위키백과:좋은 물건/모두

위키백과의 좋은 기사
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현재 위키백과 관련 기사 646만2270건 3만6079건이 좋은 기사(180건 중 약 1건)로 분류되는데, 이 중 대부분이 아래 나열돼 있다.추가로 6,067개가 추천 기사 (1,070년에 약 1개), 3,921개가 추천 목록 (1,650년에 약 1개)으로 등록되어 있다.기사는 하나의 카테고리에만 포함되기 때문에, 특집으로 승격된 좋은 기사는 좋은 기사 카테고리에서 제외된다.좋은 기사와 추천 기사와 리스트를 함께 추가하면 총 46,067건(141건 중 약 1건)의 기사가 나온다.기사 페이지 오른쪽 상단 모서리에 있는 원 안에 작은 플러스() 이 기호는 위키피디아에 좋은 기사를 지정한다.기호가 있으면 기사가 좋다는 것을 알 수 있다.

좋은 물건으로 지정하는 과정은 의도적으로 간단하다.기사를 작성하거나 기고하는 편집자, 기사가 좋은 기사 기준을 충족한다고 판단하는 편집자는 공정한 검토자가 평가할 수 있도록 기사를 지명할 수 있다.다른 편집자는 좋은 기사 후보작의 줄에서 기사를 선택한 후 좋은 기사 기준에 따라 평가한 후 기사를 검토할 수 있다.검토자가 이를 수락할 경우, 추천된 기사는 아래의 좋은 기사 목록에 추가된다.누구든지 지시에 따라 기사를 지명하거나 검토할 수 있다.마찬가지로, 어떤 기사가 더 이상 좋은 기사 기준을 충족하지 못한다고 믿는 사람은 재평가 지침을 따름으로써 그것을 상장폐지할 것을 제안할 수 있다.

위키백과에서 더 좋은 내용을 볼 수 있다.좋은 주제.

좋은 기사 도구:

프로젝트 페이지

관련 페이지

농업, 식품, 음료

농업, 식품, 음료

농업과 농업

AgricultureAgriculture in WalesAnimal husbandryApiary LaboratoryAvondale Agricultural Research StationBelted GallowayBiological pest controlBoreray sheepBriarcliff FarmsCompanion plantingCoon huntingCotton production in PakistanCowpeaCow tippingCrop diversityDairy in IndiaGalloway cattleGoat towerHemp in KentuckyHighland cattleHistory of agricultureHistory of the domestic sheepLimousin cattleMcClymont, GordonNishioka, KeijiNorth American PiedmonteseParkinson, John (botanist)PekaranganPest controlPolled DorsetPoultryVarian, SheilaShetland sheepSweet potato cultivation in PolynesiaTennessee Walking Horse National Festival프랑스 폴리네시아에서 바닐라 생산야채웨일스 포니와 코브위스콘신 유제품 산업웨일스의 울렌 산업(40개 기사)

원예 및 임업

코넬 보타닉 가든코티지 가든영국의 임업그린 게릴라즈카우리 껌필리핀 로스바뇨스 임업천연 자원 대학로빈슨, 윌리엄 (정원) (7개 기사)


5-8 ClubAmal Women's Training Center and Moroccan RestaurantArgo TeaBarracuda LoungeBen's Chili BowlBoxers NYC Washington HeightsBox Tree, TheBoxer RamenBridges CafeBrix TavernBurger KingBurger King productsByways CafeCheckers, The (restaurant)Club CummingClub FeathersCock, TheCountry Bill'sCricket CafeDavis Street TavernDelta CafeDime Store (Portland, Oregon)Dinner by Heston BlumenthalDTM (nightclub)Eagle BoysEl Celler de Can RocaEsparza'sFat Duck, TheFuller's Coffee ShopGeorgiesGordon Ramsay Plane FoodGraeter'sGypsy Restaurant and Velvet LoungeHeadroom LGBTQ+ LoungeHercules (nightclub)Hibiscus (restaurant)History of Burger KingHobo'sHodad'sIndustry BarJoe Brown's Carmel CornKFCKissa TantoLa BonitaLa Caravelle (New York City)La Carreta Mexican RestaurantLa Tante DC10 RestaurantLast Exit on BrooklynLeonard's BakeryThe Liquor StoreLos Pollos HermanosLutz TavernMasia (restaurant)Miran PastourmaMy Father's PlaceNostrana (restaurant)Ordinaire (wine bar)The Original DinerantParadise (nightclub)Parish, ThePapi Chulo'sPark GrillPearl TavernPétrus (restaurant)Pied Cow CoffeehouseThe Q (nightclub)Rainbow RoomRepublic Cafe and Ming LoungeThe Restaurant Marco Pierre WhiteRimsky-Korsakoffee HouseRise BarRoman Candle (Portland, Oregon)The Roxy (Portland, Oregon)Schwa (restaurant)Shanghai Tunnel BarSip 'n Dip LoungeSixteen (restaurant)SmashburgerSoutheast GrindSt. Lawrence (restaurant)Starky'sStork ClubWhitebrook, TheTherapy (New York City)Lundy's RestaurantXLB (Portland, Oregon)Yi이아 메리 제프스 고메 소시지 공장(88개 기사)


13개 식민지 요리영국 요리 - 프랑스 요리 - 이스라엘 요리 - 레바논 요리 - 지중해 요리 - 팔레스타인 요리 - 웨일스 요리(8개 기사)


아쿠아코타항공기 젤리에인절스 온 말 위의 천사 – 애플 – 애플 – 애플사우체 케이크베이컨 폭죽베이컨 아이스크림 – 베이컨 나이즈바토니아 파이 – 빈비셔의 수제 치즈비프스테이크 – 비프스테이크(반켓)뷰레 마르트르 드'HôtelBidniBig KingBK Chicken FriesBlack Thunder (chocolate bar)BlackcurrantBLTBurger King grilled chicken sandwichesBurger King Specialty SandwichesCarrot soupChips and dipCincinnati chiliClam dipClementine cakeClotted creamColby cheeseCrab dipPiper cubebaDanish BaconDeep-fried butterDeep fryingDetroit-style pizzaFalafelFluffernutterFood waste in the United KingdomFool's Gold LoafFried chickenFrog cakeGibanicaGlamorgan sausageHoneynut squashHyderabadi haleemJif (lemon juice)Juniper berryMushroom ketchupMilk chocolateNaemOkonomiyakiOld-fashioned doughnutOnionParsnipPasty핑크 슬라임피자 치즈플럼 케이크푸틴 – 무 – 리아레몬살라데 니소아즈솔트소라나 콩 – 스쿼브 파이스타가지 파이스테이크슈가 – 스웨이트 탕고테스타롤리야채 칩 - 와퍼(72개 기사)


BeerBeer in North KoreaBeer in San Diego County, CaliforniaBLT cocktailBorjomi (water)Cabernet SauvignonCaesar (cocktail)CarménèreChampagne wine regionCommandariaThe Glenlivet distilleryGrapicoGrodziskieGuinness Foreign Extra StoutHot chocolateJohn Smith's BreweryLanguedoc-Roussillon wineLemon drop (칵테일)Malvern WaterMalver Water (병수)McEwan'sOregon 와인RieslingRoyal StagueRum and CokeSauvinant Beer – Sauvinant BlaneTea 가공Three Hors Beer - Zinfandel(31개 기사)

식품 및 음료 회사

Angel BakeriesBoddingtons 맥주 – Burger King 프랜차이즈Burger King 법적 문제Copia (뮤지엄)Kyrö Distens CompanyO'Brien Brewing and Malting CompanySlug and BringStones MaxyWebster's Foods Worington 맥주(12개 기사)


Brazier, EugénieCook, AnnDart, JosephDwight, JohnFavre, JosephGonzález-Gordon y Díez, MauricioFettiplace, ElinorGerber, Daniel FrankHill, GeorgianaHunziker, Otto FrederickLawson, NigellaP. Halfhill, AlbertPepper, Charles T.Petty, FlorencePhilippe, ClaudeRoux, MichelRückerschöld, Anna MariaTremo, Paul양조 중인 여성마리오 페루찌(20개 기사)


Elizabeth David bibliographyThe Art of Cookery Made Plain and EasyA Book of Mediterranean FoodCompendium ferculorum, albo Zebranie potrawThe Compleat HousewifeThe Cookery Book of Lady Clark of TillypronieThe Experienced English HousekeeperFood in EnglandThe Good Huswifes JewellThe Modern CookModern Cookery for Private 가족 Beeton 부인의 가정관리 서적국내 요리새로운 시스템The Evenett Cook (14개 기사)


Apple Maggot 검역 구역 – 아랍 농업 혁명버틀러 카페셀레트프렌치 프라이 자동판매기마키야키나베팬케이크 기계 - 습식 시장(8개 품목)

예술과 건축




A Boy with a Flying SquirrelAkzidenz-GroteskAlbert Pike MemorialAllow Me (Portland, Oregon)Alma Mater (New York sculpture)Angkor IAngolan pavilionAntarctic Treaty issueArnold Comes of AgeArt in early modern ScotlandArt in Medieval ScotlandArt in modern ScotlandArtist's Studio—Look MickeyB of the BangArt of Francisco Narváez in the University City of CaracasBara (genre)Barack Obama "Hope" posterBatikBattle of Grunwald (Matejko)Beauty RevealedBed hangingsBemboBetter Out Than InBig Painting No. 6Benty Grange hanging bowlBirds' Head HaggadahBois ProtatBonaparte Crossing the AlpsBookwheelBrushstrokes seriesBurnside FountainCanons of page constructionChain Reaction (sculpture)Changi MuralsCleopatra and CaesarComedian (artwork)Confederate Defenders of CharlestonConstitution of 3 May 1791 (painting)The Conquest of BelgradeThe CornfieldCrosby Garrett HelmetCueva de las ManosCup of thEPtolemies –'신부의 Decorating 데미의 생일을 축하하는 정장 그 Distrest 시인 – Doni 톤도 드림(조각)Droste 효과 – 던컨 및 – 드림 오시안 – Droeshout 초상화의 – –, 밀러 유리 회사가 Leash에 – 영어 자수 –을 계몽하 캔버라 – Ehrhardt(서체)– 승마 stat 듀퐁 서클 분수 – 자코모 발라 작 – – –.발음하는 ouef Charles DevensGeorge B의 승마상. 맥클렐런조지 헨리 토마스의 승마상 – 존 A의 승마상. LoganEquestrian statue of John Brown GordonEquestrian statue of Philip SheridanEquestrian statue of Winfield ScottThe Exaltation of the FlowerFostoria Glass CompanyFountain for Company HFountain of the Great LakesThe Fourth Estate (painting)Freedom from Fear (painting)Freedom of Speech (painting)FreydalGallos (s(Culpture)GaramondGaramondGatewayGettysburg CycloramaGana FreedomGill SansGirl in Mirror – Girl – GirlballGirlballGirlballGhinGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!Hallaton 헬멧Happy BrothersHaystacks (모넷)여왕 엘리자베스 2세 80세 생일 초상화헨리 W. 맥스웰 메모리얼가십의 역사후이저 캐비닛는 온 을 볼 수 있다...and There's Nobody in It!The IcebergsInk wash paintingThe IrasciblesIsambard Kingdom Brunel Standing Before the Launching Chains of the Great EasternIslamic geometric patternsIvan the Terrible and His Son IvanJet KissKent vs Lancashire at CanterburyKhalili Collection of Aramaic DocumentsKhalili Collection of Enamels of the WorldKhalili Collection of Hajj and the Arts of PilgrimageKhalili Collection of Japanese ArtKhalili Imperial GarnitureKilim motifsThe Kiss (Munch)Knife Edge Two Piece 1962–65KvinneaktKwakiutl (statue)Landscape painting in ScotlandLanglois Bridge at ArlesLa ScapigliataLiberty Arming the PatriotLiberty Bell– 로리콘 러브 기둥 – Low-key 사진의 사거리에서 그 까치(모네)– M– – – 남자는 코스모스 – 마리아 Lionza(동상)– 마리 앙투아네트와 그의 어린이 수학 –에 입학하다.(오레곤 주 포틀랜드)– 사자와 Midvinterblot – Mirth 및 – 예술, Girth 무라사키 시키부 니키 에마 – 더 많은 데미 무어 – 단봉 – Liudhard 작은 메달을 공격하는해법.Naewat-dang shamanic paintingsNational Treasure (Japan)Natural dyeNavajo weavingNefertiti BustThe NightmareOkay Hot-Shot, Okay!Olive Trees (Van Gogh series)Packy muralPaleoartPeople's Bike Library of PortlandPhotography in DenmarkPhotography in SudanPietro Annigoni's portraits of Elizabeth IIPioneer Square totem polePod (sculpture)A Polish NoblemanPortrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer IPortrait of Madame CézannePortrait painting in ScotlandPrehistoric art in ScotlandThe Proclamation of Dušan's Law CodexPrussian Homage (painting)P. S. Krøyer's paintings of MarieThe Quest (Portland, Oregon)Rällinge statuetteRebirth (sculpt요소)아프리카 문화유산 복원 보고서 – Rejtan (그림) Richard Coeur de Lion (통계) – Robert E. Lee on TravellerThe Rocky Mountains, Lander's PeakSacred CodScottish artScottish art in the eighteenth centuryScottish art in the nineteenth centurySelf-Portrait with Halo and SnakeShemanski FountainSigismunda mourning over the Heart of GuiscardoSkaters in the Bois de BoulogneSleight of handSoaring StonesSolovetsky Stone (Saint Petersburg)Spirit of the American DoughboySprangStańczyk (painting)Stars (M. C. Escher)Statue of A'a from RurutuStatue of Abraham Lincoln (District of Columbia City Hall)Statue of Ashurbanipal (San Francisco)Statue of Christopher Columbus (Providence, Rhode Island)Statue of David Farragut (Washington, D.C.)Statue of Edward ColstonStatue of George H. PerkinsStatue of Harvey W. ScottStatue of Heydar Aliyev, Mexico CityStatue of James II, Trafalgar SquareStatue of James S. T. StranahanStatue of John Aaron RawlinsStatue of John PlankintonStatue of Lenin (Seattle)Statue of Michael JordanStatue of Vera KatzStatue of William Francis BartlettStatue of William the SilentStuckismSweden, Church murals inSweden, Medieval stained glass inSydney punchbowlsSymphony in White, No. 1: The White GirlSymphony in White, No. 2: The Little White GirlSymphony in White, No. 3The Takovo UprisingTen Dollar Bill (Lichtenstein)There Comes PapaThree 형제(보석)Tipu의 호랑이Tolkien의 작품Torpedo...Los!Transformation Playing 카드The Comment Money (Masacio)트리스탄과 이졸데 (Egusquiza)Untitled (Alewaida 역의 Richard Fleischner 미술품)VédersolstavlanVanitas: Flesh Dress for an Albino AnorecticVenetian glassVénus de QuinipilyView of the World from 9th AvenueVirgin of VladimirA Vision of the Last JudgementVršac triptychThe Wedding DanceWhite Mountain artWilliam Blake's illustrations of On the Morning of Christ's NativityWillie GillisWoodstock MuralThe Wounded Monteneg자위스제니 지그문타조디악 정착(228개 기사)

