우즈베키스탄의 관광

Tourism in Uzbekistan

우즈베키스탄관광산업이 확대될 가능성이 있는 나라이다.중앙아시아의 많은 도시들은 동양과 서양 문명연결하는 실크로드의 주요 교역소였다.오늘날 우즈베키스탄의 박물관에는 200만 점 이상의 유물이 보관되어 있으며, 이는 이 지역에 살았던 중앙아시아 민족의 독특한 역사, 문화, 정신적인 삶을 보여주는 증거이다.우즈베키스탄은 역사적, 고고학적, 건축적, 자연적 보물로 관광객들을 유혹한다.

2008년 5월 7일부터 8월 27일까지 실시된 통계 인터넷 조사에 따르면 조사 대상자의 가장 많은 비율(39%)이 우즈베키스탄의 건축 및 유적지에 대한 관심 때문에 한국을 방문한다고 한다.다음으로 큰 그룹(24%)은 우즈베키스탄의 문화, 생활 방식, 풍습을 관찰하기 위해 우즈베키스탄을 방문한다.

문화관광은 우즈베키스탄이 독립 이후 방문객들에게 제공하고 있는 유일한 주요 상품이다.사마르칸트, 부하라, 히바는 관광의 명소이다.

우즈베키스탄의 관광 활동은 암벽 등반과 같은 야외 활동에서부터 풍부한 고고학적, 종교적 역사 탐방에 이르기까지 다양하다.

2005년에는 117개국에서 24만 명의 관광객이 우즈베키스탄을 방문했다.업계 수익은 3000만달러(예상치의 90.9%)였습니다.전체적으로는 관광업종이 62만1700명을 서비스하고 406억섬(예보의 73.1%)을 서비스했다.이 산업은 5억9840만섬을 벌어들였다.매년 가을, 우즈베키스탄 여행업계는 국제 관광 박람회를 개최한다.

우즈베키스탄은 대실크로드에 위치해 있으며 카자흐스탄, 키르기스 공화국, 타지키스탄, 투르크메니스탄포함한 많은 이웃 국가들이 대실크로드의 위치를 바탕으로 자국 홍보를 하고 있다.

세계관광기구의 실크로드 사무소2004년 사마르칸트에 문을 열었다.이 사무실은 실크로드에 위치한 국가들의 국제 기구와 국가 관광 사무소의 노력을 조정하기 위해 의뢰되었습니다.우즈베키스탄은 또한 관광 관련 기관의 3개 지역 우산인 지역 이니셔티브(TRI)의 회원국이기도 하다.TRI는 남아시아, 중앙아시아, 코카서스, 동유럽의 3개 지역 간 연결고리로서 기능하고 있으며, 아르메니아, 방글라데시, 그루지야, 카자흐스탄, 키르기스스탄, 인도, 파키스탄, 네팔, 타지키스탄, 러시아, 스리랑카, 터키, 우크라이나도 마찬가지입니다.

국가별 방문자 수

우즈베키스탄에 도착한 방문객은 다음과 같은 국적의 국가에서 왔다.

