --PFHLai (talk) 02:17, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Strong post posting support for alt 3 or 1; major event that pretty much ends the war, though I don't think saying so would be strictly correct. Nixinova T C 04:49, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    It's all over but the fleeing. [28] [29] [30] [31] [32]Sca (talk) 12:34, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Post-posting support. I !voted to wait on previous noms, in the expectation that the Taliban would be victorious within a month or so. I was not expecting less than a week! Apparently conclusive end to a 20yr war. Modest Geniustalk 14:23, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    Or latest pause in a 50-year one. (Or pushing 200-years, if you want to be even more maximalist one.) US and the Afghan government are gone as protagonists, but might not be too long until the civil -- or conceivably otherwise -- war reconfigures. AB1 or AB3 are for that reason better. (Are we still open here in consideration of mid-posting tweaks of that kind?) (talk) 00:33, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Very Strong Post-Posting Support – The Afghanistan Government has collapsed and surrendered to the Taliban, the terrorist group that controlled most of the country prior to the start of the war. This also ends the 20-year-long war. Definitely needed to be posted. LightandDark2000 🌀 (talk) 18:15, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

August 14

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

International relations

Politics and elections

RD: Gabriel Fortuné

Article: Gabriel Fortuné (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): AJC

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Former mayor of Les Cayes and Haitian senator; died in the earthquake. Article needs expansion, but has enough sources to make it happen. AllegedlyHuman (talk) 01:58, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Oppose Covered by (likely future) Blurb. InedibleHulk (talk) 06:35, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Does not meet minimum requirements for RD. Grimes2 (talk) 07:14, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • At 175 words, this wikibio is too stubby to qualify. Please expand it. Thanks. --PFHLai (talk) 17:16, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose - not ready at this time. Ping me if improved.BabbaQ (talk) 18:42, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) Haiti earthquake

Proposed image
Article:2021 Haiti earthquake (talk · history · tag)
Blurb:A 7.2 magnitude earthquake strikes Haiti, killing at least 304 people. (Post)
News source(s):NYTimes, ABC, BBC, AP, Reuters, CNN
Article updated

Nominator's comments: While there are not yet reports of deaths yet, this has only happend a few hours ago and there is known to be people that got caught in collapsing buildings/etc. I am adding this as something to watch as it has the likelihood to be "bad" (Haiti's just recovering from the 2010 Haiti earthquake of similar magnitude, and the USGS is claiming "high casualties" per CNN above) Masem (t) 16:47, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Comment almost certainly it will be notable enough. In a few hours, I imagine there will a lot more coverage and information that can be added. Joseph2302 (talk) 18:07, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Strong support A earthquake which killed around 30 people (and maybe more) belongs in the news section. Pyramids09 (talk) 18:31, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Agree, but right now, the actual information on the earthquake in the article is sparce. Over half of the article is just explaining the tectonic plates in the region. Joseph2302 (talk) 18:50, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Whee, another one This post was made by orbitalbuzzsaw gang (talk) 19:00, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose on quality Figured we were all on the same page here, but suppose not. This article is not up to Main Page-quality currently. AllegedlyHuman (talk) 19:04, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
    I imagine we all agree that this should be posted on the merits, but it's the current quality where opinions may diverge. – Muboshgu (talk) 19:07, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
    The article in terms of covering the seisimic effect is good, but I agree that we should not post until some more expansion on the damage is there. That might take some hours to flesh out since reporting from Haiti is not like reporting from NYC or LA. --Masem (t) 19:11, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support posting the article, but oppose including the death count in the blurb. The death count will likely change repeatedly throughout the next few days or weeks, and for events which have hundreds of deaths, a perfectly accurate death count is nearly impossible. Just put the earthquake itself in the blurb. Mlb96 (talk) 21:55, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
If the casualalties are not given, that might be interpreted as Wikipedia being racist. 2600:1702:2670:B530:FC7C:D44C:73F6:8E79 (talk) 22:04, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
I wouldn't go that far, but I do think not including the death toll would be an odd decision considering there are clearly a lot of casualties. WaltCip-(talk) 23:24, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
You can say "at least" X amount of deaths to cover the fact that there might be more. - (talk) 01:01, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support – in principle, pending honing of article. Around 21:30, BBC, AP, Reuters agreed on toll of 227 – which indeed may increase. – Sca (talk) 21:58, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support, article looks as complete as much older earthquake articles. Abductive (reasoning) 23:56, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment Closer. There's now some content in the lead not referenced in the body, which needs fixing. Would also like to see a little more expansion of the section titled "earthquake". AllegedlyHuman (talk) 01:53, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support as per nom HurricaneEdgar 02:36, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Very notable event. There should be more updates on its impacts however. --CactusTaron (Nopen't) 03:09, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Obvious choice, just piling on. InedibleHulk (talk) 06:30, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Looks good to go. Hanamanteo (talk) 08:29, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posting. --Tone 08:40, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Post posting support. Also now a large after-shock. Martinevans123 (talk) 08:41, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Very Strong Post-Posting Support – Another catastrophic earthquake that has left over 1,300 people dead. And the country hasn't even fully recovered from the 2010 quake yet. Definitely deserves posting. LightandDark2000 🌀 (talk) 18:15, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

August 13

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

Law and crime

Politics and elections

RD: James Hormel

Article: James Hormel (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): NYT

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: First gay US ambassador. AllegedlyHuman (talk) 00:42, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Comment: Article currently has 0 information about what the subject did in his role as ambassador, while dedicating a lot of space to the controversy about his nomination. While also important given the circumstances, the article should have some information about his diplomatic career. SpencerT•C 13:41, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

RD: Nanci Griffith

Article: Nanci Griffith (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): NYT

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: American musician who blended folk and country into "folkabilly." AllegedlyHuman (talk) 00:33, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Comment: A couple CN tags but close. SpencerT•C 13:34, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Please add more refs, particularly when crediting her for writing hit songs. --PFHLai (talk) 13:52, 20 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Alia Muhammad Baker

Article: Alia Muhammad Baker (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): https://www.iqiraq.news/society/25691--2003.html

Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: This is The Librarian of Basra who saved thousands of books in 2003. I'm hoping for English sources to be available soon. --PFHLai (talk) 02:07, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Posted Stephen 02:59, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Gino Strada

Article: Gino Strada (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): Corriere della Sera

Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Italian human rights activist and war surgeon, founder of Emergency. This wikibio can use some more clean-up, but seems close to be ready for RD. --PFHLai (talk) 17:53, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Comment The first part of the biography section needs citing, other than will support when that is fixed as it should be good to go JW 1961 Talk 21:05, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support as concerns now fixed JW 1961 Talk 12:03, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 02:48, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Douglas Applegate

Article: Douglas Applegate (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): The Times-Reporter

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Former member of the United States House of Representatives and 1988 presidential candidate whose death was announced on August 13. Jon698 (talk) 08:21, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) Lab leak is a "likely hypothesis"

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Articles:COVID-19 lab leak theory (talk · history · tag) and Investigations into the origin of COVID-19 (talk · history · tag)
Blurb:Head of World Health Organization investigating origins of the COVID-19 pandemic admits for the first time that lab leak theory is a "likely hypothes" (Post)
News source(s):WaPo, WSJ, NY Post, Le Parisien, El Mundo, Telegraph, France24, AlJazeera, Independent, Fox, Taiwan
Article updated
Nominator's comments: Considering that for over a year the pandemic has been the biggest story, and now officially for the first time the "conspiracy theory" is admitted as a likely hypothesis while "Chinese officials pressured investigation to drop lab-leak hypothesis", with all the misinformation campaigns and discrediting done everywhere, including on this site, I think some kind of update of official mentions need to be published. Even if this is proven beyond reasonable doubt, due to geopolitical games, it is highly unlikely that the WHO would officially accuse anybody, so this might be as much as we will ever get officially. Feel free to shut this down with actual legitimate rationales besides you don't like it.— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk)
  • Oppose. This isn't a formal determination or finding, just a statement that it's a possibility and should be studied, which we already knew, and is also unlikely to yield results without Chinese cooperation. 331dot (talk) 08:32, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose we don't post guesswork. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 08:39, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose WHO is one thing, and if most reliable media agree beyond reasonable doubt that the lab leak hypothesis is correct then we have something to discuss. Otherwise, this is a very gradually incremental "maybe?". Juxlos (talk) 08:59, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose hypothesis is WP:SPECULATION, which we don't post. Joseph2302 (talk) 09:03, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Strong support This is not a speculation. Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier claims the same thing. No brainer here. [33] - EugεnS¡m¡on 09:07, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
Eugen Simion 14 "Claims" is not an actual determination or finding of fact. It's what someone thinks. That one person thinks it was a leak, and the WHO says a leak is a possibility(which we already knew) are indeed speculation until there is a formal investigation and finding, which is unlikely without Chinese cooperation. 331dot (talk) 09:13, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
This was never a "conspiracy theory" and was always a possibility. The conspiracy theory is that it was artificially created in a lab, not that it merely escaped a lab. 331dot (talk) 09:22, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Strong oppose the wording is very misleading, as one can read from the source. "An employee who was infected in the field by taking samples falls under one of the probable hypotheses," Ben Embarek told the interviewers. This implies Ben Embarek considers multiple different hypotheses as "probable", which is surely nonstandard usage of the word. This verges on misinformation and should absolutely not be posted. Banedon (talk) 09:20, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Strong oppose Pure speculation. There seems to be much confusion about what "likely hypothesis" and "probable hypothesis" actually mean. Superficially there can't be more than one "probable hypothesis", it makes no sense. Unless the phrase "probable hypothesis" simply means that it is probably a hypothesis, rather than a hypothesis with a greater than 50% chance of being correct. Nigej (talk) 09:46, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

August 12

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections

(Posted) RD: Haydée Coloso-Espino

Article: Haydée Coloso-Espino (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): https://mb.com.ph/2021/08/13/greatest-pinay-swimmer-passes-away/

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: “Asia's Swim Queen" from the 1950s/60s. Her wikibio needs more refs and maybe a little bit of work to make it ready for RD. --PFHLai (talk) 23:56, 15 August 2021 (UTC) I have put in as many footnotes as I can. I hope that would be enough. --PFHLai (talk) 07:09, 19 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Posted to RD. Citation issues have been resolved. SpencerT•C 12:30, 19 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Johnny Groth

Article:Johnny Groth (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s):Palm Beach Daily News; United Press International

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Only reported today (August 12); died on August 7 —Bloom6132 (talk) 00:47, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support well-sourced, no issues precluding posting. - Floydian τ ¢ 17:11, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support looks decent enough for RD. Joseph2302 (talk) 18:05, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 18:52, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Kurt Biedenkopf

Article:Kurt Biedenkopf (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s):Der Spiegel, Die Zeit

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Politician, Former Minister President of Saxony Grimes2 (talk) 19:21, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support well sourced article (apart from 1 cn tag added), definitely more than good enough for RD. Joseph2302 (talk) 07:45, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
Done Grimes2 (talk) 07:54, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment: I added - with 2 more refs from Spiegel and FAZ - a bit of academic and business career, and wrote a lead. Should suffice. --Gerda Arendt (talk) 11:54, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 12:23, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: John A. Rizzo

Article:John A. Rizzo (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s):The New York Times; The Washington Post

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Only reported today (August 12); died on August 6 —Bloom6132 (talk) 08:45, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support Looks fine. GreatCaesarsGhost 14:56, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Not as an honour, but like a public service announcement, a grim reminder of the evil lawyers can do. InedibleHulk (talk) 10:35, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 11:48, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

Plymouth shooting

Article:Plymouth shooting (talk · history · tag)
Blurb:Six people, including the perpetrator, are killed in Plymouth in the UK's first fatal mass shooting since 2010 (Post)
Alternative blurb:The British government announces new firearm licensing guidelines after five people are killed in the nation's first fatal mass shooting since 2010.
Alternative blurb II:All firearm licences in England and Wales are reviewed following the UK's first fatal mass shooting since 2010.
News source(s):BBC, New York Times, Le Figaro, El Pais, Die Welt, La Repubblica

Article updated

Nominator's comments: Very rare event in the UK (about 1 per decade on average) so don't judge the death toll by US standards. Awkward42 (talk) [the alternate account of Thryduulf (talk)] 06:51, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

Oppose: while I am aware of the rarity of this, this appears to a purely domestic matter. (I doubt whether it is truly an thing that should be in Wikipedia, but that can wait.) It is not of a weight now for ITN. --PaulBetteridge (talk) 07:43, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
and by "domestic", I mean literally to do with a household --PaulBetteridge (talk) 08:29, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose yes, worst mass shooting in a decade but a domestic crime with likely no ongoing impact to the already stringent laws on firearms in the UK. Utterly tragic though. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 08:41, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose I suspect it will be largely a domestic UK event. Nigej (talk) 09:29, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • From that article's talk page it seems it was an "in the news" item. Personally I'd still oppose. Big story in the UK but, sadly, pretty common round the world, I suspect. Nigej (talk) 09:58, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Cumbria was the third worst mass shooting in the history of the UK so that was perfectly reasonable to post. This event is not ground-breaking at all, just tragic. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 10:18, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose, because it's not important enough. Being rare in the UK doesn't make it notable enough to post. The killer was a lone gunman & there's no indication of any ideological motive. Jim Michael (talk) 10:04, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

*Oppose Yes, incredibly rare in the UK, but the previous event (2010 Cumbria shootings) was a mass shooting as we understand it including some random members of the public being targeted, whereas this appears to be a tragic event confined to victims in one household. Black Kite (talk) 10:16, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Note Although it now appears this may not be case (that the victims were from one household - the Guardian quotes a witness as seeing a man "shooting randomly at people"), so waiting to see what transpires. Black Kite (talk) 10:21, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
    Yes, he went through the streets shooting at passers-by. Why did you think it was all one household? — Amakuru (talk) 10:33, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment - probably opposing per above, since the death toll is relatively low. But also noting that the expansion is below 1500 bytes at present so would need some expansion if it were to be posted. — Amakuru (talk) 10:35, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose. Unusual crime here in the UK, but it would open the door to a flood of shootings in other places where they are nowhere near as rare. Unless this leads to a further tightening of gun laws (which seems unlikely and can be considered at the time if that happens) I don't see how this has any long-term impact. Notable enough for an article, not significant enough for an ITN blurb. Modest Genius talk 10:58, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
I'd guess actually fairly likely, whether directly by primary legislation, or in terms of the practical application of it in terms of the checks and standards police operationally apply to issue and renew shotgun licences. ("Will you give us access to your social-media accounts?" "No!" "We'll be in touch.") But agree that's a separate issue and possible future article, other than to the extent it's already under discussion in reliable sources and successfully addressed in the nominated article. I must disagree with the slippery-slope argument. One applies one's crampons, rather than getting out the most waxed pair of skis one can find. Shootings where nowhere near as rare will generate less coverage in reliable sources, consequently fewer articles in the first place, and less likely to be of even serviceable quality in any timely manner. And even if such do arise, this can be addressed at the ITN stage simply by pointing this out. (talk) 15:48, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