예술가 및 예술 단체

1-54Alexander BuchanAasen, AstriAdams, AnselAivazovsky, IvanÁlvarez Bravo, LolaAmondson, GeneAzcona, AbelBaker, William BlissBaruch, FranziscaBasquiat, Jean-MichelBauer, JohnBerni, AntonioBöttner, LorenzaBoydell, JohnBrooks, ErnestBrooks, RomaineBurne-Jones, EdwardCairano, GasparoChagas, EdsonClemons, AlonzoClover, JosephCoggins, JackDeacon, GilesEdelson, Mary BethElfe, ThomasEscher, M. C.Everest, TimothyEytel, CarlFiggins, VincentForce, Juliana R.Gair, JoanneGibson, AubreyGilbert, AlfredGrandma MosesGrey GowrieGriswold, William (museum director)Grosz, Karoly (illustrator)Han Sai PorHazelton, Mary BrewsterHenschel, AlbertoHoward, BarbaraHunter, LeslieInvader (artist)Isola, MaijaJarrell, WadsworthJohnson, RashidJohnson, WilliamJohnston, ThomasJolin, EinarJordan, William B.Joy, John Cantiloe and Joy, WilliamK FoundationK Foundation art awardKabukidō EnkyōKaabi-Linke, NadiaKemarre, Josie PetrickKershisnik, BrianKikai HirohKinsbergen, Isidore vanKirby, JackKirchherr, AstridKnight, LauraKnitta PleaseKoppelman, ChaimLangenheim, FrederickLaubser, MaggieLazzell, BlancheLeonardo da VinciLittleton, HarveyLound, ThomasMaiga, HamidouMalarkey, Ryan AshleyMatejko, JanMatthews, PeterMeegeren, Han vanMézières, Jean-ClaudeMiddleton, JohnMillett, KateMitchell, JoanMoore, AlanMorris, WilliamMunro, WillNamuth, HansNapaljarri, Peggy RockmanNapaltjarri, Linda SyddickNapaltjarri, Ngoia PollardNapaltjarri, Susie Bootja BootjaNapaltjarri, TjunkiyaNevelson, LouiseNevinson, Christopher R. W.Nicols, Audley DeanNinham, HenryNipper, BillieNorcross, EleanorNzewi, Ugochukwu-SmoothOgboh, EmekaOlek (artist)O'Neill, RoseOxman, NeriPaine, SusannaPark, Richard HenryPeck, Clara ElseneRae, IsoRaymond, AlexRembrandtRodin, AugusteRose, WilliamRudeman, DollySands, EthelSartain, EmilySavage, Charles RoscoeSchick, MarjorieShort, ObadiahSillett, JamesSkagen PaintersStackpole, RalphSannard, EmilyStannard, JosephStoddart, AlexanderStuart, GilbertTagame, GengorohTang Da WuTangerini, AliceTjupurrula, Turkey TolsonToriyama AkiraToyohara KunichikaTreacy, PhilipTréhot, LiseUtagawa ToyoharuUtermohlen, WilliamVandersteen, WillyWilliamson, AlWong, KaceyXue SusuYamamato KanaeYang ShoujingYe QianyuYepes, TomásYoung, MahonriZuloaga, Plácido (141 articles)



1 Hanover Square1 Utama1 Wall Street1 Wall Street Court2 Broadway3 East 57th Street3 Times Square4 Times Square5 Beekman Street5 Columbus Circle5 Times Square5 West 54th Street5th Avenue Theatre7 West 54th Street10 West 56th Street11 West 54th Street12 East 53rd Street13 and 15 West 54th Street14 Wall Street18 East 50th Street19 East 54th Street20 Exchange Place23 Wall Street26 Broadway28 Liberty Street30 West 56th Street32 Avenue of the Americas32 Old Slip34 Montagu Square, Marylebone40 Wall Street44 Union Square48 Wall Street49 Chambers53W5355 Wall Street60 Hudson Street60 Wall Street65 Broadway70 Pine Street90 West Street108 North State Street108 St Georges Terrace110 East 42nd Street111 Somerset111 West 57th Street140 Broadway150 Nassau Street165 West 57th Street195 Broadway219 East 49th Street220 Central Park South220 West 57th Street224 West 57th Street240 Central Park South275 Madison Avenue330 West 42nd Street350 North Orleans360 Newbury Street370 Jay Street400 Madison Avenue432 Park Avenue452 Fifth Avenue488 Madison Avenue500 Club500 Fifth Avenue500 Park Avenue550 Madison Avenue590 Madison Avenue647 Fifth Avenue660 Fifth Avenue689 Fifth Avenue712 Fifth Avenue901 New York Avenue1271 Avenue of the Americas1501 Broadway1552 BroadwayAgustín Ross Cultural CentreAl Hirschfeld TheatreAlbany City HallAlbert Kahn (architect)Alcatraz Federal PenitentiaryAlexander Hamilton U.S. Custom HouseAlgo Centre MallAl-RahbaAllenville Mill StorehouseAltes Stadthaus, BerlinAltes Stadthaus, BonnAmbassador TheatreAmber RoomAmbler's Texaco Gas StationAmerican Bank Note Company BuildingAmerican Bank Note Company Printing PlantAmerican Fine Arts SocietyAmerican Radiator BuildingAmerican Stock Exchange BuildingAmerican Surety BuildingAmerican Thermos Bottle Company Laurel Hill PlantAmmonia fuming암스터 야드 – 더 엔젤, 이슬링턴덴마크건축프레만틀 감옥리즈의 건축마다가스카르의 건축노르웨이건축스코틀랜드의 산업 혁명중세 스코틀랜드의 건축선사 시대 스코틀랜드의 건축시대 – 건축 스코틀랜드의 로마 시대에 현대인 스코틀랜드 – 건축 현대 스코틀랜드에서 – – Arrivé – 예술의 오토 – 아르누보 건축 리가에서 – Nobel평화상 수상. 레비 레크리에이션 센터 – 천문대(일리노이 대학교 Urbana-Champaign)– AT&T플라자 – Auberge d'Italie 건축 건축 송 왕조의 –. 아우 –la Magna (Central University of Venezuela)Austin, Nichols and Company WarehouseAxa Equitable CenterBallard Carnegie LibraryBank of America Tower (Manhattan)Baralt TheatreBass Maltings, SleafordBath Assembly RoomsBaths of ZeuxippusBattersea Town HallBebenhausen AbbeyBeaux-Arts ApartmentsBeckford's TowerBelasco 극장Bellevue 시청Elks의 자선보호 훈장, Lodge No. 878Bennett Building(뉴욕 시) – B. Jacobs TheatreBetsy Head ParkBlackford County CourthouseBlackstone LibraryBowling Green Offices BuildingBrighton ForumBrighton Palace PierBristol County JailBristol Customshouse and Post OfficeBritish industrial architectureBritish LibraryBroad Exchange BuildingBroadway Hollywood BuildingBrooke Street Pier브룩스 앳킨슨 극장브루클린 육군 터미널브루턴 도브코트브라이언트 파크 스튜디오배스의 건물과 건축 – 번햄 파빌리온부시 타워B. Altman and Company BuildingCaesars PalaceCarnegie Hall TowerCartier BuildingCastellania (Valletta)Castles in Great Britain and IrelandCastleton SquareCBS BuildingCentral Park (skyscraper)Central Park TowerCentral Saint GilesCentre SquareChalkeChamber of Commerce Building (Manhattan)Chana SchoolChanin BuildingCharles Scribner's Sons BuildingChase PromenadeChester RowsChicago SpireChicago TheatreChiming FountainChrysler BuildingChurch Missions HouseCine City, WithingtonCitigroup CenterCity Investing BuildingCitygardenCitySpireClal CenterClarendon Shopping CentreClevedon PierCleveland PoolsClinton Street TheaterClock Tower (Central University of Venezuela)Club HarlemColonial PlazaCollege of All Saints, MaidstoneComcast CenterCommerce SquareConsolidated Edison BuildingConstitution Center (Washington, D.C.)Corbin BuildingCoty BuildingCouncil House, PerthCoxton TowerThe Crescent, TauntonCrystal Heights크리스탈 팰리스 공룡쿠나드 빌딩 (뉴욕 시티)쿠나드 빌딩데일리 뉴스 빌딩다니엘 크래긴 밀 – 다니엘 S. Schanck ObservatoryDartford CrossingDe AkkermolenDelta County CourthouseDemarest BuildingDemonet BuildingDeutsche Bank CenterDolphinariumDomino Sugar RefineryDovecot at Blackford FarmDowhill CastleThe DoughnutDowntown Athletic ClubDumas BrothelDunster Working WatermillDutch brickEarly skyscrapersEd Sullivan TheaterÉdifice PriceEdinburgh Place Ferry PierEliel Saarinen's Tribune Tower designEly HallEmbassy Theatre (New York City)Empire Building (Manhattan)Empire State BuildingEngineering Societies' BuildingEngineers' Club BuildingEntranceway at Main Street at Roycroft BoulevardEntranceways at Main Street at Lamarck Drive and Smallwood DriveEquitable Building (Manhattan)Equitable Life Building (Manhattan)Ethel Barrymore TheatreEugene O'Neill TheatreThe Exchange, BristolFatimid architectureFederal Reserve Bank Building (Seattle)Federal Reserve Bank of New York BuildingFifth Ward WardroomFire Station No. 4 (Pawtucket, Rhode Is토지)소방서 23번(로스앤젤레스, 캘리포니아)퍼스트 워드 병동자금성포드 재단 건물 – 숲 페어 빌리지프랭클린 센터(시카고)프레이저 맨션프레드 F. French BuildingFrost Bank TowerFuller BuildingFyne CourtGainsborough Studios (Manhattan)Garrick's Temple to ShakespeareGateway of IndiaGaviidae CommonGeneral Electric BuildingGeneral Motors BuildingGerald Ratner Athletics CenterGerald Schoenfeld TheatreGillender BuildingThe Golden BeamGowanus BatcaveGrade I listed buildings in SomersetGrand Central TerminalGrand PalaceGrand Prospect HallGraybar BuildingGreat Lakes Crossing OutletsGreenwich Savings Bank BuildingGregorian TowerHalden PrisonHalifax Central LibraryHarmondsworth Great BarnHarold Washington Cultural CenterHarpy TombHartford City Courthouse Square Historic DistrictHearst Tower (Manhattan)Helmsley BuildingHerron GymnasiumHillsboro Civic CenterHistoric Michigan Boulevard DistrictHistoric Presbyterian Community Center (Madison, Nebraska)History of Cincinnati Union TerminalHistory of Grand Central TerminalHome Life BuildingHopewell High School ComplexHorse rings 오리건주 포틀랜드허드슨 카운티 법원허드슨 극장 – 허드슨 야드 (개발)헌팅턴 뱅크 스타디움임페리얼 극장인디아나 주립 극장 – 인더스트리 시국제 상업 해양 회사 건물IRT 파워풀자한파나 – 제임스 B. Duke HouseJames Earl Jones TheatreJeddah TowerJoffrey TowerJohn Golden TheatreKabul City CenterKhaplu PalaceKickstarter headquartersKing Alfred's TowerKings PlazaKirkbride PlanKirkcudbright TolboothKo Olina Station and CenterKőbánya cellar systemKrak des ChevaliersLahaina GatewayLansing MallLathroP하우스(Vassar대학)– 계층 피라미드 – LeVeque 타워 – 레버 하우스 리버티 타워 부두 55– 리버풀 타운 홀 – 런던 도로 소방서, 맨체스터 – 주 및에서 테일러 건물 로스 아르코스 몰 – 저 기념 도서관 – 루딩 턴 공공 도서관 – Lunt-Fontanne 극장 – 라이시엄 극장(브로드웨이)– Lytham Pier– – 작은 섬 –(맨하탄)–.맥도서관메인 쿼드 (스탠포드 대학교)마제스틱 극장 (브로드웨이)Malloch 빌딩 – Mamilla Mall – Manhattan 시립 건물Manufacturer Trust Company BuildingMarine Helinger Community BuildingMark O. Hatfield 라이브러리 – Marquette Building (시카고)Marshall Field and Company BuildingMasonic Hall, Taunton수학건축McAll리스터 타워 아파트MediaCityUKMeridian MallMerle Hay MallMerle Reskin TheatreMetLife BuildingMetropolitan Life Insurance Company TowerMetropolitan TowerMidnight Sun MosqueMilam BuildingMillennium Times Square New YorkMinneapolis City CenterMinnesota State CapitolMorse BuildingMundo Perdido, TikalMurano (skyscraper)Murrays' MillsMusic Box TheatreMutual Reserve BuildingNational Assembly Building of SloveniaNaulakha PavilionNew Amsterdam TheatreNew Brighton TowerNew York and Long Island Coignet Stone Company BuildingNew York Court of Appeals BuildingNew York Life BuildingNew York Public Library Main BranchThe New York Times BuildingNew York Times Building (41 Park Row)New York Tribune BuildingNew York World BuildingNokomis LibraryNorth Shore TowersNorth Transfer StationO'Connell StreetOld Bacon AcademyOld National Library BuildingOlympic TowerOne57One Meridian PlazaOne Rincon HillOne South BroadOne Times SquareOne VanderbiltOne World Trade CenterOnion domeOregon Civic Justice CenterOregon Public LibraryOregon TheatreOsborne ApartmentsO Street MarketOttendorfer Public Library and Stuyvesant Polyclinic HospitalOyasato-yakataPacific Tower (Seattle)Palace Theatre (New York City)Pall Mall, LondonPark Crescent, BrightonPark Row BuildingParliament HillParliament House (Malta)Parthenon FriezePavillon de FlorePepsi-Cola signPershing Square BuildingPetersen Rock GardenPetrillo Music ShellPhallic architecturePhillips Exeter Academy LibraryPlan of Saint GallPolonnaruwa VatadagePont du GardPort of Liverpool BuildingPortland City Hall (Oregon)Potter BuildingPresidio of Santa BarbaraPrincess Theatre (Edmonton)ProcuratiePui Tak CenterPyramid of UserkafQal'at al-BahrainQueen's PierRadio City Music HallRamsdell TheatreRegency Square, BrightonThe Residences at The Ritz-Carlton (Philadelphia)Rhyl PierRichard Rodgers TheatreRiverview TheaterRitz TowerRoanoke BuildingRobot BuildingRochdale Town HallRock N Roll McDonald'sRockefeller ApartmentsRockefeller CenterRockefeller Guest HouseRodin StudiosRohm and Haas Corporate HeadquartersRolling Acres MallRoman Baths (Bath)Rookery BuildingRoseland TheaterRosendale TheatreRoyal CrescentRoyal Oak, FrindsburySt Anne's PierSt James's TheatreThe St. JamesSt Mark's CampanileStone Street (Manhattan)Saks Fifth Avenue flagship storeSamuel J. Friedman TheatreScottish castlesSchulze Baking Company PlantScotiabank SaddledomeScribner BuildingSeagram BuildingSeattle Times BuildingSeeley G. Mudd Chemistry BuildingSenate House, LondonSenedd buildingSIS BuildingSixteenth Street Historic DistrictSky Pool, LondonSmalls ParadiseSocony–Mobil BuildingSolow BuildingSouthdale CenterSouthend PierSouthport PierStanley Industrial Alliance StageStavros Niarchos Foundation LibraryStembridge Mill, High HamStephen Sondheim TheatreStoke sub Hamdon PrioryStrang School District No. 36Students' Building (Vassar College)Sunset Park Material Recovery FacilitySwifton CenterSycamore Historic DistrictTala tankTheatre Royal, BathTimes Square TowerTokyo TowerToyota CenterTrellick TowerTri-City PavilionsTri-County MallTrump International Hotel and Tower (New York City)Trump TowerTrylon CinemaTWA Flight CenterUnisphereUnited States Capitol cornerstone layingUnited States Institute of Peace HeadquartersUnited States National Bank BuildingUniversity Mall (Little Rock, Arkansas)The Valley LibraryVerizon BuildingVia della ConciliazioneVictoria Rooms, BristolWaHu Student ApartmentsWalden GalleriaWales Millennium CentreWaller HallWashington State Convention CenterWatermill at OpwettenWayne Lyman Morse United States CourthouseWayzata Bay CenterWells Fargo Building (Philadelphia)Western Union Telegraph BuildingWestinghouse Air Brake Company General Office BuildingWest Pennard Court BarnWest PierWhitehall BuildingWieting Opera HouseWignacourt ArchWilliam H. Moore HouseWilliam Ulmer BreweryWillow Grove Park MallWinter Garden TheatreWirgman BuildingWoodstock LibraryWoolworth BuildingWorld Trade Center (1973–2001)World Trade Center (2001–present)World's Largest StoveWorld's littlest 초고층리글리 스퀘어예일 유니온 세탁소야른 마켓, 던스터위화 빌딩지트글로지(548개 기사)

