1899년 - 1923 콜레라 대유행

1899–1923 cholera pandemic
콜레라를 몰고 오는 죽음의 그림, 르 쁘띠 저널 (1912).

6차 콜레라 대유행(1899–1923)은 인도에서 시작된 콜레라의 주요 발병으로 80만 명 이상의 사망자를 냈고 중동, 북아프리카, 동유럽, 러시아로 확산되었습니다.[1]


레너드 로저스에 따르면, 하리드와르 쿰브 멜라에서 콜레라가 발생한 후, 그 전염병은 펀자브, 아프가니스탄, 페르시아, 그리고 러시아 남부를 거쳐 유럽으로 퍼졌습니다.[2][3]

1902년부터 1910년까지 콜레라 유행의 추이를 보여주는 프랑스 지도(1911년 발간).

미국에서 마지막 콜레라가 발생한 것은 1910년에서 1911년에 증기선 몰트케호나폴리에서 감염된 사람들을 뉴욕으로 데려왔을 때였습니다. 경계심을 가진 보건 당국은 19세기에 지어진 격리 시설인 스윈번 섬에서 감염자를 격리했습니다. 섬 병원의 의료 종사자를 포함해 11명이 숨졌습니다.[4][5][6]

1913년 루마니아 군대는 제2차 발칸 전쟁 당시 불가리아를 침공하던 중 콜레라 발병으로 1,600명의 사망자가 발생했습니다.[7][8][9]

참고 항목


  1. ^ "Cholera's seven pandemics". Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. December 2, 2008. Retrieved January 3, 2019. At the turn of the century, the sixth pandemic killed more than 800,000 in India before moving into the Middle East, northern Africa, Russia and parts of Europe. By 1923, cholera had receded from most of the world, although many cases were still present in India.
  2. ^ 로저스, L. (1926) 인도 콜레라 발생확산에 영향을 미치는 조건 영국 왕립 의학 협회의 회보, 19 (섹트 에피톨 스테이트 메드), 59–93.
  3. ^ The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Massachusetts Medical Society. 1911. In New York, up to July 22, there were eleven deaths from cholera, one of the victims being an employee at the hospital on Swinburne Island, who had been discharged. The tenth was a lad, seventeen years of age, who had been a steerage passenger on the steamship, Moltke. The plan has been adopted of taking cultures from the intestinal tracts of all persons held under observation at Quarantine, and in this way it was discovered that five of the 500 passengers of the Moltke and Perugia, although in excellent health at the time, were harboring cholera microbes.
  4. ^ "Cholera Kills Boy. All Other Suspected Cases Now in Quarantine and Show No Alarming Symptoms" (PDF). New York Times. July 18, 1911. Retrieved July 28, 2008. The sixth death from cholera since the arrival in this port from Naples of the steamship Moltke, thirteen days ago, occurred yesterday at Swinburne Island. The victim was Francesco Farando, 14 years old.
  5. ^ "More Cholera in Port". Washington Post. October 10, 1910. Archived from the original on December 16, 2008. Retrieved December 11, 2008. A case of cholera developed today in the steerage of the Hamburg-American liner Moltke, which has been detained at quarantine as a possible cholera carrier since Monday last. Dr. A.H. Doty, health officer of the port, reported the case tonight with the additional information that another cholera patient from the Moltke is under treatment at Swinburne Island.
  6. ^ Leașu, Florin; Nemeț, Codruța; Borzan, Cristina; Rogozea, Liliana (2015). "A novel method to combat the cholera epidemic among the Romanian Army during the Balkan War - 1913". Acta medico-historica Adriatica. 13 (1): 159–170. PMID 26203545.
  7. ^ Ciupală, Alin (May 25, 2020). "Epidemiile în istorie O epidemie uitată. Holera, România și al Doilea Război Balcanic din 1913" (in Romanian). University of Bucharest.
  8. ^ Stoica, Vasile Leontin (2012). Serviciul Sanitar al Armatei Române în perioada 1914-1919 (PDF) (Thesis) (in Romanian). Chișinău: Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University. pp. 1–196.