Renomination, prompted (though not directly suggested) by the observations of Effy Midwinter on the article talkpage. This is not, as may have initially been believed given the understandably confused nature of the reporting, a single-household domestic incident, nor one without a political or ideological dimension, per almost all of the opposing !votes. Indeed it has particular significance for being not just a rare UK mass shooting, but the first I'm aware of there with apparent elements of incel movement and misogynist terrorism as either the motivation, or at the least a framing rationalisation of the violence. Initially the leading UK news story ahead of Afghanistan, and still featuring prominently. Presently appearing on the top four stories on CNN's world news page, so not without general importance, either. (talk) 02:20, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Comment: Re-opening nomination due to arguments brought up by commenter above, as well as some opposition related to article quality. Article was closed 8 hours after nomination so IMO is worthwhile to open up for a little longer to let discussion play out. The article and the story has undergone considerable development since initial reports so I agree that it's worth re-opening for additional discussion. SpencerT•C 03:22, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
I hear what you're saying about quality concerns; the article's rather harshly marked as "Start-Class" at present hopefully a slightly lagging indicator, and it's maybe more B-adjacent at this point. The sourcing seems pretty robust, certainly. But if the first rough draft of history is still a little too rough, then so be it. (talk) 14:51, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support, and would have before it had a supposedly OK motive, but it was closed when I first saw it. English mass shooting, unusual enough. Plus, the current blurbs are stale. InedibleHulk (talk) 06:25, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support. As per IP109, somewhat tragically still leading UK news story ahead of the fall of an entire country to a fundamentalist Islamist movement. And I really don't see that "Summer Olympics close (ceremony pictured)" is in the news any more, if it ever was. Martinevans123 (talk) 08:36, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support now it's clear the domestic crime was just the start of an extremely unusual (for the UK) mass shooting with wider implications (the incel movement). Article quality is fine. Pawnkingthree (talk) 12:49, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support given our intent here is to encourage and reward improvements to WP, and the target is an entirely new article of some quality. There is certainly reasonable debate on both sides of the significance question, but "qualities in one area can make up for deficiencies in another" (per ITN criteria) GreatCaesarsGhost 12:56, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support, very unusual mass shooting .Jackattack1597 (talk) 15:00, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support now we have more information, effectively (and being quoted as) a terrorist event. Black Kite (talk) 15:09, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Weak oppose While the potential connection to incel aspects may be new, we still have the fact that this may simply be a person that was having mental health issues, and still all seems like a "lone wolf" issues and not the start of a fresh wave of potential violence from incels. --Masem (t) 15:14, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    There's definitely a connection to incel culture, as the article now pretty clearly establishes, which I think is highly notable in itself. That's not to say it's clear-cut between that and mental-health issues: it needn't be -- and likely isn't -- entirely one, or entirely the other. The two may have interacted -- the perpetrator himself essentially claimed that movement had worsened his own mental health -- or it might be more of a framing rationale. It's certainly lone-wolf in that this isn't an organised attack or conspiracy. But that's true of many incidents classed as terrorism, under the 'self-radicalised' category. Or more precisely, radicalised under the influence of many others, but not with the explicit purpose of this sort of violence. I don't think the 'fresh wave' idea is suggested as part of why this is especially notable or newsworthy. (talk) 02:38, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose. Why is this reopened? The death toll is low on a global scale, worse incidents happen all the time elsewhere. The guy was a nutter, we knew that all along. Just because people start talking about "terrorism" doesn't suddenly change what happened. And we're not a news ticker. — Amakuru (talk) 15:45, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Weak support I would more support posting if this led to some extended background check being implemented since this guy was apparently a clear danger from social media posts and family reports, but article improvements and the new information seem generally sufficient. Kingsif (talk) 18:43, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
The background checks thing is being more and loudly mooted. The Telegraph had a retired chief constable commenting on this yesterday, and according to the BBC review of The Papers, they've another story tomorrow on this being likely to actually happen -- apparently not yet on their own website, nor is it on the BBC's, so not usable in the article at least until then. (talk) 23:41, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • support - Rare event in the UK. Looks ready for posting.BabbaQ (talk) 18:45, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support I don't think any kind of immediate action against gun violence is either likely or, frankly, possible in any case, so I don't see why that's the bar for so many. That will come later. In the meantime, we're left with one of Britain's worst terror attacks. AllegedlyHuman (talk) 18:46, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment so this is an incel shooting. It's unusual in the UK, and it's very sad indeed. We have a law that seems to suggest that incel shootings don't qualify as terrorism. It seems odd (to me) that men who find life challenging when they can't have sex with women resort to hating women and then killing them. There may well be underlying issues that are yet to be discussed/released. I still oppose posting this kind of thing, even in the UK where such things are rare as rocking-horse shit. It's sad that there's a section of "society" that feels obliged to destroy another section because of their misgivings. Wikipedia should recognise it in the context of the world, i.e. it's nothing in the big scheme, but it's hugely societally important to recognise in the UK that we maybe dropped the ball on incel culture and its terrifying effects. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 18:52, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose because it's not important enough. Though rare in Europe, mass shootings with higher death tolls occur many times each year in the world. Being unusual in its location doesn't make it more important, even though that's the main reason for the Western media being intensely interested in this after having almost ignored the 2021 Spin Boldak shooting, whose death toll was about 100 & which wasn't nominated here. This isn't being treated as terrorism, and even if it were it wouldn't be one of the UK's worst terrorist attacks or mass murders. Compared to the Denmark Place fire, Hungerford massacre, Lockerbie bombing, Omagh bombing, 7/7 etc., this is tiny. There's no international angle - unless you count him liking some American things. Jim Michael (talk) 18:58, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    The Spin Boldak shooting took place in Afghanistan which, as we all know now, is a warzone. Plymouth is not a warzone. Try to get some perspective that doesn't rely on hyperbolic examples. This was the third-worst mass shooting in the UK, with six dead. In Amurica that would have been a mass shooting that happened last week. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 19:07, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
It's not the third most deadly mass shooting in UK history: the Ballymurphy massacre, Bloody Sunday, Kingsmill massacre, Hungerford massacre, Greysteel massacre, Dunblane massacre & Cumbria shootings were all mass shootings in the UK with higher death tolls.
Had this happened in the US, it would have been quickly closed with a fairly strong consensus against posting. Jim Michael (talk) 19:15, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Well either you're being contrary or you don't understand what I'm saying, the IRA (etc) vs the Army aren't part of the thinking of the vox populi. Still, I'm not engaging here, it's a waste of my life. In the US, six dead from mass shooting happens almost every month. In the UK it happens perhaps once a decade. Next. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 19:19, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
You said mass shootings, you didn't limit it by perpetrator, but even if you do, how do you work out that Plymouth was only the third most deadly? In any case, being rare in its country doesn't make it important to most of our readers or to history. The international media report this prominently because of its rarity, not importance. We wouldn't post a fairly small earthquake due to it being rare in its location. Jim Michael (talk) 19:23, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Wow, you're going here for some kind of "record"? I'll defer to your infinite knowledge, and just stick with facts, it's the worst mass shooting in the UK since 2010. Of course, yesterday and tomorrow we'll see worse in the US. I don't know what you're trying to achieve here. Rarity and importance are intrinsically related. Oh dear........ The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 19:29, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Could call it the second-worst mass shooting recorded, all the others seem to be massacres (i.e. intention to kill a large homogenous group, not shoot and hope), if we want to get specific. Kingsif (talk) 19:55, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Whether or not massacre is in their titles is mostly due to whether or not that's the common name. I listed mass shootings. Kingsmill is just as much a mass shooting as Plymouth. Hungerford & Cumbria weren't about killing a homogenous group, so how can you say that Plymouth is second? Jim Michael (talk) 08:38, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
On "There's no international angle", per WP:ITN/C, "Voicing an opinion on an item [...] Please do not... [...] oppose an item because the event is only relating to a single country, or failing to relate to one. This applies to a high percentage of the content we post and is unproductive." I've read a series of comments from Jim Mitchell about the lack of "importance" of this, and can't discern any operable standard that would apply here to preclude this -- while including any reasonable number of other ITN items at all -- short of ignoring reliable sources as being hopelessly biased, and ignoring what's in the news as playing any part in determining what appears as "In the News". (talk) 23:51, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support. This incident was and is sufficiently important. This was the worst mass shooting in a decade in England (and indeed more broadly in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland). The fact that similar shootings may take place in the USA much more often, or indeed in any other country, is irrelevant. The gun laws in England and Wales are much stronger than in almost any other jurisdiction. (NB the gun laws and their enforcement in Scotland are not identical, and in Northern Ireland a firearm including a handgun may be acquired on the grounds of personal protection). It was not a domestic incident – after killing his mother, the killer then used his shotgun in the streets outside his mother's home, to blast, kill or injure numerous others, each of them strangers, including a three-year-old girl and her father. The 22-year-old white blue-collar killer was a mentally disturbed individual who had had his shotgun licence removed after threatening two youths. After he completed an anger management course, Devon Police then returned to the killer both his shotgun licence and his shotgun. This was despite the fact that five years earlier, without provocation, the killer had assaulted a 25-year-old man and his pregnant girlfriend. According to news reports, the killer had also attacked and beaten up his father. The killer's mother had tried without success to get help for her mentally ill son from social services. The killer posted frequent tirades against women and referred to himself as an incel. Many commenters in the UK media, and UK politicians, have questioned the actions of Devon Police in returning the shotgun licence and the shotgun to a person who was mentally disturbed, and the subsequent decision by Devon Police to classify the mass murders as a single incident of domestic violence. (talk) 21:32, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Probably oppose per TRM. But it is a tragic event. ProcrastinatingReader (talk) 21:35, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Strong oppose shootings happen in the UK, as they do in every country, some more than others. However firearms offences aren't all that rare in the UK, this story is only different because there is no element of criminal underworld involvement or gang-warfare. Also I suggested this UK-based story a short while back which had far more long term wider implications and affected far more people both directly and indirectly and that was turned down as "local event" despite it being country-wide. This, whilst tragic, only affects no more than one neighbourhood in a fairly average city, with unlikely any long-term consequences; so lets be consistent. Abcmaxx (talk) 21:53, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    No, shootings in the UK are super-rare. Mass shootings even more so. Trying to equate a post-master story with the worst mass shooting in the UK in a decade is bizarre. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 21:57, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    Nowhere near as rare as you claim. Yes, statistically given the population and size UK's gun violence rate is low, however there's shootings in urban areas like London, Glasgow, Manchester and Liverpool relatively regularly, nearly always gang related or organised crime related, and yes, it's usually targeted against a specific individual. But let's not pretend it doesn't happen at all. Abcmaxx (talk) 22:22, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
    The claim was about the rarity of mass shootings, not of firearms deaths generally. It would clearly be fallacious to argue that if you wait a while they'll be six deaths in a particular city, so that's comparable to a mass shooting of six people, so I'm certain that's not what you're seeking to do. I can't improve on "bizarre" as a description of the comparison with that other article, and bringing up the lack of success of your own nomination is an especially poor look. Nor as 'turned down as "local event"' even accurate, that was one comment of a whole series of objections, including sustained newsworthiness even within the UK (clearly not applicable here), and specific concerns about the article. (talk) 00:06, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    Even then, I would guess the rate of gang shootings/single-person-target shootings/accidental shootings/basically any not-mass shooting in the UK is much lower than in even just Detroit or [insert Middle Eastern city for equity], let alone other areas of equivalent population to the country, enough to be described as rare in comparison to the world. Because guns are stupid easy to get hold of in many places, so random shootings are stupid common. Kingsif (talk) 01:15, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    I don't have a direct comparison to offer framed in those terms for Detroit, but here's a handy sortable table at the country level. (On Middle Eastern cities, I think those are pretty variable: "actually at war" tends to have quite the effect on the stats. (Hi Iraq, Syria.)) But not far off, UK's per-cap gun-murder rate is about 1/20th of the US's (which alarmingly itself isn't even in the top dozen or so "not actually at war" countries). Not to be confused with the total murder rate, of course: there's always people willing to go that extra mile, if they really have to. (talk) 02:13, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    Why are we comparing the UK to the US, itself a unique case with regards to gun crime? If anything that table shows that yes, the UK gun crime rate is low but it isn't anything out of the ordinary compared with the rest of the European continent. You cannot seriously compare a place like Plymouth to Detroit, you'd barely be able to compare Plymouth to Plymouth. The fact is domestic incidents happen in Europe too, and sometimes they involve gun, it is a sad fact of life and WP:ROUTINE news most of the time. Abcmaxx (talk) 23:16, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment Added alt now that new social media-firearm license guidance has been outlined. Kingsif (talk) 07:20, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose After not hearing anything about this before, and reading the article, I find that the motivation for posting is at odds with the article itself. The official response is that it's some sort of domestic issue, per the chief constable. This line is immediately followed by an WP:OR section (farmed out to Guardian and YouTube and Reddit) that ponders the societal consequences/causes of such action. Which is completely at odds with the perpetrator's choice of victims. Shortly, the stated reason for re-opening seems tangential at best to the statements of authorities and acts of the perpetrator. I'm sure I can dredge up some good conspiracies surrounding his defense-contractor employer and 5G; but it would be improper to put them in the article absent further authoritative comment. (talk) 08:26, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment This incident has now prompted a systematic review of all England and Wales police force's licenses, application processes as well as (upcoming) new statutory guidance. That seems a significant enough impact on the UK's already quite strict gun laws to merit being out of the ordinary. Only in death does duty end (talk) 09:17, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    Yes, and rightly so. Our government takes gun violence seriously here in the UK, I'm glad to say. That's still a relatively local issue of limited global relevance though, and the shooting itself, although tragic, remains relatively small in impact as far as death and injury toll are concerned. — Amakuru (talk) 09:28, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    What about golf club murder? That hurts more (unless you knock out first). Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 21:47, 19 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support – Such a mass killing in a peaceful residential area is significant news for ITN. STSC (talk) 09:25, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    It's not. We almost never post incidents with fewer than 10 deaths, unless there's some significant wider global impact. The San Jose shooting in May had double the deaths, and it was unanimously opposed at ITN. — Amakuru (talk) 09:31, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    Yes, but San Jose is in the US, and ITN has the view that US mass shootings are a dime a dozen. ProcrastinatingReader (talk) 09:35, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    Just using body count to evaluate the significance of an event is immoral. STSC (talk) 09:43, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    Huh? I've never heard "morality" used as an argument at ITN before, but if we're going down that route then I'd argue the greater immorality would be to declare that 10 people in San Jose are less important than 6 people in Plymouth. The bottom line is, though, we don't ask how moral it this, or how sad we feel, but to question whether it has lasting international or major domestic impact. And I just don't think it does. It's in the news in the UK and in some US outlets yes, but ITN has never been a news-ticker and we need some evidence that this is of wider importance beyond police and government reviews into what went wrong in this instance. — Amakuru (talk) 10:49, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
Your statement "we almost never post incidents with fewer than 10 deaths" is immoral and absurd by any standard. You're saying that man just hasn't killed enough people. STSC (talk) 11:32, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
He hasn't. Not as far as ITN is concerned. Although the regulars here do fiercely deny it, WP:MINIMUMDEATHS was actually a thing for a while (indeed, it still exists as a userspace essay). WaltCip-(talk) 12:11, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
We shouldn't judge UK gun deaths by UK gun death standards, but by 'global' -- meaning US -- ones? Even ignoring that notability is localised (rainstorm in the Atacama = news, rainstorm in Cork = Tuesday) why wouldn't the standard be the global median? Or what's typical for the developed world? Or the global maximum? (Full-scale civil war or it didn't happen.) (talk) 22:13, 16 August 2021 (UTC) PS/ETA: Just looked at the MINDEATHS essay, not sure whether to be amused or appalled (and not sure to what extent it's satire, and to what degree it's userguide). But I somewhat wryly note that by its 'mass shootings' bul-- eh, point number three, this "should be enough for posting". Except possibly in Belgium.
  • Oppose - The totality of the low death toll, the minimal impact and the staleness of this story essentially makes this a non-starter. Yes, the UK is reacting to this by adding more restrictions. They are actually doing what governments are supposed to do all the time, as opposed to the US which functions as a very dubious exception to the rule.--WaltCip-(talk) 12:10, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    Not a 'low death toll' by UK standards, as has been pointed out, scratching my head at 'low impact' (on what or whom?), and as to 'staleness' I'd point out that ITN#4 is still "The Summer Olympics close in Tokyo, Japan." Though perhaps in hindsight I should have re-nominated this as soon as I became aware of it... (talk) 22:13, 16 August 2021 (UTC)
    When an Olympics closes in Tokyo, it stays closed for years. A shooting in Plymouth is more fleeting, like cherry blossoms, post them while they're hot! But yes, less philosophically, your nom's way fresher. Another thing the Chinese Silver Show had going for it was advance notice. For weeks, the regulars all kind of knew it was just a matter of time before they felt compelled to post it. When people think deeper about things, they can still seem fresher later than literal yesterday's news does now. Even Plymouth Rock will still seem fresher to millions in about three months. Face it, mass shootings are difficult sells in this market, you did the best you could, eh? InedibleHulk (talk) 07:43, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
    My renom, for accuracy. Bear in mind that this was nominated days earlier, and I'm just trying to help out with the wikiprocess, futile as that may be. Nor have I done any of the heavy lifting on the content. Olympics is indeed still closed, and but not still in the news. Plymouth shooting is still in the news, albeit no longer leading it or contending with Afghanistan. It's fairly clear to me which is the more useful and accurately described front-page content; editors and process may have different priorities, of course. (talk) 22:50, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Una Stubbs

Article: Una Stubbs (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): BBC
Article needs updating
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Standard: career/filmography woefully under-referenced. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 14:54, 12 August 2021 (UTC)

At least the article is not a stub[bs]. -- (talk) 06:39, 14 August 2021 (UTC)
Thank you for your helpful comment. Could you give us a clue on how to improve it? Martinevans123 (talk) 10:53, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Absolute fucking A* major irony klaxon. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 18:53, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
Thanks for reminding us all. Great to see ITN looking as vibrant as ever. Martinevans123 (talk) 22:34, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Till Death Do Us Part While ITN has snubbed Stubbs, note that her article was the top read for the day, with a larger readership than Gerd Müller and the other minor RDs.

    Mrs. Hudson : And I noticed you published another of your stories, Dr. Watson.
    Dr. John Watson : Yes. Did you enjoy it?
    Mrs. Hudson : No.
    Dr. John Watson : Oh?
    Mrs. Hudson : I never enjoy them.
    Dr. John Watson : Why not?
    Mrs. Hudson : Well, I never say anything do I? According to you, I just show people up the stairs and serve you breakfast.
    Dr. John Watson : Well, within the narrative, that is, broadly speaking, your function.

Andrew🐉(talk) 10:02, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
Indeed. We fool ourselves that an appearance on Main page will direct readers, only when the article is good enough. Readers go straight there regardless. The main task should just be improving the article, not all lining up to say "it's not good enough yet"? Martinevans123 (talk) 10:08, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support - it was a big shame to see this legend of the British acting scene go by un-notived, so I've fixed up the refs on the article. Looks good to go to me. Any chance of posting it before it slips off the bottom? Cheers — Amakuru (talk) 14:38, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Ready to go now.-- Pawnkingthree (talk) 14:46, 18 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted. --Tone 14:57, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

August 11

Armed conflicts and attacks

Business and economy

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology

(Posted) RD: Peter Fleischmann

Article: Peter Fleischmann (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): Der Spiegel
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: I am sorry that I turned to this influential film maker only now, after Kurt Biedenkopf, absence due to real life pleasures, overdue DYK nominations and having to deal with much criticism in the field. This person, who made a film about a plague in 1979 - science fiction then and of striking actuality in the pandemic - should be highlighted, imho. I'd understand if you said "too late", and then have to blame myself for not getting my priorities right.

  • Comment. This is absolutely not "too late". So, you should not have to worry there. I will give this article a detailed read later today. Looks largely good at first glance. But, a quick question for you -- are all of the points on the filmography section covered by ref #11? Similarly the screenwriter section? In addition, I would be curious about the secondary points on each of those bullets e.g. Arkady and Boris Strugatsky's 1964 novel Hard to Be a God, also producer. Should ensure that they are covered by ref #11 or add a separate ref.
PS: Did you mean real life "pleasures" or "pressures". If you meant the former, I am genuinely happy for you. If the latter, I send across my warmest wishes for you to feel better soon. Cheers. Ktin (talk) 16:36, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
Thank you. Pleasures. The ref is rich, has a list (right) which has his functions, often many for one film ("Mitwirking" = participation, didn't know how to say that, "Sprecher" = speaker, narrator, "Regie" = direction, "Drehbuch" = script, screenplay, "Kommentar" = commentary, "Produzent" = producer, "Interviews" = interviewer, "Darsteller" = actor, "Schnitt" = cutter, "Stoff" = theme, "Ton" = sound, "Regie-Assistenz" = assistant director, "Kamera" = camera, ) and prose with more detail to some on the left. There's a link to more details about each film if that's not enough, and some films are covered also by other refs further up. I had no time to check, and still have a DYK nom due today. Thank you for looking into it! --Gerda Arendt (talk) 17:02, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support. Article looks good for homepage / RD. I am assuming good faith WP:AGF on the Filmportal.de ref (currently ref #11) covering of all of the filmography entries that are not covered by in-line refs. RIP. Ktin (talk) 23:32, 17 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 02:00, 18 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: David Levene

Article: David Levene (businessman) (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): NZ Times

Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: This wikiarticle was created by User:Paora one day after the subject's death. --PFHLai (talk) 18:30, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support - Looks good to go.--BabbaQ (talk) 18:39, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 02:42, 16 August 2021 (UTC)

August 10

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology

(Posted) RD: Donald Kagan

Article:Donald Kagan (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s):Yale University; The New York Times; Associated Press; New Haven Register

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: First reported today (August 10); died on August 6 —Bloom6132 (talk) 06:18, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Looks READY for RD to me. --PFHLai (talk) 00:25, 15 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted to RD. SpencerT•C 05:53, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Tommy Curtis

Article:Tommy Curtis (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s):Tallahassee Democrat, WTXML.com

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: College basketball player was a two-time national champion with UCLA. Per WP:RSBREAKING, death confirmed on this day after only one initial reporting on Aug 6. —Bagumba (talk) 13:18, 12 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support Referenced, good depth of coverage. SpencerT•C 01:25, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 01:47, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Neal Conan

Article:Neal Conan (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s):The New York Times; NPR; USA Today

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Bloom6132 (talk) 22:37, 11 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Posted Stephen 03:19, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Eduardo Martínez Somalo

Article: Eduardo Martínez Somalo (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): Vatican News

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: The camarlengo who led the Holy See for 17 days after the death of John Paul II and the election of Benedict XVI. The article is in good condition. Now I will finish improving some necessary retouching. _-_Alsoriano97 (talk) 11:25, 11 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Even so, the Policy is still complied with. _-_Alsoriano97 (talk) 23:29, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Contributor comment. The primary sources policy says: "A primary source may be used on Wikipedia only to make straightforward, descriptive statements of facts that can be verified by any educated person with access to the primary source but without further, specialized knowledge." Though I can't be sure which citations triggered the objection above, the annual volumes of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, cited several times, are the official published record of the Holy See and require no interpretation. They allow us to cite specific dates the deceased got or changed jobs. Bmclaughlin9 (talk) 15:00, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Weak support Wish there was a little more detail about his career than just positions and dates, but there are a few additional sentences. Meets minimum standards. SpencerT•C 15:21, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support meets the RD requirements JW 1961 Talk 21:41, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 10:37, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) Lionel Messi joins PSG

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Article: Lionel Messi (talk · history · tag)
Blurb: Lionel Messi joins PSG on a two-year contract. (Post)
News source(s): BBC
Nominator's comments: Messi signed for another club and he'll no longer be a one-club man. His transfer to PSG has been top news for days. --Stop racism immediately (talk) 09:49, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose just like we opposed him leaving Barcelona a few days ago. We wouldn't post a transfer for any other sport. Joseph2302 (talk) 09:53, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

(Posted) RD: Tony Esposito

Article:Tony Esposito (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s):CBC, NHL, Chicago Tribune

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Hockey Hall of Fame goaltender, one of the top 5 goaltenders of all time. Article is not good enough for the front page yet, but hopefully his passing will bring attention to the article and perhaps it will be ready in a day or so. NorthernFalcon (talk) 02:53, 11 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Comment article is good to go now. NorthernFalcon (talk) 20:15, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Good team effort, everyone. Didn't think this one would make it. Teemu08 (talk) 23:14, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support The article is worthy of such a great player now. Well done. --Jayron32 23:22, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 23:41, 12 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) Andrew Cuomo to resign

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Proposed image
Andrew Cuomo
Articles:Andrew Cuomo sexual harassment allegations (talk · history · tag) and Andrew Cuomo (talk · history · tag)
Blurb:Following several allegations of sexual harassment, New York governor Andrew Cuomo (pictured) announces his resignation. (Post)
News source(s):UPI, NBC News

Article updated
Nominator's comments: I know this is a US state level politics (which ITN usually doesn't do), and I know that the resignation isn't going to happen officially for two weeks, but I would argue that this has been a long-brewing story since last Dec. 2020, has been been covered internationally (eg [34]) and has some other impacts. NY being one of the US's more populous states, and this, alongside the recall election stuff in California for Gov. Newsom, are things that have made world news that would seem to be ITN appropriate. Masem (t) 16:52, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Was just about to nominate this myself. Currently featured on de.wiki as well. Question: Should the blurb mention the New York COVID-19 nursing home scandal as well as the sexual harassment scandal? AllegedlyHuman (talk) 16:57, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    He would never have resigned over the nursing homes alone so I think it would be misleading to include it.Pawnkingthree (talk) 17:02, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose He's a domestic politician and it's domestic affair. He leads a very populous state, but he is still a regional leader. Yes, he will resign because of a scandal that has echoed around the world, but is there anything exceptional? absolutely nothing. _-_Alsoriano97 (talk) 17:00, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    The last time any U.S. state governor resigned was over three years ago. This is pretty exceptional, and of all states, it's New Yawk, the one people have probably heard of outside the States. AllegedlyHuman (talk) 17:03, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    Resignations are part of political normality, however shocking they may be. Also, honestly, I don't think Cuomo's is that unexpected. One question: if the mayor of Paris, Rome or Barcelona were involved, would he/she also have to be directly in the ITN because they are well-known cities? _-_Alsoriano97 (talk) 17:10, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ AllegedlyHuman (talk) 17:12, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    I'd support them being posted to ITN, personally. But I think it is also different when it's a sovereign state (which New York is) vs. a political subdivision under the control of a unitary Government. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 20:55, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    @Rockstone: I strongly advise you read the List of sovereign states, then hop over to check out the list of federated states because frankly you're just embarrassing yourself. Kingsif (talk) 21:42, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    I literally looked at that -- it backs up what I'm saying. Scotland is not a sovereign state, nor a member of a federation of sovereign states, so I don't know what your point is. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 21:57, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    I also don't know what your point is. I never said New York was a fully sovereign state, just that it is a sovereign state, which all members of any Federation are. The article is pretty clear on that. Maybe you should read it yourself. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 21:59, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I never said New York was a fully sovereign state, just that it is a sovereign state - time for bed? it backs up what I'm saying No it really doesn't, maybe you should read them with this nom in mind. You keep throwing around that New York is a "sovereign state", and the article pretty clearly shows that no subdivisions are. I assume you're saying it's a federated state with sovereignty (you should say "autonomy" and/or specify not nation-state to prevent the confusion). And as the federation list shows, and what my point very obviously has been from the start, is that US states are no more special than hundreds if not thousands of other nations' states using the same system - and others not on that list with a non-federal system - so creating an ITN "exception" would not be an exception in the slightest and would certainly justify nominating any political mishap from, say, the island of Nevis. P.S. I don't know why you're harping on about Scotland/UK when I mentioned so many other examples but you cling to your one line of Westminster-devolution defense ;) Kingsif (talk) 22:07, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Autonomy and sovereignty are two different things. New York is both autonomous and sovereign. Scotland is autonomous, but not sovereign. Federated_state describes this concept in more detail. But I think we are also arguing semantics -- i.e. there are two different definitions of what it means to be a sovereign state; New York fits one definition, but not the other. Anyway, I'm perfectly fine with events from the Island of Nevis being in ITN. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 22:17, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I just got the weirdest deja vu (of something else, not this thread), but, note about Nevis taken, let's agree that New York isn't an actual sovereign state by UN definitions, that Scotland needs to gain independence just to make this thread funnier, and that if you would support every New York-equivalent-'state' story being posted then I have nothing more to offer. I think it sets an awful standard but if you would stick by it no matter where, you do you. Kingsif (talk) 22:33, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Fair enough -- I agree. Under the UN's definition, New York isn't a fully sovereign state, and this whole thing is semantics. :-) And yes, Scotland (and Northern Ireland) should gain independence. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 22:37, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Local politician leaves because he was a jerk to women. Pretty much not the sort of thing ITN covers, even if it is New York.--WaltCip-(talk) 17:01, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Describing the governor of the fourth most populous state in the US as a "local politician" rather downplays the significance of this story. It has received international coverage, as Masem notes - it's on the front page of bbc.co.uk.-- Pawnkingthree (talk) 17:06, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Good riddance, but ultimately local/regional news, even if the locale/region is itself important. I would say the same thing about the California recall business, regardless of its outcome. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 17:08, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose. He will be replaced by another Democrat, the state legislature hasn't changed, and there is another election in a year which he probably wouldn't have run in. The actual impact here is minimal. Resigning from Congress has more of a ripple effect, and we still don't post those. Nohomersryan (talk) 17:09, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose local politician resigns after being a dick. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 17:12, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose per longstanding consensus that we eschew sub-national political news in all but the rarest cases. This is a run of the mill scandal that brought down a prominent state governor. Big deal. Are we going to start posting provincial scandals with regularity? If not, then I see no reason for this beyond the usual US centric bias. -Ad Orientem (talk) 17:36, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Question It seems that we routinely reject state political news as being too local/parochial, and not of interest to the world as a whole. But perhaps the fact that it is featured on dewiki means that people around the world do care about what's going on in the US, and we shouldn't have a knee-jerk WP:RGW reaction whenever state news is nominated? -- King of ♥ 17:38, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    • I believe the answer to that (which I personally agree with to an extent) is that we are here to post stuff that's in the news and encyclopedic; that's why we'll likely post the ISS docking when it happens and not the Bezos-Branson flights even though the latter were far more in the news. Cuomo's fall might be in the news right now but is neither completely unprecedented nor will it likely have any lasting impact; furthermore, if we start doing US subnational politics we'll probably have to start doing the subnational politics of other countries like China and India, which would be a mess. Also, this isn't the first time enwiki has chosen to be more selective than our peers; we refused to post a country's censorship of Wikipedia even though frwiki(?) and a couple of other sister projects did. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 17:56, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose. Relatively minor in the grand scheme of things. — Amakuru (talk) 17:50, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support per nominator Masem and Pawnkingthree. Jusdafax (talk) 17:57, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose There could be the argument than unlike other "regional politician does scummy thing" stories, Cuomo has some international prominence. But that only flies if what he is doing is equally remarkable compared to lesser peers. Unless it brings major political downfall, sexual harassment stories are nothingburgers, and I'm pretty sure even then, the downfall is the story. Resigning as NY governor isn't such a downfall IMO. Kingsif (talk) 18:20, 10 August 2021 (UTC) Let's put it this way: when Boris Johnson inevitably resigns due to sex scandal, I will oppose posting that. His replacement as PM will, as ITN/R, probably be posted. So I'd certainly oppose Nicola Sturgeon Omar Prieto doing it. It's basically celebrity gossip. Kingsif (talk) 23:08, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose. I don't think this rises to the level of prominence needed to post a subnational leader's job status. 331dot (talk) 18:26, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support in principle (despite being subnational this is an abnormally prominent news story), but recommend waiting until the guy actually resigns in two weeks. osunpokeh (talk) 18:46, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Local news, no international significance Abcmaxx (talk) 18:57, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
Abcmaxx International significance is not required, if it were, very little would be posted. 331dot (talk) 19:11, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Question I'm wondering where the guidelines stipulate "international significance" and what the significance is of a Belarusian sprinter fleeing to Poland --LaserLegs (talk) 19:01, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    Ms. Tsimanouskaya has become an international poster child(2) for political struggle against Eastern Europe's last repressive autocratic regime. – Sca (talk) 19:22, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