건축 – 교량 및 터널

Alconétar BridgeAshland Mill BridgeBarmouth BridgeBenjamin G. Humphreys BridgeBig Four BridgeBlackledge River Railroad BridgeBull's BridgeBridge near LimyraColumbia University tunnelsDatchet BridgeFort Steuben BridgeGallox Bridge, DunsterGateshead Millennium BridgeGrand Street Bridge (Connecticut)Grič Tunnel (Zagreb)Hulme Arch BridgeThe Iron BridgeNew Harmony Toll BrIdgeNutty Crows BridgeOld Bridge, PontypriddPulteney BridgeSamson Occom BridgeSevern Trail BridgeSt Elmo BridgeTickle Cock BridgeWest Cornewall Bridge백악관과 재무부 건물 터널 연결(27개조항)

건축 – 요새 및 요새
건축 – 호텔 및 여관

The Beverly Hills HotelThe Blackstone HotelDesert InnThe DorchesterThe George Hotel, CrawleyHilton Washington DC National MallHôtel d'AlluyeHôtel Ritz ParisHotel Valley HoThe Knickerbocker HotelLandmark (hotel and casino)Lotte New York Palace HotelManila HotelNew York Marriott MarquisPalace Hotel, PerthPikes HotelPlaza HotelThe Ritz Hotel, LondonRoyal Albion HotelRyugyong HotelSands Hotel and CasinoSauganash HotelShamrock HotelU-Drop InnVirgin Hotels ChicagoW New York Union SquareWaldorf Astoria New YorkWaldorf–Astoria (1893–1929)Watson's Hotel (29 articles)

건축 – 주택 및 주거

23 Beekman PlaceThe Abbey, Sutton CourtenayAcors Barns HouseAdlington HallAlatskivi CastleAlthorpAlwyn CourtAmerican Gothic HouseAshlawnAshton CourtAvery House (Griswold, Connecticut)Back-to-back houseBarrington CourtBeaumont HouseBedford Park, LondonBeechwood (Vanderlip mansion)Benjamin Church House (Bristol, Rhode Island)Benjamin Loxley houseBenjamin Ogle Tayloe HouseBicknell–Armington Lightning Splitter HouseBlair HouseBlaise Castle EstateBoughton Monchelsea PlaceBrislington HouseCamak HouseCannons (house)Canterbury Castle (Portland, Oregon)Capesthorne HallCarpenter House (Norwich, Connecticut)Casa de EstudilloCharles Payne HouseCholmondeley CastleChurche's MansionClevedon CourtCodman Carriage House and StableColeridge CottageColrossCraigiehallCrewe HallCushing HouseDavison HouseDowse Sod HouseDuncraig CastleDunrobin CastleDyrham ParkEaton Hall, CheshireElizabeth Plankinton HouseEllwood HouseErnest Hemingway HouseEstate houses in ScotlandFlat Top ManorForglen HouseFort Belvedere, SurreyFoster–Payne HouseFuller HousesGawsworth Old HallHeller HouseHighgrove House, EastcoteHillingdon HouseHilston ParkHouse at 130 Mohegan AvenueHousing in ScotlandInce Blundell HallInchdrewer CastleJewett Ho사용John F. 애덤스 하우스조셉 F. Glidden HouseKenwood, St. George's HillKing John's Hunting Lodge, AxbridgeKingston LacyLa PausaLeigh CourtLemmonsLescaze HouseLinton ParkLinwood HouseLohn EstateLuscombe CastleLyme ParkLytes CaryManor House, SleafordMathew H. Ritchey HouseMedieval Merchant's HouseMission House (Stockbridge, Massachusetts)Montacute HouseNailsea CourtNettlecombe CourtNewton House, LlandeiloOld House of KeysOld Stone House (Washington, D.C.)Ordsall HallPalais Rohan, StrasbourgPalazzo Rusticucci-AccoramboniPayne Whitney HousePlas MawrPotter–Collyer HousePrior ParkPrior Park Landscape GardenRancho CamulosRideau CottageRode HallRodmarton ManorRoger Mowry TavernRusco TowerSt Catherine's CourtSheldon ManorSomerhill HouseSouth Stoneham HouseSouthworth House (Cleveland, Ohio)Sri TemasekStewart's CastleSton Easton ParkSutton CourtSwakeleys HouseTabley HouseTaliesin (studio)Tintinhull GardenTreasurer's House, MartockThe Tribunal, GlastonburyTyntesfieldVanderbilt Triple PalaceVillard HousesVirginia HouseVorontsov Palace (Alupka)Wappocomo (Romney, West Virginia)Warrick house (Meadow Grove, Nebraska)Westholme HouseWilliam Plankinton MansionWilson-Wodrow-Mytinger HouseWinslow Ames HouseWoodland HouseWyntoon (132 articles)

건축 – 등대

Avery Point LightBlack Rock Harbor LightBridgeport Harbor LightCape Moreton LightChester Rock LightEssex Reef LightEuropa Point LighthouseFalkner Island LightGreat Captain Island LightGreen Bay Harbor Entrance LightGreens Ledge LightKõpu LighthouseLynde Point LightMystic Seaport LightNorah Head LightPoint 스티븐스 라이트(16개 기사)

건축 – 기념물 및 기념물

Aboriginal MemorialCivil War Memorial (Sycamore, Illinois)Civil War Memorial (Savannah, Georgia)Confederate Memorial (Romney, West Virginia)Collyer MonumentDorchester Heights MonumentDr. Samuel Mitchel Smith and Sons Memorial FountainEquestrian statue of Ambrose BurnsideFrank E. Beach Memorial FountainGeorge Gordon Meade MemorialGroton MonumentHokitika Clock TowerIndio Comahue MonumentIsrael Putnam MonumentJames Oglethorpe MonumentLittlefield FountainNathanael Greene MonumentNational Police MemorialNational War Memorial (South Australia)Penshaw MonumentPeter Muhlenberg MemorialThe Pioneer Mother MemorialSamuel Hahnemann MonumentSir Bevil Grenville's MonumentStatue of Israel PutnamStatue of John CarrollStephenson Grand Army of the Republic MemorialTaras Shevchenko MemorialTheodore Roosevelt Memorial (Portland, Oregon)Washington MonumentWellington Monument, SomersetWind phoneWorld War I Memorial (동부 프로비던스, 로드아일랜드)야드 케네디(34개 기사)

건축 – 박물관 및 갤러리

ArnolfiniArts Club of ChicagoBeit Al QuranBoeing GalleriesBritish EngineeriumBritish Library Philatelic CollectionsChurchill War RoomsClinton Presidential CenterCrane and Company Old Stone Mill Rag RoomCroatian Natural History MuseumCummer Museum of Art and GardensCurrency BuildingDakshinaChitraDebbane Palace– DuSable 미국 흑인 역사 박물관 – 떠 구름(예술 작품)– 쓰레기 박물관 – 게티 센터 – 게티 박물관 보존 연구소 – 게티 재단 – 게티 박물관 연구소 – 게티 빌라 – 글렌&비올라 월터스 문화 예술 센터 – Glenstone – 할리 포드 박물관의 미술 – 임페리얼 전쟁 박물관 – 임페리얼 전쟁 박물관 Duxford – 제국 관계자.rMuSeum NorthIndianapolis Museum of Artum J. Paul Getty TrustJohn F. Kennedy Presidential Library and MuseumLouvreLouvre Abu DhabiMadame Tussauds Hong KongMuseum de Oude WoldenMuseum of Contemporary Art AustraliaMuseum of Contemporary Art, ChicagoMuseum of Socialist ArtMusic House MuseumNational GalleryNational Museum of African ArtNational Museum of Vietnamese HistoryOld Korean 공사관올드 멜버른 가올팔랑가 앰버 박물관진주만 항공 박물관로널드 레이건 대통령 도서관씨시티 박물관소중한 유산웨스턴조일랜드 펌프장 박물관요크 박물관 정원(51개 기사)