국적. 2019년[1] 2018년[2] 2017년[3] 2016년[4] 2015년[5] 2014년[6]
카자흐스탄 Decrease2,261,094 Increase2,456,866 Increase1,783,815 Increase1,412,161 Increase1,285,008 1,163,984
타지키스탄 Decrease1,473,684 Increase1,700,658 Increase261,861 Decrease213,692 Decrease246,816 291,167
키르기스스탄 Increase1,454,907 Increase1,101,477 Increase375,017 Increase174, 845 Increase146,332 119,620
투르크메니스탄 Increase574,795 Increase245,756 Increase62,483 Decrease49,526 Increase55,060 44,925
러시아 Decrease455,470 Increase460,166 Increase143,900 Decrease119,049 Decrease123,153 124,218
터키 Decrease63,539 Increase74,802 Increase55,238 Increase46,069 Decrease40,389 40,563
아프가니스탄 Decrease62,580 Increase71,067 Increase32,130 Increase24,365 Increase21,995 21,249
중국 Increase54,293 Increase37,083 Increase19,749 Increase16,765 Increase16,441 14,818
대한민국. Increase35,524 Decrease32,700 Increase37,357 Increase31,936 Decrease30,489 33,323
인도 Increase27,898 Increase22,198 Decrease15,829 Decrease18,746 Decrease19,827 21,707
독일. Increase27,625 Increase19,056 Increase7,811 Increase6,605 Decrease6,122 8,041
일본. Increase24,944 Increase17,237 Increase4,086 Increase3,012 Decrease2,306 2,423
프랑스. Increase20,390 Increase14,195 Increase5,748 Increase4,889 Decrease3,670 6,019
이탈리아 Increase20,356 Increase14,156 Increase5,162 Increase3,057 Decrease2,601 3,520
미국 Increase17,106 Increase12,723 Increase1,525 Decrease1,349 Decrease1,367 1,454
영국 Increase15,962 Increase8,941 Increase3,256 Increase2,217 Increase1,959 2,043
우크라이나 Decrease14,041 Increase15,573 Increase 735 Decrease 664 Decrease2,431 4,763
이스라엘 Increase13,615 Increase10,022 Increase4,155 Decrease3,564 Increase3,738 3,414
이란 Increase13,469 Increase10,573 Decrease3,058 Decrease5,541 Decrease6,654 8,445
아제르바이잔 Increase12,367 Increase11,161 Increase4,312 Decrease2,989 Decrease3,368 3,878
스페인 Increase12,191 Increase7,745 Increase 449 Increase 353 Decrease 239 1,552
벨라루스 Decrease7,411 Increase16,470 Increase3,011 Increase1,813 Increase1,224 666
파키스탄 Decrease5,791 Increase6,032 Increase3,799 Increase 424 Increase 390 14
폴란드 Increase5,132 Increase3,147 Increase 115 Increase 182 Decrease 176 353
몰도바 Decrease4,601 Increase6,215 Decrease 33 Decrease 24 Increase 34 70
호주. Increase4,588 Increase2,549 Decrease 2 Decrease 3 Decrease 4 35
네덜란드 Increase4,504 Increase3,054 Increase 30 Decrease 28 Decrease 68 96
말레이시아 Increase4,388 Decrease2,837 Decrease3,164 Increase3,450 Decrease2,807 3,922
스위스 Increase3,837 Increase3,115 Increase 63 Decrease 28 Decrease 47 78
캐나다 Increase3,767 Increase1,946
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오스트리아 Increase3,216 Increase2,226 Decrease 29 Decrease 40 Decrease 97 138
벨기에 Increase3,044 Increase2,235 Increase 48 Decrease 29 Decrease 67 79
조지아 주 Decrease2,916 Increase2,990 Decrease 129 Decrease 177 Increase 228 135
인도네시아 Increase2,702 Increase1,702 Decrease 1
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UAE Increase2,423 Decrease1,664 Decrease5,771 Increase5,880 Increase5,533 5,003
대만 Increase2,131 Increase1,381 Decrease 1
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데이터 없음
라트비아 Increase1,933 Increase1,478 Decrease 291 Decrease 256 Decrease 413 604
싱가포르 Increase1,820 Increase1,804 Decrease 10
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Decrease 2
데이터 없음
체코 공화국 Increase1,804 Increase1,547 Decrease 128 Decrease 44 Decrease 71 1,942
스웨덴 Increase1,782 Increase1,092 Increase 3
데이터 없음
Decrease 7 12
아르메니아 Increase1,740 Increase1,529 Decrease 9 Decrease 44 Increase 23 16
노르웨이 Increase1,659 Increase1,168
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데이터 없음
태국. Increase1,637 Decrease1,260 Increase1,987 Increase1,459 Increase1,414 1,348
덴마크 Increase1,605 Increase 775 Decrease 2
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Decrease 1 2
필리핀 Increase1,510 Increase 635 Increase 18
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Decrease 8 402
리투아니아 Increase1,453 Increase 873 Decrease 474 Decrease 524 Increase 804 654
사우디아라비아 Increase1,382 Increase 974 Decrease 56 Decrease 266 Increase 290 80
그리스 Increase1,211 Increase 821 Decrease 1 Decrease 3 Decrease 23 41
슬로바키아 Increase1,112 Increase 668 Increase 20 Decrease 17 Decrease 48 55
불가리아 Increase1,064 Increase 738 Increase 17 Increase 76 Decrease 28 64
헝가리 Increase1,047 Increase1,014 Increase 23 Decrease 5 Decrease 20 39
방글라데시 Increase1,039 Increase 448 Increase 9 Decrease 6 Increase 8 18
Earth Day Flag.png 스테이트리스 Decrease1,024 Increase2,558
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핀란드 Increase 974 Increase 635 Decrease 3 Decrease 16 20
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이집트 Increase 923 Increase 689 Increase 4
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루마니아 Increase 920 Increase 508 Increase 1
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포르투갈 Increase 916 Increase 683
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에스토니아 Increase 908 Increase 421 Increase 1 Decrease 22 28
뉴질랜드 Increase 809 Increase 555
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Increase 1
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세르비아 Increase 776 Increase 654
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몽골 Increase 726 Increase 269 Increase 92 Increase 66 Increase 11
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아일랜드 Increase 702 Increase 414
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브라질 Increase 680 Increase 516
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슬로베니아 Increase 542 Increase 455 Increase 2 Decrease 1 Decrease 22 75
조던 Increase 532 Increase 354 Increase 12
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남아프리카 공화국 Increase 431 Increase 214
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멕시코 Increase 421 Increase 270
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베트남 Increase 414 Decrease 269 Decrease 433 Increase 464 Increase 237 56
쿠웨이트 Increase 386 Increase 302 Increase 51
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Decrease 50 55
시리아 Increase 331 Increase 314
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아르헨티나 Increase 319 Increase 220
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Increase 1
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이라크 Increase 313 Increase 195
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오만 Increase 296 Increase 248 Decrease 9 Decrease 2
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크로아티아 Increase 288 Increase 245 Increase 6
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콜롬비아 Increase 235 Increase 232
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네팔 Increase 230 Increase 143 Decrease 7
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나이지리아 Increase 216 Increase 156
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모로코 Increase 213 Increase 153
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룩셈부르크 Increase 174 Increase 168
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스리랑카 Increase 151 Decrease 123
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칠리 Decrease 144 Increase 149
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키프로스 Increase 139 Increase 77
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카타르 Decrease 137 Increase 174 Increase 76
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예멘 Increase 132 Increase 91
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보스니아 헤르체고비나 Increase 130 Increase 91
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알제리 Decrease 120 Increase 156
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튀니지 Decrease 115 Increase 169
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바레인 Increase 111 Increase 65
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팔레스타인 Decrease 108 Increase 111
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DPRACK Increase 102 Increase 49
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몰타 Increase 98 Increase 42