(edit conflict)

    • There is a whole section of the criteria for "significance", which is generally held to mean international (or at least non-parochial) significance. As for the Tsimanouskaya business, it is internationally significant in that it shows the antics of the Lukashenko regime during the Olympics; although New York is (probably the City alone, definitely the State) more objectively important than the entirety of Belarus, subnational entities are held to a boatload-higher standards if their stories are to be posted at all. Allowing subnational politics on ITN opens the door to potentially thousands of gubernatorial and mayoral elections being nominated, which even if shot down would be a timesink for ITN participants, and it's almost guaranteed that there will be a US/UK bias in such nominations that would exacerbate pre-existing systemic biases. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 19:14, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
      • So I looked into that section. It lists as an argument which is not helpful "Arguments addressing how many international newspapers/news channels are or are not covering the story". We have a whole "Please do not" above stating "oppose an item because the event is only relating to a single country" so in fact it seems that not only is there no "international significance" requirement but it's actively discouraged and oppose !votes based on that criteria should be ignored. In fact, evaluating consensus in that way I'm considering marking this as ready. --LaserLegs (talk) 20:24, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
        • This isn't even affecting the whole United States, it's affecting just a single state, and fairly strong historic precedent has been to not post subnational politics. Since none of this counts as Wikipedia policy or even guideline, !votes cannot generally be discarded and pure numbers matter quite a bit more here than at stuff like AfD; given that the opposes outnumber the supports almost 2:1, no admin in his/her/etc. right mind would post this at the moment. You can mark it if you'd like, just know that the tag will be quickly removed. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 20:32, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose – Parochial politix. Lacks general significance. Suggest close. – Sca (talk) 19:25, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
PS: Sexual harassment in the workplace is nothing new. – Sca (talk) 19:27, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment -- I feel like semi-sovereign states (such as US states, or Canadian provinces) should be treated differently than unitary local Governments. Therefore, I Support this nom. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 19:48, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Huh? Many other countries' top-level regional divisions are much more just as autonomous than US states and Canadian provinces. The UK is literally four distinct countries. India, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy and to an extent France and Germany, have state-equivalents that are so different they have their own languages. Australia's are separated by a giant desert. Do you want to get noms every time Sardinia's leadership screws up? Kingsif (talk) 21:01, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • How does one determine if a sub-national location is "semi-sovereign" versus "unitary local government"? And how are the countries of the UK different (and "less sovereign") than a US state? Chrisclear (talk) 21:36, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Simple -- can the powers given to the sub-national location be taken away by a simple act of the national legislature? If so, it's a unitary government. If not, it's semi-sovereign. --Rockstone[Send me a message!] 21:38, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • @Rockstone: This explains so much about your thinking. I've never seen "federated" described as "semi-sovereign". If that's "official" in any capacity, please show me. And no, of course I re-read the federated states page and I can't see it. Kingsif (talk) 22:41, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • The phrase "semi-sovereign" apparently is not an official phrase -- I am not sure where I came up with that or if I invented it out of whole cloth.. That being said, Political_divisions_of_the_United_States#States describes the dual sovereignty concept of US states and the federal government, and indeed the Federal Government's powers are heavily limited compared to other federations. This article may be an interesting read on the matter, as this might also. It even extends to our judicial systems -- each State has its own laws and criminal justice system, and decisions in one state's court has no bearing in another state's. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 23:01, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I assume (hope?) you're not kid-splaining to me, since my understanding is most people on earth have inadvertently had to learn about the US State vs Federal system thanks to the omnipotence of American culture (and I've been saved more than once by state law), but this is nothing I didn't know and IMO no more "sovereign" than any other federation. (Can I interest you in Scots law, though ;?) Maybe the specifics give more power to the States than in other federations, I don't know every country inside out, but the system is no different than (what it should be but de facto isn't) in Venezuela. Kingsif (talk) 23:21, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • No, what? They are not sovereign, that's a simple fact. You can make an argument that they are culturally more distinct than individual states, but you can't argue that they are sovereign. All the powers the countries of the UK have are granted by the Government of the United Kingdom and could be taken away by simple vote in the UK's parliament. The UK is considered a unitary government. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 21:36, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I wasn't saying they're sovereign, I'm saying that 1. US states are definitely not sovereign states, and much further from being so than various European subdivisions. 2. many if not most countries in the world have top-level regional subdivisions that are equivalent to the US and Canada, so your argument made no sense. I deal with Venezuelan topics a lot, which has an identical system to the US, and dear god you do not want nominations in here every time someone screws up there. The point was that if we give more leeway to federated states, it's not exclusive at all. 3. more off-topic, but you asked. In practice, there are many nations whose regional subdivisions are much more distinct from their central government than the US. They are less like nations with subdivisions (which is how I would describe the US), and more like lots of regions that have been stuck together. (Yes, this is especially true in western Europe where borders have been redrawn many times over the last century and so regional identity and politics seem adamant to prevail.) While, in the UK example, London could un-devolve, and Washington cannot do that in the US, California and New York are far more similar than Kent and Orkney. The practical relationship of the UK countries is more like the US with Puerto Rico, because of devolution. And until Alaska competes in the Olympics with Canada, or Florida with Cuba, you can't say the US's federated states are more autonomous than Northern Ireland at least. Kingsif (talk) 22:00, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • 1. The US states are sovereign states. Not fully sovereign, but they are sovereign. You're wrong regarding US states being "subdivisions" and your understanding is flawed. Each state is politically independent of one another. Kent and Orkney could disappear by act of parliament in the United Kingdom; the US Congress could not get rid of California or New York. If you mean that they are more alike culturally, you are correct, but that doesn't mean they're any less sovereign. Northern Ireland is only autonomous because the United Kingdom gives it that power. The UK Parliament could decide to ignore NI parliament's decisions or destroy their autonomy at any time. That's what makes a political division sovereign or not. But we are getting off-topic. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 22:06, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • 2. That's not true at all. See Federation -- about half of the countries of the world are unitary, and half are federated. And also see "The difference between a federation and this kind of unitary state is that in a unitary state the autonomous status of self-governing regions exists by the sufferance of the central government, and may be unilaterally revoked." -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 22:07, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • The US states are sovereign states. Not fully sovereign, but they are sovereign. Since sovereignty is an absolute by definition, part-sovereign is not sovereign. That's the bottom line. A federated state will have sovereignty-you-mean-autonomy within its federation, but is not a sovereign state. That's not true at all. See Federation -- about half of the countries of the world are unitary - I said "many", did you want me to specify "about half"? Fine. Doesn't change the damn point, does it? Back to that: I made a point, and you definition-debated us to off-topic territory instead of accepting it. As you point out, "about half" of the world is made up of subdivisions of equal autonomy to New York. Ping me to support when you nominate all their screw-ups. Kingsif (talk) 22:24, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • In all fairness, the governments of all those countries (especially India) are quite more centralized than the US, which is still probably the most decentralized country on Earth (excepting maybe the UAE or Switzerland) in terms of political power. Marriages and criminal justice, for example, are a federal matter in Canada and IIRC India, but are state issues in the US; devolution in the UK can be unilaterally revoked by Westminster but not federalism by Washington. However, that doesn't apply to culture, which is still fairly homogeneous in the US even with the north-south and blue-red divides. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 21:43, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • @John M Wolfson: Shhh. But yeah, my first instinct was to compare with Venezuela which has the exact system of the US, but then I couldn't remember if I'd ever nominated a comparable state-level Venezuela item and didn't want to risk the hypocrisy. I will say when I learned Spain is unitary I was very surprised. Kingsif (talk) 22:57, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose local news. Banedon (talk) 20:41, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
Banedon, #Please do not...oppose an item because the event is only relating to a single country, or failing to relate to one. This applies to a high percentage of the content we post and is unproductive. You've been told this over and over. – Muboshgu (talk) 20:55, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
Muboshgu Why are you telling me this instead of all the other people above who are opposing because it's local news? Citing the "please do not" is also silly becaues it just encourages people to switch to the effectively-equivalent-but-not-complained-about "doesn't see enough global news coverage". Besides, "local news" does not mean it relates to a single country, because in this case it relates to a single state in a country with fifty of them. Banedon (talk) 21:09, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support He was the mayor of the most important city in the world. I support this and so should everyone (talk) 21:15, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    • You're referring to de Blasio; Cuomo was (is, for the next two weeks) the governor. Whether we would blurb the death of Rudy Giuliani is one thing, but subnational politics has no place on here and I'm surprised that this discussion has gone on for so long. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 21:25, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
In this hypothetical, how's Giuliani dying? Kingsif (talk) 21:35, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
Peacefully in his sleep surrounded by family members. I was talking about the "autoblurbs" that former POTUSes and UKPMs get, whether that applies to mayors of huge cities; I don't recall whether we blurbed David Dinkins. Or you could imagine he has a glorious suicide on the 9/11 anniversary if that's what you'd prefer. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 21:47, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
I'd only blurb it if it involved flamingos somehow. Kingsif (talk) 22:41, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose local politics story. I wouldn't support a similar item about the resignation of the Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, whose population is higher than that of New York, so I don't see a good reason to support this nomination. Chrisclear (talk) 21:31, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
Pointed then that you would phrase it that way, as clearly you accept that New York State is substantially more significant than Chhattisgarh. GreatCaesarsGhost 22:02, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Cuomo resignation cannot be posted until his resignation takes effect. It is more like WP:CRYSTAL for me because we cannot predict the event and unexpected event can be happened. (talk) 21:50, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Seems to lack any real significance beyond Cuomo himself. This isn't really going to weigh on the lives of New Yorkers, or change the course of government in the state. GreatCaesarsGhost 22:02, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment This should be closed now. The result is more than evident and it's dragging on too long, giving rise to unnecessary debates. _-_Alsoriano97 (talk) 22:23, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    Indeed. Marked needs attn. (And BTW, U.S. states aren't sovereign in the normal sense of the term.)Sca (talk) 22:29, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I have to say that I totally agree with you on that issue. _-_Alsoriano97 (talk) 22:36, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • You mean fun debates, right? ;) I feel like I should set up a sub-talkpage to reroute them, but could I make it semi-sovereign, you know? Kingsif (talk) 22:41, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Well...it's a good idea as long as you keep an eye out for movements that demand full sovereignty and mess things up!. _-_Alsoriano97 (talk) 23:04, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Domestic event + sexual harassment in the workplace (which sadly isn't new) . --TDKR Chicago 101 (talk) 23:31, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose, as others have said political resignations are quite common, and at the sub-national level they carry very little weight. There's nothing particularly special about Cuomo's troubles anyway.
    5225C (talkcontributions) 23:33, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

(Posted) RD: Naga Thein Hlaing

Article:Naga Thein Hlaing (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s):BBC Burmese, RFA Burmese, VOA Burmese

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Htanaungg (talk) 13:40, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Oppose Just a non-notable surgeon who did some non-notable stuff. Pyramids09 (talk) 21:12, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    Pyramids09, per the small print in the box above, anyone with an existing article is considered notable for Recent Deaths (RD) we should only discuss if the quality of the article is sufficient for it to be posted on the main page JW 1961 Talk 21:23, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
He didn't have an existing article - it was created today. It's perfectly reasonable to question notability in that case (though the lack of a prior article is not itself a reason to question notability). GreatCaesarsGhost 21:53, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
The citing sources in the article are from BBC, VOA, RFA, The Irrawaddy, and The Myanmar Times; I have no idea why you are talking about the notability. It clearly passes GNG. Htanaungg (talk) 05:44, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
A non-Burmese speaker would, upon review the article and its citations, be unable to verify notability for themselves. I don't know that the citing sources are about the target or address him in a non-trivial way. Please note I'm neither opposing nor nominating the article for deletion, merely suggesting it's appropriate to have those discussions here. GreatCaesarsGhost 11:06, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Just about long enough for RD, but it has plenty of sources of which I could only check 2 (in English), AGF on the Burmese sources JW 1961 Talk 21:26, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • The article does not seem to indicate why this person is notable, and I'm unable to verify if the coverage cited passes WP:GNG. Perhaps the OP could advise on this? GreatCaesarsGhost 21:53, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    GreatCaesarsGhost I'm so pity you 😢. Taung Tan (talk) 05:34, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
You pity me for not speaking Burmese? Uh, okay. GreatCaesarsGhost 11:06, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support He has been regarded as the "god of Nagaland" per BBC source. A highly respected surgeon of the nation. How much do you need? Taung Tan (talk) 05:27, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
    $500,000 and a Lamborghini would be a start. I shan't be too lavish. WaltCip-(talk) 12:43, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support - article seems to meet requirements assuming the refs which appear to be mostly in Burmese are reliable sources. - Indefensible (talk) 20:17, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Looks good to go. Hanamanteo (talk) 09:38, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Article is well-cited and more than a stub. 504 words per DYK tool. That's to say, it is fine for ITN/RD. ─ The Aafī (talk) 12:29, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted AGFing non-English refs. --PFHLai (talk) 23:39, 12 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) Ongoing: Climate Change

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Article:Climate change (talk · history · tag)
Ongoing item nomination (Post)
News source(s):Associated Press, Reuters, The Guardian, The New York Times, BBC, ABC
Nominator's comments: In light of the IPCC Report and the numerous disasters worldwide which have been attributed to climate change, I think it is time that we finally put Climate Change into the Ongoing section. For years, the science has been clear: climate change is already happening. Like the COVID-19 pandemic, this is an ongoing crisis. JMonkey2006 (talk) 01:01, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Covered by Blurb. InedibleHulk (talk) 01:11, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support once the blurb rolls off. Climate change certainly is ongoing, is regularly in the news, and the target article (or one of the myriad of "sub-articles") is getting regular updates. Seems to tick the boxes. --LaserLegs (talk) 01:26, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
2021 in climate change? Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 01:41, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
Say goodbye to all standalone natural disaster blurbs, if and while you guys win, excepting possibly earthquakes. InedibleHulk (talk) 01:57, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose covered by blurb, and interest will roll off right around when the blurb will as well. Indeed, this very nomination initially struck me as ridiculous; climate change has been going on, and will continue to go on, for a century, and we don't post uber-chronic crises like the inexorably rising entropy leading to the heat death of the universe even though that is also of note. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 01:37, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    More like 4.6 billion years. - Floydianτ¢ 02:04, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    Not even counting the mystery winds that blew us together in the first place, whenever the hell they started picking up... InedibleHulk (talk) 02:18, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Unlike COVID which there was clear, active worldwide participation to fight it on a daily basis, warnings about climate change have rung for years with little momentum to make them an everyday ITN topic, which is what ongoing is meant for. --Masem (t) 02:22, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose The blurb is already covered. (talk) 02:38, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose this would be like adding Expansion of the universe to ongoing. It's certainly ongoing, but it's not something that makes the news every day, and any actions taken would only have delayed impact. Banedon (talk) 02:42, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

August 9

Armed conflicts and attacks

Disasters and accidents

Health and environment

International relations

Law and crime

Politics and elections

Science and technology

RD: Cameron Burrell

Article: Cameron Burrell (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): Houston Chronicle

Article needs updating
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: American athlete. No cause of death given yet. –FlyingAce✈hello 20:54, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Comments: Several unreferenced paragraphs. SpencerT•C 15:33, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comments: I've added a few refs and tagged a few sentences with {cn}. I find it a little odd that there is no mention of his long jumping. His profile at UH Track & Field has more materials to prosify and add to his wikibio, if anyone is interested in improving the coverage there. --PFHLai (talk) 15:26, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Rand Araskog

Article: Rand Araskog (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): WSJ

Article needs updating
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: American businessperson. Article is currently a stub and will need significant work before it is ready for homepage / RD. I will get to it. In case someone wants to go for it before me, please feel free to do so. Thanks. Edits done. Article meets hygiene expectations for homepage / RD. Ktin (talk) 03:13, 11 August 2021 (UTC) Ktin (talk) 19:17, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Comment: Close, but needs some copyediting (and perhaps some additional detail if available). Phrases like "He spent the early years building the group's telecom business and developed the System 12 a digital routing and switching solution for telecom companies" seem promotional (what exactly is a "solution for telecom companies"? The link also leads to a disambiguation page). "Dismantling the conglomerate from multiple businesses" is also a little unclear-- were various entities sold? Spun off as separate companies? "Dismantling" seems to parrot from the WSJ obit title without explaining what this actually means. SpencerT•C 13:32, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
    Fixed dismantling. Substituted it with divesting, which is it what it really was. Eg. Sheraton Hotels sold to Starwood Hotels and Resorts. Fixed the disambiguation for System 12 - a telephone exchange system. Hopefully not too promotional. If there are any additional edits that are required, I can get to it later tonight.Ktin (talk) 15:41, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
    Support. SpencerT•C 19:10, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • @Ktin: do you have the link to the Bloomberg ref? Seems broken on the article. - Indefensible (talk) 20:27, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
    Will check this evening. Cheers. Ktin (talk) 23:55, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
    Done. Replaced the Bloomberg link with a different one. For some reason it was pointing to a robots page. Thanks for the catch. Ktin (talk) 00:29, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Better refs are needed for info on his father, ITT's problems with politicians, and his various awards (French Légion d'Honneur, Order of Merit of the Italian Republic, Order of Bernardo O'Higgins, ...) Perhaps these sentences should be removed if better refs are unavailable. Thanks. --PFHLai (talk) 23:07, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
    Hi PFHLai. Many thanks. All of the information on father and ITT international relations are from the WSJ obituary. The awards were pointing to a deadlink which I restored from archive.org Hope that's good. Cheers. Ktin (talk) 00:28, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support - article seems to meet requirements. - Indefensible (talk) 02:30, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted. Thanks for the new footnotes. --PFHLai (talk) 12:09, 12 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Lester Bird

Article: Lester Bird (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): [35]
Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Former Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda LukeSurl t c 12:05, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support Political career section could possibly use a sub-header or two but otherwise has appropriate depth of coverage and is referenced. SpencerT•C 12:11, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 23:03, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Olivia Podmore

Article:Olivia Podmore (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s):Stuff, NZ Herald]

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Needs a bit more expansion Joseph2302 (talk) 10:00, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

RD: Bob Jenkins

Article: Bob Jenkins (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): IndyStar

Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: IndyCar and NASCAR lap-by-lap announcer. There's several things needing citations. rawmustard (talk) 22:15, 9 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Oppose a huge portion of the article is uncited. Well if that is addressed.... ─ The Aafī (talk) 15:58, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • More refs are needed, please. Quite a few paragraphs are footnote-less. --PFHLai (talk) 15:10, 15 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) IPCC say global warming can be stopped

The following discussion is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.