건축 – 종교

Abbey Mills MosqueThe Abbot's Fish House, MeareAkhtala MonasteryAl-Aqsa MosqueAl-Azhar MosqueAl-Masjid an-NabawiAlchi MonasteryAll Saints Church, PatchamAll Saints' Church, RuncornAll Saints' Church, ShuartAll Saints' Church, SouthamptonAnshei Israel SynagogueArchitecture of the medieval cathedrals of EnglandArmenian Monastic Ensembles of IranArunachalesvara TempleAscension Cathedral (Veliko Tarnovo)Baclayon ChurchBadami cave templesBadrinath TempleBadshahi MosqueBath AbbeyBeiyue TempleBell Tower (University of Portland)Benjaminville Friends Meeting House and Burial GroundBethesda Methodist Chapel, HanleyBishop's Palace, WellsBristol 대성당Brown Memorial ChurchBuhl BeatpiceCanton SynagogueCaptel LigwyCattedral de Nuestra Se뇨라 과달루페Ani대성당St. John the DivineCathedral of the Immaculate Conception (Hong Kong)Chausath Yogini Temple, MitaoliChau Say TevodaChester CathedralChrist Church, NewtonChrist Episcopal Church (Waltham, Massachusetts)Church Administration BuildingChurch architecture in ScotlandChurch of Christ Pantocrator, NesebarThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in TongaChurch of Saint Oswald, King and Martyr, OswaldkirkChurch of St Demetrius, PatalenitsaChurch of St George, KyustendilChurch of St John the Baptist, AsenovgradChurch of St Nicholas, Sapareva BanyaChurch of St Peter, BerendeChurch of the Holy Mother of God, Asen's FortressChurch of the Holy Mother of God, Donja KamenicaCleeve AbbeyCullen Old ChurchDalby ChurchDunster Butter CrossEtchmiadzin CathedralFirst Presbyterian Church of MarcellusFirst Presbyterian Church of NewtownFoguang TempleGanesha Temple, MorgaonGanting Grand MosqueGarde ChurchGhazanchetsots CathedralGirihGisborough PrioryGlastonbury AbbeyGreat Mosque of GazaHoly Rosary Cathedral (Vancouver)Hurva SynagogueImmaculate Conception Catholic Church (Celina, Ohio)Jama Masjid, DelhiJokhangKandariya Mahadeva TempleKataragama templeKek Lok SiKirkpatrick ChapelKnesset EliyahooKodandarama Temple, VontimittaLacock AbbeyLaie Hawaii TempleLarabanga MosqueLärbro ChurchLeicester AbbeyLiverpool Metropolitan CathedralLlandaff CathedralLoboc ChurchLund CathedralLye ChurchMahamuni Buddha TempleMalé Friday MosqueMaribojoc ChurchMasrur TemplesMexico City Metropolitan CathedralMezhyhirya MonasteryMount St. Peter ChurchMuchelney AbbeyMunneswaram templeOakland BuddhaOld Church of St Gwenllwyfo, LlanwenllwyfoOld St Paul's CathedralOur Lady Star of the Sea and St Winefride, AmlwchOur Lady of Pompeii Church (Manhattan)Park51Parashurameshvara TemplePoh Ern Shih TemplePohick ChurchThe Priest's House, MuchelneyPrinceton University ChapelPunakha DzongPundarikakshan Perumal TempleRiverside ChurchSan Giacomo ScossacavalliSan Sebastian Church (Manila)Saint-Louis-du-LouvreSt Andrew's Church, Chew StokeSt Beuno's Church, AberffrawSt Beuno's Church, TrefdraethSt Caffo's Church, LlangaffoSt Caian's Church, TregaianSt Ceidio's Church, RhodogeidioSt Ceinwen's Church, CerrigceinwenSt Chad's Church, Poulton-le-FyldeSt Cristiolus's Church, LlangristiolusSt Cwyllog's Church, LlangwyllogSt Cynfarwy's Church, LlechgynfarwySt Deiniol's Church, Llanddaniel FabSt Dona's Church, LlanddonaSt Edern's Church, BodedernSt Edwen's Church, LlanedwenSt Eleth's Church, AmlwchSt Enghenedl's Church, LlanynghenedlSt Eugrad's Church, LlaneugradSt Ffinan's Church, LlanffinanSt Fflewin's Church, LlanfflewinSt Gallgo's Church, LlanallgoSt George's Church, TrottonSt Gwenllwyfo's ChurchSt Iestyn's Church, LlaniestynSt James' Church, StrethamSt. James Church (Queens)St John the Baptist Church, ReidSt John's, AshfieldSt John's Church, ManchesterSt. John's OrphanageSt Joseph's Convent, TauntonSt. Joseph's Church, SemarangSt Lawrence's Church, MereworthSaint Leonard Catholic Church (Madison, Nebraska)St Llibio's Church, LlanllibioSt Margaret's Church, AberlourSt Margaret's Church, IfieldSt Mark's BasilicaSt. Martin, IdsteinSt Mary RedcliffeSt Mary's Church, ActonSt. Mary's Church (Albany, New York)St Mary's Church, AstburySt Mary's Church, BodewrydSt Mary's Church, CheshamSt Mary's Church, Llanfair Mathafarn EithafSt Mary's Church, Llanfair-yn-y-CwmwdSt Mary's Church, Llanfair-yng-NghornwySt Mary's Church, NantwichSt Mary's Church, Nether AlderleySt Mary's Church, PentraethSt Mary's Church, ReculverSt Mary's Church, RhodogeidioSt Mary's Church, Tal-y-llynSt Michael's Church, Llanfihangel YsgeifiogSt Mihangel's Church, Llanfihangel yn NhowynSt Nidan's Church, LlanidanSt Pabo's Church, LlanbaboSt. Patrick's Cathedral (Midtown Manhattan)St Peirio's Church, RhosbeirioSaint Peter of Alcantara Parish C허치(파킬)세인트 피터스 교회, 랑베드르고흐세인트 피터스 교회, 서드베리세인트 피터스 교회 Peter's Church (Queenstown, Maryland)St Peter's Roman Catholic Church, BuckieSt Peulan's Church, LlanbeulanSt Rufus ChurchSt Thomas the Martyr's Church, OxfordSt Twrog's Church, BodwrogSt Tyfrydog's Church, LlandyfrydogSera MonasteryShwezigon PagodaShanhua TempleStained glass in Liverpool CathedralStånga ChurchStorkyrkanSurb Karapet MonasterySunol Water TempleSwaminarayan Akshardham (Delhi)Taunton Unitarian ChapelTawang MonasteryTemple of GarniTen Thousand Buddhas MonasteryTimoleague FriaryTịnh Xá Trung TâmTomb of Safdar JangTowson United Methodist ChurchUnionskirche, IdsteinUnitarian Universalist Church of ArlingtonUpper Brook Street Chapel, Manchester – Uppsala 대성당Vae ChurchVaragavankVaxjö 대성당Vazelon Monstitle - Vimala 사원Visby 대성당Woodspring PreoryZagogue – Zague – Jagreb Synague (215개조)


Adam, WilliamEustace BalfourCoffin, Marian CrugerDworsky, DanGaudí, AntoniHarrison, ThomasHecker, ZviHollamby, EdwardIngels, BjarkeKemp, George MeikleKoubek, VlastimilLaybourne Smith, LouisLoxley, BenjaminMassey, GeoffreyMercur, EliseMylne, JohnPaley, Edward GrahamPflueger, Timothy L.Pond, Irving Kane Raymond, AntoninSharpe, PaleyAustinSchmertz, RobertTepe, Wilhelm Victor AlfredTange Kenzo(24개 기사)

엔지니어링 및 기술

컴퓨팅 및 엔지니어링

컴퓨터 관련 조직 및 사용자

BomisDansk Datamatik CenterBrin, SergeyFedkiw, RonaldGates, BillHistory of MicrosoftJuniper NetworksKaspersky, EugeneKilburn, TomKotok, AlanKottmann, TillieMicro Instrumentation and Telemetry SystemsNeXTPaxataStoppelman, Jeremy (15 articles)


Milner-Barry, StuartDNS 인증 기관 인증(2개 기사)

엔지니어 및 발명가

Alexander Bain (inventor)Barlow, William HenryBarr, MarkBartik, JeanBeasley, Maria E.Belevitch, VitoldBell, Sir Lowthian, 1st BaronetBrassey, ThomasBreer, CarlBuro HappoldCarlin, BenCaselli, GiovanniCoignet, FrançoisColt, SamuelDibnah, FredHenry L. HaskellDuban, DanEngelbart, DouglasEvans, OliverFairbanks, ThaddeusFarrand, William R.Fowler, Sir John, 1st BaronetGutta Percha CompanyHamming, RichardHarkness, AnthonyHicks, BeatriceHilliard, John KennethHodge, Paul RapseyHolly, BirdsilHuebner, GeorgeJackson, BruceJackson, MaryJohnson, NelsJudson, Whitcomb L.Kellett, W. WallaceLambert, John WilliamLatta, Alexander BonnerLeon, CottalangoLibrescu, LiviuLoomis, Frank FowlerMagic AlexMason, Warren P.McKenzie, Florence VioletMichelson, Robert C.Myers, Carl EdgarNock, HenryO'Brien Joyner, KittyPaton, AngusPipkin, MarvinPratt, John JonathonRedheffer, CharlesRobinson, Glen P.Sawyer, William E.Schloemer, GottfriedSellers, George EscolShallenberger, Oliver B.Shive, John N.Skelton, Owen RayStanley, WilliamStearns, Justus SmithSverdrup, Leif J.Tesla, NikolaThakkar, RahulThe Three Musketeers (Studebaker engineers)Votey, Edwin S.Ward, Eber BrockW에스토트, 워드휠러, 슈일러제더, 프레드릭 모렐(69개 기사)


Air-Cobot – 항공 stripline 항공 잘(콘덴서)– 공중 실시간 Cueing Hyperspectral의 강화된 정찰 – 아날로그 필터 –Antimetric 전기 네트워크 – 오토매틱 스코어러 자전거와 오토바이 역학 – – Birnbeck Pier– Bolliger&Mabillard – Brabham BT49 – 영국과 아일랜드 자기 전신 회사 – Broaching(금공)–. 하지만 –rt's solar compassCentennial LightChicken gunCitroën C3 PicassoCoandă-1910Combined DNA Index SystemComposite image filterConstant k filterConstruction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline SystemContinuous distillationCooke and Wheatstone telegraphCorbett's electrostatic machineCornwall ElectricCQC-6Deep Blue (chess 컴퓨터)Deepwater HorizonDeminingDie casting영국의 디지털 라디오더블 튜닝 앰프 – 지구 귀환 전신 – Earth structureEarth structure – ElastanceElectric Telegraph CompanyElectric-Dynamic Light Company – Finieston Crane – Water – Water – Water – Fortal – Forther – Fortune – FortinForth의 반응도 Foy-Breguet 전신Hammer History Collection of Incurent Electric Lamp하드 흡입 호스Hatch 주조 공장 – 소비에트 연방의 컴퓨팅 역사Hitachi Magic WandiLoo임피던스 비유무선 네트워크 하우스의 침입 – 실내외 온도계분자 생물학용 주입 몰딩 - 지능형 시스템International Aerial Robotics CompetitionInverted-F antennaJBL ParagonKlein Bicycle CorporationLG Mobile World CupLinkNYCLinn IsobarikLund astronomical clockM-derived filterMallard IIMassie Wireless StationMatchbox Educable Noughts and Crosses EngineMechanical–electrical analogiesMissed callMobility analogyMoore의 법칙NAD 3020 – NAD 3020Nakamich Dragon – Needle – Needle – Needle네트워크 합성명목 임피던스노르웨이 공공 안전 네트워크원자력 – 수치 제어 오실레이터파일 벽장 – 페니키아 관절Piagio Stella P.IXPitot-static systemPower dividers and directional couplersPrimary line constantsPrototype filterPulvermacher's chainQuad Electrostatic LoudspeakerRazer (robot)Reed water tube boilerReflections of signals on conducting linesReflector sightRega Planar 3Roksan XerxesRow hammerRS-25Ship's chronometer from HMS BeagleShortwave listeningSigma 8-16mm f/4.5-5.6 DC HSM lensSkerryvoreSlotted lineSpaceX reusable launch system development programSpeech-generating deviceStaggered tuningSubmarine Telegraph CompanySubwooferTelecommunicationsThelnetham WindmillThermal imaging cameraTiber Oil FieldTitan ClydebankTopology (electrical circuits)Trans-Alaska Pipeline SystemTransfer function matrixTypographer (typewriter)Variable-frequency driveVintage amateur radioVoltage doublerWaffle-iron filterWatson (computer)WhopperCoinWidest path problemWink (platform)Yamaha NS-10Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository (126 articles)

엔지니어링 실패 및 재해

2016 크로이돈 트램 탈선번스필드 화재펜티엄 FDIV 버그기술 지원 사기휘디 아일랜드 재난(5개 기사)

하드웨어, 표준 및 프로토콜

Asus ZenFone 6BlackBerry Bold 9700Cray-3Digital HiNoteFastra IIHDMIHTC One A9HTC DreamHTC FirstHTC One (M7)IBM Palm Top PC 110iPad (1st generation)iPad (3rd generation)iPad (4th generation)iPad 2iPhone 4SiPhone 5iPhone 5SiPhone 6ItaniumJuniper MX-SeriesLG G2LS3/5AMac MiniMac ProMacBook (2006–2012)MacBook ProManchester computersNaim NAITNexus 7 (2012)ODB++Protocol WarsQualcomm SnapdragonRevox B215Samsung Galaxy S IIISinclair ExecutiveSinclair ScientificSinclair SovereignST3000DM001Surface MiniTitan (supercomputer)Write amplificationZenBookZX81 (44 articles)

전력 및 수도 인프라

Afşin-Elbistan C power stationAuburn DamBarton AqueductBarry DocksBattersea Power StationBlackburn MeadowsBlyth Power StationCanning DamCentral Valley ProjectClaverton Pumping StationCoal power in TurkeyCruachan Power StationCroton Dam (Michigan)Denny SubstationDisi Water ConveyanceDrax Power StationDunston Power StationGateway Generating StationHydro-Québec's electricity transmission systemKepier power stationLemington Power StationLynemouth power stationNew Don Pedro DamNew Melones DamNew Waddell DamOroville DamO'Shaughnessy Dam (California)Pensacola DamSalmon Creek DamSiah Bishe Pumped Storage Power Plant모하비 사막의 태양광 발전소스프링 크릭 댐스텔라 발전소Tabqa 댐 – Teesside EfW – Teachapi 에너지 저장 프로젝트Three Gorges 댐Wignacourt Aquedrot풍력 발전 (39개조)


2-satisfiabilityAllocator (C++)Aspect weaverBootX (Apple)Bucket queueClique problemCOBOLdecltypeFeedback arc setForthHistory of artificial intelligenceLinear probingNull (SQL)PHPPython (programming language)Integer sortingX + Y sorting (17 articles)