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북마케도니아 Increase 78 Increase 47
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카메룬 Increase 77 Increase 16
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알바니아 Increase 63 Increase 33
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미얀마 Increase 61 Increase 44
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페루 Increase 61 Increase 35
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브루나이 Increase 55 Increase 15
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아이슬란드 Increase 50 Increase 28
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가나 Increase 49 Increase 17
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수단 Increase 48 Increase 47
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캄보디아 Increase 46 Increase 12
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에티오피아 Increase 45 Increase 25
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Increase 16
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케냐 Decrease 44 Increase 65
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몬테네그로 Increase 38 Increase 25
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에콰도르 Decrease 35 Increase 36
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베네수엘라 Decrease 34 Increase 100
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모리셔스 Increase 33 Increase 17
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세인트키츠 네비스 Increase 32 Increase 15
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짐바브웨 Increase 32 Increase 13
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코트디부아르 Increase 31 Increase 4
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안도라 Decrease 29 Increase 39
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코모로 Decrease 29 Increase 31
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쿠바 Decrease 29 Increase 35
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코스타리카 Increase 27 Increase 19
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우루과이 Increase 26 Increase 11
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라오스 Increase 25 Increase 19
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도미니카 Increase 24 Increase 12
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부탄 Increase 21 Increase 14
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잠비아 Increase 21 Increase 9
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세네갈 Increase 19 Increase 6
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기니 Increase 18 Increase 11
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마셜 제도 Decrease 18 Increase 41
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볼리비아 Decrease 17 Increase 21
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DRC Increase 17 Increase 10
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우간다 Increase 17 Increase 15
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키리바시 Increase 16 Increase 2
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모나코 Increase 16 Increase 4
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리비아 Increase 13 Increase 6
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탄자니아 Decrease 13 Increase 14
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엘살바도르 Increase 12 Increase 6
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자메이카 Increase 11 Increase 1
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몰디브 Increase 11 Increase 8
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도미니카 공화국 Increase 10 Increase 1
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파라과이 Increase 10 Increase 3
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온두라스 Increase 9 Increase 8
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말리 Increase 9 Increase 1
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상투메프린시페 Increase 9 Increase 8
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앙골라 Increase 8 Increase 2
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부룬디 Increase 8 0
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피지 Increase 8 Increase 5
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파나마 Increase 8 Increase 2
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보츠와나 Increase 7 0
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니카라과 Increase 7 Increase 5
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에스와티니 Increase 7 0
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모리타니 Increase 6 Increase 2
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르완다 Decrease 6 Increase 8
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산마리노 Increase 6 Increase 2
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소말리아 Increase 6 Increase 5
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과테말라 Decrease 5 Increase 6
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트리니다드 토바고 Decrease 5 Increase 8
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부르키나파소 Increase 4 0
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에리트레아 Increase 4 Increase 3
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가이아나 Increase 4 Increase 1
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아이티 Increase 4 Increase 4
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나미비아 Decrease 4 Increase 6
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니제르 Increase 4 Increase 1
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차드 Increase 3 Increase 1
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감비아 Increase 3 Increase 3
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말라위 Increase 3 Increase 1
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바누아투 Increase 3 Increase 1
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앤티가 바부다 Decrease 2 Increase 5
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바베이도스 Increase 2 0
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지부티 Increase 2 0
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베냉 Decrease 2 Increase 4
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가봉 Increase 2 Increase 1
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그레나다 Increase 2 Increase 1
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네덜란드령 앤틸리스 Increase 2 0
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포장이요 Increase 2 0
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토켈라우 Decrease 2 Increase 8
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터크스 케이코스 제도 Increase 2 0
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버뮤다 Increase 1 Increase 1
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카보베르데 Increase 1 0
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중앙아프리카 공화국 Increase 1 0
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데이터 없음
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마다가스카르. Decrease 1 Increase 3
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모잠비크 Increase 1 0
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세인트헬레나 Increase 1 0
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세인트루시아 Increase 1 0
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수리남 Increase 1 0
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바티칸 Decrease 1 Increase 3
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바하마 Decrease 0 Increase 1
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프랑스령 폴리네시아 Decrease 0 Increase 1
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데이터 없음
나우루 Decrease 0 Increase 2
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데이터 없음
데이터 없음
파푸아뉴기니 Decrease 0 Increase 1
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데이터 없음
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시에라리온 Decrease 0 Increase 1
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미국령 버진아일랜드 Decrease 0 Increase 2
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데이터 없음
데이터 없음
Increase6,748,512 Increase6,432,983 Increase2,847,877 Increase2,157,676 Increase2,034,253 Increase1,938,035