Article:IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (talk · history · tag)
Blurb:The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report says that, if greenhouse gas emissions are halved by 2030 and net zero by 2050, global warming can be stopped. (Post)
Alternative blurb:The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report says that if immediate action is taken to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and achieve net zero by 2050, climate change can be halted.
Alternative blurb II:The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases the first part of their Sixth Assessment Report, arguing that greenhouse gas emissions must be halved by 2030.
Alternative blurb III:The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases the first part of their Sixth Assessment Report, saying that quickly cutting methane emissions would help limit climate change.
Alternative blurb IV:The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases the first part of their Sixth Assessment Report, saying that the world is at its hottest for 125 thousand 125,000 years.
News source(s):BBC, AP, Reuters, dpa, WaPo, LA Times, NYT

Article updated
  • Comment. Without actually opposing this, this is just a report detailing a possible outcome if certain things occur; sounds like a lot of WP:CRYSTAL to me. Lots of groups have predictions or projections related to climate change, why should this one be given more weight? 331dot (talk) 08:55, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
good question - answer is because it is a consensus and has been approved by governments Chidgk1 (talk) 09:33, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
Governments do not have to approve UN reports; this is a consensus of those writing the report. There are many reports and predictions out there. 331dot (talk) 09:40, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
You are right there are many reports - but for climate change the IPCC ones are by far the most important. The governments approve the summary of each report. Chidgk1 (talk) 10:24, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
331dot now that alternative blurbs have been suggested which are not projections can you support any of them? Chidgk1 (talk) 14:12, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Weak Oppose looks more like a WP:CRYSTAL prediction for me, which the event either can be happen or not happen. (talk) 09:01, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
I am sure there are lots of possible blurbs - I just fancied an optimistic one - please suggest alt blurbs - thanks Chidgk1 (talk) 09:31, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
It's going to happen. WaltCip-(talk) 10:42, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Strong support - this is a major report, already top of news broadcasts in Europe (understandable, perhaps, given Wildfires in southern Turkey and Greece, recent flooding across Germany and Belgium, etc.) However, I would reformulate the proposed headline, which IMO misses the point, namely that major actions are needed in the next two years or we will not be able to stop climate change. (And it's climate change rather than global warming). BastunĖġáḍβáś₮ŭŃ! 09:07, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
I have not managed to download it yet so I am not sure it does say we can stop climate change. But everyone please suggest alternative blurbs. Chidgk1 (talk) 09:28, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose on quality article is a stub. If it's that important to be ITN-worthy, there must be much more that can be said about it. Rather than the one line of text suggested for this blurb. Joseph2302 (talk) 09:19, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
I am sure a lot more will be added over the course of the week once the IPCC website manages to cope with the load of people downloading the report. Chidgk1 (talk) 09:24, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
I have added more so have rerated "start class" Chidgk1 (talk) 10:33, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
Joseph2302 Now someone else has improved my version can you support one or more blurbs? If not is there another improvement I can make?Chidgk1 (talk) 14:07, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I'd propose an alternative blurb, somewhat like: The IPCC releases its Sixth Assessment Report, urging the nations to halve the greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. --Tone 09:42, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
I am sure any blurb you guys agree is fine by me. Chidgk1 (talk) 11:04, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
I wouldn't say that, or we'll end up with just "The IPCC releases its Sixth Assessment Report" without any details. WaltCip-(talk) 11:06, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
I retract - I too now see the flaw in altblurb2 so do not support that one. Chidgk1 (talk) 13:12, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Tone's blurb or something along those lines. Make no mistake that this is of incommensurable importance.--WaltCip-(talk) 10:43, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    And as per below, I'll get behind altblurb2 at this point. WaltCip-(talk) 12:12, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support in principle, wait for article content. The article is extremely short and needs at least a couple of paragraphs on what the report actually says. The blurb should be short and neutral - I've added alt2. Modest Genius talk 11:07, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
Now have 2 paras on report content - hope that is enough to start with - expansion continues. Chidgk1 (talk) 11:32, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
Much better now, striking my length concerns. Modest Genius talk 15:57, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
Alt2 looks good to me, better than my own one. BastunĖġáḍβáś₮ŭŃ! 11:52, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – Monday's lead story on most Eng.-lang. RS sites. – Sca (talk) 12:29, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support either of the first blurbs. The last one is at odds with the role of the IPCC: they don't advice on policy, just on science. They don't argue it must be halved by 2030, but that halving it is in line with internationally agreed warming targets. FemkeMilene (talk) 12:56, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
Obviously she means she does not support altblurb2 as I have now added a new last one. Chidgk1 (talk) 13:09, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment Given the infrequencies of the IPCCs, I would support posting something about it, but I disgree with the blurb's focus on future action since this has been a message of all prior IPCCs for the most part. I would instead focus on actual findings, such as the average global temperature rsing ~1 degC higher in the last decade. --Masem (t) 13:02, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
Don't you find that a bit depressing, whereas actions are more likely to cheer readers? Chidgk1 (talk) 13:06, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
As others have pointed out, the current blurbs focus on CRYSTAL factors, whereas ITN tends to be grounded in what actually happened. Yes, its more depressing, but its also what is been proven true. Again, I support posting something about IPCC as each iteration has been important. Now, that said, you can work in something like both. "The 6th IPCC reports that the Earth's average global temperature rose 1 degC in the last decade, but asserts climate change can still be halted." --Masem (t) 13:13, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
OK have added another alt - that is probably enough from me Chidgk1 (talk) 13:25, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
Oh maybe passed blurb limit or I did something wrong as not showing up - anyway you can see by source editing.Chidgk1 (talk) 13:28, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support the original blurb most, but support any blurb except altblurb2 Chidgk1 (talk) 13:33, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
If you're going to put it can be stopped on shouldn't it be worded to make clear that you're still stuck at whatever level it eventually stops at (somewhat above the 2050 level) and it'll take thousands of years to reverse back to normal? Unless the carbon already released is removed by something that doesn't seem to be inventable any time soon or you wait a few thousand years for it to go from air to carbonate seafloor rocks. Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 13:57, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
I have probably suggested enough blurbs - feel free to suggest one yourself or support one or moreChidgk1 (talk) 14:01, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report finds that global warming can stop intensifying at 2 (1.5?)°C if net greenhouse gas emissions are halved by 2030 and reach zero by 2050.? Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 15:05, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support-- I am strongly opposed to altblurb2 -- there is no argument to be had here -- its the global consensus, we should be focused on the action required. Sadads (talk) 14:02, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    What should be isn't a criterion for news value or impact. We're not crusaders here. – Sca (talk) 14:14, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support, the release of the report itself is global, headline news. The article may just about be passable now. I don't think we need analysis in the blurb: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases the first part of their Sixth Assessment Report would be adequate by itself. Alternatively The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases the first part of their Sixth Assessment Report detailing the current state of global warming and projections of its future development. --LukeSurl t c 14:20, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • WP:CRYSTAL cautions against making predictions of the future in articles, it does not prohibit discussing notable predictions so long as they are clearly discussed in context - which the target article here clearly does. --LukeSurl t c 14:25, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose per WP:CRYSTAL; also, some (though admittedly not all) supports are RGWy, contrary to our purpose and spirit as encyclopedic. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 14:19, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support – On significance. Suggest Alt5: "The Sixth Assessment Report of the IPCC declares that Earth is the hottest it's been in 125,000 years." – Sca (talk) 14:24, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose as WP:CRYSTAL with elements of WP:RGW. 331dot (talk) 14:34, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support This report is in the news, that's not CRYSTAL. – Muboshgu (talk) 14:44, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    • I don't think the disagreement is about the report's issuance itself. That's clearly in the news. Its just the focus of the blurb on what is definitely a CRYSTAL prediction, which really doesn't work as ITN items based on past nominations. Just having a blurb that issues a statement of the situation tied to the IPCC is sufficient to avoid this problem and cover the story. The article on the 6th IPCC obviously can talk to this prediction, just that it doesn't work well for ITN blurbs. --Masem (t) 14:48, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
      Masem, when top climate scientists issue a report like this, I don't interpret anything that they say as CRYSTAL. I take it as foreknowledge. Posted hook is fine by me. – Muboshgu (talk) 16:25, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
      I agree the hook is a good compromise, but the issue is that we still need to be careful on putting too much weight on forward-thinking steps. Someone brought up RGW and that along with the "if" nature of the statement makes any blurb that said , to an extent "if we took steps now, we can stop climate change" as a bit of scaremongering, which is a bit beyond neutral for ITN. However, a neutral assessment was found with the blurb, noting the changes and that actions to prevent further change have been proposed. --Masem (t) 16:50, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • FWIW, the data for the Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) is released under a CC license, just not the figures themselves - data is located here [36]. Figure SPM.1(b) is the nice telling image of showing the effect of anthropogenic change on temperature and likely could be recreated to use as a figure/image here. --Masem (t) 14:54, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    • I don't think a graph makes a good image, both for readability purposes as well as simply because data doesn't belong as an image on the Main page (except maybe for DYK). – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 16:01, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Unbelievable - I can't understand the argument that this is WP:CRYSTAL. These are scientists who have made this their life's work and have come out and said, with all credentials and conviction behind them, that this is what is going to happen. What are you waiting for? Someone to take out a thermometer 10 years from now and say "yep, it got 1.5 degrees hotter"?--WaltCip-(talk) 15:36, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    Indeed. The report is what it is. Whether anyone here agrees with it is totally irrelevant. It's majorly in the news and should go into the box pronto. Period. – Sca (talk) 15:55, 9 August 2021 (UTC)

(edit conflict)

I agree, this is nothing to do with WP:CRYSTAL. For a start, much of the report is organising and synthesising measurements that have already been made. The modelling work is explicitly clear on the range of possible outcomes and where the uncertainties lie. This isn't speculation about the future, it's the most authoritative statement for 8 years (since the previous IPCC report) on what is currently known about climate change . Modest Genius talk 16:00, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment The Czechs have gone for a long one:

Mezivládní panel pro změnu klimatu vydal první část své nové hodnotící zprávy. Uvádí v ní, že lidská činnost prokazatelně způsobila nárůst teploty na Zemi a vedla k menší stabilitě celé planety.

which apparently means:

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has issued the first part of its new assessment report, which states that human activity has demonstrably caused an increase in temperature on Earth and destabilised the entire planet. Chidgk1 (talk) 15:58, 9 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support, but I find the blurb misleading. I read the news differently than what the blurb suggests. We cannot avoid global warming, it's too late for that. What is possible is to avoid truly catastrophic climate change if we are able to cut CO2 emissions as mentioned in the blurb. See here: "The new report also makes clear that the warming we've experienced to date has made changes to many of our planetary support systems that are irreversible on timescales of centuries to millennia. The oceans will continue to warm and become more acidic. Mountain and polar glaciers will continue melting for decades or centuries. "The consequences will continue to get worse for every bit of warming," said Prof Hawkins. "And for many of these consequences, there's no going back."" So, it's like the case of a patient who ignored doctor's advice to stay healthy for too long and now has to undergo quite intrusive medical procedures just to save his life. So, the best prognosis for the patient assuming successful medical treatment is that at he'll survive but in a poorer health condition. Count Iblis (talk) 15:59, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Strong support blurb, Alternative blurb or Alternative blurb II--PJ Geest (talk) 15:59, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • plusPosted There appears to be strong consensus for posting this; all of the proposed blurbs, however, seemed rather unencyclopedic for the Main page so I decided to go with one that was more generic, neutral, and hopefully not placing any undue weight on certain sections/findings. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 16:07, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    @John M Wolfson: Good call. I'm happy with the posted blurb. Modest Geniustalk 16:15, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    I feel the blurb somewhat misrepresents the report, as this report has been very clear in not framing climate change as a future event but as a current event. We can simplify as "The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases the first part of its Sixth Assessment Report, detailing the state of knowledge of climate change and describing its effects." FemkeMilene (talk) 17:45, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Post-posting comment – The blurb strikes me as rather complex. Suggest we shorten and simplify, perhaps as:
"The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change releases the first part of its Sixth Assessment Report, detailing the state of climate change and describing its possible future effects."
Sca (talk) 16:19, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Alternative blurb IV, with a typo correction (change "for" to "in"). Alternative II implies that the IPCC is an advocacy organization. Alternative III gives undue weight to methane rather than carbon dioxide. The main blurb and Alternative I say that climate change can be stopped, which is technically correct but probably misleading for the general reader since we are definitely going to get at another approximately .4 degrees of warming. Clayoquot (talkcontribs) 17:53, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    Do you think blurb IV is better than the currently posted one about possible future effects / the proposed simplification(s). FemkeMilene (talk) 17:57, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    I think the current blurb is fine as is, which is why I refused to post any of the originally-propsed blurbs. Alt IV gives undue weight to a specific finding and is borderline alarmist. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 18:00, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    I think the current blurb is mostly fine and I do understand that other blurbs may have been unduely highlighting some of the findings. This is sort of what the current blurb does too, by only highlighting possible future effect rather than current effects and known future effects. Why not simplify to 'effects'? FemkeMilene (talk) 18:12, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    Oh sorry, I didn't notice that something had already been posted. The current blurb looks great, better than Alt IV. Clayoquot (talk contribs) 18:14, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Post-posting oppose The complete lack of agreement on what blurb should be used demonstrates the reason why this shouldn't be blurbed. A semi-regular report was released. It doesn't tell us anything new, and doesn't suggest anything new that will happen in the future. For one brief glorious moment, a bunch of academics got a boost to their publication stats. Everyone else will see what they want to see for a day, and move on. User:力 (power~enwiki, π, ν) 18:15, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
Have you noticed whether it's in the NEWS?Sca (talk) 19:14, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
IPCC reports are rare, the top of the field on climate reports and state of the art, they have to be posted, even if no one can agree on a blurb and it has to default to "the report was released". Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 19:20, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment So the blurb is essentially a panel on climate change releases a report on climate change. Great work everyone. Stephen 22:22, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    Yeah, the final result was a very milquetoast blurb. I'm not very pleased with it. We could have gone with a blurb that succinctly summarized the report and its findings, and that would have been damn well interesting for readers. But Wikipedia is allergic to such bold machinations in the fear that it may fly in the face of WP:NPOV, WP:RGW, WP:NOTADVOCACY, etc.. So we're left with something that basically leaves the average reader questioning what the heck is newsworthy about some stuffy folks in labcoats writing a report about the weather. WaltCip-(talk) 22:38, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    You're damn right, and especially with such a controversial/politically fraught topic I highly doubt anything else would have flown, certainly none of seven(!) originally proposed. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 22:51, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
Only controversial in my country full of flat Earthers, Fauci haters, graphene oxide/microscopic tracking chip COVID vaccineists, moon hoaxers, 9/11 truthers, Jewish space lasers and other conspiracy theorists. Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 23:13, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
Don't forget Canadian brainwave meddling, "we" invented Global Research (the website, not the discipline or way of life). InedibleHulk (talk) 00:35, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
The existence of climate change is not (genuinely) controversial, but nor was it revealed by the report. It is policy recommendations and specific numbers that become inherently political, and thus ultimately toxic and controversial. Without any comments on the recommendations themselves, stuff like "global warming can be stopped if we cut emissions X percent by year Y" has absolutely no place on the front page of the world's greatest encyclopedia. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 01:41, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Post-posting oppose WP:CRYSTAL . Given how politically engaged climate science has become in the West, I wouldn't trust this report either. (talk) 00:04, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    Your last three !votes on ITN have all been WP:NOTFORUM violations. Stop it. WaltCip-(talk) 00:19, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    (edit conflict) I mean, the blurb just says the report was published, that's already happened. Your crystal ball work in reverse? On to the reason: wow, you have no idea what you're on about, do you? If this particular group of scientists can't be trusted then the moon could be made of cheese. There's skepticism and then there's choosing to push anything that goes against status quo, and you're doing the latter: look at the sources about news rather than blanket oppose because you personally don't like the subject the news deals with. Kingsif (talk) 00:22, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Post-posting support* This has continued to be widely covered in the media. There is no need to remove it. JMonkey2006 (talk) 00:48, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
The discussion above is closed. Please do not modify it. Subsequent comments should be made on the appropriate discussion page. No further edits should be made to this discussion.
Any further discussion on "the matter" should go to the Ongoing proposal. - That's somewhat disingenuous considering that the Ongoing proposal has now been closed as WP:SNOW.--WaltCip-(talk) 12:53, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

August 8

Armed conflicts and attacks

Arts and culture

Health and environment

Law and crime

Politics and elections


(Posted) RD: Najma Chowdhury

Article: Najma Chowdhury (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): The Daily Star (Bangladesh)

Article needs updating
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Bangladeshi Academic. Article is almost there, will require some touches before it can go to homepage / RD. I will work on it later tonight. In case someone wants to get to it before me, please feel free to do so. Edits completed. Article has shaped into a decent C-class biography. Meets hygiene requirements for homepage / RD. Ktin (talk) 17:53, 9 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Weak support Article has adequate depth of coverage for programs that the subject created; as an academic, did she have any research interests? SpencerT•C 02:36, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    Thanks Spencer. Added a few of her research topics. Please have a look. Ktin (talk) 03:28, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted I did not give out ITN credits to Afifa Afrin or Ibrahim Husain Meraj as I was unable to confirm their recent edits to the Najma Chowdhury wikibio related to her death. --PFHLai (talk) 05:16, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Jane Withers

Article: Jane Withers (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): The New York Times

Article needs updating
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Article has Good Article status and has been updated. Her death was announced today. --TDKR Chicago 101 (talk) 00:26, 9 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Support GA, marking ready. SpencerT•C 02:27, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 03:50, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose. Just because something is a GA, doesn't mean it's automatically eligible. The filmography is largely unreferenced at present. — Amakuru (talk) 16:56, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    • Amakuru The Filmography section has 3 overarching references at the bottom of the table, and that seemed to cover the filmography from what I could tell. This was apparently discussed prior to the GA review on the talk page: Talk:Jane_Withers#Filmography_table_sourcing. I'm going to go ahead and remove your tag, but if you have additional concerns, I'm happy to self-revert the tag removal. SpencerT•C 02:49, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
      @Spencer: ah yes, my bad. Sorry about that. All looks good, thanks. — Amakuru (talk) 10:39, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Bill Davis

Article: Bill Davis (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)

Article needs updating
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Nominator's comments: Premier of Ontario from 1971 to 1985. Article needs significant referencing, but hopefully this will get it some attention. Floydian τ ¢ 16:26, 8 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Comment multiple sections lacking in sourcing- which is a shame, as the first half of the article has good sourcing. Joseph2302 (talk) 08:37, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    Almost the entire article could be sourced to the Steve Paikan book I've been using for the first few sections. Unfortunately the Google books preview only goes up to page 93, so I'm hoping someone might have digital access to a copy. - Floydian τ ¢ 00:39, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Note there were a small handful of citation needed tags remaining. Since they are not of much importance, I've hidden them and moved discussion for them to the talk page. This article should be ready for posting. - Floydian τ ¢ 23:35, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 05:38, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Bobby Bowden

Article: Bobby Bowden (talk · history · tag)
Recent deaths nomination (Post)
News source(s): CNN

Article updated
Recent deaths of any person, animal or organism with a Wikipedia article are always presumed to be important enough to post (see this RFC and further discussion). Comments should focus on whether the quality of the article meets WP:ITNRD.

Muboshgu (talk) 16:12, 8 August 2021 (UTC)

  • Comment - I'm not seeing sourcing for all that info in the "Head Coaching Record" section at the moment. And "The Bowden Bowl" seems misplaced as a subsection of "Personal life", as it's still related to this football career. Other than that, the article looks good. — Amakuru (talk) 16:55, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    Amakuru, sort of fixed. Sports Reference doesn't include his coaching at Howard or South Georgia State for whatever reason. – Muboshgu (talk) 21:22, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    @Muboshgu: OK, I think I've sourced the other bits. Good to go now, Support. CHeers — Amakuru (talk) 22:48, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 04:59, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

Taliban capture city of Kunduz

Template:ITN candidate

Support. Maybe a cropped version of File:Afghan government forces in Jowzjan Province during 2021 Taliban offensive.png could also be used as an image? — BerrelyTalkContribs 14:19, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support article good enough. Kingsif (talk) 14:30, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support - but would like an improved blub, it doesn't really explain unless you know the contents. Best Wishes, Lee Vilenski (talkcontribs) 14:41, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
    updated the blurb a bit — BerrelyTalkContribs 14:47, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support – if fully updated. Favor Alt1, offered above. Provincial capitals captured include Sar-e-Pul, Sheberghan, Zaranj and Taloqan. – Sca (talk) 16:24, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
PS: The pic. suggested above doesn't grab me. – Sca (talk) 16:27, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
@Sca maybe File:Afghan National Army in combat during 2021 offensive 1.png cropped? — BerrelyTalkContribs 17:41, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
Somewhat better. Could be cropped a bit. But are there any pix of the Tollyband doing their violent thing? – Sca (talk) 17:51, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose there has been this relentless effort to post the Taliban takeover in Afghanistan. Kunduz is a regional capital 100s of KMs away from Kabul and the media hysteria doesn't make it any less inevitable since Trump surrendered to the Taliban last year. When they take Kabul and assassinate Ghani it'll be time to post. Not now. --LaserLegs (talk) 18:22, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
    Kabul is definitely looking to be the last American stronghold, so I'd support a blurb then. But in a closing ceremony, remove from Ongoing sense. Not because American news likes Kabul better than Kandahar. InedibleHulk (talk) 22:07, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
    When they take Kabul - what if they never do? Never post also? Banedon (talk) 00:28, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    If they don't, they've either been defeated or made peace, both blurbable endings. If it turns into another stalemate, we can quietly remove it from Ongoing. But it sure doesn't end here and now, big moment or not, so your vote confuses me. InedibleHulk (talk) 01:37, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support If a militia captured Miami after taking over several states in just a few days we wouldn't be thinking twice about posting. Just because it's Afghanistan doesn't make it less relevant. Abcmaxx (talk) 19:21, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
It does a little bit, in the sense that there has been war there for 20 years so it's not comparable to a non-conflict zone effort of the same size. But I still think this is big enough news to overcome that. Kingsif (talk) 20:15, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Covered in Ongoing. InedibleHulk (talk) 19:37, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose it's already covered in the ongoing section. Joseph2302 (talk) 19:59, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment I thought the understanding was that items would move out of ongoing when a truly blurb-worthy development occurred, and then moved back. That's what happened with Venezuela last year. Kingsif (talk) 20:17, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
    Extraordinary developments can stand alone. But continually taking back territory is the meat and potatoes of this ongoing story. It'd be like saying four cities (or countries) succumbed to COVID complications, during that overall lengthy drama. InedibleHulk (talk) 21:56, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Conditionally support AltBlurb The capture of these provincial capitals seems like a significant development. However, the capture of the capitals should be in the article’s intro. Blaylockjam10 (talk) 21:44, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Blurb and remove from ongoing - a notable development. Banedon (talk) 00:28, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support blurb Major development and article in good shape. --TDKR Chicago 101 (talk) 01:04, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Wait per the previous nominations. I think we should wait until the Taliban capture either Kandahar city or Kabul. It's just a matter of time, so better to wait until the more significant fall of one of those two largest cities (Kunduz is the sixth largest in Afghanistan). Modest Genius talk 11:11, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – Sixth provincial capital, Aibak, seized. [37] BBC headline: "How the Taliban retook half of Afghanistan" [38] Wide coverage. [39]Sca (talk) 12:37, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose. This story is in Ongoing already, and the whole point of Ongoing is that we don't blurb the individual developments. If they take Kabul, then I'll think differently, but we're not going to blurb all the provincial capitals one by one. — Amakuru (talk) 16:50, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose per Amakuru.-- Pawnkingthree (talk) 17:36, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose as it's already covered in the ongoing section. We may consider posting a blurb for an event that will mark a ceasefire but this is clearly not it.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 09:40, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose As the lead in the target article points out, theyhave taken over 65% of the country in 3 months and are likely to finish the job in 1-3 more. In this context, each city falling is not notable; it is assumed. GreatCaesarsGhost 12:02, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – In terms of news, the Taliban offensive continues to be prominently covered. Today's AP headline: "Taliban take 10th Afghan provincial capital, squeezing Kabul." I don't expect to change anyone's mind. Nevertheless, I offer this as food for thought. – Sca (talk) 13:06, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
    Change mind from what to what? You do know that 2021 Taliban offensive is currently linked on the main page, and has been for some time, right? I'm confused as to what change you're hoping to happen? --Jayron32 13:19, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
    Blurb of course. As noted above, I'm not expecting it immediately – although newswise it is blurb material now. – Sca (talk) 13:48, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
    But this is more appropriate as an ongoing story as it is rapidly changing and developing, as such would require frequent changes to any blurb. Ongoing is exactly what this kind of situation is designed for. --Jayron32 15:57, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Herat - 3rd largest city - has been captured, and Kandahar will probably fall in, like, 24 hours or something.[40]At this rate, we might as well wait the next 3 days for them to take Kabul before posting the blurb, really. Juxlos (talk) 16:48, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – Honest people may differ. I understand the logic of Ongoing, but to an ex-newsie it seems we're underplaying the topic. Oh well. – Sca (talk)
    Update: "Taliban take 11th provincial capital in a week." – Sca (talk) 18:31, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support new blurb ALT2 when ready Herat has fallen, and Kandahar has fallen or will fall within the day. I think it's time for a blurb. User:力 (power~enwiki, π, ν) 21:01, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
    • All there is from reliable sources on Kandahar is a one-sentence AP report; it will take at least 2 hours for sourcing and the article to be ready for that blurb. User:力 (power~enwiki, π, ν) 21:04, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
    See: "Taliban take Kandahar, Herat in major Afghanistan offensive." About 1,000 words; moved at 21:30. – Sca (talk) 22:16, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
PS: "The Pentagon said it would temporarily send about 3,000 extra troops ... to help evacuate embassy staff" from Kabul. (Moved at 21:35.)Sca (talk) 22:22, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment Added ALT3 in case editors still think the city names are too obscure. Kingsif (talk) 00:06, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment There seems to be a persistent belief that Ongoing is second tier to the blurb space...that this current ongoing story is too big for ongoing and must be promoted to a blurb...which is completely unsupported by any policy or guideline I can find. Ongoing is not < or > a blurb. GreatCaesarsGhost 02:43, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
    No website is an island. On Friday Afghanistan leads every major RS site. – Sca (talk) 12:12, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
PS: "Im Krieg in Afghanistan haben nach dem Ende der NATO-Mission Resolute Support die Taliban 15 Provinzhauptstädte eingenommen." (Ger. ITN) — Sca (talk) 12:30, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
As always, we appreciate your informed, well-articulated comments that having nothing to do with the conversation everyone else is having. GreatCaesarsGhost 14:30, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
Ganz typisch bei dir. Geh bloß weg, Bübchen.Sca (talk) 15:05, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment - I think the reason this situation has gone awry is that the usual process for Ongoing was not followed - namely that a story is blurbed first, and then rolls down to Ongoing once it falls off the bottom of ITN and the story is still important enough to merit posting. But in this case, for whatever reason, it was added straight to Ongoing with no blurb ever added. Well that's in the past now, and it's in Ongoing, so there's really nothing more to be said. Things seem to have hotted up in the past 24 hours, but according to today's Guardian: Template:Xt[41]... so it's certainly not as if this is going to be all over by Sunday. Therefore Ongoing is still the right place for it. — Amakuru (talk) 14:39, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
    Well, this isn't about Wiki's prosaic internal processes, it's about what's actually in the news. Here's the current picture. – Sca (talk) 15:15, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
    Indeed. And, as noted already numerous times, this story is currently posted on the main page in the ITN section. As GCG says, Ongoing is not inferior to a blurb, it's equal in status but simply covers a case like this in which dribs and drabs of developments, each individually newsworthy, happen over the course of weeks. I suggest this discussion be closed soon, as it's becoming a circular argument. Cheers — Amakuru (talk) 15:22, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
This story is currently posted on the main page in the ITN section.
– No it isn't. A link is posted there, easily overlooked by our hapless readers. And it's just a topic label, telling almost nothing about what's going down. We're missing the boat. – Sca (talk) 16:03, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
There's no boat to miss. ITN is not a news ticker; it is not designed to keep readers up to the minute on current events. It's there to provide links to further reading for stories they are seeing in the news elsewhere. --Jayron32 16:07, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
Just trying to see it from the reader's point of view. Oh well. C'est la vie. – Sca (talk) 18:10, 13 August 2021 (UTC)
I'd imagine our readers don't view themselves as hapless, and can find "Ongoing" news if they want it, using their inherent Power of Reading. InedibleHulk (talk) 12:42, 14 August 2021 (UTC)