Android Debug BridgeArenaAVG PC TuneUp백업HDDVDBitLockerCode42DebianDOSBoxDragonFly BSDGoogle EarthiOS 10JMP (statistical software)MacPaintMicrosoft Office Picture ManagerMicrosoft Office XPMyaPlan 9 from Bell LabsPokerTrackerRansomwareSASSymantec Endpoint ProtectionSystem 6Virtual TheatreGNOME WebVcashWindows 3.0Windows 8.1Windows 10Windows MobileWindows Push Notification ServiceWindows RTWindows Server 2012Windows 음성 인식Windows Vista 에디션Windows XPWinFSXgridSafari(38개 기사)

웹 사이트 및 인터넷

.bv.no.sj2channelalt.tv.simpsonsAnonymous (hacker group)Ars TechnicaBulletproof hostingCrash (magazine)Church of Scientology editing on WikipediaThe Daily StormerDeSmogDigital forensicsDoge (meme)Fast fluxFebruary 2010 Australian cyberattacksFree Speech FlagFucking MachinesGurl.comHightail미니애폴리스 무선 인터넷 네트워크MovielandNoridOperation ClambakeOverClocked ReMixScienTomogySmartshheetTwitterValor por TamaulipasWhedonesque.com(30개 기사)



1946 Australian National Airways DC-3 crash1947 BSAA Avro Lancastrian Star Dust accident1950 Australian National Airways Douglas DC-4 crash1952 Farnborough Airshow crash1973 DeKalb–Peachtree Airport Learjet crash1982 Bristow Helicopters Bell 212 crash1983 British Airways Sikorsky S-61 crash1999 South Dakota Learjet crash2001 Avjet Gulfstream III crash2006 New York City plane crash2007 Balad aircraft crash2009 Hudson River mid-air collision2009 Northwest Airlines Flight 253 bombing attemptAdam Air Flight 172Aeroflot Flight 593Aeroméxico Connect Flight 2431AgustaWestland AW101AirAsia IndiaAir CostaAir GreenlandAir Hong KongAir India – 에어 인디아 익스프레스 812편에어 인디아 익스프레스 1344 – 에어 노르웨이에어버스 A318에어버스 A320 제품군에어버스 A330에어버스 A380 – 알래스카 항공 – 알래스카 항공 261알프레드 V. VervilleAlta AirportAmerican Airlines Flight 1 (1962)American Airlines Flight 191American Airlines Flight 587Avianca Flight 52Aviation in IndonesiaBasic economy classBåtsfjord AirportBergen Air TransportBergen AviationBerlevåg AirportBielovucic, JuanBiman Bangladesh AirlinesBOAC Flight 712Boeing Chinook (UK variants)Braathens HelikopterBraathens SAFE Flight 139Bristol BritanniaBritish AirwaysBrønnøysund Airport, BrønnøyCalgary International AirportCathay DragonColor AirComair Flight 5191ConcordeCrossair Flight 498De Havilland CometDruk AirEastern Air Lines Flight 512Eastern Air Lines Flight 663Eilat AirportEthiopian AirlinesEVA AirFagernes Airport, LeirinFlight 19Flying Tiger Line Flight 739Fresno Yosemite International AirportFørde Airport, BringelandFørde Airport, ØyraneGeilo Airport, DagaliGermanwings Flight 9525Go FirstHammerfest AirportHarry Reid International AirportHasvik AirportHavørn AccidentHistory of Braathens (1994–2004)History of Braathens SAFE (1946–93)History of British AirwaysHonda HA-420 HondaJetHughes Airwest Flight 706Iloilo International AirportImperial Airlines Flight 201/8IndiGoInternational airportJ-AirJAL ExpressJALwaysJan MayensfieldJapan AirlinesJessica DubroffJet AirwaysJetBlue MintJohn Glenn Columbus International AirportKamloops AirportKempegowda International AirportKenya AirwaysKimberly AnyadikeKirkenes Airport, HøybuktmoenKrohn AirL'Oiseau BlancLakselv Airport, BanakLANSA Flight 502Linda FinchLow-frequency radio rangeLudington, Charles TownsendLufthansa Flight 592Lympne AirportMalaysia Airlines Flight 370 satellite communicationsMelbourne AirportMidway International AirportMohawk Airlines Flight 411Myers, MaryMysore AirportNashville International AirportNational Airlines Flight 2511Nigeria AirwaysNorsk AirNorsk ForurensningskontrollNorthwest Airlines Flight 421Norway AirlinesNotodden Airport, TuvenNy-Ålesund Airport, HamnerabbenOneworldOslo Airport, FornebuPan Am Flight 7Pan Am Flight 214Paradise Airlines Flight 901APenticton Regional AirportPortland Aerial TramRajiv Gandhi International AirportRoanoke–Blacksburg Regional AirportRørvik Airport, RyumRøst AirportSaint-Inglevert AirfieldSaline Valley salt tramScandinavian Airlines System Flight 347Sde Dov AirportShunshou, XuSimplifly DeccanSørkjosen AirportSpiceJetStar AllianceSupermarine Air YachtSupermarine ChannelSupermarine Commercial AmphibianSupermarine Sea Lion ISvalbard Airport, LongyearSwissair Flight 111TAM Airlines Flight 3054Teddy AirTrans PolarTroll AirfieldTrondheim Airport, VærnesTWA Flight 159United Airlines Flight 232United Airlines Flight 297United Airlines Flight 328United Airlines Flight 736US-Bangla Airlines Flight 211USAir Flight 405Værøy AirportVietnam AirlinesVildanden (airline)Virgin America버진 아틀란틱 리틀 레드 – 비스타라 – 브누코보 항공 2801비와이더øe 항공 710비와이더øe 항공 744위너웨 839윈스테드 시립 공항라이트 형제네타지 수바스 찬드라 보세 국제 공항(177개 기사)


104 (barge)115 (barge)129 (barge)1886 St. Croix River log jamAbraham Lincoln's patentAire and Calder NavigationAlvin Clark (schooner)Ambrose Channel pilot cableAmerican Palestine LineBattery Maritime BuildingBayview Park ferry wharfBenson raftBerkshire No. 7Bow Back RiversBridgewater CanalBridgwater and Taunton CanalBristol HarbourBulk carrierBX(스터휠러)SB 센타우르체스터 운하 – CS 경보(1890)쿠나드 선다바라 – 에드워드 M. Cotter (fireboat)Ellen SouthardElmer S. DaileyFalkirk WheelFlag of convenienceGivors canalGrand Western CanalHammerton's FerryHaskell canoeHazelwood, JosephHMT Royal EdwardInnherredsferjaItchen NavigationKidwelly and Llanelly CanalKitsap Fast FerriesLeschi (fireboat)Logan, RobertManchester LinersMBTA 보트MeerminMercereau William L.Metal IIIMiddle Level NavigationMS Euliant PerryMV GeysirMV MissourianMV Seisho MaruNathan F. CobbNeath and Tennant CanalNorthwest Seaport AllianceNYC FerryOil tankerPhoenix (fireboat)Port of Albany–RensselaerPort of ConstanțaPort of PločePort of RijekaPort of SkagenPort of SplitPrince of WalesPriscilla DaileyPS Washington IrvingPS Lotta BernardPurton HulksQueen Mary 2River Don NavigationRoyal National Lifeboat InstitutionRMS Magdalena (1948)South Forty-Foot DrainSS American (1900)SS Batavier II (1897)SS Batavier V (1902)SS Black OspreySS China ArrowSS CayugaSS Chief WawatamSS Edward L. RyersonSS El OccidenteSS El OrienteSS El SolSS Empire MiniverSS Empire SimbaSS Great BritainSS India ArrowSS IowanSS Ira H. OwenSS IronsidesSS JaconaSS Jarvis LordSS John BurkeSS John Mitchell (1906)SS John V. MoranSS John ShermanSS Lac La BelleSS KentuckianSS KommandørenSS MerchantSS MerionSS PanamanSS Pere MarquetteSS RussiaSS SuevicSS TubantiaSS VernonSS Winfield ScottStainforth and Keadby CanalStaten Island FerryStroudwater NavigationSTV AstridSwains LockTitanic International SocietyTragedy 오트란토y파 (야흐트)울리치 페리타이타닉 난파선 (119개 기사)


1996 Maryland train collision2015 Wootton Bassett rail incident14th Street Tunnel shutdown42nd Street Shuttle63rd Street lines7 (New York City Subway service)7 Subway Extension9 (New York City Subway service)A and B LoopAccessibility of the Metropolitan Transportation AuthorityÅlgård LineAltoona and Beech Creek RailroadAmtrak paint schemesAnglesey Central RailwayAsker LineAstoria Riverfront TrolleyB (New York City Subway service)Bergen Light RailBergen LineBerlin StadtbahnBMT Franklin Avenue LineBorders RailwayBoston, Barre and Gardner RailroadBranford Steam RailroadBroadway LimitedBlackstone, TimothyBlue Line (WasHington 메트로)– 부에노스 아이레스 지하철 – C(뉴욕 지하철 서비스)– 캘리포니아 남부 철도 – 국회 의사당 리미티드(B& 간구 기차)Cargolink – 찰스 멜빌 헤이스 – –, 앨버 말 철도 – Chesham 가지 클리블랜드 철도(영국)– 다코다 주, 미네소타 a– 영국 철도 등급 458– Budd–Michelin rubber-tired 철도 차량 –Endastern RailroadDecember 2013 Spuyten Duyvil derailmentDelhi MetroDistrict RailwayE (New York City Subway service)East Lancashire Railway (1844–1859)East Side AccessEbbw Valley RailwayEckwersheim derailmentEdinburgh TramsEkeberg LineElectrification of CaltrainElham Valley RailwayEurasian Land BridgeEurostarEverard CalthropFirst Hill StreetcarFlåm LineFlekkefjord LineFlytogetFollo LineFusible plugG (New York City Subway service)Gardermoen LineGateway Program (Northeast Corridor)Glasgow, Paisley, Kilmarnock and Ayr RailwayGO TransitGoat Canyon TrestleGrand Crimean Central RailwayGreat Western RailwayGreen 선 확장 – 그린 라인(워싱턴 메트로)–는 플랫츠. 철도 – 해머 스미스&시티 선 – Hardanger 선 –라고 하트포드와 뉴 헤이븐 철도 – 하트 필드 철도 사고 – Hawkhurst 지선 – Hell–Sunnan 선 – 고속 1– 하이랜드 가지 –Higher-speed 레일 – 역사의 오슬로 궤도, 메트로– 역사의 2번가 지하철 –.그의tory of the Staten Island RailwayHobson, JosephHolliday, Cyrus K.Honolulu Rail TransitIND Culver LineIND World's Fair LineInfrastructure of the Brill TramwayInternational (Amtrak train)IoreIRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue LineIRT New Lots LineJæren Commuter RailJFK ExpressJune 2009 Washington Metro train collisionKawasaki Heavy Industries C151Kentucky Railway MuseumKirkenes–Bjørnevatn LineKolkata MetroKolkata Suburban RailwayLier LineLillesand–Flaksvand LineLine 2 Bloor–DanforthLine 2 (Sound Transit)Line T (Sound Transit)Linx (railway company)London Necropolis RailwayLynton and Barnstaple RailwayM (New York City Subway service)M1 (İzmir Metro)Manchester and Bolton RailwayManchester MetrolinkMaryland and Pennsylvania RailroadMAX Blue LineMAX Green LineMAX Light RailMeråker LineMetrorail (Miami-Dade County)Mountain railways of IndiaMountaineer (train)Moynihan Train HallNashua, Acton and Boston RailroadNashua and Lowell RailroadNew Haven and Northampton RailroadNew York City SubwayNorsk SpisevognselskapNorth Carolina Transportation MuseumNorth East MRT lineNorth–South Commuter RailwayNorth South MRT lineNorth Staffordshire RailwayNS LineNumedal LineOfotbanen (company)Orange Line (Washington Metro)Oslo Commuter RailOslo MetroPearson, CharlesPark Avenue main linePATH (rail system)Pennsylvanian (train)Piccadilly lineProgram for ActionProposed expansion of the New York City SubwayProvidence and Worcester RailroadR (New York City Subway service)R1–RG1 (Rodalies de Catalunya)Rail transport in New ZealandRail transport in Vatican CityRail transport in VictoriaRed Line (Washington Metro)Ring Line (Oslo)Ringerike LineRjukan LineRøa LineRoa–Hønefoss LineRodeløkka LineSecond Avenue SubwayShore Line EastSidney Howe ShortSignaling of the New York City SubwaySilver Line (Washington Metro)SmarTripSognsvann LineStaten Island RailwayStavne–Leangen LineTaiwan High Speed RailThessaloniki MetroTimetogetTrainTrams in AdelaideTrams in RouenTrøndelag Commuter RailTroop sleeperTurtle Creek Industrial RailroadUinta Basin RailValhalla train crashVictoria lineVirginia Central RailroadVy GjøvikbanenWashington MetroWest Somerset Mineral RailwayWimbwytle and sutton 철도Winton 열차 Wolverton-Newport Pagnell 선Yellow Line (Washington Metro) (187개 기사)