기후와 자연의 이점

우즈베키스탄의 기후와 자연조건중앙아시아에서 가장 우호적이다.예를 들어 타슈켄트에서 북동쪽으로 502m 떨어진 카자흐스탄의 옛 수도 알마티는 연평균 기온이 5~8도[vague] 낮다.동시에 타슈켄트에서 남서쪽으로 804m 떨어진 아슈가바트에서는 연평균 기온이 8~10도[vague] 높다.비교적 온화한 기후와 관개수의 존재는 우즈베키스탄의 땅을 풍요롭게 하고 농업 수확량을 증가시킨다.우즈베키스탄의 멜론, 포도, 사과, 퀸스, [citation needed]품질로 잘 알려져 있다.

The combination of snow and mostly warm, sunny weather makes the Chimgan and Beldersay ski slopes near Tashkent extremely popular.[citation needed]

Mountaineering, hiking and rock-climbing

Uzbekistan Mountains are for active forms of tourism such as mountaineering and rock climbing. Most well known for its ease of access from Tashkent is a highlands Chimgan located in the mountain massive of dominant Greater Chimgan peak (3,309 m) of the Chatkal range at an altitude of 1,620 m. This place serves as a commencement for many routes of hiking, climbing, horse riding, mountain skiing and hang-gliding.

Architectural and historical sights

Samarkand with its Registan, Bibi-Khanym Mosque, Gur-Emir and Shah-i-Zinda, Bukhara with its Po-i-Kalyan Complex, Ark citadel, Samanid Mausoleum and Lyabi Khauz Ensemble, and of course Khiva with its intact inner city Ichan Kala, mosques, madrasahs, minarets, walls and gates are sites of tourism.