2021 Lithuanian/EU migrant crisis

Template:ITN candidate

  • Is it just Lithuania? Poland says they've been sent migrants from Belarus as retribution for supporting Krystsina Tsimanouskaya. Anyway, the blurb feels back-heavy to me but I can't think of a way to rephrase it? Kingsif (talk) 14:29, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
I think for now it's fair/representative to keep the title as is: the number of illegal crossing to Lithuania is over 4000 in the recent months, while Latvia and Poland reported only dozens, so it's not (yet) a significant increase. However, the situation is still developing and if there will be substantial numbers of migrants reported by other countries, then we will have to re-think the title.. but I think we are just not quite there yet. --Mindaur (talk) 15:53, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
Template:Tq - over 500, but not a good argument anyway (see below). Kingsif (talk) 20:35, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – Should include a section on migrants fleeing Belarus for Poland. – Sca (talk) 16:30, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
    The article contains a section about Poland. I just added a reference with some numbers, but as per my comment above -- they still seem to be significantly below the crossings into Lithuania. --Mindaur (talk) 17:20, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
    Reply here also for above: if you want to look at this in terms of absolute numbers, Lithuania's are low compared to other migration and it won't get posted. The story that's in the news, and relevant here, is that the increase (%age) in migrants is an unprecedented surge, and is caused by deteriorating relations with Lukashenko. And the same is also true for Poland. IMO neither or both. Kingsif (talk) 20:35, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    Sure, as I said elsehwere -- it's not about the absolute numbers. It's about an unprecedented state-sponsored human trafficking. I am not very creative with blurbs, but I can propose more alternatives; feel free to beat me on this. --Mindaur (talk) 22:16, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Do you even understand how many migrants cross the US-Mexican border every well? How many travel through the mediterrenean every month? Hint: way more than did on this small stretch of Belarussian-lithuanian border (talk) 16:58, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
    Been going on for years. Belarus is a current political crisis. – Sca (talk) 17:08, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
    Irrelevant; your comment seems to be a case of whataboutism. --Mindaur (talk) 17:20, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
    I've never ever seen an intelligent person accuse others of whataboutism. Probably because invoking it is in and on itself a logical fallacy. Changing my vote to oppose (talk) 21:29, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I'm pretty sure an oppose doesn't count if it's made because you don't like the fact someone said the word "whataboutism". Kingsif (talk) 22:57, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose If it were Belarusians fleeing for Lithuania it might be interesting (the article is a mess though) but it's mostly Iraqis and no one should be surprised that Iraqis are fleeing Iraq. Also, 4000 people in 2021 ... that's basically a weekend on the US-Mexican border. --LaserLegs (talk) 18:24, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
The article certainly needs improvements, but did you actually read it? You are comparing very different things: borders and populations of different scale and very different nature of the event. The significance of the article is not the absolute number of the illegal crossings, but the nature of the crisis i.e. it's effectively a state-sponsored human trafficking and a geopolitical/diplomatic conflict. If we have a news item about the Krystsina Tsimanouskaya's humanitarian visa, then I really fail to see how is this less significant? --Mindaur (talk) 18:53, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
Sure did, I mean except for the meaningless wall of reactions. Terrible background section that has nothing to do with refugees. The claim that illegal immigration was "weaponized" is actually tagged "citation needed". Seems like your standard "Lukashenko bad" WP:SYNTH disaster article about an issue that's been affecting Europe in one way or another since the invasion of Iraq and the creation of ISIL. In other words, literally nothing at all to see here. Don't worry, it'll be posted. --LaserLegs (talk) 20:54, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
So, improve it. The background section contains two references about the election fraud (and if you need more, there is 2020 Belarusian presidential election with loads of references), but you tagged it in the next section. The "weaponization" claim is referenced in that sentence; moreover, there is another reference in the lead section and more in other paragraphs. It's not WP:SYNTH, it's based on what the referenced articles state, so the events in the backround have a great deal to do with the migrants/refugees. Do we need to improve the narrative and clean it up? Sure. I didn't create the article, by the way, but I am trying to clean it up. Meanwhile, your arguments don't have any substance: "meaningless wall of reactions", "terrible background", "standard 'Lukashenko bad'", false analogies (as already explained by multiple other comments here) -- it's all WP:JUSTDONTLIKEIT. It's not constructive. --Mindaur (talk) 21:21, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
Comment and reply Seconded the above, absolutely incomparable. By that logic you'd have to mention the Greek, Maltese, Spanish, UK and Italian migrant crises and routes, except this is a whole completely different scenario and different geo-political impact. Abcmaxx (talk) 19:02, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
Belarus is shipping in Iraqis, keeping them in horrible conditions, then sending them across the border to countries without good migrant support infrastructure as a political weapon. "Be nice to us or we'll create a strain on your resources, and you'll feel bad because it's human lives". Quite a different situation, and I actually hadn't noticed it had got so bad in Lithuania. Kingsif (talk) 20:13, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support ongoing There's no point comparing this to US-Mexico border. The population of Lithuania is similar to that of New Mexico alone, Belarus has less than 7.5% of the Mexican population and the border is only a few kilometers long in comparison. Different situation, different politics, different migrants etc. and this is a new unique development. Also WP:OTHERSTUFFEXISTS. Abcmaxx (talk) 18:58, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support article appears to be well-cited and the story appears to be relevant to global events. NorthernFalcon (talk) 01:11, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – "Poland reports record number of migrants at Belarusian border." [48]Sca (talk) 12:41, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I raise you "Biden imposes sanctions against Belarus' Lukashenko regime" [49] Kingsif (talk) 20:29, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose – Actually they are not Belarusian migrants. It's just another human trafficking route to the EU. Nothing unusual here. STSC (talk) 21:37, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose I agree that it's a state-sponsored human trafficking probably triggered by the failed repatriation of Timanovskaya but it's clear that Lithuania did very little to prevent this even though Lukashenko announced he would let the migrants cross the border as early as sanctions were imposed against Belarus following the aircraft carrying Protasevich had been landed more than two months ago. That being said, this is a relatively minor and not unexpected diplomatic incident compared to what else happened involving Belarus over the past year. The ITN section is really not meant to be a place for posting every single move made by Belarus and it's neighbouring EU member states.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 10:18, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – "Lithuanian parliament to debate building fence on Belarus border." [50]Sca (talk) 12:04, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • "Three-month state of emergency declared at Latvia-Belarus border" [51] --Mindaur (talk) 14:17, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment With Poland's surge and Latvia's SOE, I think it's clear the target shouldn't be the Lithuania article. But what should? I don't think "Belarus migrant warfare" would fly as an article title, and Belarus migrant crisis sounds like Belarusian migration, but Belarus is the connecting factor. Kingsif (talk) 15:36, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
Comment I propose EU-Belarusian border migrant crisis as it would be factually correct and include Latvia, Lithuania and Poland. Abcmaxx (talk) 19:04, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
I very boldly went with a slight variation on that, 2021 European Union migrant crisis. Kingsif (talk) 19:13, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
Template:U: It might have been better to initiate the discussion in the article's talk page -- just FYI. Anyway, the move is done and I think the new title is reasonable (even if not ideal). What is the process here, though? Should it be a new ITN proposal? Also, see my response to your other comment below. --Mindaur (talk) 21:36, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment Added ALT3. A more radical proposal would be to combine this and the related blurb currently in the box. I do worry how empty it'll look when the triple record blurb rolls off. Kingsif (talk) 19:13, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • There's more blurb slots available to propose that. Kingsif (talk) 21:46, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
The problem with that name is that it is separate crisis to the usual Ceuta, Malta, Lampedusa, Greek Islands, Calais issues, which are all still struggling but completely different scenario. Abcmaxx (talk) 08:06, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – Just post the "2021 European Union migrant crisis" as ongoing. That's it. STSC (talk) 09:30, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose ongoing Updates are relatively insignificant, and there's an unclear endpoint. Only willing to support a blurb-- once it rolls off, no need to keep in ongoing. SpencerT•C 22:31, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment - The news in the international still write about the situation [52] I am rather surprised that the article has neither have a single ITN item nor ongoing. --Mindaur (talk) 11:32, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) 2020 Summer Olympics closing ceremony

Template:ITN candidate

  • Support and remove as ongoing the 2020 Summer Olympics is officially close, so it means the article does not longer necessary to continue as ongoing. (talk) 14:02, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose on quality until "Dignitaries in attendance" and "Anthems" section are either sourced or removed (article is good enough for ITN without them). Definitely removed from ongoing, as the event has finished. Joseph2302 (talk) 16:33, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support and remove as ongoing The olympics are not going anymore.Pyramids09 (talk) 17:32, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Blurb. Support removal from ongoing. Nice work Template:Ping. There is one more Template:Cn tag remaining in the lede and two more in the Antwerp Ceremony section. Article is good for WP:ITN once those are removed. Ktin (talk) 19:22, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Question, will this still be news tomorrow? Thanks. Martinevans123 (talk) 19:24, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Whether it is or not, it was in the news when it occurred, and as it is ITNR it will be posted when quality is there(it isn't yet). You are free to propose the removal of the closing ceremony from ITNR if you desire. 331dot (talk) 09:22, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Yes, I know, this is how ITN words. Maybe I'll propose changing the title to "What was in the news". Martinevans123 (talk) 10:41, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Weak support ITNR so only quality is a consideration and I see a couple of [citation needed] tags in there. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 19:27, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Blurb. Support removal from ongoing - Now the closing ceremony should be added.BabbaQ (talk) 21:52, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support alt blurb as proposer—the country winning the most medals is a key fact, particularly this Olympics given the competition between the U.S. and China. We have room to include it so we might as well. {{u Sdkb}} talk 23:55, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose There are several tags in the article. Hanamanteo (talk) 02:45, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Whole paragraphs unreferenced. Pawnkingthree (talk) 02:49, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support the original blurb once the article is improved and strong oppose the alternative blurb per Article 6 in Charter 1 of the Olympic Charter, which states "The Olympic Games are competitions between athletes in individual or team events and not between countries."--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 06:16, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I guess this means that the whole notion of a medals table is un-Olympic? Martinevans123 (talk) 09:14, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • The IOC is free to consider the Olympics what it wishes, but what matters is how RS report on it, and almost all of them report out which country won the most medals and most gold medals, usually in the form of a table. 331dot (talk) 09:20, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • The BBC's report on the closing ceremony doesn't even mention which country won the most gold and total medals. So, there's no need to load the blurb with superfluous details when it's clear that the closing ceremony is the main news and an ITNR item that should get posted.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 10:17, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
    Other than the unencyclopedic term "taking home" (should be "winning" probably) I think it's fine to mention the US as medal table winners. Sources do take major note of that. — Amakuru (talk) 16:48, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • And let's hear it for the eight countries who shared joint-86th place with one bronze medal each. At least every country got something. Martinevans123 (talk) 16:53, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I still think that any outcome of the event is a different story from the closing ceremony and should be dealt with separately. But if we really need an extended blurb documenting achievements from the event, my first choice would be either Caeleb Dressel's five gold medals or Emma McKeon's seven total medals. Their achievements as most successful athletes are covered in RS as much as the US finishing on top of the medal table but the difference is that one such blurb would give more context compared to the blunt message that a country won the most medals.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 18:08, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Blurb. Oppose alt blurb I && II. – robertsky (talk) 20:24, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose – Some portions of the content are still unsourced. STSC (talk) 21:47, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment - if anything is to be blurbed in connection with this, it should be 2020 Summer Olympics, not the article on the closing ceremony. The point of the ITN/R is that the Olympics are done and dusted, the grand spectacle has come to an end. The closing ceremony itself is certainly not the main story, that's just a bit of light-hearted fluff. — Amakuru (talk) 10:42, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    • ITN/R does explicitly mention "the opening and closing ceremonies of the Summer and Winter Olympic Games", plus the closing ceremony is how the Games ended. If this was the case for the opening ceremony, then we could've posted that the Olympics had begun, and keep the opening ceremony as a footnote. If we didn't do that there, what makes us not do that here? ActuallyNeverHappened02 (a place to chalk a list of stuff i've done) 12:52, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Article looks fine, even the Paris part. Not enough CN tags to bar from posting. Marking for further attention. AllegedlyHuman (talk) 22:55, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    • I can't think of a time where we intentionally posted an item to ITN with outstanding CN tags. Have since added them myself but if there's "not enough CN tags to bar from posting" then it shouldn't be too time-consuming to add them. SpencerT•C 15:29, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted CN tags addressed. SpencerT•C 15:29, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
    Template:PingUnited States at the 2020 Summer Olympics is currently tagged. I don't think this choice of blurb was necessary.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 15:36, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
    Template:U I posted the original blurb, which did not include a link to United States at the 2020 Summer Olympics. I am not sure who adjusted the blurb since posting. SpencerT•C 15:44, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
    Oh, sorry. I didn't check that specific detail. It seems like there's an ongoing discussion on the article's neutrality and hence the tag.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 16:21, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
    Template:Ping I believe you overlooked the neutrality tag before expanding the blurb. Could you please revert it to the original blurb until the neutrality issue is resolved on the discussion page? Thanks.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 17:48, 12 August 2021 (UTC)
    From what I understand (and read on the main WP:ITN page), only the bolded article needs to be fully Main-Page compliant, otherwise little would ever get posted in a timely manner. In any event I can unlink the medal table, but reader interest dictates that the overall result be posted. – John M Wolfson (talkcontribs) 18:42, 12 August 2021 (UTC)

August 7

Template:Cot Portal:Current events/2021 August 7 Template:Cob

(Closed) 2021 British & Irish Lions

Template:Atop Template:ITN candidate

  • Oppose relatively insignificant sports series. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 09:56, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose not significant enough competition for ITN. News coverage of it in the UK was way lower than e.g. the Six Nations Championship (which does get posted, as it's ITNR). Joseph2302 (talk) 09:59, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose agree with the above two comments re significance and also oppose on article quality - mostly a stats page. Only one match has any prose coverage.--Bcp67 (talk) 10:19, 9 August 2021 (UTC)


(Posted) RD: Markie Post

Template:ITN candidate

  • Template:S Support Unsourced filmography, with many minor style errors, TV movies in Film and Television...but otherwise fine. InedibleHulk (talk) 02:37, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Still some citations missing in filmography section. Awards and nominations section unref'd. --PFHLai (talk) 06:10, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
    • Template:Re added citations and hid uncited info for ones I could not find reliable sources. —Bloom6132 (talk) 06:51, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • SupportThe filmography entries and text look sourced. There a few dead links, but they are backed up by live sources. Joofjoof (talk) 11:50, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Looks good to go. Hanamanteo (talk) 15:00, 10 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted. Thanks for the new citations! --PFHLai (talk) 19:27, 10 August 2021 (UTC)

RD: Brad Allan

Template:ITN candidate

  • Comments: The Filmography section remains unref'd. More footnotes are also needed in the biographical prose. --PFHLai (talk) 16:26, 14 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Trevor Moore

Template:ITN candidate

  • Yeah, definitely not ready to post yet. Given the surprise nature of the death, there will be a fair bit that requires updating and pruning, hopefully some of which will be covered in upcoming articles. Nohomersryan (talk) 23:26, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I've now added references for much of the article. TatteredSail (talk) 18:20, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • A couple more references needed, but nearly good to post. Stephen 01:16, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Film + discography are now fully referenced, and CN tags are complete. It should be ready now. TatteredSail (talk) 15:23, 9 August 2021 (UTC)
  • PostedAmakuru (talk) 16:45, 9 August 2021 (UTC)

August 6

Template:Cot Portal:Current events/2021 August 6 Template:Cob

(Posted) RD: Herbert Schlosser

Template:ITN candidate

  • Support Made NBC relevant to the 1970s, short sweet article, woe is us. InedibleHulk (talk) 02:40, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 11:53, 8 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) Attack on Ralph Gonsalves, Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Template:Atop Template:ITN candidate

  • Oppose It can't be pleasant to be hit with a rock, but he doesn't seem seriously injured. No broader impact than that. Nohomersryan (talk) 00:49, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
    • Eh, a concussion to be precise[53], so he will be monitored for some weeks. No lasting issues though. Joofjoof (talk) 02:45, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment This has made the regional news: Jamaica Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana. The CARICOM chair also released a statement.[54] Joofjoof (talk) 02:45, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose One wounded fails MINIMUMDEATHS, and he's far from a major world leader (my queen is his country's head of state). But yes, I've felt his pain, not fun. Stay strong, brother! InedibleHulk (talk) 02:56, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose – Lacks general significance. Suggest close. – Sca (talk) 12:05, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Your average Milkshaking, but with a rock. Kingsif (talk) 23:59, 7 August 2021 (UTC)


Dixie Fire

Template:ITN candidate

  • Support Climate change is destroying towns. – Muboshgu (talk) 21:19, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – Part of the larger global warming/climate change/U.S. wildfires stories. Doesn't appear to have a larger significance on its own. – Sca (talk) 22:02, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment Agree with Sca. The difference with the Turkish forest fires is that have caused at least 8 victims. In California, two towns with less than 1200 inhabitants combined were burned. _-_Alsoriano97 (talk) 22:18, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Wait Its wildfire season in the US (and elsewhere), and while two towns were destroyed, these aren't very large, and there are yet any reported deaths. The wildfire could get worse before its considered extinguished, and if there are deaths or more severe destruction (acreage of land notwithstanding) then it might be worth posting. --Masem (t) 22:52, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment Should we use units of acres or square kilometres? osunpokeh (talk) 11:31, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
    For U.S. fires only, sq. mi. with sq. km in parens (U.S. media practice). – Sca (talk) 12:08, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Nom. comment Fire is now the "largest single wildfire in California history". AllegedlyHuman (talk) 16:25, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
    • While that is very much true, we're also talking about an area of the state largely undeveloped and unpopulated, aka "if a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?" scenario. Yes, that's still land damage, there's smoke and ash going at least as far as Salt Lake City from what I've heard, etc. But its again, norm for this time of year and no lives have yet to be lost. --Masem (t) 16:46, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
      • Aye, everyone knows plants and animals were dead when we got here, a barren untouched wasteland. InedibleHulk (talk) 21:08, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose big fire, sad fire, not really interesting that it's a "biggest since FOO" fire because there's always one of those. Appears, per Masem, to currently (and merficully) have made little real historical impact. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 22:58, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose It's wildfire season in California, we'll continue to resist setting precedent for posting any and every X in predictable X season unless it's truly unprecedented. Also, I haven't seen this actually in any news (obviously I see the links, I had read about it by going down the local story route, but I mean it's not making headlines so that elusive "average reader" would be surprised to see it headlining Wikipedia alone). Kingsif (talk) 23:59, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose it's not "news" that California has fires in the summer. This fire has been going for weeks. User:力 (power~enwiki, π, ν) 00:13, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Change my vote, fire now much bigger and certainly ITN. However, I would rather support a combined blurb also mentioning the Greece/Turkey/Algeria etc. fires. Kingsif (talk) 15:23, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
    • Thing is, there's still no deaths reported, unlike the other wildfires. --Masem (t) 15:27, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Admin comment: No consensus for posting at this time. SpencerT•C 15:23, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) Prime Minister of Moldova

