토니 로슨

Tony Lawson
토니 로슨
모교케임브리지 대학교
지역서양 철학
학교비판적 사실주의
주된 관심사
주목할 만한 아이디어
사회 포지셔닝 이론
비판적 윤리 자연주의
비상한 관계형 총체적 움직임으로 구성된 사회적 현실
대비 설명
화폐의 위치설정 이론
기업의 입지이론
신고전주의 경제학의 본질에 관한 연구
  • 조센 룬드
    스티븐 프래튼
    필 포크너
    스티브 플리트우드
    제이미 모건
웹사이트케임브리지 대학교 홈페이지

토니 로슨은 영국의 철학자경제학자다. 그는 케임브리지 대학경제학 및 철학 교수다.[1] 그는 케임브리지 경제학 저널의 공동 편집자,[2] 케임브리지 대학교 성 연구 센터의 전 이사, 케임브리지 리얼리스트 워크샵과 케임브리지 사회 온톨로지 그룹의 공동 설립자다.[3] 로슨은 특히 사회적 온톨로지(social ontology)에 대한 이론화에서 이단경제학 및 철학적 이슈에 기여한 것으로 유명하다.[4]


로슨의 초기 기여는 불확실성, 지식, 예측과 같은 철학적 주제와 영국노동 과정산업 쇠퇴에 대한 실질적인 분석에 관한 것이었다.[5][6][7] 로슨의 추가 작업은 사회 이론, 특히 경제학에서 더 큰 관련성을 달성하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있다. 이것은 주류 경제에 대한 존재론적으로 알려진 비판의 개발과 사회 분석과 더 관련이 있는 방법을 정교하게 설명하는 것을 포함했다. 아마도 가장 중요한 것은 로슨이 방법론, 기본 이론, 경제 사상의 역사를 포함한 경제 논의의 모든 측면에 존재론적 반성을 도입했다는 점이다.[8][9][10][11][12][13] 로슨은 사회과학이 성공하려면 그 주제에 맞는 방법을 만들어야 한다고 거듭 주장한다.[14] 그는 이것이 사회적 온톨로지(social ontology)에 대한 분명한 지향성을 필요로 한다고 주장한다. 경제학에서 수학적 모델링이 통찰력을 제공하지 못하는 이유는 단순히 사회적 물질의 성격으로 볼 때 그러한 방법들이 상당히 부적절하기 때문이다.[14][15] 로슨은 대비 설명으로 체계화하는 변증법적 방법을 개발한다. 좀 더 기본적으로 로슨은 현대 경제학을 위한 방법의 다원주의를 옹호한다.[4][16]


As a result of his argument that economics should concern itself with ontology, Lawson has developed and defended his own theory of the constitution and nature of social reality.[3] The main philosophical influence for this is the Cambridge Social Ontology Group. An early influence was the work of Roy Bhaskar.[17][18][19] Indeed, in his early work, Lawson joined Bhaskar and others in referring to the account of social reality defended as "transcendental realism".[14] Since 1997, however, Lawson has developed his own conception of social ontology, largely in collaboration with the Cambridge Social Ontology Group, and refers to it as social positioning theory.

Social ontology

Lawson's conception of social ontology has been in part derived through transcendental argument.[14] He defines as social anything "whose formation/coming into existence and/or continuing existence necessarily depend at least in part upon human beings and their interactions”.[3] Lawson argues that there is a level of emergent – from human interaction – reality that is reasonably demarcated as social.[20] This comes about through processes of social morphogenesis.[21] In general, Lawson argues, “we human beings for the most part do not create social reality, but rather, on finding it given to us at each moment, each draw upon it in acting in always situated ways, pursuing our particular situated concerns, in conditions clearly not of our own making, with understandings that are always fallible and extremely partial at best, and in so doing thereby contribute, along with the simultaneous actions of all others, to the continuous reproduction and transformation of social reality in a manner that is mostly unintended and poorly understood”.[22]

The result is a world in which human agency and social structure each presuppose the other though neither is reducible to, or completely explicable in terms of, the other. More specifically, Lawson argues that social reality is everywhere constituted through positioning people and things as components of social totalities, whereupon human actions and uses of positioned objects are guided by rights and obligations associated with the positions. Whole communities can also be so positioned, as in the formation of corporations. The result is a social realm organised by various forms of social structure of which there different types such as communities, collective practices, norms, social rules, social positions, powers, social relations, and artefacts.[13][15]


Lawson defends a conception of ethics named Critical Ethical Naturalism in which the goal is a society in which we all flourish in our differences, and the mechanism ever nudging us towards it turns on the fact that the flourishing of any one of us depends on the flourishing of all and at some level we all recognise this.[23][24]


Lawson has engaged in debates with numerous contributors, including, early on, over the use of econometrics, and later, regarding the value of ontology to social theorising, including to feminist theorising. In addition, Edward Fullbrook’s Ontology and Economics: Tony Lawson and his Critics, contains a series of debates between Lawson and leading heterodox economists.[25] Recently Lawson has debated the relative advantages of competing conceptions of social ontology with several ontologists such as John Searle, Doug Porpora and Colin Wight.[22] Moreover, he has debated the nature of specific social existents, such as money, with Searle and Geoffrey Ingham.[26]


Books (single author)

  • Lawson, Tony (2019). The Nature of Social Reality: Issues in Social Ontology. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0367188931. OCLC 1082243306.
  • Lawson, Tony (2015). Essays on the nature and state of modern economics. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1138851023. OCLC 907773349.
  • Lawson, Tony (2003). Reorienting Economics. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415253369. OCLC 810086031.
  • Lawson, Tony (1997). Economics and Reality. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-1134735105. OCLC 225574891.