The general conference of UNESCO accepted the decision of inclusion in the list of anniversaries the celebrating of 2750th anniversary of Samarkand. Samarkand is one of pearls of East. Here are many unique monuments of culture and architecture, which are evidence of high mastery of the ancient architects. The restoration works are carrying out at the memorial complex Shah-i-Zinda. Basic principle of rebuilding of the center of Samarkand is a preservation of monuments in their integrity. The complex of historical center of the town is included in the list of a world heritage of UNESCO under the name "Samarkand is an intersection of world culture."

Though Tashkent is often overlooked in the search for the Silk Road oasis towns of Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva, for the traveler there is much besides this to be seen. Today one can visit such sights as Mausoleum of Sheikh Zaynudin Bobo and the Sheihantaur or Mausoleum of Zangiata.

Tourism in Khorezm Province and Karakalpakstan

Ancient Khiva is one of three most important tourism centers of Uzbekistan with historical cultural and ethnographic potential. The territory of the Khorezm Province and Karakalpakstan is strewn with natural, historic, architectural and archeological sites. The Khorezm Province itself possesses near to 300 historic monuments.

In the last few years, the tourism potential at the region was improved with some new facilities and attractions. One of them is the Savitsky Museum in the town of Nukus, which houses a collection of works of avant-gardism. The museum also has regional collection. A number of "ecological tours" are organized to the ship cemetery located in Muynak area along what has once been the coastline of the Aral Sea.

In 2005 Khorezm was visited by 43,000 tourists, of which foreigners accounted for 19,700. The majority of them came from countries such as France, Germany, Israel, Great Britain, Australia and Japan. The visitors of Khiva were mostly at the age of 50-70 (46%); about 21% of tourists were of the age 30–40. 32% of the visitors of Khorezm was independent travelers, that received visa support" from local travel agencies.

After the modernization of the airport in Urgench it received international status. Now it corresponds to the first category of ICAO.

Wildlife areas in the desert and other attractions on nomadic ways

Desert fauna of Kyzyl Kum includes many kinds of rare animals. There is a Kyzyl Kum nature reserve at the flood-land (tugai) drained by the Amu-Darya. Another reserve (eco-centre)"Djeyran" is located 40 km to the south of Bukhara.

The region of the Aydar Lake is an area of potential for fishing, yurting and camel-back riding tourist activities.

In addition to fauna common for Kyzyl Kum, there are many kinds of water birds migrating from Aral Sea that make their homes around the lake. Many sorts of fish were introduced to the Aydar Lake, which nowadays works as a source of industrial fishing.

Another point of interest the Sarmish Gorge (Better known as Sarmishsay) is located on the southern slopes of the Karatau mountain range, 30–40 km to the north-east of the city of Navoi (Kermine) in Uzbekistan. This place is famous for various ancient monuments of anthropogenic activity concentrated in an area of about 20 km2. The sights include flint quarries, mines, old settlements, burial mounds, crypts and petroglyphs, including monuments of the Middle Ages, early Iron Age, Bronze Age and even Stone Age. There are over 4,000 petroglyphs still intact in Sarmishsay. Since ancient times this territory has been a sacred zone, where locals performed their sacred ceremonies on holy days.

Religious tourism

A large number of tourists have been visiting Uzbekistan because of their religious-based interest. The followers of tariqas know that dozens of historical sights of Islam such as Mausoleum of Sheikh Zaynudin Bobo, Sheihantaur and Mausoleum of Zangiata in Tashkent or Bahauddin Complex in Bukhara, Bayan-Quli Khan Mausoleum, Saif ed-Din Bokharzi Mausoleum and many other monuments related to Sufism are in Uzbekistan. Imam Maturidi is buried in Samarkand, Imam Bukhari in Bukhara, and Imam Tirmidhi is in Termez, near the Afghan border.

Uzbekistan is a country with predominantly Islamic roots. More than 160 Muslim sacred relics are located in the country.

Dental Tourism

Lately many modern dental clinics were established in Uzbekistan. They provide patients with dentistry services. Prices here much cheaper in comparison with Western and Russian clinics.

Gastronomic Tourism

Uzbek cuisine - perhaps most known national and developed aspect of the Uzbekistan culture and Uzbekistan people. Unlike its nomadic neighbors, the Uzbek people has had a strong civilization for many centuries. People cultivated wheat and bred horned livestock between deserts and mountains, in oasis and fertile valleys. Therefore, rich products have allowed the Uzbek people to develop certain traditions of hospitality which, in turn, have made their cuisine known to the whole world.