Template:Atop Template:ITN candidate

  • Comment: we already posted the results of the election back in July, so this is probably just a formality? --Tone 13:38, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose per Tone, this is a duplicate posting; we already posted the election and the results. Occasionally we have posted things like this instead of elections, in cases where we missed the election posting for various reasons, but in general, when the election has already been posted, such formalities like this or like inaugurations and the like are not normally posted. --Jayron32 14:49, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
    I would not call it a formality because in this case, the leader of the winning party does not automatically become a prime minister (in fact, he is the current speaker of the parliament). It is not the Westminster system. Nevertheless, the prime minister in Moldova has more powers than the president, therefore should be important enough to be posted. Also worth noting is the fact that the country has had no government since last December, so this is a formal end of the local political crisis. --Andrei (talk) 15:21, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
    Still, according to the election results, it was expected that the new PM would come from a party that has comfortably won the election. We typically reserve the PM posting in cases where there is a prolonged government formation, such as when no party can form a coallition and similar, which was not the case here. --Tone 16:45, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
    Per Tone, it is a formality because we knew who the PM was going to be at the election, and nothing strange or unexpected happened between then and now. It was expected, at the time of the election, that what happened above would happen. Had it not, we would have a story to post. Since everything happened according to plan, there's no reason to post such an update. --Jayron32 17:37, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
Does seem pretty much a foregone conclusion. – Sca (talk) 18:52, 6 August 2021 (UTC)


August 5

Template:Cot Portal:Current events/2021 August 5 Template:Cob

(Closed) Lionel Messi leaves Barcelona

Template:Archive top Template:ITN candidate

  • Strong oppose Sports transactions, no matter who the player is, are not ITN material. – Muboshgu (talk) 21:56, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose only blurb Messi gets is if (a) he dies or (b) he signs for Ipswich Town. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 22:00, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose. Sports transactions are not news. We didn't post(and shouldn't have) when Tom Brady went to Tampa Bay. 331dot (talk) 22:15, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment it's a "transfer" not a "transaction". And to where, we know not. Thanks. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 22:22, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose – Lacks general significance. Suggest snow. Sca (talk) 22:22, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Soccer is the most important thing in the world. --LaserLegs (talk) 22:35, 5 August 2021 (UTC)

Template:Archive bottom

(Posted) RD: Richard Trumka

Template:ITN candidate

  • Comment I think I got the last couple citations in about his work on the U.S. Shell boycott; I would definitely support if so, as it seems everything else is sufficiently referenced. rawmustard (talk) 17:43, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Looks solid. Teemu08 (talk) 21:56, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • One citation needed. Stephen 06:09, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support I just deleted the only unsourced information. _-_Alsoriano97 (talk) 17:58, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support. Article looks good for homepage / RD. RIP. Marking Ready. Ktin (talk) 18:48, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 20:24, 7 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Brian Henderson (television presenter)

Template:ITN candidate

  • Support – well-referenced; meets minimum ITN requirements. —Bloom6132 (talk) 08:59, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support – referenced and ready. --BabbaQ (talk) 11:01, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support – Looks good to go. Hanamanteo (talk) 14:00, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted to RD. SpencerT•C 14:41, 5 August 2021 (UTC)

August 4

Template:Cot Portal:Current events/2021 August 4 Template:Cob

(Posted) RD: Jean "Binta" Breeze

Template:ITN candidate

  • pinging Stephen and PFHLai. Joofjoof (talk) 00:50, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Long enough, with enough refs, no glaring problems. This wikibio seems to be READY for RD right now. --PFHLai (talk) 01:01, 11 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 03:24, 11 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: R. Aravamudan

Template:ITN candidate

  • Though long enough at 405 words, it seems a little thin as a wikibio -- it would be nice to know, apart from writing ISRO: A Personal History, what he has achieved while carrying all those big titles. I am not sure if this is a deficiency that should hold this nom back. Otherwise, this is READY for RD. --PFHLai (talk) 03:31, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support as fully sourced and although a short article it should be sufficient for our RD requirements JW 1961 Talk 12:31, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 14:20, 8 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Karl Heinz Bohrer

Template:ITN candidate

  • Support But meets already minimum requirements. Grimes2 (talk) 15:39, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support - fully sourced and ready.--BabbaQ (talk) 18:08, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 18:10, 6 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Bobby Eaton

Template:ITN candidate

  • Comment. Looks almost ready for homepage / RD. There are two tags for unreliable sources. Template:Ping please can you look at that? Once that is fixed, this is good to go to homepage / RD. RIP. Ktin (talk) 01:14, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
    I'm not familiar with Tim Dills in particular, but the fact that Kayfabe Memories trusts him to cover Memphis in such depth speaks to his credibility. Not controversial claims, anyway. Would removing the tags sufficiently fix this? InedibleHulk (talk) 02:03, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
    Template:U and Template:U, these tags are your business from two Februaries ago; any lingering doubts? InedibleHulk (talk) 02:19, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
    Well, pending a reason not to, I've fixed those tags. InedibleHulk (talk) 03:42, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support. Looks good to go to homepage / RD. Ktin (talk) 15:12, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support - sourced and looks good.BabbaQ (talk) 18:13, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 06:06, 7 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: J. R. Richard

Template:ITN candidate

  • Support as per the nomination. rawmustard (talk) 17:10, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support. Article looks good. Added a couple of minor CN tags. Template:U please can you have them fixed. Should be relatively easy. Once that is done, this is good to go to homepage / RD. RIP. Ktin (talk) 18:19, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
    Template:U, they're resolved. – Muboshgu (talk) 19:04, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Template:Re ESPN says he died "Thursday" (Aug 5).[55] However, the article currently says Aug 4 and in a hospital, neither of which is specified in the page's current citation. This should be resolved.—Bagumba (talk) 19:27, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
    This source says Wednesday in hospital.[56] Whichever is deemed more reliable, it should at least be consistent with the citation.—Bagumba (talk) 19:39, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
    I am not too close to the game. But, I did see a few other sources including a statement on MLB.com that referenced Wednesday, August 4th. So, I think the article has the date correct. [57] [58] Ktin (talk) 19:49, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
Template:U, it also seems to me that Aug 4 is correct and ESPN is incorrect. This source says that the death was reported by the Astros today, though he died last night in a hospital, and I will switch to this source. ESPN is probably taking the day of the report to be the day of death. – Muboshgu (talk) 19:58, 5 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) 400m hurdles world record, update

Template:ITN candidate

  • Adding a new article requires people to check that article for ITN criteria. No error, no "simple" change. Kingsif (talk) 17:05, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support - But I do not support this blurb. Just add MacLaughlin into the current blurb and add her image and make it a trio.BabbaQ (talk) 18:04, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • At current that would be a bit long. Feel free to propose alts that don't take up half (if not more) of the box. Kingsif (talk) 18:41, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted by adding to the existing blurb. I will repeat what I said in my edit summary - this entire blurb is somewhat arbitrarily (and perhaps unfairly) putting a spotlight on athletics and ignoring the other world records in other sports, so I question the entire approach of putting Olympic world records in this ITN box. - Fuzheado Talk 18:44, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • PULL How was this allowed to go AND get posted when it's a copy-paste of a nom below with 2 opposes? (talk) 22:34, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
    While your observations are interesting and may even be valid, without a preponderance of reliable sources discounting the world records, it would amount to original research to make a judgment to consider these world records as requiring special treatment in ITN. Now as to whether we should be taking this much blurb space at all for arbitrarily highlighting these world records, but not the ones in swimming or cycling, that is indeed a valid issue to bring up. For now, it is only logical and fair that either all three folks should be gone from the ITN box, or all three should exist. Putting only 2 of the 3 athletics world records, as it was previously, just doesn't make sense. -- Fuzheado Talk 01:30, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Not a copy-paste when it's a different proposal with different scope. (And actually following ITN.) Fuzheado posted a variation on the blurb that has been discussed below; posting admin's prerogative is to assimilate responses, don't tell me you have issue with that. Importantly, discussion here was/is focused on the merit of adding McLaughlin, the point of the nom, rather than a debate on WR blurbs, which literally prefaced the nom below from a nominator who made it clear he didn't want article or blurb discussion to occur. But you knew that. Kingsif (talk) 02:01, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
For reference nobody seems to have addressed any issues here: Seems that this new record was set WITH the "super spikes" that are reportedly a 1-1.5% bump over the old ones. Since this new decrease of .44 sec is by less than 1% of the old record (compared to the 1.6% for the men's one) and it is done WITH the new technology, this is definitely significantly less notable. The magnitude of the men's hurdles one was the notability there, and the long-jump one was the age of the record, neither of which apply in this case. Had this record been set outside of a competition with many records, this should have been posted, but can be skipped now. Alternatively, can add the records article to the ongoing link on the bottom of ITN (alongside medal table one).
  • MoreTemplate:Ping has anybody checked the linked article for quality updates? There are 2 sentences in the intro with ZILCH coverage in the body of the BLP. (talk) 22:40, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
    The quality of the article was considered and it is fine. It could benefit from more additions but nothing is a show stopper. -- Fuzheado Talk 01:32, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Post-posting Support Makes sense to add this to the blurb about the other record being broken.Jackattack1597 (talk) 11:09, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
How many records are broken? Yet the biggest single event in 100m is not posted but 1 support gets posted?2A02:2A57:60AF:0:7931:FDE6:C873:15B2 (talk) 13:25, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
Why did you not nominate it then?BabbaQ (talk) 13:28, 8 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) Milavče train collision

Template:Atop Template:ITN candidate

  • Wait Stub article that also somewhat contradicts itself: it suggests there is a definite cause for the collision, but also that an investigation has just been opened. We should wait for it be clear which of those is true (do they know why, or are they looking into it?) RS should hopefully clarify with a few more hours. Kingsif (talk) 15:00, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose unless there's a criminal investigation, this isn't notable enough to be posted. Jim Michael (talk) 18:50, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
    Template:Re your wish has been granted. Criminal investigation opened. Mjroots (talk) 19:42, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support No longer stub and apparently criminal investigations are open now. Cindercat 🐱 (Want to talk?) 05:42, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Opppose -- it is unclear what significance this has, but it does not appear to be notable enough to be posted. -- Rockstone[Send me a message!] 06:58, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
    Significance - it's a major rail crash in a first world country. ITN getting dominated by Olympics stories. Well developed article with no issues. Mjroots (talk) 11:15, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
    Doesn't seem major at all. A major rail crash would be one killing 10-20 or more, which unfortunately would not be unusual in certain countries. – Sca (talk) 12:13, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
    Perhaps percentage of a country's annual rail death toll would be a better metric for comparison? Martinevans123 (talk) 12:28, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment It does seem to have had a fair amount of coverage in English language sources. Not sure it really has that much significance for the wider world. I think the Stonehaven derailment another train related incident with the same number of deaths was rejected from ITN for that reason last year. Llewee (talk) 12:18, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
    The Stonehaven derailment discussion was closed as "no consensus". But we're straying into the realms of WP:OSE here. As I have said before, there is no WP:MINIMUMDEATHS for a reason. Each article needs to be assessed on its own merits, at the time it is nominated. Nominating an article in my experience has a twofold purpose. Firstly, it gets more eyes on the article, and generally leads to improvement of said article. Secondly, it might actually get on the main page, which again gets more eyes on the article. If it don't make the second stage, then its not the end of the world. Mjroots (talk) 12:30, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
Oh, that happened in 1962 anyway. – Sca (talk) 12:54, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
To be clear, we don't have a WP:MINIMUMDEATHS because an otherwise notable disaster is not completed mitigated by a low death count. However, the death count is often the most prominent factor in a disaster's significance. GreatCaesarsGhost 13:08, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose – Lacks general significance. – Sca (talk) 12:52, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose I would also prefer we not post multiple Olympics stories, but that's not a legitimate reason to post other stories. GreatCaesarsGhost 13:08, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support - I do not agree with the Opposing side here. Clear significance, deaths, rare event in the country, has received plenty of international coverage. Article is sourced and ready.BabbaQ (talk) 11:17, 6 August 2021 (UTC)


(Closed) More world records

Template:Atop Template:ITN candidate

  • Comment/suggestion: Can we have a cap on the number of these new records in the same blurb at the same time, please? Perhaps the most recent three? Just to avoid putting up bloated bullet-points on ITN. Thanks. --PFHLai (talk) 12:56, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment May I suggest bumping Rojas out (back to individual blurb?) and having the 400m hurdlers in the same blurb. Kingsif (talk) 13:00, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment I agree that it's better to combine the world records in 400 m hurdles in one blurb and keep Rojas in a separate one. We should also consider a new montage of Warholm's and McLaughlin's photos.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 13:07, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Template:U Users unrelated to the nominator are allowed to propose alt blurbs; nominations are not the property of the nominator and unalterable by others, and adding an alt blurb does not suggest support by the nominator. 331dot (talk) 13:21, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
How then can it be allowed to appear without accreditation or being marked as distinct from my proposal in a section that has my name, and my name alone, attached to it? Kevin McE (talk) 13:26, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
Users have proposed alt blurbs on the nominations of others for years and this is the first objection I've seen to it. Often discussions lead to such things and it is assumed that alt blurbs were not necessarily written by the nominator. My suggestion, if you are concerned that others will interpret the addition of an alt blurb as your suggestion, is that you make a statement saying that you do not support any suggested alt blurbs. Perhaps the nomination template can be tinkered with as well. 331dot (talk) 13:34, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
Simple: it's not your proposal. The nominator's name is only there to give credit for bringing attention to the item, which is what gets the bulk of pure !votes, with blurb wording always open to improvement, sometimes (often) even changed by the posting admin without discussion at all. Kingsif (talk) 14:51, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
Patent nonsense, a proposal made by me, in my name, is my proposal. Why the incredibly rude tone from you on this page? Kevin McE (talk) 16:28, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
That's not true, and I've not been rude. ITN isn't a series of mini-autocracies, and I have merely tried to elucidate that. Wordily and firm, probably. You're making incorrect generalizations of a process you evidently don't understand and now are trying to "win" by saying I'm not nice to you. It's embarrassing. Kingsif (talk) 18:44, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Seems that this new record was set WITH the "super spikes" that are reportedly a 1-1.5% bump over the old ones. Since this new decrease of .44 sec is by less than 1% of the old record (compared to the 1.6% for the men's one) and it is done WITH the new technology, this is definitely significantly less notable. The magnitude of the men's hurdles one was the notability there, and the long-jump one was the age of the record, neither of which apply in this case. Had this record been set outside of a competition with many records, this should have been posted, but can be skipped now. Alternatively, can add the records article to the ongoing link on the bottom of ITN (alongside medal table one). (talk) 13:35, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I'm going to suggest that for the purposes of the rest of the games that we do not try to suggest more WRs, and instead add a link to World and Olympic records set at the 2020 Summer Olympics in the ongoing line (eg "Olympics (medal table, world records)") That article seems to be reasonable sourced and in good shape. That will avoid this issue of us not featuring every WR set. --Masem (t) 13:38, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
And removing those already there? And acknowledge that sports other than athletics exist? Radical: I like it. Kevin McE (talk) 13:50, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
Maybe we should think about posting a box with links to multiple articles about the Olympics as we did for the COVID-19 pandemic last year. It's clear that the Summer Olympics are the main ongoing event in the world and the ongoing section cannot properly accommodate multiple links.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 14:18, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
The box for COVID was more as a attention-getting highlight because of its severity and that we felt the need that we wanted to do something to alert the readers of a global issue. Olympics is not of that severity, but we can add extra links to what are likely articles of high interest, which I agree include the medal table and WRs. I would propose a similar approach for any other ongoing where there is a subpage or two that would be a reasonable target article associated with the main ongoing event where that information isn't on the target page (eg when World Cup comes round, the tourney bracket structure if its not on the Cup's main page could be a possible target like this). --Masem (t) 14:26, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
I came here to propose exactly what Masem just suggested. --LukeSurl t c 14:19, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
Wasn't that a suggestion at ITN talk, and completely shot down? Kingsif (talk) 14:31, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
There was a suggestion to have sports icons alongside the Olympics to point to every single major event. That was shot down. But having a couple side links is completely reasonable given that we already have one (the medal table). --Masem (t) 14:33, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
Ah, well, I'm sure that would be a separate ongoing nom. Kingsif (talk) 14:39, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Strong oppose and, frankly, suggest close. Massively overloaded blurb, and the nominator has made it very clear that t(his) nom is for that blurb wording alone, rather than for the item (i.e. event, i.e. bold article) - which ITN noms are supposed to be. I suggest Kevin, who also stuck this nom outside the date template until I fixed it, actually learn the ITN rules before trying it again. The rules which also say that items have to be nommed to get posted, so nobody is actively saying swimming and cycling can't be posted and he should stop whining about it. Kingsif (talk) 14:39, 4 August 2021 (UTC)


August 3

Template:Cot Portal:Current events/2021 August 3 Template:Cob

(Posted) Ongoing: 2020 Olympics

Template:ITN candidate

  • Support - Seems like a good suggestion in my opinion.BabbaQ (talk) 17:35, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Article is in good shape and we're already late. _-_Alsoriano97 (talk) 17:36, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Strong Support Long overdue - this should have been updated last week. There's no excuse or any valid argument against including this on the Ongoing section.
  • Strong Support Such a major, worldwide, once-in-four(five)-years event should be added to Ongoing. The 2016 Summer Olympics were posted in Ongoing from the day it began. CosmicLycanroc (talk) 18:26, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support. I like Template:U's suggestion of going with 2020 Summer Olympics (medal table). Ktin (talk) 20:23, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support. Seems a very simple solution to days of convoluted debate, accusation and and recrimination. Martinevans123 (talk) 20:26, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 21:50, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Such a shame that all the convoluted debate, accusation and recrimination couldn't have been answered with simple factual responses rather than endless and hopeless snide comments, but glad we got to a result that now re-shapes Ongoing. I assume that Template:U, having posted this, will now update ITNR to account for this anomaly. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 21:55, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Pull a couple of HOURS AGO it was made clear that the original potential item: Chronological summary of the 2020 Summer Olympics had been fixed up. This is a proper ONGOING item, and it's sad it's taken this long for all those complainants to fix it up, but it looks good enough now, and much more suitable that the article posted which is barely updated. Change the target, good job someone here is doing the job of the whining massive, shout out to Template:U, sadly surrounded by pseudo-comedians and users who literally do nothing here. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 22:05, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    You want a fact? The 2020 Summer Olympics are ongoing and the In The News box should state it as such. It really is that simple.
    Please replace this curious smorgasbord of links (neither of which has consensus) with the timeline, which at least has some kind of ITNR pedigree. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 22:13, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    I promise to do nothing here, as long as I can be called a pseudo-comedian. Martinevans123 (talk) 22:18, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    I'm just glad I'm not a sports fan (except for snooker, of course). – Sca (talk) 22:25, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    No Martin, not a comedian at all. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 22:28, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    No, he's not is he. Poor SCA. You can still be a snooker-pseud though. Martinevans123 (talk) 22:39, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Please Martin, take a break, stop responding to everything I post. It's bordering on bullying now. I'm sure you can find something better to do than continually harass me. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 22:43, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Sca, even the World Snooker Championship doesn't have the global impact of the Olympics, so it'll never get an "ongoing" slot. And I'm sure you're a real snooker fan, not a pseudo one as I suggested. Martinevans123 (talk) 07:59, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
Yes, I foam at the mouth, on cue, at the sight of an 8-ball. – Sca (talk) 22:26, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment I agree that Chronological summary of the 2020 Summer Olympics is now well-referenced and ready for posting. That's the standard article we always post to document ongoing Olympics.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 22:16, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support 2020 Summer Olympics, strong oppose the chronology page. The Olympics themselves are ongoing, while the chronology is just fluff. — Amakuru (talk) 22:18, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    So let's change the ongoing criteria? The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 22:20, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Not really. Just treat this as a special case. It does get its own mention at WP:ITNSPORTS after all, and we already have COVID-19 pandemic as a perennial Ongoing item which also isn't updated on a daily basis either. — Amakuru (talk) 22:34, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Actually, to be accurate, the ITNSPORTS link says it was the timeline which was accepted for 2016. The Covid article is a different matter altogether, it's not been updated properly and should be removed, but that's a red herring for this discussion. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 22:46, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    I think what I'm saying here is that this is an appropriate case for WP:IAR to apply. The Olympics page isn't being updated daily (although actually it should be, but that's another matter) but it's the page that readers most want to see, by a significant margin. — Amakuru (talk) 22:57, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Reinstating the pull as we have an ongoing timeline article which is properly updated and sourced. Unless we're setting a new precedent here. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 22:27, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    • I am extremely certain it is not standard procedure for one unhappy editor to put "PULL" in a heading because they don't like something. If it's an actual error you should ask for it to be pulled at WP:ERRORS, otherwise you really must wait for at least one editor to agree with you, no? User:力 (power~enwiki, π, ν) 22:28, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
      • No, you don't get it. There's no evidence this article meets the Ongoing update criterion. We have timeline article (noted at WP:ITNR) which should go into ongoing, now it's been updated. This article is not appropriate for "Ongoing". I think you all know that. Whether you are "extremely certain" or not. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 22:31, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
        • The "evidence" is the 8 editors above who have supported this. I don't know or care what the Ongoing criterion are; there's certainly consensus that something about the Olympics should go there. User:力 (power~enwiki, π, ν) 22:34, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
          • Yes, correct. So the Ongoing criterion is now superseded. You don't care about it, but fuck that guideline. Glad the article which receives almost literally NO updates is now in the "Ongoing" section where "updates" are "continually" required. Well played. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 22:36, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose this is definitively not what the ongoing targets were supposed to be about. There's literally NOTHING in the target article about the ongoing events in the Olympic Games. The choice of two articles, one about the games, and a repeat, the medal table, is utterly shambolic. Neither give any indication as to the ongoing events and this project should be ashamed of this second-class choice, particularly in light of the work done on the timeline article. Embarrassing and pointed, this is junk and sets a clear precedent for literally any event to be added to Ongoing without any kind of substantial or useful update to our readers. Well done everyone, a proud moment. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 22:41, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose quite conflicted here, as I appreciate the epic troll y'all are running on Rambling Man. But we shouldn't burn the whole project to the ground to do it. Just make fun of Thatcher or something. GreatCaesarsGhost 22:43, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • May I make the suggestion that we add Chronological summary of the 2020 Summer Olympics to the Ongoing section just as well as the Medal table. They are all three part of the Olympics. I see no reason to Pull neither of the other two articles part of the Ongoing section though. BabbaQ (talk) 22:47, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • There is zero reason to pull this, if we want to alter what is posted, we can do so. 331dot (talk) 22:51, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Thanks for your comments! The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 23:03, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Post the timeline (per ITNR). Last chance saloon for me. This has dramatically changed my view on what the community believes "Ongoing" is for. We can now post things like the World Cup or the Euros because there's literally no updates to the articles in question, but "they're a big tournament". We will remember. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 23:02, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Sounds great! Glad we reached this solution.