Selected articles

Secondary sources


  1. ^ Administrator (2016-12-09). "Professor Tony Lawson". www.econ.cam.ac.uk. Retrieved 2017-10-11.
  2. ^ "Editorial_Board". Cambridge Journal of Economics. Oxford University Press. Retrieved 2017-10-11.
  3. ^ a b c Pratten, Stephen (2015). Social Ontology and Modern Economics. New York: Routledge. ISBN 9780415858304. OCLC 891449934.
  4. ^ a b Ontology and economics: Tony Lawson and his critics. Fullbrook, Edward. New York: Routledge. 2009. ISBN 978-0203888773. OCLC 227191562.CS1 maint: others (link)
  5. ^ Lawson, Tony (1985). "Uncertainty and Economic Analysis". The Economic Journal. 95 (380): 909–927. doi:10.2307/2233256. JSTOR 2233256.
  6. ^ Lawson, Tony (1987). "The Relative/Absolute Nature of Knowledge and Economic Analysis". The Economic Journal. 97 (388): 951–970. doi:10.2307/2233082. JSTOR 2233082.
  7. ^ Lawson, Tony (1994-07-01). "The Nature of Post Keynesianism and Its Links to Other Traditions: A Realist Perspective". Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. 16 (4): 503–538. doi:10.1080/01603477.1994.11489998. ISSN 0160-3477.
  8. ^ Lawson, Tony (1999). "What Has Realism Got To Do With It?". Economics & Philosophy. 15 (2): 269–282. doi:10.1017/s0266267100004016. ISSN 1474-0028.
  9. ^ Lawson, Tony (2001). "The Varying Fortunes of the Project of Mathematising Economics". European Journal of Economic and Social Systems. 15: 241–268.
  10. ^ Lawson, Tony (1999-01-01). "Feminism, Realism, and Universalism". Feminist Economics. 5 (2): 25–59. doi:10.1080/135457099337932. ISSN 1354-5701.
  11. ^ Lawson, Tony (2003-01-01). "Ontology and Feminist Theorizing". Feminist Economics. 9 (1): 119–150. doi:10.1080/1354570022000035760. ISSN 1354-5701.
  12. ^ Lawson, Tony (2006-07-01). "The nature of heterodox economics". Cambridge Journal of Economics. 30 (4): 483–505. doi:10.1093/cje/bei093. ISSN 0309-166X.
  13. ^ a b Lawson, Tony (2012-03-01). "Ontology and the study of social reality: emergence, organisation, community, power, social relations, corporations, artefacts and money". Cambridge Journal of Economics. 36 (2): 345–385. doi:10.1093/cje/ber050. ISSN 0309-166X.
  14. ^ a b c d Lawson, Tony (1997). Economics and reality. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0415154208. OCLC 34545173.
  15. ^ a b Lawson, Tony (2003). Reorienting economics. London: Routledge. ISBN 9780415253369. OCLC 810086031.
  16. ^ Economic pluralism. London and New York: Routledge. 2013. ISBN 978-0415747417. OCLC 859038420.
  17. ^ Bhaskar, Roy (1978). A realist theory of science. Hassocks, Sussex: Harvester Press. ISBN 978-0391005761. OCLC 4614842.
  18. ^ Bhaskar, Roy. The possibility of naturalism : a philosophical critique of the contemporary human sciences (Fourth ed.). London. ISBN 978-1138798885. OCLC 872522672.
  19. ^ Lawson, Tony (1989-03-01). "Abstraction, tendencies and stylised facts: a realist approach to economic analysis". Cambridge Journal of Economics. 13 (1): 59–78. doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.cje.a035091. ISSN 0309-166X.
  20. ^ Powers and capacities in philosophy : the new Aristotelianism. Groff, Ruth, 1963-, Greco, John. New York: Routledge. 2013. ISBN 9780415889889. OCLC 800035791.CS1 maint: others (link)
  21. ^ Social morphogenesis. Archer, Margaret Scotford. Dordrecht: Springer. 2013. ISBN 9789400761285. OCLC 828794257.CS1 maint: others (link)
  22. ^ a b Lawson, Tony (2016-12-01). "Ontology and Social Relations: Reply to Doug Porpora and to Colin Wight". Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour. 46 (4): 438–449. doi:10.1111/jtsb.12128. ISSN 1468-5914.
  23. ^ Lawson, Tony (2013-12-01). "Ethical Naturalism and Forms of Relativism". Society. 50 (6): 570–575. doi:10.1007/s12115-013-9712-7. ISSN 0147-2011.
  24. ^ Lawson, Tony (2014-12-01). Critical Ethical Naturalism: An Orientation to Ethics.
  25. ^ Ontology and economics : Tony Lawson and his critics. Fullbrook, Edward. New York: Routledge. 2009. ISBN 9780415476133. OCLC 227191562.CS1 maint: others (link)
  26. ^ Lawson, Tony (2016-07-01). "Social positioning and the nature of money". Cambridge Journal of Economics. 40 (4): 961–996. doi:10.1093/cje/bew006. ISSN 0309-166X.