The most of popular items of Uzbek cuisine are following

Palov, the Uzbek version of "pilaff" - is a very solemn dish. It can be considered as an everyday dish as well as a dish for solemn and great events like weddings, parties and holidays. Rice is the most important component of plov, along with certain spices, raisins, peas or quince which are added to give it extra flavor.

Bread is considered holy for the Uzbek people.

Soups are of special importance. Uzbek soup is rich with vegetables and seasonings and contains many carrots, turnips, onions and greens. Most popular is Uzbek Shurpa. Shurpa is a meat and vegetable soup.

Shashlyk, also known as kebabs, consists of skewered chunks of mutton barbecued over charcoal and served with sliced raw onions and non (round unleavened bread)

Samsa (meat pies) is a pastry pie stuffed with meat and onion or pumpkin, potato, cabbage, mushrooms or nuts baked in a tandyr. Tandyr is a traditional cylindrical clay oven, heated with coal. Skill is needed when placing the raw samsas or non onto the inside wall of the oven.

Lagman is a thick noodle soup with thinly sliced fried meat and vegetables.

Manty are large dumplings stuffed with finely chopped meat, seasoned with various spices and a large amount of onion, then steamed in a special pot.

Wine Tourism

Uzbekistan (and other countries in Central Asia) is not significantly relevant to the main wine-growing powers of the world, however, the country has a long history of winemaking and wine culture. Tashkentvino kombinati[7] is one of the oldest companies in the industry, founded in 1867 on the outskirts of Tashkent, near the shore of the channel Salar. Tashkentvino produces a range of quality spirits. Wine Factory become popular not only in Russia but also abroad. These wines, like "Red Tashkent", "Oporto", "Sultan", "Cahors" won gold and silver medals at the Moscow Polytechnic Exhibition in 1872 and at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1878.

Accessibility of the country

Most travel involves entering and leaving Uzbekistan through Tashkent, the capital city of Uzbekistan. The city is serviced by an international airport, a domestic airport, two Vokzals (railway stations), and numerous bus stations. Experienced travelers try to avoid Tashkent International airport. Tashkent is serviced by Uzbekistan Airways, Korean Air, airBaltic, Asiana Airlines, Turkish Airlines, Transaero, Aeroflot, Czech airlines, Iran air, air Astana, S7 airlines seven more airports of Uzbekistan have international status. Those airports are of Samarkand, Bukhara Urgench Namangan airport, Namangan, Anzizhan airport [Andizhan], Fergana Airport [Fergana] and Nukus Airport [Nukus] Besides local flights and some regular international flights, almost exclusively to Russia along with occasional tourist charters to Samarkand, Bukhara, Nukus and Urgench. The tickets for domestic flights can be reserved or purchased outside of the country at Uzbekistan Airways offices or agencies or via a number of online websites. Uzbekistan Airways transported more than 1.7 million passengers in 2005

At the end of 2005, the Tashkent airport had put in operation a new arrival hall for local airlines, with the new addition meeting modern requirements. Its technical equipment allows to serve up to 600 passenger per day. The new automatized registration system supposedly offers improved quality and comfort to travelers.[citation needed]

Photo gallery

See also


  1. ^ "Распространение по странам числе посетителей Республики Узбекистан по итогам 2019 года". uzbekistan.travel. Retrieved 12 July 2020.
  2. ^ "Распределение въехавших в Республику Узбекистан иностранных граждан по странам в 2018 году". stat.uz. Retrieved 12 March 2019.
  3. ^ "Распределение въехавших в Республику Узбекистан иностранных граждан по странам в 2017 году". stat.uz. Retrieved 12 March 2019.
  4. ^ "Распределение по странам числа иностранных лиц, въехавших в Республику Узбекистан в 2016 году". stat.uz. Retrieved 12 March 2019.
  5. ^ "Распределение въехавших в Республику Узбекистан иностранных граждан по странам в 2015 году". stat.uz. Retrieved 12 March 2019.
  6. ^ "Распределение по странам числа иностранных лиц, въехавших в Республику Узбекистан в 2014 году". stat.uz. Retrieved 12 March 2019.
  7. ^ JSC FI “Tashkentvino kombinati” Archived 2016-03-05 at the Wayback Machine

External links