In my opinion that article should be added to Ongoing as well, along with the Medal table with the 2020 Summer Olympics as the main article. This is the biggest Sporting event in the world. So having three articles at Ongoing for a few more days would make sense. BabbaQ (talk) 23:04, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Swap medal table for chronology. I'm not generally a fan of chronology articles (there's a very good reason the other item is COVID-19 pandemic, not Timeline of the COVID-19 pandemic), but the chronology article here includes the winners of all the events, which is relevant in the newsy sense. I think the general Olympics article is the target readers more expect, though, so I would very much oppose removing that. Including two Olympics links is fine, but I wouldn't want to see more than that. {{u Sdkb}} talk 23:15, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Article has a continually updated medal table. Will China win? Stay tuned! InedibleHulk (talk) 01:30, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support The ongoing section was originally created for having a link the Olympics and then was built up since then. Appropriate to continue having a link since various events are on subpages that can be reached by the existing link. Has a clear starting and end point, unlike the vast majority of other events on Ongoing. SpencerT•C 03:27, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Horrible choice to now instead cram two Olympic items to ongoing because the original proposal failed because Chronological summary of the 2020 Summer Olympics, the single link typically posted, is now a bloated set of tables and an egregious violation of MOS:COLLAPSE. I'm not a slave to the "Olympic spirit" marketing machine to WP:IAR this (though I am updating 2020 United States men's Olympic basketball team).Bagumba (talk) 06:06, 4 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) World records

Template:Atop Template:ITN candidate

  • Oppose lots of the cycling records are unreferenced. The article lacks a suitable introduction. Also, is the intention to extend this if records are beaten in other disciplines, to the point where it becomes the only news story in the ITN template? Also, rowing (for example) lists them as "world best" not "world records", this nuance doesn't come across in the blurb, so it's misleading. Either these are world records or they're not. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 17:18, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
The official weightlifting records are all from 2018+, pre-2018.5 records became historical interest-only with a weight class rearrangement. Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 17:22, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
I was talking about rowing. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 17:24, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
Lengthen the blurb some more with World records are set in weightlifting, cycling, swimming, shooting and athletics at the Tokyo Olympics, along with world bests in rowing.? Why not alphabetical order? Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 17:56, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose It's not really news that new world records are set during Summer Olympics because that always happens. The real news is when a world record is broken after a long period of time or by a significant margin.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 17:43, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
People always die and elections always have results too. Kevin McE (talk) 20:42, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
So we no longer need RD because we can post a blurb that links to deaths in 2021 as a target article. Don't we?--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 20:59, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
Sure, as long as we can still argue there aren't enough sources. Martinevans123 (talk) 21:06, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
I wouldn't be surprised if a nomination with a proposed blurb "Sportspeople win medals at the 2020 Summer Olympics." arrives. And all such nominations come as a result of the reluctance to post the Olympics to ongoing.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 21:23, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
"Sportspeople win medals at a big event". A lot simpler, I think. Martinevans123 (talk) 21:31, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
Yep, take a break now Martin, maybe a week or two. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 22:17, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose too vague to be meaningful. An "ongoing" for the Olympics is one thing, this is just silly. What's next? "Football matches occur in England, Germany, Spain, and France"? User:力 (power~enwiki, π, ν) 20:44, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    What? Football matches occur is not equivalent to world records are set. I don't know, perhaps you're just testing us, this is patently absurd. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 21:56, 3 August 2021 (UTC)


(Posted, Closed) 400m hurdles world record

Template:Atop Template:ITN candidate

  • I'd support merging the two athletics world records, it even gives us the opportunity to have a direct link to the Olympics in the blurb. --Tone 08:27, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support simply because this is perhaps one of the most outstanding results in the history of athletics. It's extremely rare to see a race in which the first two athletes have run way better than the world record and 0.76 seconds in 400 m is really a huge margin.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 08:39, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment agree with support rationale above. Just noting a few of the results in the table are unsourced (but happy to try and find some). Also not sure if this would get subsumed by the proposed "on-going" nomination (if that succeeds). Martinevans123 (talk) 08:45, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment - we've already set a precedent by posting the triple jump, although I still think this is ridiculously unfair on the swimmers who set world records and weren't posted. So probably, as Tone says, let's fold this in to the triple jump story. And preferably add the swimming records too. That said, I don't think this is as surprising as the margin or the hyperbole above would suggest. Of course, the athletes today are strong, but comparing their times to those of the past is apples to oranges, as a result of changes in the spikes used on their boots.[59]Amakuru (talk) 08:48, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I'm pretty sure the swimmers don't use spiked boots. Maybe just the diving? Martinevans123 (talk) 08:55, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Perhaps some spiked goggles though? [60]Amakuru (talk) 09:22, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I'd like to see world records in other sports being posted but the problem is that no-one nominates them.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 09:53, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Template:U The winner didn't use the new spikes (the 2nd place guy did). Black Kite (talk) 22:23, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    • Template:Ping Ah OK, my bad then. That certainly makes the new record seem more spectacular. — Amakuru (talk) 22:27, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment: i am reclutant to support it to be posted unless the blurb can be considered ITNR. But, the article is a good shape. (talk) 10:59, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support and fold it in to the other WR. This does need to be posted, though, because it's an astonishing destruction of the previous record. Black Kite (talk) 11:21, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support New World Record. And a great one. Definitely for ITN.BabbaQ (talk) 12:21, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support good record, great from Warholm. No opinion on combining the athletics records into one blurb, but someone could montage their photos if that gets support. Kingsif (talk) 12:49, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose There have been many records set, in swimming, rowing, cycling and probably other sports as well: if we do not have the equanimity to mention all of them, mention none (i.e., pull triple jump too). Otherwise we are declaring the POV that one Olympic sport is more important than others.Kevin McE (talk) 13:49, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Would we also mention "records", set for the first time, at new events e.g. Mixed Triathlon Relay and Freestyle BMX? Thanks. Martinevans123 (talk) 13:59, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • If it's an event that has history, like BMX (X-games), then that could get posted posted. New to Olympics doesn't matter, right? But setting a record in a new event shouldn't. I think I heard that the new triathlon event has been trialled before, but I don't know if that time was used to set the record? Kingsif (talk) 14:17, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Sounds reasonable. The GB time of 1:23:41 for the Mixed Triathlon Relay is, of course, the current Olympic record. Martinevans123 (talk) 14:26, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • This is like claiming that not posting every death in RD is saying some people were more important than others when, simply, nobody nominated RDs that would have been posted. If you want to see every new record posted, it's on you to nominate them all. Of course, some record breaks are seen as more newsworthy (i.e. actually ITN) than others: long-held records, those broken by a big margin, and those in sports like track and field which are contested by people from lots of countries, are generally in the news much more than someone taking 0.001 second off their own record in a sport only their nation cares about. Kingsif (talk) 14:17, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Would that be in track and field or some new summer biathlon, I wonder. Kingsif (talk) 16:19, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support, as this world record is newsworthy. If you feel other world records being set are also newsworthy, feel free to nominate those, but don't oppose this one for that reason.Jackattack1597 (talk) 14:57, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support and agree with the sentiments above that this is an "overhaul"-standard record-breaking effort. Much like those others which we've posted lately. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 16:13, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment this appears to have significant consensus to post, I marked it a while back but no willing admin yet. Suggest this is dealt with expediently and then we'll see what happens with the plethora of other Olympic nominations, premature or otherwise. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 17:16, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose per Kevin McE. It's the Olympic Games, didn't you all expect the world records to be broken? In the end, that this happens has a lesser impact on society than the personal one of the achiever. If we don't even have the Olympics ongoing, it's nonsense that we have to put on the Main Page every single record that is broken. It's not pragmatic, neither a Sports page. _-_Alsoriano97 (talk) 17:22, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Nobody (other than Kevin) is suggesting we link to every record broken. Just those which are significantly broken, whether that be by a notable margin or from a notable period of time. We don't have to put on the Main Page every single record that is broken, self-evidently that hasn't happened. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 17:26, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • You severely overestimate how many world records are broken at the Olympics, they're not gold medals. There's probably an article somewhere comparing world records and Olympic records. If you want to oppose with the argument that breaking a world record is something that is "just personal for the achiever", well, should no awards ever be posted? There's a lot of ITN/R gone... Kingsif (talk) 17:45, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose the blurb that is proposed currently. The most notable and important thing about this event is that both the gold and silver medallist set a time that was quicker than the existing world record. This a very rare occurence and that is what the blurb should deal with.Tvx1 17:40, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • That makes this world record more outstanding but I disagree that a blurb should mention it. The second fastest time, albeit significantly better than the previous world record, is not a world record itself. I prefer including the exact margin in the blurb instead of this.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 17:45, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I don’t care about the individual merits of the second time. It’s about the event as whole. If you want to highlight this sport event in the in the news section, than it needs to convey the key elements why it is notable. And both the winner and the runner-up setting a time quicker than the existing world record is a key element of this event.Tvx1 19:19, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I understand your point but the news is the world record and that's what should be included in the blurb. The results of the other athletes, including the time of the runner-up and the total of six national records set, should find their place in the race summary, which is indeed the case because the summary is very well written and captures all relevant details about the race.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 20:01, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • The nom isn't for "400 m hurdles event". And even if it were, a blurb cannot mention every notable aspect of the event. Compare it to awards ceremonies: merely happening is deemed blurbworthy, and by tradition our blurbs mention the top result, even if something interesting happened in a different part. Kingsif (talk) 20:10, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Again, I don’t care about the unique merits of the other athletes. I’m referring to the combined achievement of the first two. It’s that unique achievement which is actually in the news. It’s not some detail and did not happen in a different part of the race. It’s the most important event of it.Tvx1 10:24, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Strong Support - Changing my stance to strong support. This is indeed an "overhaul"-standard record-breaking effort. BabbaQ (talk) 18:51, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment I would be ok with merging it into the triple jump story, but oppose a separate blurb, as with the Olympics looking set to be added to Ongoing as well, that's enough representation of the games on ITN I think. Pawnkingthree (talk) 20:53, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment still confused as to why this hasn't been posted. It has community consensus to do so. Are admins now making personal choices on what to promote, based on the fact that a newer item has been posted since this was ready to go? The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 21:58, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose. We have the Olympics Ongoing handle now to cover all the twists and turns. Pull the triple jump too. As Kevin McE says (and I said below) there are numerous records being set, and we shouldn't editorialise which ones we post. — Amakuru (talk) 22:11, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
We literally "editorialize" everything we post. Why one plane crash and not another? Why one death and not another? Are they all nommed, and after the nom, it's a democracy, people vote. If they vote for one record and not another with sensible reasoning, so be it. If this is in the news and not another record, all the more reason to "editorialize", a word you're incorrectly using in place of "fulfilling the ITN goals". Kingsif (talk) 22:19, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
Fine. Oppose withdrawn. Support double blurb though. — Amakuru (talk) 22:32, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • PostedStephen 22:12, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Template:Ping OK why? There's no consensus here whatsoever. Please pull. — Amakuru (talk) 22:15, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    I'd say there's strong support for posting this. What did I miss? The oppose seems to be "meh, stop posting world records", the support seems to be "wow, highly publicised world record smash which is strongly in the news and for which we have an article". What did I miss? The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 22:19, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    That there’s no consensus on what the blurb should contain.Tvx1 10:24, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Template:Ping Comments seem to indicate a preference for a double-blurb; in any case, discussion should continue on that even though it's been posted. Kingsif (talk) 22:21, 3 August 2021 (UTC)


(Posted) Ongoing: 2021 Taliban offensive

Template:ITN candidate

  • Comment I nominated this article two weeks ago and it didn't go anywhere. The nomination will probably have more support after one of the provincial capitals falls Scaramouche33 (talk) 07:22, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose proseline, wall of reactions. Nominate for a blurb when something significant happens. --LaserLegs (talk) 10:44, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – UN says 40 killed in fighting over Lashkargah. – Sca (talk) 12:20, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment the news seems to think that the bulk of fighting is in Lashkar Gah and it's getting bad. If they take Helmand province, that would be the blurb. Pending article update, of course. Kingsif (talk) 12:51, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Well, these place names don't mean much to most English speakers, I'm afraid, so I guess we'd be back (at least partly) to weighing the death toll. BTW, that BBC story did say 40 civilians killed. – Sca (talk) 14:00, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Wait. I am convinced that this will be blurb-worthy when the Taliban take Kandahar city (or Kabul, but that seems further away). Re-nominate for a blurb when that happens. Modest Geniustalk 15:59, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Maybe. Kandahar (pop.: 650,000) is at least somewhat more familiar to English speakers. – Sca (talk) 18:55, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose We posted the "peace agreement" which was understood by all as ceding the country to the Taliban. I have no objection to a second blurb when the job is done, but we don't need to post each territorial gain any more than we need to cite that the sky is blue. GreatCaesarsGhost 01:25, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support It's a process, clearly ongoing, citations look adequate (and I know these places from 25 years of exclusively English news, for whatever that's worth). InedibleHulk (talk) 01:48, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support The Taliban now control the majority of Afghanistan. They attacked Kabul on 3 Aug. Jim Michael (talk) 18:56, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support I imagine that Template:Xt qualifies as "something significant". And of course all this on the back of the US and other nations announcing they will be withdrawing their forces from NATO's involvement there. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 19:00, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support As it's not a blurb, the minimal update for August seems satisfactory. Kingsif (talk) 20:53, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 00:07, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
Template:Ping can we keep the COVID-19 link left justified in "ongoing" since it's going to be there for another 2 or 3 years it makes sense to keep it in the same place. --LaserLegs (talk) 20:58, 8 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Post-posting comment – Seems to be on the boil, with three key towns taken. [61] [62] [63] [64] [65]Sca (talk) 12:28, 8 August 2021 (UTC)

August 2

Template:Cot Portal:Current events/2021 August 2 Template:Cob

(Posted) RD: Dave Severance

Template:ITN candidate

  • Support – Sourced and ready. Looks good to go.--BabbaQ (talk) 11:21, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 17:57, 6 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: George Forss

Template:ITN candidate

  • Support - Looks good to go.--BabbaQ (talk) 18:12, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 03:46, 4 August 2021 (UTC)

(Closed) Chronological summary of the 2020 Summer Olympics

Template:Archive top Template:ITN candidate

  • Oppose as before, target article is poorly cited, missing dozens if not scores of references. Nothing appears to have changed since the first nomination which was closed with consensus against this. This re-nomination without any attempt to resolve the previous issues is decidedly a failure of WP:POINT and I am (not) shocked that an admin would stoop to this. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 19:08, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    The previous discussion (just prior to closure) can be found here. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 19:25, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment the Olympics really needs to be in ongoing. If not this article, something else needs to go up. NorthernFalcon (talk) 19:12, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Ongoing articles need to be updated as the event progresses (indeed, per the ITN instructions, Template:Xt). The timeline was used for the 2016 games as it was the only one summarising the events. This article is currently not fit for the main page (as per the community consensus discussion last time round, a week or so back, sadly nothing has changed). The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 19:16, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Even if we can't post the article that was mistakenly posted before, I agree with Template:U above, and invite others to make other suggestions here. 331dot (talk) 19:32, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    For an Ongoing entry, it must comply with the requirements noted above. The only 2020 Olympics article to do that is the one you yourself have nominated for Ongoing. I assume you knew that when you made the nomination. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 19:36, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Thanks for your comments. 331dot (talk) 19:44, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    I'm astounded that the Tokyo Olympics still isn't listed as "Ongoing". This must be fixed. I think it should simply say "2020 Summer Olympics" and link to this page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Summer_Olympics . I don't see a single reason why that should not be implemented.— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:23, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    No single reason other than completely ignoring the criterion for Ongoing items as noted above. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 21:27, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Forgive my ignorance - where is the criterion? Having trouble finding it. I'm just in disbelief that a consensus hasn't been reached when such a simple, uncontroversial, objectively correct implementation is right in front of us.— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:37, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Well, the relevant text is noted above, but see WP:ITN. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 21:38, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Thanks - I think the article checks out, as the medal table is regularly getting updated. In any case, it is objectively correct to state that "2020 Summer Olympics" is ongoing and it would confuse or upset absolutely nobody to have it included in the box.— Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:47, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose We cannot be seriously considering this in the current state. GreatCaesarsGhost 22:18, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
I opened this because I felt the discussion below was closed prematurely; there is clearly a desire to post something. It doesn't have to be this, there's good reasons to not post this as it is now; an IP user made a suggestion above. But we are missing the boat here and should do something. 331dot (talk) 22:24, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
Incorrect. The discussion below had served its purpose to remove a sub-standard article without consensus from the main page. You then prematurely re-opened this nomination with the same article in the same sub-standard condition. "Do something" == fix the poor state of the article you have nominated, and feel free to do that. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 06:15, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
Thanks for your comments. 331dot (talk) 08:00, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose putting the chronological summary as Ongoing, both per above qualify concerns, and also because it's the wrong article to be showcasing. As evidenced by page view statistics,[66] the page that readers are seeking is the main Olympics page, not a poorly structured data dump which receives 50 times fewer hits than its parent. Currently, 2020 Summer Olympics has some orange tags and has not been fully updated with latest info, but I wouldn't be opposed in principle to posting that one to ongoing if someone sorts it out. Not the chronological summary though. — Amakuru (talk) 07:40, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose that article, just put 2020 Summer Olympics up there, its currently a glaring omission. Nixinova T C 07:52, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment for those requesting 2020 Summer Olympics to be posted as Ongoing, can they demonstrate what aspects of that article (currently maintenance-tagged) beyond the medal table are being regularly updated to comply with the basic requirement of Ongoing items? The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 09:37, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Question Is that "needs additional citations" template, in the "Sports" section, in the right place? That section looks very well sourced. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Martinevans123 (talkcontribs) 10:03, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I assume it relates to the latter part of that section which is entirely unreferenced. And what part of this article meets the Ongoing requirement? Just the medal table? The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 11:52, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • But only the "Number of athletes by National Olympic Committee" subsection is "entirely unreferenced"? Martinevans123 (talk) 12:10, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • That's what I said. But no-one's answering the question on what's being updated here for it to qualify as an "ongoing" event. If we want to remove the requirement for continual updates, that's another debate. The medal table? Amaze. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 15:05, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • The medal table is sourced to this. Are you saying that's inappropriate, or just amazing? Martinevans123 (talk) 15:19, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • You can read for yourself. I'm still waiting for an answer to the question "what aspect of the article is receiving updates that complies with the basic requirement of "Ongoing""? I guess if we're now down to just the medal table, this will impact future "ongoing" nominations where just a "number of deaths" (for example) will need to be updated to keep something in there. If that's what the consensus agrees, fine by me, meanwhile I still oppose this nomination (as a woefully under-referenced article is being knowingly proposed) and the alt-"nomination" (which has practically zero updates being applied). Now feel free to find something else to do. Thanks. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 16:00, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • It's not "woefully under-referenced." That template seems unjustified. I'm also unclear what it means for an article to be "continually updated". Martinevans123 (talk) 16:09, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Sorry, I'm no longer clear which article you're talking about. Martinevans123 (talk) 16:19, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment I am saying the following without any prejudice to quality concerns, but I am under the impression that if the opening ceremony has occurred and the closing ceremony hasn't concluded yet, then the Olympics are considered "ongoing" and therefore common sense prevails there. Therefore, the article for the 2020 Summer Olympics is sufficient for ongoing during its occurrence after the opening ceremony rolls off. This should have been a precedent for at least 15 years now, sheesh. We're doing the same thing with the COVID pandemic article, albeit indefinitely. At least the Olympics is a two week span. So its obviously ongoing and is a major news spectacle. DrewieStewie (talk) 16:21, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Okay that's fine. The only question is, what aspects of the article (beyond the medal table) are being updated as the event progresses, or do we not need to do that for this one special event? The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 16:28, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Template:U, I think the real thing regarding the olympics is that unlike other “ongoing” candidates, it’s a recurring sports item that lasts two weeks every 2 years and is international in scope. This poses unique circumstances as there aren’t any (at least to my knowledge) comparable events that end up on ongoing. It’s not like we do that for the World Series, Stanley Cup, or NBA Finals. So the Olympics is an outlier, and as it’s subject to consensus, my opinion is that for this one special event, the medal table being updated and it being within the dates is sufficient to signify ongoing. DrewieStewie (talk) 16:38, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Ok, and thank you for being the first person here out of everyone (including the nominator!) to answer my question. If the community are happy with an updated medal table, and the unreferenced material can be referenced, then sure thing. We'll need another footnote at ITNR describing yet another exception for this edition of the Olympics of course, but that's easy enough. I don't believe that, given we have a "timeline" article which is being updated but not referenced, that we should just cop-out and post an article which provides almost literally no detail on the ongoing events, and will still oppose, but thanks for at least explaining the rationale behind your own support, I appreciate it. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 16:46, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    DrewieStewie what about Winter Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, Euros, etc? Thanks. Martinevans123 (talk) 17:00, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Template:U, I included the Winter Games in my argument (2 weeks every 2 years is inclusive of winter games). As for World Cup and Euros, I suppose they work too. It probably would be easier to gain consensus on a World Cup as that is global rather than continental, though the Euros shouldn’t have much trouble either. The olympics seemed to be a more sure bet given it’s scope and it being inclusive of various sports, but the futbol World Cup and euros should do too. I am not opposed to those either. DrewieStewie (talk) 17:34, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Cool beans. Martinevans123 (talk) 17:37, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment It might be too late now (given 2020 Summer Olympics is being discussed), but I have added references for everything on Chronological summary of the 2020 Summer Olympics, so that article no longer has references problems. I don't have an opinion on which one of the two articles is the better main page candidate. — NormalPerson7 (talk) 17:55, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Very well done, NormalPerson7. A good outcome, even if nothing gets posted. Martinevans123 (talk) 21:04, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support great work Template:U, much appreciated. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 22:07, 3 August 2021 (UTC)

