찰스 언윈

Charles Unwin
찰스 언윈
잉글랜드 맨스필드
캐나다 온타리오 주 토론토
국적캐나다, 영국
로 알려져 있다.저명한 측량사

찰스 언윈(b.1829 d.1918-01-05)은 온타리오 정부토론토 정부의 저명한 조사관이었다.[1]운윈은 영국에서 태어나 1843년 토론토로 이민을 갔고, 그의 삼촌인 찰스 운윈과 함께 살았다.[2]언윈은 온타리오 행정부의 많은 주요 요소들이 다니는 사립 고등학교인 명문 어퍼 캐나다 대학에 다녔다.졸업 후 존 스토우턴 데니스와 함께 견습생으로 1852년 견습생 생활을 마쳤다.[3]그는 그 후 9년을 머스크오카 군을 조사하면서 보냈다.

토론토 시, 1875년 몬트리올의 G.N. 태커버리가 발행한 태커버리의 도미니언 아틀라스에 대한 워즈워스 & 운윈의 대형 지도의 허가에 의해 축소되었다.

운윈은 1868년 버논 베이리 워즈워스와 파트너십을 맺었다.[4]

1910년 온타리오 랜드 서베이서스 협회는 운윈의 12페이지 자전적 스케치를 출판했다.[5]

언윈은 결혼하지 않았다.그는 토론토에서 1874년부터 사망할 때까지 88세의 나이로 조사관으로 일했다.[1]

토론토 포트랜드의 최남단 거리인 운윈 애버뉴는 운윈의 이름을 따서 지어졌다.[6]


  1. ^ a b "Charles Unwin was for many years on Civic Staff". The Toronto World. 5 January 1918. p. 17. Retrieved 20 August 2013. The late Mr Unwin was a Dominion and Ontario surveyor, and for the last forty-four years was in the service of Toronto. Having laid out a vast portion of the city, he possessed a great deal of knowledge concerning points and boundaries.
  2. ^ "Landmarks of Canada. What art has done for Canadian history; a guide to the J. Ross Robertson historical collection in the Public reference library, Toronto, Canada". Toronto Public Library. 1917. Archived from the original on 20 August 2013. Retrieved 20 August 2013. UNWIN, CHARLES, O.L.S.— Born at Mansfield, Eng., in 1829. In 1843 he came to Canada, his uncle, Charles Unwin, being at that time a clerk in the Toronto Registry Office. Subsequent to his coming to Canada, young Unwin attended Upper Canada College for several years, and on leaving that institution, went to Weston to learn surveying with Colonel John Stoughton Dennis. In 1877 he was appointed attorney for the city to settle disputes between the corporation and property owners, with reference to the boundary between the Marsh, a survey of which he had made in 1872, and the broken front lots. From 1872–1905 he held the position of assessor, and city surveyor, 1905–10. He still (1917) resides in Toronto.
  3. ^ John Ladell (1993). "They left their mark: surveyors and their role in the settlement of Ontario". Dundurn Press. pp. 3, 4, 7. ISBN 9781550021608. Retrieved 20 August 2013.
  4. ^ "Mapping Toronto's First Century: 1787–1884". Toronto Public Library. n.d. Retrieved 1 August 2013. Vernon Bayley Wadsworth (1842-1940) and Charles Unwin (1829-1918) were prominent surveyors in Toronto in the latter half of the century. Both were pupils of J.S. Dennis. They were in partnership from 1868 to 1876 when Wadsworth left the firm to work for the London and Canadian Loan and Agency Company. Unwin also held the position of an Assessor for the City from 1872 to 1905, when he was appointed City Surveyor. The firm from which he retired in 1896, Unwin, Murphy, and Esten, is still in existence today.
  5. ^ Charles Unwin (1910). "Autobiographical Sketch of Charles Unwin, O.L.S." Stevenson printing Company. Retrieved 2 September 2014.
  6. ^ Ilona Valcov; Andrey Chernykh; Michael Sudiacal (17 June 2010). "Cities for People – Toronto Port Lands". Spacing.ca. Retrieved 20 August 2013. Unwin Avenue: named after a pioneer provincial land surveyor, Charles Unwin. In late 1800s there was a community of fishermen who took up residence in a collection of shanties fabricated from scrap pieces washed ashore from the lake. Toronto Harbour Commission forced them to move to make way for the industry to move in. It is characterized by derelict buildings, garbage and chainlink fences.