철도교, 터널 및 역

21번가-퀸스브리지 역25번가 역 (BMT 4번가)28번가 역 (IRT 렉싱턴선)34번가–Hudson Yards station45th Street station (BMT Fourth Avenue Line)53rd Street station (BMT Fourth Avenue Line)57th Street station (IND Sixth Avenue Line)59th Street station (BMT Fourth Avenue Line)63rd Street Tunnel72nd Street station (IRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line)72nd Street station (Second Avenue Subway)75th Avenue station77th Street station (BMT Fourth Avenue Line)79th Street station (IRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line)86th Street station (BMT Fourth Avenue Line)86th Street station (IRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line)86th Street station (Second Avenue Subway)96th Street station (IRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line)96th Street station (Second Avenue Subway)116th Street–Columbia University station145th Street station (IRT Lenox Avenue Line)169th Street station (IND Queens Boulevard Line)181st Street station (IND Eighth Avenue Line)181st Street station (IRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line)190th Street station191st Street stationActon Town tube stationAlewife stationAmory Street stationÅndalsnes StationAnderson Street stationAngel tube stationAngle Lake stationAquarium station (MBTA)Aqueduct Racetrack stationArcher Avenue linesArnos Grove tube stationÅs StationAshford International railway stationAstor Place stationAubin Grove railway stationAuburn station (Sound Transit)Avonmouth railway stationAvonmouth railway station (Bristol Port Railway and Pier)Ayer stationAxholme Joint RailwayBærum TunnelBabcock Street stationBalboa Park stationBallpark station (UTA)Bay Ridge–95th Street stationBay Ridge Avenue stationBayswater railway station, PerthBeacon Hill station (Sound Transit)Beaverton Transit CenterBecontree tube stationBedminster railway stationBellows Falls stationBencoolen MRT stationBerg metro stationBergen Street station (IND Culver Line)Bishan MRT stationBjorli StationBlackfriars stationBMT Fourth Avenue LineBoston Manor tube stationBowdoin stationBowling Green stationBox District stationBramhope TunnelBras Basah MRT stationBright Hill MRT stationBristol Parkway railway stationBristol Temple Meads railway stationBroad Channel stationBroad Street railway station (England)Broad Street station (BMT Nassau Street Line)Broadway Bridge (Manhattan)Broadway Junction stationBrockton station (MBTA)Brooklyn Manor stationBrooklyn–Battery TunnelBrookville TunnelCanberra MRT stationBukit Panjang MRT/LRT stationButler railway stationCaldecott MRT stationCannon Street stationCapitol Hill stationCarl Berners plass stationCarlton Hill stationCathedral Parkway–110th Street station (IRT Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line)Cedar Hill YardChangi Airport MRT stationCharing Cross railway stationCharles/MGH stationCheadle Hulme railway stationChelsea station (MBTA)Church Avenue station (IND Culver Line)Church Street station (MBTA)Cincinnati Union TerminalCity Thameslink railway stationCleveland Lakefront stationClifton Bridge railway stationClifton Down railway stationClinton Railroad BridgeColumbia City stationColumbia Station (Washington)Coney Island–Stillwell Avenue stationCourt Square–23rd Street stationCumberland station (CTA)Daglish railway stationDown Street tube stationEarl's Court tube stationEast Huaxia Road stationEast Finchley tu다 역 – 동 톤턴 역 – Eidsvoll Verk 역 – 엘 남Intermodal 교통 시설 코끼리 및 –, 성 역 – Elisenberg 역 – 엘리자베스 타운 역 – 지구 방조제 튜브 역 – 오케스트라는 에스플러네이드 첩운 역 – 유클리드 애비뉴 역(innomineDei하느님의 이름으로 풀턴 스트리트 라인)– Euston 철도 역 – Euston 튜브 역 – 에버렛 역.E–vergreen BranchExpo MRT stationFar Rockaway–Mott Avenue stationFenchurch Street railway stationFifth Avenue/53rd Street stationFilton Abbey Wood railway stationFinchley Central tube stationFlekkefjord StationFlatbush Avenue–Brooklyn College stationFlushing–Main Street station (IRT Flushing Line)Forest Hills–71st Avenue stationForskningsparken stationFort Canning MRT stationForth BridgeFourth Avenue/Ninth Street stationFreetown stationFulton CenterFramingham stationGants Hill tube stationGevingåsen TunnelGloucester Road tube stationGrand Avenue–Newtown stationGrand Central Station (Chicago)Grand Street station (IND Sixth Avenue Line)Grant Avenue station (IND Fulton Street Line)Great Notch stationGuanglan Road stationHall/Nimbus stationHallingskeid StationHarlem–148th Street stationHarriman station (Erie Railroad)Hastings station (MBTA)Hatfield Government Center stationHighgate tube stationHigh Street station (IND Eighth Avenue Line)힐즈보로 센트럴/동남 3번가 환승센터홀본 역 – 홀본 비아드레토 역 – 홀본 비아드레토 역 – 홀랜드 빌리지 MRT 역홀슈타인(역)호만스바이엔 디포후운슬로우 웨스트 역하워드 비치–JFK Airport stationHoyt–Schermerhorn Streets stationHudson TerminalHunts Point Avenue stationHynes Convention Center stationIcicle StationIND Queens Boulevard LineIND Sixth Avenue LineInternational District/Chinatown stationJackson Avenue station (IRT White Plains Road Line)Jamaica–179th Street stationJay Street–MetroTech stationJarlsberg TunnelJFK/UMass stationJoralemon Street TunnelJoseph Scelsi Intermodal Transportation CenterKendal Green stationKennington tube stationKensington (Olympia) stationKent station (Sound Transit)Kew Gardens station (LIRR)Kew Gardens–Union Turnpike stationKilburn tube stationKing's Cross St Pancras tube stationKing's Cross Thameslink railway stationKingsland stationKinzie Street railroad bridgeKominato StationKovan MRT stationKranji MRT stationLakewood stationLansdowne station (MBTA)Laurence Harbor stationLawrence Hill railway stationLentor MRT stationLexington Avenue–63rd Street stationLiberty Avenue stationLincoln TunnelLiverpool Street stationLondon Bridge stationLondon King's Cross railway stationLondon Necropolis railway stationLondon Paddington stationLondon Victoria stationLondon Waterloo stationLong Ashton railway stationLynn stationLysaker StationMall/Southwest 4th Avenue and Mall/Southwest 5th Avenue stationsMangotsfield railway stationMarina Bay MRT stationMarina South Pier MRT stationMarshlink lineMarylebone stationMayflower MRT stationMiddleborough stationMiddleborough/Lakeville stationMilwaukee Airport Railroad StationMishawum stationMontpelier railway stationMoorgate stationMorden tube stationMortensrud stationMount Baker stationMukilteo stationNailsea and Backwell railway stationNationaltheatret stationNew London Union StationNewbury Park tube stationNewton MRT stationNordberg (station)North Bank Depot BuildingsNorth Philadelphia stationNorth Shore BranchNorwood DepotNorwood–205th Street stationNostrand Avenue station (IND Fulton Street Line)Nydalen metro stationOakland Coliseum stationOld Street stationOrenco station (TriMet)Oslo Airport StationOslo TunnelØsthorn (station)Othello stationOverlook Park stationOxford Circus tube stationPaddington tube station (Bakerloo, Circle and District lines)PaddingtoN튜브 역(서클과 해머 스미스&도시 라인)– 팔로 알토 역 – Parkside 역 – 파슨 스트리트 철도 역– 파슨스 Boulevard역 – 파시르 히 첩운 역 – Patchway 철도 역 – 펜실베이니아 역(1910–1963)– 필 역 – Pilning 철도 역 – 파이어니어 스퀘어 남한과 PioneerSquare북한 방송국 –. 파이온eer Square stationPont-y-CafnauPorter stationPortland International Airport stationPotong Pasir MRT stationPreston railway stationPrides Crossing stationPromenade MRT stationProspect Avenue station (BMT Fourth Avenue Line)Pulaski station (CTA Orange Line)Punggol MRT/LRT stationPuyallup stationRailway stations in CromerRainier Beach stationReadville stationRedland railway stationRichmond Hill station (LIRR)River Works stationRochor MRT stationRomerike TunnelRoosevelt Island stationRoosevelt station (Sound Transit)Route 128 stationRoseville Avenue stationSalem stationSt Pancras railway stationSaverne TunnelScarborough station (Metro-North)Sea Mills railway stationSeaTac/Airport stationSembawang MRT stationSengkang MRT/LRT stationSerangoon MRT stationShirehampton railway stationSilver Hill stationSinsen stationSkaugum TunnelSloatsburg stationSmith–Ninth Streets stationSODO station (Sound Transit)South Attleboro stationSouth Ferry/Whitehall Street stationSouth Kensington tube stationSouth Tacoma stationSouthern Railway's Spencer ShopsStadium MRT stationStadium station (Sound Transit)Stanwood stationStapleton Road railway stationStaten Island TunnelSteinway TunnelStoro stationSturtevant stationSuffolk Downs stationSumner stationSutphin Boulevard station (IND Queens Boulevard Line)Tacoma Dome StationTampines MRT stationTan Kah Kee MRT stationTanum TunnelTelok Ayer MRT stationToa Payoh MRT stationTorp stationTrondheim Airport StationTrondheim Central StationTryvandshøiden (station)Tualatin stationTukwila stationU District stationUnion Square station (Somerville)Union Station (Walpole, Massachusetts)Union Street station (BMT Fourth Avenue Line)University Street stationUpminster Bridge tube stationUpper Thomson MRT stationUptown Hudson TubesVauxhall stationVestby StationVestgrensa (station)Wachusett stationWarnbro railway stationWaterloo East railway stationWatsessing Avenue stationWedgemere stationWest Concord stationWestlake station (Sound Transit)Westminster tube stationWickford Junction stationWillow Creek/Southwest 185th Avenue Transit CenterWindsor Gardens stationWinschoten railway stationWinston TunnelWoodhaven Boulevard station (IND Queens 대로)Woodlands MRT 역 – Woodlands South MRT 역 – Woodley MRT – Woodley MRT World Trade Center 역 (PATH)WTC Cortlandt 역 – Yatton 역졸로티 보로타 (Kyiv Metro) (370개조항)

열차 및 기관차

AmfleetBR Standard Class 6BR Standard Class 7BR Standard Class 8British Rail Class 47British Rail Class 455British Rail Class 700Budd MetrolinerCity of Denver (train)EMD AEM-7EMD F40PHEMD SDP40FFairy Queen (locomotive)GE 25-ton switcherGE E60GE steam turbine locomotivesGMB Class 71GullfiskHitachi Rail Italy Driverless MetroIndian locomotive class WDG-4GLMS Coronation ClassLNER Class A3 4472 Flying ScotsmanLNER Gresley Classes A1 and A3London Underground departmental stockLSWR M7 classLSWR S15 classNorth Coast HiawathaNBR 224 and 420 ClassesNSB Class 64NSB Class 66NSB Class 73NSB Class 92NSB Class 93NSB Di 3NSB Di 6NSB El 9NSB El 17NSB El 18OS MX3000OS T1000OS T2000Oslo Metro rolling stockPennsylvania Railroad 460Pennsylvania Railroad 4800Pennsylvania Railroad 4859Pennsylvania Railroad 4876Scott SpecialSECR N1 classSL79SL95SR V Schools classSR Lord Nelson classSR N15X classSR Q classSR Q1 클래스SR U 클래스최첨단 자동차VR 클래스 Sm3(58개 기사)

도로 인프라: 캐나다

앨버타 하이웨이 3 – 앨버타 하이웨이 4 – 앨버타 하이웨이 29앨버타 하이웨이 63 – 앤서니 헨데이 드라이브브래드포드 바이패스디어풋 트레일도날드 쿠센스 파크웨이E. C. 로우 고속도로핸런 하이웨이링컨 M. Alexander ParkwayLong Sault ParkwayManitoba Provincial Road 280Mount Pleasant RoadNew Brunswick Route 95Niagara ParkwayNorthern Woods and Water RouteOntario Highway 3Ontario Highway 7AOntario Highway 12Ontario Highway 18Ontario Highway 19Ontario Highway 21Ontario Highway 22Ontario Highway 23Ontario Highway 25Ontario Highway 28Ontario Highway 29Ontario Highway 30Ontario Highway 32Ontario Highway 33Ontario Highway 34Ontario Highway 35Ontario Highway 36Ontario Highway 38Ontario Highway 39Ontario Highway 40Ontario Highway 42Ontario Highway 43Ontario Highway 44Ontario Highway 45Ontario Highway 46Ontario 고속도로 47온타리오 고속도로 48온타리오 고속도로 51 – 온타리오 고속도로 55 – 온타리오 고속도로 58 – 온타리오 고속도로 59 – 온타리오 고속도로 60온타리오 고속도로 62온타리오 고속도로 63 – 온타리오 고속도로 64 – 온타리오 고속도로 66 – 온타리오 고속도로 69 – 온타리오 고속도로 70온타리오 고속도로 73온타리오 고속도로 74 – 온타리오 고속도로온타리오 고속도로 77온타리오 고속도로 80온타리오 고속도로 81온타리오 고속도로 85온타리오 고속도로 89온타리오 고속도로 90온타리오 고속도로 91온타리오 고속도로 95온타리오 고속도로 101온타리오 고속도로 103온타리오 고속도로 105온타리오 고속도로 108온타리오 고속도로 112온타리오 고속도로 117온타리오 고속도로 – 온타리오 고속도로rio Highway 127Ontario Highway 129Ontario Highway 130Ontario Highway 132Ontario Highway 136Ontario Highway 138Ontario Highway 140Ontario Highway 141Ontario Highway 144Ontario Highway 148Ontario Highway 400Ontario Highway 400AOntario Highway 404Ontario Highway 405Ontario Highway 406Ontario Highway 407Ontario Highway 409Ontario Highway 410Ontario Highway 412Ontario Highway 413Ontario Highway 417Ontario Highway 418Ontario Highway 427Ontario Highway 525Saskatchewan Highway 1Saskatchewan Highway 2Saskatchewan Highway 5Saskatchewan Highway 7Saskatchewan Highway 11Saskatchewan Highway 16Saskatchewan Highway 641셔우드 파크 프리웨이서섹스 드라이브천섬 파크웨이(109개 기사)

도로 인프라:미국

주간 90 – 미국 국도 50호선미국 번호 고속도로 시스템(3개 조항)