Template:Archive bottom

(Removed) Chronological summary of the 2020 Summer Olympics

Template:Archive top Template:ITN candidate This has been added with the "roll-off" of the opening ceremony but the discussion to include this as an "ongoing" item ended with opposition. If I missed the community consensus agreeing to adding this very poor article to the main page once the opening ceremony rolled off, could I be pointed to it please? The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 17:40, 2 August 2021 (UTC)

  • I guess I remembered it wrong or didn't follow that particular discussion, I thought this was non-controversial. I leave it to the community to decide whether to keep it or pull it. --Tone 18:14, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    You should revert your edit. I've given you the evidence of the community discussion on this matter above. There was no consensus anywhere at any point that when the opening ceremony rolled off we should post the timeline as ongoing. Not a shred. Please do the right thing now. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 18:17, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • What's the criterion for a "very poor article"? Thanks. Martinevans123 (talk) 18:18, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Amongst other things, one where a considerable portion of the information is unverified. I think you know that, having seen your work on RDs with discographies where all entries are required to be cited. As you can clearly see, this article has dozens of results without citation. Hope that clears thing up for you. Thanks. Also, there was no consensus anywhere to post this after the opening ceremony rolled off. As you know. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 18:22, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Yes, RD seems to need to have everything cited, not just a considerable portion. Perhaps they just start off as "poor". Martinevans123 (talk) 18:29, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Whatever, the standard is to not target articles which aren't pretty much comprehensively verifiable. Anyway, this is irrelevant. The previous attempt to nominate this very article for ongoing ended in a consensus against it. Of course, as you're so keen, re-nominate it and, as you note, you could always fill in the missing hundred or so references. Thanks. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 18:31, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Thanks for the offer of all that help. Perhaps you think there is a more suitable target article? Martinevans123 (talk) 18:38, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    No, there isn't. Thanks. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 18:41, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
Removed for the time being. Let's have a discussion instead whether we should have it or not. --Tone 18:24, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
As noted, that will need to be a new "ongoing" nomination which will supersede (or concur with) the previous ongoing nomination where there was consensus directly against posting this subs-standard article. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 18:25, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
Yes, a good idea. Looks like the ideal candidate. Perhaps people will help to improve it. Radical thought, I know. Martinevans123 (talk) 18:27, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Template:U Thanks for addressing the honest mistake. I don't think there is a bureaucratic need for a separate nomination, it can be discussed here. 331dot (talk) 18:34, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    No, a new heading needs to be used, this is a "removal" nomination. Good grief. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 18:41, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Looks like it's time to close this one, as it's been "pulled" and marked as such. Who needs bureaucracy when you can have pedantic bureaucracy. Martinevans123 (talk) 18:55, 2 August 2021 (UTC)

Template:Archive bottom

August 1

Template:Cot Portal:Current events/2021 August 1 Template:Cob

(Posted) RD: Kazimierz Kowalski

Template:ITN candidate

  • Support length ok, sourced. Grimes2 (talk) 14:41, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 00:01, 5 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Paul Cotton

Template:ITN candidate

  • Weak support Slim but referenced and meets minimum standards. SpencerT•C 03:27, 5 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support - sourced and ready.BabbaQ (talk) 18:09, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Template:Re I think this is ready to go now. —Bloom6132 (talk) 02:17, 7 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted --PFHLai (talk) 02:20, 7 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) RD: Eddie Presland

Template:ITN candidate

  • Support - Sourced, Start class, looks good to go.--BabbaQ (talk) 18:11, 6 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted: A bit slim, but okay for RD. --PFHLai (talk) 22:56, 6 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) Triple jump world record

Template:ITN candidate

  • Comment The athletics article is a bit messy and is written like emphatic commentary, but I've been updating Rojas' article since the win. A bit of ref clean-up and it should be really good. I'll probably check back with a support when I'm done. Kingsif (talk) 20:01, 1 August 2021 (UTC) To add: disappointed to see objections solely based on users' personal views that triple jump isn't as important as 100m, an argument that wouldn't hold water in other noms. Kingsif (talk) 21:31, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Question. Where is this listed in ITNR? 331dot (talk) 20:06, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I don't see anything like this at WP:ITN/R. --Bongwarrior (talk) 20:07, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I thought we didn't post world records during the Olympics because there are too many of them. This isn't as newsworthy as a 2-hour marathon or a 100-meter-dash world record would be, so I will probably oppose on newsworthiness. User:力 (power~enwiki, π, ν) 20:16, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
    Not at all, and frankly absurd, if someone took 0.2 seconds off the 100m sprint we wouldn't post it because it's the Olympics? Honestly. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 20:44, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
    My intended point was that we would post if the 100m dash fell by that much. User:力 (power~enwiki, π, ν) 20:50, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
    So we should post this, a 26-year-old record beaten. This is a weird objection, I'm not clear what you're talking about. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 20:55, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
    Let me get this right, you'd post the minor break of a recent world record, but not a 17cm improvement on a 26-year-old record that was probably illegitimate anyway? And in the same overall discipline (athletics)? That's simply triple jump prejudice, plain and simple, which makes no sense. We've posted Duplantis beating the pole vault, another jumping event, so is it because of the hopping involved or are you not impressed with one of the best record improvements this century? Kingsif (talk) 21:11, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Not ITN/R, and I don't think the triple jump world record is significant enough. Personally I think Elaine Thompson-Herah running the second fastest ever women's 100 is more notable. Pawnkingthree (talk) 20:34, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • And by Brits you mean Europeans. GDPR is a European law, and yes, sites are completely walled, only the url can tell you where you were supposed to go. Honestly, feel free to nominate those records, it wasn't sarcasm. Kingsif (talk) 21:11, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Template:Re Yes, I'm aware of how old it is - I watched Inessa Kravets set the previous world record in 1995. My personal view is that breaking a world record is not intrinsically more significant than winning a World or Olympic title, and we don't post those individually. Pawnkingthree (talk) 21:00, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Well then oppose on that basis, rather than saying triple jump records aren't notable. Though it would be a limited oppose given ITN's history of posting records. Kingsif (talk) 21:11, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I opposed those as well. And until it's ITN/R, they are discussed on a case-by-case basis. And as for the blurb itself, talk about burying the lead. It doesn't even mention the Olympic gold medal, which is what she came for.Pawnkingthree (talk) 21:51, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
I agree we should consider Thompson's Olympic record, beating FloJo's 1988 record, as a ITN candidate. The 100m is the most famous (or one of the most famous) track and field and in general Olympic events. Wqwt (talk) 21:28, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support be consistent. Either these records are worth posting or not. There's no intrinsic difference between the one we posted a month or so ago, and this one. And this one was amazing to be fair. She beat a record which had stood for 26 years. But then, female ethnic athlete, whatever. Wikipedia continues to disappoint its regulars. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 20:46, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose. I don't think this is one of the marquee records that is followed by the public at large, like the 100m run record. This isn't top line news(and no sources are offered). 331dot (talk) 21:03, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Fair enough, but I still think this record is not highly followed. 331dot (talk) 21:38, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Indeed, she's not American, but she's highly notable and her record is all over the news. This is top line news. Sad to claim otherwise. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 21:16, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support because four stories on ITN are over a week old and it's a reasonable story to include on ITN. NorthernFalcon (talk) 21:21, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Obvs. Also, when was the last time an Olympic gold medal was shared? Just sayin'. And, of course, what we really need, is a whole separate ITN box on the Main page for all those latest Olympic records!! --Martinevans123 (talk) 21:37, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support, as it is a major track and field world record being broken. Jackattack1597 (talk) 22:34, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support I think the blurb should be about the age rather than about the exact value, alt4. The caveat is that likely this is a WR cause triple jump women was not an olympic thing during the 80s testosterone era that still has half of women's athletics WRs. 2A02:2F0E:D519:8B00:C9CC:5655:DF34:665B (talk) 03:04, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Please add American distance numbers to the blurb as well as meters for reader understandability, thanks. Randy Kryn (talk) 03:20, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted Stephen 03:25, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose 26 years is nothing special because this is around the average for such field events – see The Economist's detailed analysis. And lots of other records are being broken at the Olympics. As there are two other Olympic blurbs currently, we should shift all this to a single ongoing entry. Andrew🐉(talk) 08:51, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    The numerous weightlifting records is fake as they raised the weight classes in 2019 for fairness and set the minimum to count as an Olympic record low enough that it usually happens at least once per record (3 records per weight class, the snatch,clean and jerk and the sum which is the one that determines who won). There is also a mixed team fad going on now in multiple sports, the extreme newness of these events will make it very easy to get an Olympic record in them until at least 2024. Sagittarian Milky Way (talk) 15:00, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Ah yes, the Opening Ceremony is still ongoing isn't it, judging by that bold link.... Martinevans123 (talk) 09:24, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • No, that's how ITN blurbs are written. For example, the triple jump world record is not being continually broken is it? And please be careful not to disrupt other's signatures. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 09:51, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • What's your point? Oh, there isn't one. You tried this at ERRORS yesterday and it got nowhere. Those looking for an "ongoing" Olympics article should nominate a suitable candidate (for the second time) instead of just complaining about it (repeatedly). The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 10:07, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Andrew suggested moving "all this to a single ongoing entry." I don't see what's "ongoing" about the triple jump record/ gold medal. And as far as I can see, neither do you. And please be careful not to describe other editor's contributions as pointless. Thanks. Martinevans123 (talk) 10:12, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I'm sure it is. But there you go, the discussion is linked and you can see for yourself what the proposed target articles would be for an ongoing. I'm sure Andrew has an opinion, but this is Wikipedia and we go by community consensus. Thanks. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 10:45, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Paging Template:Ping. Is there an Andrew Day Vidson in da house? Thanks. Martinevans123 (talk) 10:56, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose per 331dot. Incremental record, and the Olympics always has quite a few records as that's the nature of the beast. This is why we have an Ongoing entry, we don't post every twist and turn. — Amakuru (talk) 10:21, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Other records set at this Olypmics include four in the shooting competitions and in swimming, the men's 100 metre butterfly, women's 200 metre breaststroke, as well as two swimming relays. Why is the triple jump seen as more important than any of those? — Amakuru (talk) 10:44, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    My guess is (a) it's a long-standing record (26 years) and (b) it's a large increase in the record and (c) it was all in the news, unlike the shooting and swimming records. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 10:48, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    I'm not sure where I sit on this posting, but claims like "it was all in the news, unlike the shooting and swimming records" don't work for me. Where I live, the swimming records topped the news. HiLo48 (talk) 10:53, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Sure, local news will focus on local notability. Apart from Peaty, swimming is barely mentioned where I live. The Rambling Man (Keep wearing the mask...) 10:56, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Where I live swimming medals were plastered all over BBC radio and television news. Well, Team GB ones anyway. Martinevans123 (talk) 11:00, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    But this is about the world records, not the local winners. The Rambling Man(Keep wearing the mask...) 11:02, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
    Where I live swimming events were not only part of every news bulletin, but swimmers appear at every single commercial break. Hawkeye7 (discuss) 21:24, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • support - It is a world record and a quite old one as well. I support the posting.BabbaQ (talk) 15:56, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Marvelous jump and great achievement. She broke a world record that was set before she was born. That tells everything.--Kiril Simeonovski (talk) 16:31, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
That she was born too late? – Sca (talk) 22:21, 2 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) Krystsina Tsimanouskaya / Belarusian athlete defections

Template:ITN candidate

  • Oppose. This isn't quite as brazen as forcing a passenger aircraft to land, and there is a plausible reason for this on each side. Maybe if more develops(such as Japanese police arresting someone). 331dot (talk) 14:00, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
What "plausible reason" do you mean? This incident is the main topic on the websites of Reuters, BBC, DailyMail, France24 and dozens of others media outlets.--KastusK (talk) 15:23, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
I mean that both the athlete and the team have plausible explanations for this incident. 331dot (talk) 17:16, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
No, the team did not give an explanation for the deportation at all.--KastusK (talk) 17:34, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
It's not a deportation since Japan did not kick her out of the country. Abduction, maybe. Reuters: "The Belarusian Olympic Committee said in a statement that coaches had decided to withdraw Tsimanouskaya from the Games on doctors' advice about her "emotional, psychological state"." I'm not saying they are correct, but that is their answer. 331dot (talk) 20:12, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
Yes, but this supposed "emotional, psychological state" only arose after she criticised Belarusian authorities on Instagram, "for entering her for the 4x400 relay despite her never previously racing the event." Martinevans123 (talk) 14:31, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – The travails of individual Olympic athletes usually don't pose general significance. This one seems part of the continuing Belarus story. – Sca (talk) 15:32, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose it's certainly news, but not so prominent or impactful to justify a front-page posting. At least not yet. Maybe add it to the Current Events portal? User:力 (power~enwiki, π, ν) 17:36, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Important news, but just not important enough for the main page.Jackattack1597 (talk) 22:37, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Taken to airport but not deported. SpencerT•C 05:03, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose - Just a trivial event. Maybe it's her tactic to gain refugee status. STSC (talk) 11:26, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Maybe it's her tactic to avoid being "disappeared" by a brutal authoritarian regime? Martinevans123 (talk) 13:32, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • She has now voiced fears for her own safety and has said that it may not be safe for her to return to Belarus for five or ten years: [67] Martinevans123 (talk) 19:21, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – Ms. Tsimanouskaya (Tee-man-oooss'-skee-yah -??) has been granted a "compassionate visa" by Poland, [68] [69] [70] which apparently amounts to provisional asylum status. This seems to make her case more interesting and significant. – Sca (talk) 12:21, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
Tim-an-off-ski-ya, I believe. Kingsif (talk) 14:46, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
Ціманоўская / Тимановская – Where does the 'F' come from? (Not that I'm any expert.) – Sca (talk) 15:59, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
The thing that looks like a B in Cyrillic is an F. And that pseudo-U at the start is a T. The funny y is a semi-vowel, which I'm not sure how to attempt, they appear in Welsh but those accents are quite different. Kingsif (talk) 16:30, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
Well, in Russian anyway a B is a V, as in Moskva (Москва) – Moscow to us. – Sca (talk)


Eh?? Martinevans123 (talk) 16:33, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
There are two vowels in Betws, but you'll probably only hear one. That's about all I know. Kingsif (talk) 17:11, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
Lol. If you go to Betws, I can assure you that you'll hear two. In fact you will at any of them, even this one! Martinevans123 (talk) 17:19, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
See now, I was just thinking of the common noun, (it was read from the day prayers in a church I visited (chapel, it seems). The w barely sounded voiced?) don't come here with your geography *gasp* Kingsif (talk) 17:34, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
Ah, I see, you meant 'betws. I only came here with geography in answer to a geographical example. *gasp* But I guess you mean Short U (Cyrillic), for the voiced labial–velar approximant /w/, which can occur in Welsh? Martinevans123 (talk) 17:44, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
... Yes. Yes, that's what I was thinking short U voice labia approximate. Am I saying that right? Kingsif (talk) 18:34, 2 August 2021 (UTC)


  • Wait Until it is less "developing story" to decide. Kingsif (talk) 14:46, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Unique and important, we have an obligation here at this international website to highlight human rights abuses. More importantly, its in the news all over the world, which is what this vote supposed to represent also. (talk) 18:47, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
No, actually we are not here to right great wrongs. Please use social media to publicize human rights issues. 331dot (talk) 18:51, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support This is clearly evolving into a significant story that is remaining in the news. NorthernFalcon (talk) 19:13, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support – in principle, but suggest we wait until Ms. T. actually gets to Poland. AFAIK she's still in Japan. – Sca (talk) 14:06, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • She's also been given a Japanese visa, so it looks like she can just stay in Tokyo now. Kingsif (talk) 20:15, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support – Story was not a one day thing. Has continued to be published in all major media today. Has become an international story. BabbaQ (talk) 16:11, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – Three supports don't constitute consensus. Premature "Ready" tag removed. – Sca (talk) 19:00, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support And added Japanese visa alt: an Olympic host basically sheltering an athlete is news, and the media is treating it as very big news. Also a story about the Belarusian "last dictatorship in Europe", too. Kingsif (talk) 20:15, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
    Except for the Duchy of Grand Fenwick. – Sca (talk) 22:30, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – getting closer: – As of 12:00 Wednesday Tsimanouskaya was on a plane from Tokyo to Vienna. [71][72][73]Sca (talk) 12:52, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
    Vienna arrival – Plane carrying Ms. Tsimanouskaya lands at 13:00 in Vienna, [74] [75], from which she's expected to journey to Warsaw today. – Sca (talk) 14:23, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Vienna departure - Took off to Warsaw shortly after arriving. [76] Kingsif (talk) 18:05, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • We need a scrolling line, duh. Kingsif (talk) 19:18, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • The only scrolling any self-respecting encyclopaedia needs are these. Martinevans123 (talk) 19:30, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Update Suggested alt4 with a different 'hook' after two other athletes say they won't go back to Belarus. Kingsif (talk) 16:08, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
    Warsaw arrival – A plane carrying Ms. Tsimanouskaya landed at Warsaw Chopin Airport Wednesday evening, and she was taken to a private terminal where she was greeted by Polish officials and Belarussian expatriates. [77] [78] [79]Sca (talk) 19:30, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support – When dully updated with Warsaw arrival. No. 1 story worldwide today. Great political significance. – Sca (talk)
    PS: IMO, it would be best not to complicate this spot news by combining the item with stories about other Beloarussian refusenik athletes. She was first. – Sca (talk) 19:36, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • CommentDziękuję, Polska.Sca (talk) 19:42, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support, at least we know she's alive. Surely can think of five more altblurbs? Martinevans123 (talk) 19:44, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Not enough room, won't let ya' Kingsif (talk) 20:03, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • I also support one of these blurbs. Which one is up to you.BabbaQ (talk) 20:04, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support article updated. Check how much detail you want on the arrival, though, it's one sentence in the saga at the moment. It's a bit of an unravelling story but all blurbs are current, I'd probably go with alt2 but don't mind. Kingsif (talk) 20:09, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
    Well, Alt2 is shorter, but Alt1 tells a bit more of the story and it reads OK, so I'd probably go for that. In any case, let's get it into the box before the day's out. – Sca (talk) 22:29, 4 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Posted with Alt1, but if anyone thinks that one of the others is much better, feel free to change it. Black Kite (talk) 22:33, 4 August 2021 (UTC)

Myanmar military junta

Template:ITN candidate

  • Comment. This seems like it would be ITNR. 331dot (talk) 14:02, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
    Perhaps, but it's not clear whether this titular grab portends any tangible change on the ground. – Sca (talk) 15:39, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Major development from the coup back in February and also depicts a new leadership in the region. --TDKR Chicago 101 (talk) 17:59, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Tentative support, but the update related to today's development needs to be longer. --Tone 18:07, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose respectfully. Smoke and mirrors or window dressing. Call it what you like but nothing substantive has changed. It was a military dictatorship last week and it's still a military dictatorship today. Changing job titles does not fundamentally alter political reality. This is not what ITNR was intending to cover. -Ad Orientem (talk) 20:30, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
    • The change in job title is what is ITN/R, though, not the change in power. We still post the results of elections in countries with rigged elections or in which real power is held by a different individual. We also post when the incumbent wins and when someone takes the relevant job title by law (e.g., VP taking power after President dies), so clearly there doesn't have to be an actual change in power and there doesn't have to be an actual election for it to be ITN/R. Mlb96 (talk) 21:12, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support Legitimization of dictatorship by change in administrative position, ITNR and article looks fine. Gotitbro (talk) 00:24, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Not ITNR WP:ITNR#Elections and heads of state and government says: "Changes in the holder of the office which administer the executive of their respective state/government...as listed at List of current heads of state and government." This list shows President of Myanmar to be the executive, not the Prime Minister. Joofjoof (talk) 04:48, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
I see both President and Prime Minister listed in that article for Myanmar. Mlb96 (talk) 06:47, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
Only the President is marked as executive, as mentioned in the key at the top of the article. Joofjoof (talk) 07:37, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
This just appears to be pedantic, the guideline's purpose is to highlight significant administrative changes. Even if take this into account, the president is clearly not that important in the present regime. This is in the news and the assumption of a different substantive role does appear to fall into that category. Gotitbro (talk) 07:59, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment - It's not a normal change of head of state. I think article "2021 Myanmar coup d'état" should be included in the blurb. STSC (talk)
  • Comment – Opposition on Monday condemns Min Aung Hlaing's asumption of PM title, calling it a bid to gain legitimacy. – Sca (talk) 12:38, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose Fails ITNR in both fact (the president is the leader) and spirit (a change in leadership has not occurred). GreatCaesarsGhost 22:26, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support - sad situstion but ITN worthy still.BabbaQ (talk) 18:21, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Oppose as not ITN/R per GreatCaesarsGhost. Pawnkingthree (talk) 22:33, 3 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment debate can continue on significance, but I'm untagging as ITNR, as there is too much doubt about if this event is covered. GreatCaesarsGhost 01:29, 4 August 2021 (UTC)

(Posted) Turkish wildfires

Template:ITN candidate

  • Comment Article should probably be beefed up a little bit more before posting. As of this comment, the article is only four paragraphs long. Mlb96 (talk) 06:08, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
OK I hope to add more shortly. I have not done ITN before so please ping me if enough or not right. If/when this is accepted I will cancel my DYK request. Chidgk1 (talk) 06:43, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
Have added more info - if there is anything else I should do please ping me. Chidgk1 (talk) 06:00, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Support because the fires are major & the article is of sufficient quality to post. Jim Michael (talk) 09:37, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – Widely covered, affecting many people and prompting seaborne evacuations. Note however that according to Reuters most fires have been contained. – Sca (talk) 12:06, 1 August 2021 (UTC)
True but 7 are still burning - I don't know how big. Chidgk1 (talk) 15:02, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
  • Comment – Perhaps I am not reading carefully enough, but I have trouble finding the prose on the nominated wikipage about the "injured more than 400" mentioned in the proposed blurbs. I can see "Non-fatal injuries 410[2]" in the infobox, but the linked news article, dated July 29th, does not mention 410. --PFHLai (talk) 13:53, 2 August 2021 (UTC)
Unfortunately it is now over 800 - cited Chidgk1 (talk) 14:57, 2 August 2021 (UTC)

I don't know how to watch just this section - please ping me or write on article talk page if anything needs changing Chidgk1 (talk) 15:04, 2 August 2021 (UTC)

Posted: Thank you for the new refs and updating, Chidgk1. --PFHLai (talk) 16:10, 2 August 2021 (UTC)