도로 인프라:미국 북동부

23번가(맨해튼)1761 마일스톤아르덴 밸리 로드아틀란틱 시티 고속도로 아틀란틱 시티-브리지앵커넥터배리빌–Shohola BridgeBlue Ridge RoadBronx–Whitestone BridgeBrooklyn BridgeBrooklyn–Queens ConnectorChesapeake Bay BridgeConduit AvenueCongress Street Bridge (Connecticut)Connecticut Route 190County Route 41 (Onondaga County, New York)County Route 106 (Rockland County, New York)County Route 115 (Tompkins County, New York)County Route 149 (Sullivan County, New York)County Route 574 (Erie County, New York)Darlington's Bridge at Delaware StationDivision Street Bridge (Rhode Island)East 233rd Street (Bronx)East Washington Avenue BridgeGeorge Washington BridgeGun Hill Road (road)Heckscher State ParkwayHolland TunnelHutchinson River ParkwayInterstate 78 in New YorkInterstate 87 (New York)Interstate 91Interstate 190 (New York)Interstate 195 (New Jersey)Interstate 278Interstate 280 (New Jersey)Interstate 287Interstate 295 (Delaware–Pennsylvania)‎Interstate 295 (New York)Interstate 476Interstate 590Interstate 676Interstate 678Loop ParkwayMacombs Dam BridgeMassachusetts Route 25Meadowbrook State ParkwayNew Jersey Route 3New Jersey Route 4New Jersey Route 5New Jersey Route 7New Jersey Route 10New Jersey Route 12New Jersey Route 13New Jersey Route 17New Jersey Route 18New Jersey Route 19New Jersey Route 20New Jersey Route 21New Jersey Route 23New Jersey Route 24New Jersey Route 27New Jersey Route 28New Jersey Route 29New Jersey Route 31New Jersey Route 33New Jersey Route 34New Jersey Route 35New Jersey Route 36New Jersey Route 37New Jersey Route 38New Jersey Route 41New Jersey Route 42New Jersey Route 44New Jersey Route 45New Jersey Route 47New Jersey Route 48New Jersey Route 49New Jersey Route 50New Jersey Route 52New Jersey Route 53New Jersey Route 54New Jersey Route 55New Jersey Route 56New Jersey Route 57New Jersey Route 58New Jersey Route 59New Jersey Route 62New Jersey Route 64New Jersey Route 65New Jersey Route 66New Jersey Route 68New Jersey Route 70New Jersey Route 72New Jersey Route 73New Jersey Route 77New Jersey Route 79New Jersey Route 81New Jersey Route 83New Jersey Route 87New Jersey Route 88New Jersey Route 90New Jersey Route 92New Jersey Route 94New Jersey Route 109New Jersey Route 120New Jersey Route 124New Jersey Route 139New Jersey Route 147New Jersey Route 155New Jersey Route 158New Jersey Route 161New Jersey Route 162New Jersey Route 163New Jersey Route 166New Jersey Route 167New Jersey Route 168New Jersey Route 172New Jersey Route 173New Jersey Route 177New Jersey Route 181New Jersey Route 182New Jersey Route 183New Jersey Route 184New Jersey Route 208New Jersey Route 284New Jersey Route 324New Jersey Route 413New Jersey Route 440New Jersey Route 495New York City Board of TransportationNew York State Route 3New York State Route 5New York State Route 5SNew York State Route 7New York State Route 8New York State Route 9ANew York State Route 9LNew York State Route 9MNew York State Route 9NNew York State Route 10New York State Route 11ANew York State Route 12New York State Route 12DNew York State Route 12ENew York State Route 15ANew York State Route 16New York State Route 17ANew York State Route 17MNew York State Route 18New York State Route 18FNew York State Route 20NNew York State Route 20SYNew York State Route 21New York State Route 23New York State Route 26New York State Route 28ANew York State Route 28BNew York State Route 30New York State Route 31New York State Route 31ANew York State Route 31BNew York State Route 31ENew York State Route 31FNew York State Route 32BNew York State Route 33New York State Route 33ANew York State Route 36New York State Route 37New York State Route 37BNew York State Route 38New York State Route 38ANew York State Route 41New York State Route 43New York State Route 45New York State Route 47New York State Route 48New York State Route 59New York State Route 61New York State Route 63New York State Route 64New York State Route 65New York State Route 73New York State Route 75New York State Route 78New York State Route 80New York State Route 83New York State Route 86New York State Route 92New York State Route 93New York State Route 96New York State Route 99New York State Route 101New York State Route 104New York State Route 108New York State Route 111New York State Route 114New York State Route 117New York State Route 118New York State Route 120New York State Route 120ANew York State Route 122New York State Route 128New York State Route 129New York State Route 132New York State Route 134New York State Route 141New York State Route 144New York State Route 146New York State Route 146BNew York State Route 148New York State Route 149New York State Route 164New York State Route 167New York State Route 171New York State Route 173New York State Route 177New York State Route 178New York State Route 179New York State Route 184New York State Route 185New York State Route 186New York State Route 187New York State Route 191New York State Route 192New York State Route 195New York State Route 205New York State Route 210New York State Route 215 (1940s–1970s)New York State Route 216New York State Route 217New York State Route 220New York State Route 221New York State Route 222New York State Route 225New York State Route 227New York State Route 228New York State Route 239New York State Route 240New York State Route 250New York State Route 251New York State Route 252New York State Route 252ANew York State Route 254New York State Route 264New York State Route 268New York State Route 268 (1934–1974)New York State Route 270New York State Route 273New York State Route 275New York State Route 280New York State Route 284New York State Route 285New York State Route 286New York State Route 287 (1970s)New York State Route 292New York State Route 293New York State Route 306New York State Route 309New York State Route 312New York State Route 317New York State Route 318New York State Route 321New York State Route 322New York State Route 323New York State Route 324New York State Route 326New York State Route 333New York State Route 335New York State Route 342New York State Route 344New York State Route 345New York State Route 348New York State Route 350New York State Route 359New York State Route 360New York State Route 361New York State Route 368New York State Route 370New York State Route 375New York State Route 376New York State Route 380New York State Route 382New York State Route 383New York State Route 386New York State Route 390New York State Route 391New York State Route 393New York State Route 394New York State Route 398New York State Route 402New York State Route 404New York State Route 410New York State Route 414New York State Route 418New York State Route 420New York State Route 421New York State Route 424New York State Route 426New York State Route 427New York State Route 428New York State Route 429New York State Route 430New York State Route 431New York State Route 441New York State Route 446New York State Route 448New York State Route 454New York State Route 458New York State Route 474New York State Route 488New York State Route 590New York State Route 598New York State Route 812New York State Route 878New York State Route 895New York State Route 990VPalisades Interstate ParkwayPark Avenna RoutePark Avenna Route 12펜실베이니아 경로 21펜실베이니아 경로 39펜실베이니아 경로 63 – 펜실베이니아 경로 73펜실베이니아 경로 97 (Adams County) – 펜실베이니아 경로 106펜실베이니아 경로 115펜실베이니아 경로 132 – 펜실베이니아 경로 143펜실베이니아 경로 145 – 펜실베이니아 경로 145펜실베이니아 경로 145 – 펜실베이니아 경로 152번 국도 – 펜실베이니아 국도 171번펜실베이니아 국도 183번펜실베이니아 국도 232번펜실베이니아 국도 237번펜실베이니아 국도 263번펜실베이니아 국도 284번펜실베이니아 국도 321번펜실베이니아 국도 332번 – 펜실베이니아 국도370번펜실베이니아 국도 371번 국도 – 펜실베이니아 국도 378번 국도 – 펜실베이니아 국도 402번 국도 – 펜실베이니아 국도 434번 국도펜실베이니아 국도 463번 국도 – 펜실베이니아 국도 646번 국도 – 펜실베이니아 국도 664번 국도펜실베이니아 국도 737번 Route 848Pennsylvania Route 858Pennsylvania Route 958Pennsylvania Route 997Pennsylvania TurnpikePleasure Beach BridgePond Eddy BridgeProspect Mountain Veterans Memorial HighwayQueens–Midtown TunnelRhode Island Route 4Rhode Island Route 37Rhode Island Route 99Rhode Island Route 403Riverton–Belvidere BridgeR오버트 F. Kennedy BridgeRoute 179 (Pennsylvania–New Jersey)Route 491 (Pennsylvania–Delaware)Sagtikos State ParkwaySideling Hill TunnelSkinners Falls–Milanville BridgeSprain Brook ParkwayState Route 314 (New York–Vermont)State Route 346 (New York–Vermont)State Route 1002 (Lehigh County, Pennsylvania)Throgs Neck BridgeUniversity Heights BridgeU.S. Route 1 Business (Trenton, New Jersey)U.S. Route 1 in New JerseyU.S. Route 1/9U.S. Route 1/9 TruckU.S. Route 4 in New YorkU.S. Route 5 in ConnecticutU.S. Route 9 in New JerseyU.S. Route 22 in New JerseyU.S. Route 30 in New JerseyU.S. Route 40 in New JerseyU.S. Route 46U.S. Route 130U.S. R뉴저지 주의 202번 국도 – 미국 206번 국도뉴저지 주의 322번 국도 – 버몬트 14번 국도버몬트 국도 17번 국도 – 버몬트 국도 44번버몬트 국도 129번 국도 – 버라자노-나로즈 다리워싱턴 브리지 (405건)

도로 인프라:미국 남부

Alabama State Route 73Arkansas Highway 142Baltimore–Washington ParkwayCaroline Street (Key West)Delaware Route 1Delaware Route 1ADelaware Route 2Delaware Route 3Delaware Route 4Delaware Route 5Delaware Route 6Delaware Route 7Delaware Route 8Delaware Route 9Delaware Route 9ADelaware Route 10Delaware Route 11Delaware Route 12Delaware Route 14Delaware Route 15Delaware Route 16Delaware Route 17Delaware Route 18Delaware Route 20Delaware Route 23Delaware Route 24Delaware Route 26Delaware Route 30Delaware Route 34Delaware Route 36Delaware Route 37Delaware Route 41Delaware Route 42Delaware Route 44Delaware Route 48Delaware Route 52Delaware Route 58Delaware Route 62Delaware Route 71Delaware Route 72Delaware Route 82Delaware Route 92Delaware Route 100Delaware Route 141Delaware Route 202Delaware Route 273Delaware Route 279Delaware Route 286Delaware Route 299Delaware Route 300Delaware Route 404Delaware Route 896Delaware State Route SystemFarm to Market Road 1528Farm to Market Road 1938Farm to Market Road 1957Florida State Road 404Florida State Road 538Florida State Road 826Florida State Road 874Florida State Road 878Fort Henry BridgeGeorgia State Route 40Greenville BridgeHigh Five InterchangeHomestead 확장 - 플로리다 턴파이크 – 인도강 입구 다리 – 주간 37 – 테네시 주의 주간 40 – 루이지애나 주의 주간 55메릴랜드 주의 주간 70 – 주간 81메릴랜드 의 주간 81웨스트 버지니아 주의 주간 81 – 주간 97 – 주간 140 (북 캐롤라이나) – 주간 195 – 주간 270 주간(Maryland)Interstate 359Interstate 370Interstate 440 (North Carolina)Interstate 440 (Tennessee)Interstate 495 (Delaware)Interstate 640Interstate 695 (Maryland)Interstate 840 (Tennessee)Interstate 895Kentucky Route 1508Magnolia WayMaryland Route 2Maryland Route 5Maryland Route 7Maryland Route 10Maryland Route 12Maryland Route 16Maryland Route 18Maryland Route 22Maryland Route 23Maryland Route 24Maryland Route 30Maryland Route 32Maryland Route 33Maryland Route 55Maryland Route 68Maryland Route 70Maryland Route 97Maryland Route 135Maryland Route 150Maryland Route 151Maryland Route 170Maryland Route 177Maryland Route 194Maryland Route 198Maryland Route 213Maryland Route 222Maryland Route 228Maryland Route 231Maryland Route 234Maryland Route 235Maryland Route 285Maryland Route 291Maryland Route 300Maryland Route 313Maryland Route 318Maryland Route 322Maryland Route 331Maryland Route 346Maryland Route 355Maryland Route 363Maryland Route 404Maryland Route 410Maryland Route 413Maryland Route 500Maryland Route 528Maryland Route 537Maryland Route 615Maryland Route 704Maryland Route 743Mississippi Highway 2Mississippi Highway 5Mississippi Highway 9WMississippi Highway 23Mississippi Highway 24Mi시시시 간선도로 37미시시피 간선도로 41미시시피 간선도로 47 – 미시시피 간선도로 53미시시피 간선도로 69미시시피 간선도로 161미시시피 간선도로 172미시시피 간선도로 198미시시피 간선도로 245미시시피 간선도로 306미시시피 간선도로 308미시시피 간선도로 312미시시피 간선도로 335미시시피 고속도로 350미시시피 고속도로 364미시시피 고속도로 366미시시피 고속도로 366 (프렌티스 카운티)미시시피 고속도로 366 (티슈밍고 카운티)미시시피 고속도로 367미시시피 고속도로 368미시시피 고속도로 388미시시피 고속도로 389미시시피 고속도로 403미시시피 고속도로 434미시시피 고속도로 436미시시피 고속도로 438미시시피 고속도로 444미시시피 고속도로 446 – 미시시피 고속도로 446미시시피 고속도로 450미시시피 고속도로 454미시시피 고속도로 462미시시피 고속도로 465미시시피 고속도로 469미시시피 고속도로 496미시시피 고속도로 498미시시피 고속도로 500 – 미시시피 고속도로 – 미시시피 고속도로 500 – 미시시피 고속도로 500 – 미시시피 고속도로ssippi 고속도로 504미시시피 고속도로 510미시시피 고속도로 531미시시피 고속도로 555미시시피 고속도로 556 – 미시시피 고속도로 556 – 미시시피 고속도로 569미시시피 고속도로 572미시시피 고속도로 600미시시피 고속도로 602 – 미시시피 고속도로 604미시시피 고속도로 607미시시피 고속도로 612미시시피 고속도로 792미시시피 하이ww.ay 826Mississippi Highway 902Nissan ParkwayNorth Carolina Highway 2ANorth Carolina Highway 54North Carolina Highway 68North Carolina Highway 98North Carolina Highway 102North Carolina Highway 122North Carolina Highway 132North Carolina Highway 133North Carolina Highway 157North Carolina Highway 231North Carolina Highway 403North Carolina Highway 79Oklahoma State Highway 8Oklahoma State Highway 9Oklahoma State Highway 30Oklahoma State Highway 32Oklahoma State Highway 34Oklahoma State Highway 58Oklahoma State Highway 74Oklahoma State Highway 108Oklahoma State Highway 132Old Baltimore PikePort Miami TunnelPuncheon Run ConnectorRanch Road 1Ranch to Market Road 187Route 54 (Maryland–Delaware)Route 261 (Delaware–Pennsylvania)Russellville BypassSkyline DriveTexas Park Road 2Texas Park Road 3Texas Park Road 30Texas Recreational Road 2Texas Recreational Road 8Texas Recreational Road 11Texas Recreational Road 255Texas State Highway 168Texas State Highway 211U.S. Route 9 in DelawareU.S. Route 11 in MarylandU.S. Route 13 in DelawareU.S. Route 13 in MarylandU.S. Route 13 Business (Wilmington, Delaware)U.S. Route 15 in MarylandU.S. Route 40 Alternate (Hagerstown–Frederick, Maryland)U.S. Route 40 in DelawareU.S. Route 40 ScenicU.S. Route 59 in OklahomaU.S. Route 60 in OklahomaU.S. Route 62 in OklahomaU.S. Route 64 in OklahomaU.S. Route 70 in North CarolinaU.S. Route 76 in North CarolinaU.S. Route 117U.S. Route 202 in DelawareU.S. Route 219 in MarylandU.S. Route 220 in MarylandU.S. Route 301 in DelawareU.S. Route 412 in OklahomaVirginia State Route 37버지니아도로 175버지니아도로 253웨스트 버지니아도로 480휠링 터널(263개 기사)

도로 인프라:미국 중서부

A-2 (Michigan county highway)Black River National Forest Scenic BywayBusiness routes of Interstate 69 in MichiganBusiness routes of Interstate 75 in MichiganBusiness routes of Interstate 94 in MichiganBusiness routes of Interstate 96Business routes of U.S. Route 10 in MichiganBusiness routes of U.S. Route 23 in MichiganBusiness routes of U.S. Route 31 in MichiganBusiness routes of U.S. Route 127 in MichiganBusiness routes of U.S. Route 131C-66 (Michigan county highway)County Road 492 (Marquette County, Michigan)County Road 510 (Marquette County, Michigan)County Road 595 (Marquette County, Michigan)DuSable BridgeF-41 (Michigan county highway)Forest Highway 16H-13 (Michigan county highway)H-33 (Michigan county highway)H-63 (Michigan county highway)I-35W Mississippi River bridgeIllinois Route 22Illinois Route 98Illinois Route 103Illinois Route 120Indiana State Road 930Interstate 29 in IowaInterstate 35E (Minnesota)Interstate 74 in IowaInterstate 155 (Illinois)Interstate 180 (Nebraska)Interstate 194 (Michigan)Interstate 229 (South Dakota)Interstate 235 (Iowa)Interstate 375 (Michigan)Interstate 380 (Iowa)Interstate 469Interstate 470 (Kansas)Interstate 470 (Missouri)Interstate 475 (Michigan)Interstate 680 (Nebraska–Iowa)Iowa Highway 1Iowa Highway 25Iowa Highway 56Iowa Highway 85Iowa Highway 150Iowa Highway 160Iowa Highway 173Iowa Highway 182K-1 (Kansas highway)K-3 (Kansas highway)K-17 (Kansas highway)K-19 (Kansas highway)K-20 (Kansas highway)K-22 (Kansas highway)K-23 (Kansas highway)K-26 (Kansas highway)K-27 (Kansas highway)K-30 (Kansas highway)K-33 (Kansas highway)K-34 (Kansas highway)K-41 (Kansas highway)K-43 (Kansas highway)K-44 (Kansas highway)K-47 (Kansas highway)K-51 (Kansas highway)K-52 (Kansas highway)K-53 (Kansas highway)K-60 (Kansas highway)K-63 (Kansas highway)K-87 (Kansas highway)K-92 (Kansas highway)K-95 (Kansas highway)K-104 (Kansas highway)K-106 (Kansas highway)K-111 (Kansas highway)K-113 (Kansas highway)K-116 (Kansas highway)K-117 (Kansas highway)K-128 (Kansas highway)K-140 (Kansas highway)K-141 (Kansas highway)K-143 (Kansas highway)K-146 (Kansas highway)K-147 (Kansas highway)K-148 (Kansas highway)K-149 (Kansas highway)K-152 (Kansas highway)K-153 (Kansas highway)K-156 (Kansas highway)K-161 (Kansas highway)K-170 (Kansas highway)K-171 (Kansas highway)K-179 (Kansas highway)K-181 (Kansas highway)K-190 (Kansas highway)K-232 (Kansas highway)K-284 (Kansas highway)K-360 (Kansas highway)K-383 (Kansas highway)M-3 (Michigan highway)M-5 (Michigan highway)M-8 (Michigan highway)M-10 (Michigan highway)M-11 (Michigan highway)M-13 (Michigan highway)M-13 Connector (Michigan highway)M-14 (Michigan highway)M-15 (Michigan highway)M-17 (Michigan highway)M-18 (Michigan highway)M-19 (Michigan highway)M-20 (Michigan highway)M-21 (Michigan highway)M-22 (Michigan highway)M-24 (Michigan highway)M-25 (Michigan highway)M-26 (Michigan highway)M-27 (Michigan highway)M-28 Business (Newberry, Michigan)M-29 (Michigan highway)M-30 (Michigan highway)M-31 (Michigan highway)M-32 (Michigan highway)M-33 (Michigan highway)M-34 (Michigan highway)M-36 (Michigan highway)M-37 (Michigan highway)M-38 (Michigan highway)M-39 (Michigan highway)M-40 (Michigan highway)M-41 (Michigan highway)M-42 (Michigan highway)M-43 (Michigan highway)M-44 (Michigan highway)M-45 (Michigan highway)M-46 (Michigan highway)M-47 (Michigan highway)M-48 (Michigan highway)M-49 (Michigan highway)M-50 (Michigan highway)M-51 (Michigan highway)M-52 (Michigan highway)M-53 (Michigan highway)M-54 (Michigan highway)M-55 (Michigan highway)M-56 (1919–1957 Michigan highway)M-57 (Michigan highway)M-58 (Michigan highway)M-59 (Michigan highway)M-60 (Michigan highway)M-61 (Michigan highway)M-62 (Michigan highway)M-63 (Michigan highway)M-64 (Michigan highway)M-65 (Michigan highway)M-66 (Michigan highway)M-67 (Michigan highway)M-68 (Michigan highway)M-69 (Michigan highway)M-70 (Michigan highway)M-71 (Michigan highway)M-72 (Michigan highway)M-73 (Michigan highway)M-74 (Michigan highway)M-75 (Michigan highway)M-76 (Michigan highway)M-77 (Michigan highway)M-78 (Michigan highway)M-79 (Michigan highway)M-80 (Michigan highway)M-81 (Michigan highway)M-82 (Michigan highway)M-83 (Michigan highway)M-84 (Michigan highway)M-85 (Michigan highway)M-86 (Michigan highway)M-87 (Michigan highway)M-88 (Michigan highway)M-89 (Michigan highway)M-90 (Michigan highway)M-91 (Michigan highway)M-93 (Michigan highway)M-94 (Michigan highway)M-95 (Michigan highway)M-96 (Michigan highway)M-97 (Michigan highway)M-98 (Michigan highway)M-99 (Michigan highway)M-100 (Michigan highway)M-102 (Michigan highway)M-103 (Michigan highway)M-104 (Michigan highway)M-105 (Michigan highway)M-106 (Michigan highway)M-107 (Michigan highway)M-108 (Michigan highway)M-109 (Michigan highway)M-110 (Michigan highway)M-113 (Michigan highway)M-114 (Michigan highway)M-115 (Michigan highway)M-116 (Michigan highway)M-117 (Michigan highway)M-119 (Michigan highway)M-120 (Michigan highway)M-121 (Michigan highway)M-122 (Michigan highway)M-123 (Michigan highway)M-124 (Michigan highway)M-125 (Michigan highway)M-129 (Michigan highway)M-130 (Michigan highway)M-132 (Michigan highway)M-134 (Michigan highway)M-136 (Michigan highway)M-137 (Michigan highway)M-138 (Michigan highway)M-139 (Michigan highway)M-140 (Michigan highway)M-142 (Michigan highway)M-143 (Michigan highway)M-146 (Michigan highway)M-147 (Michigan highway)M-149 (Michigan highway)M-150 (Michigan highway)M-152 (Michigan highway)M-153 (Michigan highway)M-154 (Michigan highway)M-155 (Michigan highway)M-156 (Michigan highway)M-157 (Michigan highway)M-168 (Michigan highway)M-179 (Michigan highway)M-183 (Michigan highway)M-186 (Michigan highway)M-188 (Michigan highway)M-189 (Michigan highway)M-199 (Michigan highway)M-201 (Michigan highway)M-203 (Michigan highway)M-204 (Michigan highway)M-205 (Michigan highway)M-209 (Michigan highway)M-211 (Michigan highway)M-212 (Michigan highway)M-216 (Michigan highway)M-217 (Michigan highway)M-218 (Michigan highway)M-221 (Michigan highway)M-222 (Michigan highway)M-227 (Michigan highway)M-231 (Michigan highway)M-239 (Michigan highway)M-247 (Michigan highway)M-294 (Michigan highway)M-311 (Michigan highway)M-331 (Michigan highway)M-343 (Michigan highway)Minnesota State Highway 7Minnesota State Highway 610Missouri Route 16Missouri Route 48Missouri Route 75Missouri Route 84Missouri Route 101Missouri Route 102Missouri Route 103Missouri Route 108Missouri Route 121Missouri Route 126Missouri Route 143Missouri Route 144Missouri Route 162Missouri Route 164Missouri Route 246Nebraska Highway 88Nebraska Highway 250Ohio State Route 11Ohio State Route 85Ohio State Route 167Ohio State Route 161Ohio State Route 228Ohio State Route 249Ohio State Route 253Ohio State Route 257Ohio State Route 293Ohio State Route 319Ohio State Route 357Ohio State Route 360Ohio State Route 363Ohio State Route 364Ohio State Route 365Ohio State Route 365Ohio State Route 368Ohio State Route 369Ohio State Route 370Ohio State Route 372Ohio State Route 500Ohio State Route 575Ohio State Route 605Ohio State Route 607Ohio State Route 633Ohio State Route 666Ohio State Route 701Ohio State Route 703Ohio State Route 710Ohio State Route 716Ohio State Route 745Ohio State Route 750Ohio State Route 778Ohio State Route 822Ohio State Route 844Pierce Stocking Scenic DriveRiver Road National Scenic BywaySt. Joseph Valley ParkwayU.S. Route 6 in IowaU.S. Route 10 in MichiganU.S. Route 12 in MichiganU.S. Route 18 in IowaU.S. Route 20 in IndianaU.S. Route 24 in MichiganU.S. Route 27 in MichiganU.S. Route 30 in IndianaU.S. Route 33 in MichiganU.S. Route 34 in IowaU.S. Route 61 in IowaU.S. Route 63 in IowaU.S. Route 67 in IowaU.S. Route 75 in IowaU.S. Route 77 in IowaU.S. Route 127 in 미시간아이오와주 136번 국도 161번 국도 223번 국도 233번 국도 131번 국도 131번 국도(기사 338건)

도로 인프라:미국 서부

Adams Avenue ParkwayAdmiral Clarey BridgeArizona State Route 67Arizona State Route 72Arizona State Route 85Arizona State Route 88Arizona State Route 89AArizona State Route 92Arizona State Route 96Arizona State Route 97Arizona State Route 347Arroyo Seco ParkwayAurora BridgeBarlow RoadBay Freeway (Seattle)Bayshore FreewayBenton City – Kiona BridgeCalifornia State Route 3California State Route 7California State Route 11California State Route 14California State Route 16California State Route 20California State Route 37California State Route 46California State Route 47California State Route 54California State Route 55캘리포니아도로 70캘리포니아 도로 98캘리포니아 도로 115 – 캘리포니아 주 도로 125캘리포니아도로 133캘리포니아도로 139 – 캘리포니아 주 도로 139 – 캘리포니아도로 169캘리포니아 도로 174캘리포니아도로 177캘리포니아도로 186캘리포니아도로 188California State Route 190California State Route 195California State Route 198California State Route 209California State Route 243California State Route 244California State Route 247California State Route 266California State Route 275California State Route 282California State Route 905Colorado State Highway 74Colorado State Highway 82Colorado State Highway 112Eisenhower TunnelGuam Highway 1Hope HighwayInterstate 5 in WashingtonInterstate 40 in ArizonaInterstate 80 in NevadaInterstate 80 in UtahInterstate 84 in UtahInterstate 86 (Idaho)Interstate 205 (California)Interstate 205 (Oregon–Washington)Interstate 215 (Utah)Interstate 225Interstate 270 (Colorado)Interstate 405 (Oregon)Interstate 605 (Washington)Interstate 680 (California)Interstate 705Interstate 780Interstate H-2Legacy ParkwayMontana Highway 48Montana Highway 87Montana Highway 287Nevada State Route 28Nevada State Route 375Nevada State Route 564Oregon Route 120Peña Boulevard